
PLOS Biology | 2005

Pseudoknots: RNA Structures with Diverse Functions

David W. Staple; Samuel E. Butcher

Just as proteins form distinct structural motifs, certain structures are commonly adopted by RNA molecules. Amongst the most prevalent is the RNA pseudoknot.

The EMBO Journal | 1993

Essential nucleotide sequences and secondary structure elements of the hairpin ribozyme

Alfredo Berzal-Herranz; Simpson Joseph; Bharat M. Chowrira; Samuel E. Butcher; John M. Burke

In vitro selection experiments have been used to isolate active variants of the 50 nt hairpin catalytic RNA motif following randomization of individual ribozyme domains and intensive mutagenesis of the ribozyme‐substrate complex. Active and inactive variants were characterized by sequencing, analysis of RNA cleavage activity in cis and in trans, and by substrate binding studies. Results precisely define base‐pairing requirements for ribozyme helices 3 and 4, and identify eight essential nucleotides (G8, A9, A10, G21, A22, A23, A24 and C25) within the catalytic core of the ribozyme. Activity and substrate binding assays show that point mutations at these eight sites eliminate cleavage activity but do not significantly decrease substrate binding, demonstrating that these bases contribute to catalytic function. The mutation U39C has been isolated from different selection experiments as a second‐site suppressor of the down mutants G21U and A43G. Assays of the U39C mutation in the wild‐type ribozyme and in a variety of mutant backgrounds show that this variant is a general up mutation. Results from selection experiments involving populations totaling more than 10(10) variants are summarized, and consensus sequences including 16 essential nucleotides and a secondary structure model of four short helices, encompassing 18 bp for the ribozyme‐substrate complex are derived.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology | 2002

Metal binding and base ionization in the U6 RNA intramolecular stem-loop structure.

Anna R. Huppler; Laura J. Nikstad; Anne M. Allmann; David A. Brow; Samuel E. Butcher

U6 RNA is a key component of the catalytic core of the spliceosome. A metal ion essential for the first catalytic step of pre-mRNA splicing binds to the U80 Sp phosphate oxygen within the yeast U6 intramolecular stem-loop (ISL). Here we present the first structural data for U6 RNA, revealing the three-dimensional structure of the highly conserved U6 ISL. The ISL binds metal ion at the U80 site with the same stereo specificity as the intact spliceosome. The metal-binding site is adjacent to a readily protonated C·A wobble pair. Protonation of the C·A pair and metal binding are mutually antagonistic. These results support a ribozyme model for U6 RNA function and suggest a possible mechanism for the regulation of RNA splicing.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology | 2004

U2–U6 RNA folding reveals a group II intron-like domain and a four-helix junction

Dipali G. Sashital; Gabriel Cornilescu; Samuel E. Butcher

Intron removal in nuclear precursor mRNA is catalyzed through two transesterification reactions by a multi-megaDalton ribonucleoprotein machine called the spliceosome. A complex between U2 and U6 small nuclear RNAs is a core component of the spliceosome. Here we present an NMR structural analysis of a protein-free U2–U6 complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The observed folding of the U2–U6 complex is a four-helix junction, in which the catalytically important AGC triad base-pairs only within U6 and not with U2. The base-pairing of the AGC triad extends the U6 intramolecular stem-loop (U6 ISL), and the NMR structure of this extended U6 ISL reveals structural similarities with domain 5 of group II self-splicing introns. The observed conformation of the four-helix junction could be relevant to the first, but not the second, step of splicing and may help to position the U6 ISL adjacent to the 5′ splice site.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology | 1999

Solution structure of the loop B domain from the hairpin ribozyme.

Samuel E. Butcher; Frédéric H.-T. Allain; Juli Feigon

The hairpin ribozyme is a small catalytic RNA with a unique two-domain structure. Here we present the solution structure of the loop B domain of the hairpin ribozyme, which contains most of the catalytically essential nucleotides. The 38-nucleotide domain contains a 16-nucleotide internal loop that forms one of the largest non-Watson–Crick segments of base pairing thus far determined by either NMR or crystallography. Since the solution structure of the smaller loop A domain has been previously solved, an NMR structure-based model of the 22,000 Mr hairpin ribozyme–substrate open complex emerges by joining the two domain structures. Strikingly, catalytically essential functional groups for the loop B domain are concentrated within an expanded minor groove, presenting a clear docking surface for the loop A domain.

The EMBO Journal | 1997

Solution structure of a GAAA tetraloop receptor RNA

Samuel E. Butcher; Thorsten Dieckmann; Juli Feigon

The GAAA tetraloop receptor is an 11‐nucleotide RNA sequence that participates in the tertiary folding of a variety of large catalytic RNAs by providing a specific binding site for GAAA tetraloops. Here we report the solution structure of the isolated tetraloop receptor as solved by multidimensional, heteronuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The internal loop of the tetraloop receptor has three adenosines stacked in a cross‐strand or zipper‐like fashion. This arrangement produces a high degree of base stacking within the asymmetric internal loop without extrahelical bases or kinking the helix. Additional interactions within the internal loop include a U·U mismatch pair and a G·U wobble pair. A comparison with the crystal structure of the receptor RNA bound to its tetraloop shows that a conformational change has to occur upon tetraloop binding, which is in good agreement with previous biochemical data. A model for an alternative binding site within the receptor is proposed based on the NMR structure, phylogenetic data and previous crystallographic structures of tetraloop interactions.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology | 2004

Solution structure of domain 5 of a group II intron ribozyme reveals a new RNA motif

