Sandra Helena Prudencio
Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Journal of Food Science | 2010
Karla A. Batista; Sandra Helena Prudencio; Kátia Flávia Fernandes
The biochemical and functional properties of 2 hard-to-cook common bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) were investigated after the extrusion process. Beans of BRS pontal and BRS grafite cultivars were milled and extruded at 150 degrees C, with a compression ratio screw of 3 : 1, 5-mm die, and screw speed of 150 rpm. Extrudate flours were evaluated for water solubility (WS), water absorption index (WAI), oil absorption capacity (OAC), foaming capacity (FC), emulsifying activity (EA), antinutritional factors, and in vitro protein and starch digestibility. Results indicated that the extrusion significantly decreased antinutrients such as phytic acid, lectin, alpha-amylase, and trypsin inhibitors, reduced the emulsifying capacity and eliminated the FC in both BRS pontal and BRS grafite cultivars. In addition, the WS, WAI, and in vitro protein and starch digestibility were improved by the extrusion process. These results indicate that it is possible to produce new extruded products with good functional and biochemical properties from these common bean cultivars.
Meat Science | 2013
Léia Zenaide Menegas; Tatiana Colombo Pimentel; Sandra Garcia; Sandra Helena Prudencio
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of oil content reduction and the addition of inulin as a partial oil substitute on the physicochemical, microbiological, and textural characteristics and acceptability during the storage (4 °C for 45 days) of dry-fermented chicken sausage produced with corn oil. Reducing the oil content did not influence the characteristics evaluated but tended to produce sausage with a dark reddish coloration. The addition of inulin did not change the physicochemical and microbiological parameters or the acceptability of the products, but resulted in an altered texture profile and a tendency toward lighter and less reddish coloration, similar to products with standard oil content. Fermented chicken sausages produced with standard amounts of corn oil, reduced amounts of corn oil, and inulin as a partial oil replacement remained stable without a significant loss of physical, chemical, microbiological, or sensory attributes during storage at 4 °C for 45 days.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2009
Josemeyre Bonifácio da Silva; Mercedes Concórdia Carrão-Panizzi; Sandra Helena Prudencio
Abstract – The objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical and physical characteristics of grains of soybean ( Glycine max ) cultivars for food processing. The soybean cultivars evaluated were: grain-type – BRS 133 and BRS 258; food-type – BRS 213 (null lipoxygenases), BRS 267 (vegetable-type) and BRS 216 (small grain size). BRS 267 and BRS 216 cultivars showed higher protein content, indicating that they could promote superior nutritional value. BRS 213 cultivar showed the lowest lipoxygenase activity, and BRS 267, the lowest hexanal content. These characteristics can improve soyfood flavor. After cooking, BRS267 cultivar grains presented a higher content of aglycones (more biologically active form of isoflavones) and oleic acid, which makes it proper for functional foods and with better stability for processing, and also showed high content of fructose, glutamic acid and alanine, compounds related to the soybean mild flavor. Because of its large grain size, BRS 267 is suitable for tofu and edamame, while small-grain-sized BRS 216 is good for natto and for soybean sprouts production. BRS 216 and BRS 213 cultivars presented shorter cooking time, which may be effective for reducing processing costs.Index terms:
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2009
Silvia Renata Machado Coelho; Sandra Helena Prudencio; Lúcia Helena Pereira Nóbrega; Carla Fabiana Rolin Leite
Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, foi comparar alteracoes no tempo de cozimento e dureza dos graos de duas variedades de feijao comum, durante o envelhecimento natural e o acelerado. O envelhecimento de um lote de cada variedade de feijao (Iapar 81 variedade carioca e Iapar 44 - variedade preto) foi acelerado em estufa a 40oC e 76% de UR% por 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 dias. Outro lote, das mesmas variedades, foi submetido ao envelhecimento em condicoes ambientais por tres, seis, nove e doze meses. O lote-controle foi armazenado a 5 oC. Apos cada tempo de armazenagem, foram determinados os parâmetros de tempo de cozimento e dureza. Os graos da variedade carioca apresentaram maiores tempos de cozimento em relacao ao feijao preto, em ambos os sistemas de armazenagem. O feijao cozido da variedade carioca apresentou dureza maior que o feijao da variedade preto, tanto no envelhecimento acelerado quanto no envelhecimento natural. A dureza dos graos cozidos e resfriados a temperatura ambiente foi superior a dos graos resfriados a 60 oC, visto que a temperatura influenciou nas medicoes, provavelmente pela maior retrogradacao do amido a temperatura ambiente. O envelhecimento acelerado por vinte dias foi equivalente a um ano em condicoes naturais, em relacao a dureza dos graos.
Food Science and Technology International | 2012
Flávia Daiana Montanuci; Tatiana Colombo Pimentel; Sandra Garcia; Sandra Helena Prudencio
The effect of inulin addition and starters (Kefir grains or commercial starter culture) on the microbial viability, texture, and chemical characteristics of Kefir beverages prepared with whole or skim milk was evaluated during refrigerated storage. The type of starter did not influence microbial viability during the storage of the beverages, but the chemical and textural changes (decreases in pH, lactose concentration, and inulin and increased acidity, firmness, and syneresis) were more pronounced in the formulations fermented with grains than those fermented with the starter culture. The addition of inulin did not influence acidity or viability of lactic acid bacteria, but in general, its effect on the survival of acetic acid bacteria, Lactococcus and yeasts, firmness, and syneresis depended on the type of milk and starter culture used. Generally, the yeast, acetic acid bacteria, and Leuconostoc counts increased or remained unchanged, while the total population of lactic acid bacteria and Lactococcus were either reduced by 1 to 2 logs or remained unchanged during storage.
