Salvatore Mancuso
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Featured researches published by Salvatore Mancuso.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2010
A. Bemporad; Salvatore Mancuso
We report on the study of a fast coronal mass ejection (CME)-driven shock associated with the solar eruption of 2002 March 22. This event was observed in the intermediate corona both in white light and the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) by the LASCO and UVCS instruments on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory ,a s well as in metric and decametric wavelengths through space- and ground-based radio observatories. Clear signatures of shock transit are (1) strong type II emission lanes observed after the CME initiation, (2) strong Ovi λλ1032, 1037 line profile broadenings (up to ∼2 × 10 7 K) associated with the shock transit across the UVCS slit field of view, and (3) a density enhancement located in LASCO images above the CME front. Since the UVCS slit was centered at 4.1 R� , in correspondence with the flank of the expanding CME, this observation represents the highest UV detection of a shock obtained so far with the UVCS instrument. White-light and EUV data have been combined in order to estimate not only the shock compression ratio and the plasma temperature, but also the strength of the involved coronal magnetic fields, by applying the Rankine–Hugoniot equations for the general case of oblique shocks. Results show that, for a compression ratio X = 2.06 as derived from LASCO data, the coronal plasma is heated across the shock from an initial temperature of 2.3 × 10 5 Ku p to 1.9 × 10 6 K, while at the same time the magnetic field undergoes a compression from a pre-shock value of ∼0.02 G up to a post-shock field of ∼0.04 G. Magnetic and kinetic energy density increases at the shock are comparable (in agreement with the idea of equipartition of energy), and both are more than two times larger than the thermal energy density increase. This is the first time that a complete characterization of pre- and post-shock plasma physical parameters has been derived in the solar corona.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2006
Jun Lin; Salvatore Mancuso; Angelos Vourlidas
On the basis of previous works, we investigated coronal mass ejection (CME) propagations and the consequent type II radio bursts invoked by the CME-driven shocks. The results indicate that the onset of type II bursts depends on the local Alfven speed (or the magnetoacoustic wave speed in the non-force-free environment), which is governed by both the magnetic field and the plasma density. This determines that the type II burst cannot appear at any altitude. Instead, its onset positions can never be lower than a critical height for the given coronal environment, which consequently determines the start frequencies of the emission: for an eruption taking place in the magnetic configuration with a background field of 100 G, the onset of type II bursts should occur at around 0.5 R(circle dot) from the solar surface, and the corresponding start frequency of the fundamental component is about 150 MHz. This result is consistent with similar estimates based on observations that bring the corresponding frequency to a few hundred MHz. Our results further indicate that the onset of type II bursts depends on the rate of magnetic reconnection as well. When magnetic reconnection during the eruption is not fast enough, a type II burst may not occur at all even if the associated CME is fast ( say, faster than 800 km s(-1)). This may account for the fast and radio-quiet CMEs. Related to these results, properties of the associated solar flares and type III radio bursts, especially those used as the precursors of the type II radio bursts, are also discussed.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2008
Silvio Giordano; Salvatore Mancuso
The observations of the UVCS SOHO instrument from 1996 May to 1997 May have been analyzed to reconstruct intensity time series of the O VI 1032 A and H I Lyα 1216 A spectral lines at different coronal heliolatitudes from 1.5 to 3.0 R☉ from Sun center. At solar minimum, some features persist for several rotations, thus allowing analysis of the UV emission as time series modulated at the period of the solar rotation. We find evidence of coronal differential rotation, which significantly differs from that of the photospheric plasma. The estimated equatorial synodic rotation period of the corona at 1.5 R☉ is 27.48 ± 0.10 days. The study of the latitudinal variation shows that the UV corona decelerates toward the photospheric rates from the equator up to the poleward boundary of the midlatitude streamers, reaching a peak of 28.16 ± 0.20 days around +30° from the equator at 1.5 R☉, while a less evident peak is observed in the northern hemisphere. This result suggests a real north-south rotational asymmetry as a consequence of different activity and weak coupling between the magnetic fields of the two hemispheres. The study of the radial rotation profiles shows that the corona is rotating almost rigidly with height, but we find an abrupt increase by about half a day between 2.3 and 2.5 R☉. The larger gradients of the rotation rates are localized at the boundaries between open and closed field lines, suggesting that in these regions the differential rotation might be a source of magnetic stress and, consequently, of energy release.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
A. Bemporad; Salvatore Mancuso
In this work, we focus on the analysis of a coronal mass ejection (CME) driven shock observed by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph Experiment. We show that white-light coronagraphic images can be employed to estimate the compression ratio X = {rho}{sub d}/{rho}{sub u} all along the front of CME-driven shocks. X increases from the shock flanks (where X {approx_equal} 1.2) to the shock center (where X {approx_equal} 3.0 is maximum). From the estimated X values, we infer the Alfven Mach number for the general case of an oblique shock. It turns out that only a small region around the shock center is supercritical at earlier times, while higher up in the corona the whole shock becomes subcritical. This suggests that CME-driven shocks could be efficient particle accelerators at the initiation phases of the event, while at later times they progressively loose energy, also losing their capability to accelerate high-energy particles. This result has important implications on the localization of particle acceleration sites and in the context of predictive space weather studies.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
Salvatore Mancuso; Silvio Giordano
Synoptic observations of the O VI 1032 A spectral line from the UltraViolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) telescope on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) have been analyzed in order to establish the rotational characteristics of the solar corona in the time interval from 1999 March 18 to 2002 December 31, corresponding to the maximum phase of solar cycle 23. By using autocorrelation analysis techniques, we determined the latitude and time dependence of the coronal rotation rate at a heliocentric distance of 1.6 R ☉ from the solar equator up to about 15° from the poles. Although the equatorial rotation rate is initially consistent with the coronal synodic rotation period (~27.5 days) inferred in a previous study by Giordano & Mancuso around solar minimum, a systematic and substantial acceleration is observed to occur during the second part of the year 2000, with the equatorial coronal synodic rotation period settling to an average value of 25.7 days in the time interval extending from 2001 August to 2002 April, corresponding to a ~7% increase in coronal rotation rate. It is shown that the coronal magnetic structures rotate much faster at all latitudes, and less differentially, than the underlying small-scale magnetic structures linked to the photospheric plasma. The rotation rate of sunspots is however compatible, at least within ~20° from the solar equator, with the one estimated in the middle corona.