Roland K. O. Sigel; Dipali G. Sashital; Dana L Abramovitz; Arthur G. Palmer; Samuel E. Butcher; Anna Marie Pyle

Domain 5 (D5) is the central core of group II intron ribozymes. Many base and backbone substituents of this highly conserved hairpin participate in catalysis and are crucial for binding to other intron domains. We report the solution structures of the 34-nucleotide D5 hairpin from the group II intron ai5γ in the absence and presence of divalent metal ions. The bulge region of D5 adopts a novel fold, where G26 adopts a syn conformation and flips down into the major groove of helix 1, close to the major groove face of the catalytic AGC triad. The backbone near G26 is kinked, exposing the base plane of the adjacent A-U pair to the solvent and causing bases of the bulge to stack intercalatively. Metal ion titrations reveal strong Mg2+ binding to a minor groove shelf in the D5 bulge. Another distinct metal ion–binding site is observed along the minor groove side of the catalytic triad, in a manner consistent with metal ion binding in the ribozyme active site.

The EMBO Journal | 2001

A novel family of RNA tetraloop structure forms the recognition site for Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNase III

Haihong Wu; Pok Kwan Yang; Samuel E. Butcher; Sundeep Kang; Guillaume Chanfreau; Juli Feigon

RNases III are a family of double‐stranded RNA (dsRNA) endoribonucleases involved in the processing and decay of a large number of cellular RNAs as well as in RNA interference. The dsRNA substrates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNase III (Rnt1p) are capped by tetraloops with the consensus sequence AGNN, which act as the primary docking site for the RNase. We have solved the solution structures of two RNA hairpins capped by AGNN tetraloops, AGAA and AGUU, using NMR spectroscopy. Both tetraloops have the same overall structure, in which the backbone turn occurs on the 3′ side of the syn G residue in the loop, with the first A and G in a 5′ stack and the last two residues in a 3′ stack. A non‐bridging phosphate oxygen and the universal G which are essential for Rnt1p binding are strongly exposed. The compared biochemical and structural analysis of various tetraloop sequences defines a novel family of RNA tetraloop fold with the consensus (U/A)GNN and implicates this conserved structure as the primary determinant for specific recognition of Rnt1p substrates.

Journal of Molecular Biology | 2009

Identification of the SSB binding site on E. coli RecQ reveals a conserved surface for binding SSB’s C-terminus

Robert D. Shereda; Nicholas J. Reiter; Samuel E. Butcher; James L. Keck

RecQ DNA helicases act in conjunction with heterologous partner proteins to catalyze DNA metabolic activities, including recombination initiation and stalled replication fork processing. For the prototypical Escherichia coli RecQ protein, direct interaction with single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) stimulates its DNA unwinding activity. Complex formation between RecQ and SSB is mediated by the RecQ winged-helix domain, which binds the nine C-terminal-most residues of SSB, a highly conserved sequence known as the SSB-Ct element. Using nuclear magnetic resonance and mutational analyses, we identify the SSB-Ct binding pocket on E. coli RecQ. The binding site shares a striking electrostatic similarity with the previously identified SSB-Ct binding site on E. coli exonuclease I, although the SSB binding domains in the two proteins are not otherwise related structurally. Substitutions that alter RecQ residues implicated in SSB-Ct binding impair RecQ binding to SSB and SSB/DNA nucleoprotein complexes. These substitutions also diminish SSB-stimulated DNA helicase activity in the variants, although additional biochemical changes in the RecQ variants indicate a role for the winged-helix domain in helicase activity beyond SSB protein binding. Sequence changes in the SSB-Ct element are sufficient to abolish interaction with RecQ in the absence of DNA and to diminish RecQ binding and helicase activity on SSB/DNA substrates. These results support a model in which RecQ has evolved an SSB-Ct binding site on its winged-helix domain as an adaptation that aids its cellular functions on SSB/DNA nucleoprotein substrates.

Genes & Development | 2012

Direct interactions between the coiled-coil tip of DksA and the trigger loop of RNA polymerase mediate transcriptional regulation

Christopher W. Lennon; Wilma Ross; Stephen Martin-Tumasz; Innokenti Toulokhonov; Catherine E. Vrentas; Steven T. Rutherford; Jeong-Hyun Lee; Samuel E. Butcher; Richard L. Gourse

Escherichia coli DksA is a transcription factor that binds to RNA polymerase (RNAP) without binding to DNA, destabilizing RNAP-promoter interactions, sensitizing RNAP to the global regulator ppGpp, and regulating transcription of several hundred target genes, including those encoding rRNA. Previously, we described promoter sequences and kinetic properties that account for DksAs promoter specificity, but how DksA exerts its effects on RNAP has remained unclear. To better understand DksAs mechanism of action, we incorporated benzoyl-phenylalanine at specific positions in DksA and mapped its cross-links to RNAP, constraining computational docking of the two proteins. The resulting evidence-based model of the DksA-RNAP complex as well as additional genetic and biochemical approaches confirmed that DksA binds to the RNAP secondary channel, defined the orientation of DksA in the channel, and predicted a network of DksA interactions with RNAP that includes the rim helices and the mobile trigger loop (TL) domain. Engineered cysteine substitutions in the TL and DksA coiled-coil tip generated a disulfide bond between them, and the interacting residues were absolutely required for DksA function. We suggest that DksA traps the TL in a conformation that destabilizes promoter complexes, an interaction explaining the requirement for the DksA tip and its effects on transcription.

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