Salvador Peiró
International Institute for Strategic Studies
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Featured researches published by Salvador Peiró.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology | 1999
Julián Librero; Salvador Peiró; Rosa Ordiñana
This article evaluates the behavior of an adaptation of the Charlson Index (CHI) applied to administrative databases to measure the relationship between chronic comorbidity and the hospital care outcomes of length of stay (LOS), in-hospital mortality, and emergency readmissions at 30 and 365 days. These outcomes were analyzed in 106,673 hospitalization episodes whose records are registered in a minimum basic data set maintained by the public health authorities of the community of Valencia, Spain. The highest comorbidity measured by the CHI was associated with greater LOS and in-hospital mortality and increased readmission at 30 and 365 days. The rate of readmissions at 1 year dropped, however, in the group with the greatest comorbidity, probably owing to an increase in mortality after hospitalization. While comorbidity does appear to increase the risk of adverse outcomes in general and mortality and readmission specifically, the second outcome is only possible if the first has not occurred. For this reason, information and selection biases derived from administrative databases, or from the CHI itself, should be taken into account when using and interpreting the index.
Gaceta Sanitaria | 1998
Julián Librero; Rosa Ordiñana; Salvador Peiró
Summary Setting. Together with the age of the patient, the main diagnosis, secondary diagnosis (comorbility and complications) and the procedures performed are the critical variables for risk-adjusting. Therefore, its correct incorporation to CMBD is of great importance. However, several studies, especially in the United States, but also in Spain, have made evident the existence of important problems of quality in these data, difficulties for its improvement and the limitations which this has to assess the quality or the efficiency of hospitals. The objective of this study is to approach the quality of administrative and clinical collected in the CMBD of the Valencian Health Service (VHS) using an automatized process of analysis of data from the same CMBD, and discuss the implications for its management, as well as possible improvement strategies. Material and method. An automatized analysis of the quality of CMBD 1994 of the VHS (20 hospitals, 241,341 admissions) was performed, using indicators of valid fulfilling of field values, relationship between fields of the same episode, relationship between variables in different episodes and volume and specificity of clinical information. Results. The analysed CMBD contains few errors in management variables, with the exception of residence, but it shows important problems of volume and specificity of clinical information, as well as a high variability in its fulfilling and quality in different hospitals. Conclusions. The quality of the clinical data of CMBD may be biased in its use with management aims or when assessing quality, as well as in epidemiological studies, evalua
Revista Espanola De Salud Publica | 1999
Teresa Sempere Selva; Salvador Peiró; Pilar Sendra Pina; Consuelo Martínez Espín; Inmaculada López Aguilera
FUNDAMENTO: Diversos trabajos situan la proporcion de visitas inadecuadas a los servicios de urgencia hospitalarios entre el 20% y el 80% del total. Este amplio intervalo se debe, en buena parte, a la inexistencia de un consenso en torno a la definicion de urgencia y el nivel asistencial idoneo para la atencion de cada situacion posible que conduce al uso de juicios subjetivos para evaluar la inadecuacion. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar y validar un instrumento objetivo de identificacion de urgencias hospitalarias inadecuadas. METODO: A partir de un marco conceptual que incluia como dimensiones la gravedad clinica del paciente, la intensidad de los servicios prestados y algunas situaciones que justificarian la adecuacion de las visitas espontaneas, se construyo el Protocolo de Adecuacion de Urgencias Hospitalarias, un instrumento con criterios explicitos para evaluar la adecuacion de las visitas a los servicios de urgencia hospitalarios y se evaluo, en una muestra aleatoria de 100 historias clinicas de urgencias, su fiabilidad intra y entre observadores y su validez de criterio y predictiva frente al juicio de expertos. RESULTADOS: El Protocolo de Adecuacion de Urgencias Hospitalarias mostro una excelente fiabilidad tanto intra como entre observadores (indices de acuerdo observado entre el 99% y 100%; estadistico kappa entre 0,97 y la unidad), y validez de criterio en el limite entre moderada y baja (indice de acuerdo observado 68%, estadistico kappa 0,39. Este bajo nivel de acuerdo se debe a que el Protocolo de Adecuacion de Urgencias Hospitalarias se comporta como un instrumento muy especifico (los casos inadecuados segun el juicio clinico son evaluados como inadecuados) pero poco sensible (solo el 59% de los casos que el Protocolo de Adecuacion de Urgencias Hospitalarias considero apropiados, fueron valorados de esta forma por los clinicos). CONCLUSIONES: El Protocolo de Adecuacion de Urgencias Hospitalarias se comporta como un instrumento muy fiable y capaz de identificar la fraccion mas claramente inadecuada de las visitas inadecuadas a los Servicios de Urgencias Hospitalarios. Estas caracteristicas lo hacen especialmente util para las comparaciones entre centros y el seguimiento a lo largo del tiempo o la monitorizacion de intervenciones para reducir el uso inapropiado.
