
Carbohydrate Polymers | 2013

Acrylic acid grafted guargum–nanosilica membranes for transdermal diclofenac delivery

Arindam Giri; Tridib Bhunia; Samir R. Mishra; Luna Goswami; Asit Baran Panda; Sagar Pal; Abhijit Bandyopadhyay

Green, hydrophobic device for controlled transdermal release of diclofenac sodium was designed from in situ nanosilica/acrylic acid grafted guargum membranes. Best grafting condition was assigned and nanocomposites were formed in situ using varying proportions of aqueous nanosilica sol. Nanocomposite/drug conjugates were formed by bringing down the medium pH from 9.0 to 7.0. The conjugates were characterized through infrared and solid state NMR spectroscopy, electron microscopy, hydro-swelling, surface contact angle, viscometry and biocompatibility. Most balanced property was exhibited by the membrane containing 1wt% nanosilica. It also had shown the highest encapsulation efficacy vis-à-vis slowest release as compared to others during experimentation in a Franz diffusion cell.

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology | 2014

Streptomyces barkulensis sp. nov., isolated from an estuarine lake

Lopamudra Ray; Samir R. Mishra; Ananta Narayan Panda; Gurdeep Rastogi; Ajit Kumar Pattanaik; Tapan Kumar Adhya; Mrutyunjay Suar; Vishakha Raina

The taxonomic position of a novel actinomycete, strain RC 1831(T), isolated from the sediment of a fish dumping yard at Barkul village near Chilika Lake, Odisha, India, was determined by a polyphasic approach. Based on morphological and chemotaxonomic characteristics the isolate was determined to belong to the genus Streptomyces. The phylogenetic tree based on its nearly complete 16S rRNA gene sequence (1428 nt) with representative strains showed that the strain consistently falls into a distinct phyletic line together with Streptomyces glaucosporus DSM 41689(T) (98.22% similarity) and a subclade consisting of Streptomyces atacamensis DSM 42065(T) (98.40%), Streptomyces radiopugnans R97 DSM 41901(T) (98.27%), Streptomyces fenghuangensis GIMN4.003(T) (98.33 %), Streptomyces nanhaiensis DSM 41926(T) (98.13%), Streptomyces megasporus NBRC 14749(T) (97.37%) and Streptomyces macrosporus NBRC 14748(T) (98.22%). However, the levels of DNA-DNA relatedness between strain RC 1831(T) and phylogenetically related strains Streptomyces atacamensis DSM 42065(T) (28.75 ± 3.25%) and Streptomyces glaucosporus DSM 41689(T) (15 ± 2.40%) were significantly lower than the 70% threshold value for delineation of genomic species. Furthermore, the isolate could be distinguished phenotypically on the basis of physiological, morphological and biochemical differences from its closest phylogenetic neighbours and other related reference strains. Strain RC 1831(T) is therefore considered to represent a novel species of the genus Streptomyces, for which the name Streptomyces barkulensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is RC 1831(T) ( = JCM 18754(T) = DSM 42082(T)).

RSC Advances | 2014

A transdermal device from 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate grafted carboxymethyl guar gum–multi-walled carbon nanotube composites

Arindam Giri; Tridib Bhunia; Samir R. Mishra; Luna Goswami; Asit Baran Panda; Abhijit Bandyopadhyay

A hydrophobic and biocompatible transdermal device has been developed from 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) grafted carnboxymethyl guar gum (CMG)-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) in situ composite membranes. The developed composites may be used for sustained delivery of diclofenac sodium. Supreme matrix–MWCNT interaction at 0.5 and 1 wt% MWCNT concentrations induces excellent copolymer-adsorbed fibrillar orientation of MWCNT compared to that at 2 and 3 wt%. It successively leads to efficient encapsulation and more sustained release of the drug molecules at these compositions (65% vs. 17% at 1 wt%). Analyses show that the releases are dominated by the viscoelastic relaxation behavior (power law indices 0.75 and 0.80 and extremely high Deborah numbers) of the devices. Conversely, for the latter, the releases are comparatively less sustained and more swelling controlled (indices are 0.5 and 0.6 and low Deborah numbers). However, all devices have significantly increased the half life period of the drug molecules (2.5 h vs. 47 h at 1 wt%).