Food Science and Technology International | 2012
Michele Rosset; Sandra Helena Prudencio; Adelaide Del Pino Beléia
This study investigated the enzymatic treatment of soy slurry using Viscozyme L to hydrolyze the carbohydrates. The optimum temperature of Viscozyme L action was 55 °C. The increase of glucose and galactose content in tofu (1.36 and 0.19 g/100 g, respectively) confirmed the Viscozyme activity on soy slurry when compared to the control. The treated tofu had more total phenolics than the control (173 and 161 mg gallic acid equivalents/100 g freeze-dried tofu, respectively) and higher antioxidant activity by the 2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryhydrazyl,2,2-diphenyl-1-picryhydrazyl radical tests. Total reducing sugar (glucose equivalents) content in treated tofu was approximately four times higher than that in the control under the optimum conditions (30 Fungal Beta-Glucanase units/10 g solids, 55 °C, 30 min). The tofus differed in the sensory analysis for soy odor and surface uniformity, but there was no preference for one over the other.
Food Science and Technology International | 2010
Juliany Piazzon-Gomes; Sandra Helena Prudencio; Rui Sérgio dos Santos Ferreira da Silva
Nove provadores selecionados e treinados avaliaram a aparencia, aroma, sabor e textura de tres formulacoes de queijo tipo minas frescal (tradicional, com extrato hidrossoluvel de soja em po (PS-60) e coalho bovino e com PS-60 e coagulante microbiano). O queijo tradicional caracterizou-se pela aparencia de umidade e de sabor coalhada. O queijo com PS-60 elaborado com coalho bovino apresentou cor creme e gosto amargo e a amostra com coagulante microbiano mostrou maior aroma soja. As caracterizacoes instrumentais das tres formulacoes de queijo foram desenvolvidas atraves da analise do perfil de textura (TPA) utilizando um texturometro TA-XT2i Stable Micro System e, para a analise de cor, utilizou-se um aplicativo computacional e escâner. Com relacao a textura, o queijo minas frescal tradicional e o queijo produzido com PS-60 e coalho bovino caracterizaram-se mais duros; o queijo tradicional apresentou maiores valores nos parâmetros de fraturabilidade, coesividade e mastigabilidade e os queijos tradicional e aquele formulado com PS-60 e coagulante microbiano -apresentaram-se mais elasticos. Em relacao a cor, o queijo tradicional apresentou cor branca amarelo-esverdeada mais intensa. A aceitacao das amostras foi avaliada por cem provadores nao treinados, utilizando-se escala hedonica estruturada de sete pontos. Os queijos formulados com PS-60 apresentaram 88% de aceitacao.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | 2010
Josemeyre Bonifácio da Silva; Ilana Felberg; Mercedes Concórdia Carrão-Panizzi; Soo Young Lee; Sandra Helena Prudencio
The objective of this work was to study the sensory attributes and their relationships with isoflavones and hexanal contents of soymilks made in laboratory and commercial samples. The laboratory soymilk samples showed cooked grain and cotton candy aroma and cooked grain, malty and sweetness flavor (a mild flavor). The commercial samples presented stronger roasted soy, rancid, sesame seeds and fishy aroma and roasted soy, sesame seeds and bitterness flavor, and bitter taste (closed nose) and starchy texture. No differences were noted among laboratory soymilks, denoting inactivation of lipoxygenases enzymes in the soymilks process. There were differences between the samples prepared in laboratory and commercial soymilks, which was due to several factors related to processing techniques. The hexanal average content was positively associated with the cooked grain aroma and isoflavones was positively associated with the cooked grain and cotton candy aroma, cooked grain, malty and sweetness flavor and starchy texture.
Ciencia Rural | 2008
Carla Adriana Pizarro Schmidt; Édison Miglioranza; Sandra Helena Prudencio
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as preferencias dos consumidores de cafe da regiao oeste do Parana, em relacao ao ponto de torra e a granulometria de moagem. Foram realizadas analises sensoriais de preferencia e fisico-quimicas. As analises fisico-quimicas foram utilizadas para monitorar as mudancas ocorridas nos produtos ao longo do processo de torra. Os cafes com torras mais leves foram pouco aceitos. O cafe que apresentou aparencia global, aroma e sabor preferido foi o que apresentava uma torra media escura, mais proxima das torras tradicionais brasileiras. A torra mais escura foi bem aceita apenas em relacao a aparencia. A moagem fina foi preferida em relacao a aparencia global do produto, mas, apesar de ter apresentado maior acidez, os provadores nao diferenciaram seu sabor.
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition | 2014
Marsilvio Lima de Moraes Filho; Sabrina Satie Hirozawa; Sandra Helena Prudencio; Elza Iouko Ida; Sandra Garcia
Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant properties, bioactive compounds and other physico-chemical parameters from black soybean and its derivatives over 30 days under refrigeration at 4 °C and develop a probiotic petit suisse produced from black soybean. The soymilk showed the highest levels of isoflavones (109 mg/100 g), total phenolics (600 mg/100 g) and total anthocyanins (388 mg/100 g) with the highest response in the tests with DPPH• and ABTS+• on a dry basis. There was a significant increase (p ≤ 0.05) in antioxidant activity during storage due to the hydrolysis of isoflavone glycosides to aglycones in soymilk sample, having a strong linear correlation between the concentration of isoflavone aglycones and the antioxidant activity for ABTS+• (R = 0.9437, 0.9624 and 0.9992) and DPPH• (R = 0.9865, 0.9978 and 0.9911), respectively, for soymilk, quark and petit suisse. The conversion of isoflavone was influenced directly by the characteristics of each sample, inhibiting or promoting the action of the enzyme. The petit suisse developed is an alternative for consumers, providing isoflavones and anthocyanins, possessing probiotic average counts (108 CFU g−1) during storage.