Revista De Calidad Asistencial | 2001
Salvador Peiró
Resumen Antecedentes La reciente publicacion de un informe sobre los mejores hospitales espanoles, y su importante repercusion mediatica, ha renovado el debate sobre la utilidad de los indicadores de eficiencia y calidad hospitalaria basados en el Conjunto Minimo de Datos Basicos (CMBD) y sobre las clasificaciones de mejores y peores hospitales a partir de estos indicadores. Material y metodo Revision narrativa de los marcos conceptuales para el ajuste por gravedad y comparacion de hospitales a partir de bases de datos clinico-administrativas, de las limitaciones de los sistemas y de las fuentes de datos, concretando ocasionalmente en la clasificacion top-20. Resultados La comparacion de resultados hospitalarios requiere un marco conceptual solido que tenga en cuenta la eleccion de resultados claramente indicativos de mejor o peor calidad, la eleccion de variables de ajuste adecuadas, una cuidada metodologia estadistica y una presentacion de los resultados informativa, asi como tener en cuenta las limitaciones de los sistemas de informacion tipo CMBD. Los top 20 incumplen algunos de estos supuestos haciendo dudosa la clasificacion de hospitales elaborada. Conclusiones La comparacion de resultados hospitalarios es una necesidad para la mejora de la calidad hospitalaria; para cumplir este objetivo deben mejorarse los metodos actualmente utilizados.
Cirugia Espanola | 2005
Pedro Antón; Salvador Peiró; Jesús María Aranaz; Rafael Calpena; Antonio Compañ; Edith Leutscher
OBJECTIVE To determine the proportion of inappropriate days of hospitalization in the general surgery wards of three university hospitals, its causes, and associated factors. MATERIAL AND METHOD We concurrently reviewed 596 days of hospitalisation during a 1-week period in 2000, using the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol (AEP). The association among inappropriate days of hospital stay and independent variables was evaluated using bivariable and multivariable methods. Finally, the causes for inappropriate hospitalization use were analyzed. RESULTS The percentage of inappropriate days was 17.6%, with no significant differences among the hospitals (21.5%, 12.5% and 17.5%). Inappropriate days were associated with the weekend (odds ratio [OR] = 2.1, scheduled admissions (OR = 2.9), hospital stay of more than 1 week (OR:2.3), the last third of the hospital stay (OR: 3.7), and inappropriate admission (OR: 2.1). The main causes of inappropriate hospital stays were organizational problems in the hospital or in the clinical management of discharge. CONCLUSIONS Inappropriate days of hospitalization represent a considerable percentage of hospitalization in surgery wards. The main reasons for inappropriate days are problems with surgical and discharge planning and factors that depend on the organization of the surgery departments and other related departments in the hospital.