BMJ Open | 2017

Design and rationale of a matched cohort study to assess the effectiveness of a combined household-level piped water and sanitation intervention in rural Odisha, India

Heather Reese; Parimita Routray; Belen Torondel; Gloria D. Sclar; Maryann G. Delea; Sheela S. Sinharoy; Laura Zambrano; Bethany A. Caruso; Samir R. Mishra; Howard H. Chang; Thomas Clasen

Introduction Government efforts to address massive shortfalls in rural water and sanitation in India have centred on construction of community water sources and toilets for selected households. However, deficiencies with water quality and quantity at the household level and community coverage and actual use of toilets have led Gram Vikas, a local non-governmental organization in Odisha, India, to develop an approach that provides household-level piped water connections contingent on full community-level toilet coverage. Methods This matched cohort study was designed to assess the effectiveness of a combined piped water and sanitation intervention. Households with children <5 years in 45 randomly selected intervention villages and 45 matched control villages will be followed over 17 months. The primary outcome is prevalence of diarrhoeal diseases; secondary health outcomes include soil-transmitted helminth infection, nutritional status, seroconversion to enteric pathogens, urogenital infections and environmental enteric dysfunction. In addition, intervention effects on sanitation and water coverage, access and use, environmental fecal contamination, womens empowerment, as well as collective efficacy, and intervention cost and cost-effectiveness will be assessed. Ethics and dissemination The study protocol has been reviewed and approved by the ethics boards of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK and KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. Findings will be disseminated via peer-reviewed literature and presentation to stakeholders, government officials, implementers and researchers. Trial registration number NCT02441699.

Genomics data | 2016

The draft genome sequence of Mangrovibacter sp. strain MP23, an endophyte isolated from the roots of Phragmites karka

Pratiksha Behera; Parag Vaishampayan; Nitin K. Singh; Samir R. Mishra; Vishakha Raina; Mrutyunjay Suar; Ajit K. Pattnaik; Gurdeep Rastogi

Till date, only one draft genome has been reported within the genus Mangrovibacter. Here, we report the second draft genome shotgun sequence of a Mangrovibacter sp. strain MP23 that was isolated from the roots of Phargmites karka (P. karka), an invasive weed growing in the Chilika Lagoon, Odisha, India. Strain MP23 is a facultative anaerobic, nitrogen-fixing endophytic bacteria that grows optimally at 37 °C, 7.0 pH, and 1% NaCl concentration. The draft genome sequence of strain MP23 contains 4,947,475 bp with an estimated G + C content of 49.9% and total 4392 protein coding genes. The genome sequence has provided information on putative genes that code for proteins involved in oxidative stress, uptake of nutrients, and nitrogen fixation that might offer niche specific ecological fitness and explain the invasive success of P. karka in Chilika Lagoon. The draft genome sequence and annotation have been deposited at DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession number LYRP00000000.

Genome Announcements | 2016

Draft Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas sp. Strain BMS12, a Plant Growth-Promoting and Protease-Producing Bacterium, Isolated from the Rhizosphere Sediment of Phragmites karka of Chilika Lake, India

Samir R. Mishra; Ananta Narayan Panda; Lopamudra Ray; Neha Sahu; Gayatri Mishra; Sudhir Jadhao; Mrutyunjay Suar; Tapan Kumar Adhya; Gurdeep Rastogi; Ajit K. Pattnaik; Vishakha Raina

ABSTRACT We report the 4.51 Mb draft genome of Pseudomonas sp. strain BMS12, a Gram-negative bacterium in the class of Gammaproteobacteria, isolated from the rhizospheric sediment of Phragmites karka, an invasive weed in Chilika Lake, Odisha, India. The Pseudomonas sp. strain BMS12 is capable of producing proteases and is also an efficient plant growth promoter that can be useful for various phytoremedial and industrial applications.

Genome Announcements | 2016

Draft Genome Sequence of Halobacillus sp. Strain KGW1, a Moderately Halophilic and Alkaline Protease-Producing Bacterium Isolated from the Rhizospheric Region of Phragmites karka from Chilika Lake, Odisha, India

Ananta Narayan Panda; Samir R. Mishra; Lopamudra Ray; Neha Sahu; Ankita Acharya; Sudhir Jadhao; Mrutyunjay Suar; Tapan Kumar Adhya; Gurdeep Rastogi; Ajit K. Pattnaik; Vishakha Raina

ABSTRACT Halobacillus sp. strain KGW1 is a moderately halophilic, rod shaped, Gram-positive, yellow pigmented, alkaline protease-producing bacterium isolated from a water sample from Chilika Lake, Odisha, India. Sequencing of bacterial DNA assembled a 3.68-Mb draft genome. The genome annotation analysis showed various gene clusters for tolerance to stress, such as elevated pH, salt concentration, and toxic metals.