Journal of Advanced Research | 2013
A. Bemporad; Salvatore Mancuso
White-light coronagraphic images of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) observed by SOHO/LASCO C2 have been used to estimate the density jump along the whole front of two CME-driven shocks. The two events are different in that the first one was a “radio-loud” fast CME, while the second one was a “radio quiet” slow CME. From the compression ratios inferred along the shock fronts, we estimated the Alfvén Mach numbers for the general case of an oblique shock. It turns out that the “radio-loud” CME shock is initially super-critical around the shock center, while later on the whole shock becomes sub-critical. On the contrary, the shock associated with the “radio-quiet” CME is sub-critical at all times. This suggests that CME-driven shocks could be efficient particle accelerators at the shock nose only at the initiation phases of the event, if and when the shock is super-critical, while at later times they lose their energy and the capability to accelerate high energetic particles.
Scientific Reports | 2015
Carla Taricco; Silvia Alessio; Sara Rubinetti; Davide Zanchettin; Simone Cosoli; Miroslav Gačić; Salvatore Mancuso; Angelo Rubino
A deep understanding of natural decadal variability is pivotal to discuss recently observed climate trends. Paleoclimate proxies allow reconstructing natural variations before the instrumental period. Typically, regional-scale reconstructions depend on factors like dating, multi-proxy weighting and calibration, which may lead to non-robust reconstructions. Riverine records inherently integrate information about regional climate variability, partly overcoming the above mentioned limitation. The Po River provides major freshwater input to Eastern Mediterranean, as its catchment encompasses a large part of Northern Italy. Here, using historical discharge data and oceanographic measurements, we show that Po River discharge undergo robust decadal fluctuations that reach the Ionian Sea, ~1,000 km South of Po River delta, through propagating salinity anomalies. Based on this propagation, we use a high-resolution foraminiferal δ18O record from a sediment core in the Ionian Sea to reconstruct North Italian hydrological variability on millennial-scale for the first time. The reconstruction reveals highly significant decadal variability that persists over the last 2,000 years. Many reconstructed extremes correspond to documented catastrophic events. Our study provides the first millennial-scale reconstruction of the strength of decadal hydrological variability over Northern Italy. It paves the way to assess the persistence of large-scale circulation fingerprints on the North Italian climate.
Scientific Data | 2016
Carla Taricco; Silvia Alessio; Sara Rubinetti; Gianna Vivaldo; Salvatore Mancuso
Thanks to the precise core dating and the high sedimentation rate of the drilling site (Gallipoli Terrace, Ionian Sea) we were able to measure a foraminiferal δ18O series covering the last 2,200 years with a time resolution shorter than 4 years. In order to support the quality of this data-set we link the δ18O values measured in the foraminifera shells to temperature and salinity measurements available for the last thirty years covered by the core. Moreover, we describe in detail the dating procedures based on the presence of volcanic markers along the core and on the measurement of 210Pb and 137Cs activity in the most recent sediment layers. The high time resolution allows for detecting a δ18O decennial-scale oscillation, together with centennial and multicentennial components. Due to the dependence of foraminiferal δ18O on environmental conditions, these oscillations can provide information about temperature and salinity variations in past millennia. The strategic location of the drilling area makes this record a unique tool for climate and oceanographic studies of the Central Mediterranean.
Journal of Advanced Research | 2013
Carlo Benna; Salvatore Mancuso; Silvio Giordano; Lorenzo Gioannini
The analysis of the spectral properties and dynamic evolution of a CME/shock event observed on November 1st 2003 in white-light by the LASCO coronagraph and in the ultraviolet by the UVCS instrument operating aboard SOHO, has been performed to compute the properties of some important plasma parameters in the middle corona below about 2R⊙. Simultaneous observations obtained with the MLSO/Mk4 white-light coronagraph, providing both the early evolution of the CME expansion in the corona and the pre-shock electron density profile along the CME front, were also used to study this event. By combining the above information with the analysis of the metric type II radio emission detected by ground-based radio spectrographs, we finally derive estimates of the values of the local Alfvén speed and magnetic field strength in the solar corona.
Journal of Advanced Research | 2013
Salvatore Mancuso; Silvio Giordano
Following previous investigations by Giordano and Mancuso [1] and Mancuso and Giordano [2,3] on the differential rotation of the solar corona as obtained through the analysis of the intensity time series of the O VI 1032 Å spectral line observed by the UVCS/SOHO telescope during solar cycle 23, we analysed the possible influence of projection effects of extended coronal structures on the observed differential rotation rate in the ultraviolet corona. Through a simple geometrical model, we found that, especially at higher latitudes, the differential rotation may be less rigid than observed, since features at higher latitudes could be actually linked to much lower coronal structures due to projection effects. At solar maximum, the latitudinal rigidity of the UV corona, with respect to the differential rotating photosphere, has thus to be considered as an upper limit of the possible rigidity. At solar minimum and near the equatorial region throughout the solar cycle, projection effects are negligible.