Revista De Calidad Asistencial | 2002
Pedro Antón García; Salvador Peiró; Jesús María Aranaz Andrés; Rafael Calpena
Resumen Objetivos Describir las caracteristicas y propiedades clinimetricas del adeQhos®, un instrumento disenado para la identificacion de la inadecuacion de la estancia hospitalaria por los propios clinicos durante el pase de visita. Material y metodos A partir de dos instrumentos preexistentes se construyo adeQhos®, un instrumento con cuatro apartados (datos identificativos, siete criterios de evaluacion de la adecuacion de la estancia, juicio clinico y listado de causas de inadecuacion). Se valoro la concordancia adeQhos® respecto al Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol (AEP) en 499 estancias en dos servicios de cirugia. Resultados El tiempo promedio de revision de una estancia con adeQhos® fue de un minuto. La evaluacion externa con AEP identifico 34 estancias inadecuadas (6,8%), y la realizada con adeQhos® 79 (el 15,8%; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 12,7-19,3), de las que solo 12 (2,3%) fueron consideradas inadecuadas conforme a los juicios subjetivos de los clinicos. El indice de concordancia global entre ambos instrumentos fue del 83% (k = 0,28; IC del 95%, 0,17-0,39) si se considera solo el cumplimiento de criterios del adeQhos® y del 94,4% (k = 0,37; IC del 95%, 0,19-0,55) si consideran tambien los juicios clinicos. El valor predictivo para los casos etiquetados como adecuados fue del 95,2%. Conclusiones Pese a la rapidez de su uso, adeQhos® evidencio un elevado grado de concordancia global con el AEP, una elevada especificidad y una baja sensibilidad, caracteristicas que lo configuran como un instrumento util para la evaluacion de la utilizacion inadecuada de la hospitalizacion y, sobre todo, como instrumento de intervencion.
Medicina Clinica | 2000
María José Navarro Collado; Salvador Peiró; Carlos Trénor Gomis; Lourdes Ruiz Jareño; Arancha Pérez Igualada; Natalia Guerola Soler
Fundamento El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la evolucion temprana de la capacidadfuncional y de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) de los pacientes que accedena tratamiento rehabilitador tras ser intervenidos de artroplastia total de rodilla, e identificar losfactores predictivos sobre el resultado final, tanto funcional como de CVRS. Pacientes y metodos Cohorte prospectiva de 141 pacientes intervenidos de protesis total derodilla que inmediatamente tras la intervencion acudieron a tratamiento rehabilitador y en losque se valoro la capacidad funcional (Knee Society Score, KSS) y la calidad del vida (MedicalOutcomes Study Survey Form 36, MOS SF36) en la primera visita y a los 3 meses deseguimiento, analizendose los cambios entre ambos momentos y los factores asociados almejor resultado final, tanto funcional como de calidad de vida. Resultados Los pacientes intervenidos de artrosplastia de rodilla experimentaron una claramejoria en las subescalas del KSS para rodilla y funcion, y en 6 de las 8 dimensiones delMOS-SF36 (excepto en papel emocional y salud general) entre la situacion al inicio de larehabilitacion y a los 3 meses del seguimiento. El peor estado funcional y la peor calidad devida al inicio de la rehabilitacion, el diagnostico de artritis reumatoide (frente al de gonartrosis)y el sexo femenino se asociaron a peor pronostico en cuanto al resultado funcional y/o lacalidad de vida a los 3 meses de seguimiento. No se hallaron diferencias con respecto a laedad, comorbilidad, nivel de estudios, disponer de ayuda social, situacion laboral, vivir solo y ellugar de tratamiento (hospital o unidad besica de rehabilitacion extrahospitalaria). Conclusiones Los pacientes en rehabilitacion tras la intervencion de protesis de rodilla mejoransu capacidad funcional y calidad de vida. La identificacion de factores de peor pronosticosugiere la posibilidad de modificar o intensificar el tratamiento en algunos grupos depacientes.