Archive | 2019

Microbial Biodiversity Study of a Brackish Water Ecosystem in Eastern India

Vishakha Raina; Ananta Narayan Panda; Samir R. Mishra; Tanmaya Nayak; Mrutyunjay Suar

Abstract Brackish aquatic ecosystems are replete with microbes which are the most diverse and abundant organisms of these natural surroundings. The significance of microbial activities in rivers, lakes, and oceans has been emphasized in the current global climate change scenario. The magnitude of participation of microorganisms to impact worldwide flux of nutrients and greenhouse gas emissions is enormous. Estuarine water and sediments are dominated by bacteria which mineralize or decompose a wide variety of biopolymeric substrates with the aid of hydrolytic extracellular enzymes, produce bioactive compounds, secondary metabolites, antibiotics. Moreover, microbes in estuarine conditions constantly undergo tidal flushing which helps them to adapt to changing salt concentration and this helps to combat osmotic stress and tolerance to broad range of environmental factors like pH, temperature, and salinity in nature. However, in terms of microbial community composition, brackish water ecosystems are poorly understood. The interactions of microbes with biotic and abiotic factors give insights into the larger picture of ecosystem functioning. By using classical culture-dependent and modern culture-independent methods, the microbial diversity of Chilika Lake was evaluated to give insights into their functional and biological role in maintenance of health of estuarine ecosystem for exploiting their future potential.

Journal of Microbiology | 2018

Taxonomic description and genome sequence of Halobacillus marinus sp. nov., a novel strain isolated from Chilika Lake, India

Ananta Narayan Panda; Samir R. Mishra; Lopamudra Ray; Surajit Das; Gurdeep Rastogi; Ajit Kumar Pattanaik; Tapan Kumar Adhya; Mrutyunjay Suar; Vishakha Raina

Abstractmoderately halophilic spore forming, motile, Gram-positive, rod-shaped bacterial strain designated as KGW1T was isolated from water sample of Chilika Lake and characterized taxonomically using polyphasic approach. The strain grew in the presence of 0–25% (w/v) NaCl in marine salt agar media, hydrolyzes casein, and gelatin and shows presence of alkaline proteases. The major cell wall menaquinone was MK7 and major cellular fatty acids were anteiso-C15:0 (44.89%), anteiso-C17:0 (6.18%), isoC15:0 (19.38%), and iso-C16:0 (7.39%). Several chemotaxonomic features conform the isolate be a member of genus Halobacillus. The isolate KGW1T contained A1γ meso-Dpm-direct type of peptidoglycan which is different from its phylogenetically closest neighbours. The 16S rRNA gene sequence based phylogenetic analysis also revealed the strain KGW1T was affiliated to the genus Halobacillus and sequence similarity between the isolated strain and the type strains of Halobacillus species were found closest to, H. dabanensis D-8 DSM 18199T (99.08%) and H. faecis IGA7-4 DSM 21559T (99.01%), H. trueperi SL-5 DSM 10404T (98.94%). The in silico DDH showed that the values in a range of 14.2–17.5% with the most closest strain H. dabanensis D-8 DSM 18199T and other type strains of the genus Halobacillus for which whole genome sequence is reported. DNA-DNA relatedness between strain KGW1T and the closest type strain Halobacillus trueperi DSM 10404T was 11.75% (± 1.15). The draft genome sequence includes 3,683,819 bases and comprises of 3898 predicted coding sequences with a G + C content of 46.98%. Thus, the significant distinctiveness supported by phenotypic and genotypic data with its closest neighbors and other closely related species confirm the strain KGW1T to be classified as a novel species within the genus Halobacillus, for which the name Halobacillus marinus sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is KGW1T (= DSM 29522 = JCM 30443).

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology | 2016

Streptomyces chitinivorans sp. nov., a chitinolytic strain isolated from estuarine lake sediment.

Lopamudra Ray; Samir R. Mishra; Ananta Narayan Panda; Surajit Das; Gurdeep Rastogi; Ajit Kumar Pattanaik; Tapan Kumar Adhya; Mrutyunjay Suar; Vishakha Raina

A novel actinobacterial strain RC1832T was isolated from the sediment of a fish dumping yard at Balugaon near Chilika Lake. The strain is halotolerant (15 % NaCl, w/v), alkali-tolerant (pH 7-10) and hydrolyzes chitin, starch, gelatin, cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose, Tween 80, tributyrin, lecithin and casein. Apart from showing typical genus-specific morphological and chemotaxonomic features, the comparision and analysis of the near complete 16S rRNA gene sequence clearly revealed that the strain RC1832T represented a member of the genus Streptomyces. It exhibited the highest sequence similarities with the strains Streptomyces fenghuangensis GIMN4.003T (99.78 %), Streptomyces nanhaiensis DSM 41926T (99.07 %), Streptomyces radiopugnans R97T(98.71 %), Streptomyces atacamensis DSM 42065T (98.65 %) and Streptomyces barkulensis DSM 42082T (98.25 %). The DNA-DNA relatedness of strain RC 1832T with the closest phylogenetic neighbours S. fenghuangensis GIMN4.003T and S. nanhaiensis DSM 41926T were 20±2 % and 21±2 %, respectively. Thus, based on a range of phenotypic and genotypic properties, strain RC1832T was suggested to represent a novel species of the genus Streptomyces for which the name Streptomyces chitinivorans sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is RC1832T (=JCM 30611=KCTC 29696).

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