Gaceta Sanitaria | 1999
Julián Librero; Salvador Peiró; Rosa Ordiñana
Summary Objetive: One of the ways to compare the efficiency of different hospitals and services is to evaluate Diagnostic Related Groups (DRGs), with the hypothesis that patients in the same RDG will present homogeneous behavior with respect to length of stay. The object of this study was to evaluate in the context os the National Health System the internal variability of specific DRGs in terms of the patients’ comorbidity. Methods: On the basis of various comorbidity scores measured with the Charlson index (ChI), we analyzed length of stay, inhospital mortality and emergency readmissions at 30 and 365 days in 106.673 hospitalizations (excluding subjects younger than 17 years of age, and obstetrics and psychiatric patients) in 12 hospitals, and in 17 DRGs selected on the basis of their greater frequency and comorbidity. Results: In the aggregated analysis, length of stay (from 8.5 days in patients with no comorbidity to 17.0 days in patients with scores higher than 4) and inhospital mortality rates (from 3.7% in patients with no comorbidity to 17.6% in patients with highest score) increased significantly with each level of the Charlson index. The readmission rate at 30 days rose from 4.7% to 10.9% also in step with increases in comorbidity scores. Readmissions at one year varied from 14.8% in patients with scores of 0 to 35.2% in patients with scores of 3-4, and dropped to 27.9% in patients with scores higher than 4. When analysing different DRGs, 8 of the 17 groups studied showed a significantly higher length of stay with increased comorbidity scores. Some DRGs also showed intra-group variability with respect to mortality and readmission, particularly at 365 days. Conclusions: Some DRGs show significant internal variability in terms of comorbidity that may be generating a false worse evaluation of the efficiency of hospitals that treat patients with higher comorbidity.
Gaceta Sanitaria | 2005
Salvador Peiró; Pedro Cervera
1. Peiró S. Comentario: complejidades en la evaluación de intervenciones complejas. Gac Sanit. 2005;19:234-7. 2. Rosich I, Soler M, Tomàs R, Crusat MD. Utilización de coxibs: una estrategia de intervención en la atención primaria. Gac Sanit. 2005;19:229-34. 3. Bombardier C, Laine L, Reicin A, Shapiro D, Burgos-Vargas R, Davis B, et al. Comparison of upper gastrointestinal toxicity of rofecoxib and naproxen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. VIGOR Study Group. N Engl J Med. 2000;343:1520-8. 4. Agencia Española del Medicamento. Nota Informativa de la Agencia Española del Medicamento sobre riesgos cardiovasculares de Celecoxib y Rofecoxib. Septiembre 2001 (Ref 2001/09). Disponible en: 5. Agencia Española del Medicamento. Nota Informativa de la Agencia Española del Medicamento sobre suspensión de comercialización de Rofecoxib. Octubre 2004 (Ref 2004/10). Disponible en: 6. Agencia Española del Medicamento. Nota Informativa de la Agencia Española del medicamento sobre la Seguridad cardiovascular de celecoxib. Diciembre 2004 (Ref 2004/15). Disponible en:
Revista Espanola De Salud Publica | 2000
F Suárez García; D. Oterino de la Fuente; Salvador Peiró; F.J. García García; Julián Librero; A. Perez Martin; E. Martín Correa; F. Serrano Lira
BACKGROUND: The health condition and some clinical aspects configure a group of senior citizens in need of further care who could benefit from specialized geriatric care, although no consensus exists as to how to identify these patients. The aim of this study is to describe the profile of those patients over 64 years of age who are hospitalized in a geriatric unit and to compare this profile to the senior citizens hospitalized in general medical and surgical units. METHOD: A cohort representative of the population over age 64 in the Judicial District of Toledo (n=3214) was studied over an eighteen-month period for the purpose of identifying the income and length of stays at the public hospitals in the health care district in question. The health condition-related variables were gathered by means of personal interviews, and the income and the different aspects thereof by way of hospitaladmissions department data. RESULTS: A total of 410 individuals were admitted (12.8%), 168 patients (30.7%) in geriatrics, 204 (37.3%) in medical units and 174 (32.0%) in surgical units. In geriatrics, the average age was significantly higher (age 77.4), there being no differences in the average length of stay (12.8 days; CI 95%) 10.6-14.0), 44 patients (8.1%) having died, 26 (59.1%) hospitalized in geriatrics. More females, younger patients having minor vision and hearing impairments were admitted to the surgical units. In geriatrics, as compared to the medical units, more patients over 80 years of age, living in senior citizen living facilities, having no spouse, moderate-to-severe functional dependence, impaired cognitive function, depression, poor quality of life and scanty social resources. CONCLUSIONS: No differences were found to exist between the health conditions of those over age 64 who were hospitalized in non-surgical and surgical units. In geriatrics, as compared to the other groups of units, the patients were older, in worse condition, had a higher death rate and similar average length of stay.