Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga
Universidade Federal de Alfenas
Featured researches published by Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga.
Food Science and Technology International | 2008
Luiz Carlos do Nascimento; Luiz Carlos de Oliveira Lima; Roberta Hilsdorf Picolli; João Evangelista Fiorini; Stella Maris da Silveira Duarte; José Maurício Schneedorf Ferreira da Silva; Nelma de Mello Silva Oliveira; Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga
There is a growing interest in technologies that improve food quality, as well as food safety aspects. After water, coffee is the most consumed beverage in the planet, with a rising demand for special types, such as fermented coffee, in some importing countries. This type of coffee is obtained by removing the mucilage, submitting the coffee to fermentation, a process that varies with the climate and the associated natural micro-organisms, among other factors, and that can lead to detrimental effects to the quality of the product and to the health of consumers. Thus, it is necessary to investigate new technologies that can help obtain better standardized products, of higher quality and that offer greater food safety. Ozone and ultrasound are technologies used in various areas, with great flexibility and promising results in the production and treatment of an infinity of food products. The potent oxidant and antimicrobial characteristics of both are well-known, however, their mechanisms are still not clearly understood when used in live tissues. Their effects on the various quality parameters must be studied, understood and adjusted, before widespread use in the food industry. In the present paper, ozone or ultrasound were applied as pre-treatments before coffee fermentation, demonstrating their efficacy in improving food safety of the fermented coffee, without perceptible changes in the quality of the beverage.
Food Science and Technology International | 2003
Claudia Catelani Cardoso; Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga; Luiz Carlos do Nascimento; João Evangelista Fiorini; Luiz Augusto do Amaral
Brazil is ranked as the seventh in worldwide consumer of bottled mineral water. The mineral water bottles should be inspected regarding the physical integrity and then submitted to sanitization, using specific wash machines. Recently diseases associated with new microbial strains have increased interest in exploring different disinfectants in food sanitizing processing. Ozone is particularly attractive because of its high security and effectiveness than conventional disinfectants, without risk of toxic residues generating. The current work evaluated the ozone as an alternative method for sanitizing 20 liters mineral water gallons in Alfenas-MG (Brazil). Thirty gallons were analyzed before (pre-wash) and thirty after washing with ozonated water (4mg/L, 2 min.) (post-wash). The samples were evaluated regarding the number of aerobic mesophiles, Escherichia coli, total coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas spp. The data about the aerobic mesophiles at pre-wash was 5,7 colony forming units/cm2 and post-wash was 0,003CFU/cm2. The post-wash samples showed negative of total coliforms, E. coli and Pseudomonas spp. and only 13,3% samples presented grow of S. aureus. In comparison, all the pre-wash showed presence of total coliforms and S. aureus. E. coli and Pseudomonas spp. were present in 80% and 50% of the samples, respectively. Therefore, the sanitizing processing with ozone (4mg/L) was demonstrated in this study was an adequate alternative method for washing mineral water gallons in tested condition.
Revista da Universidade Vale do Rio Verde | 2016
Roseane Aparecida dos Reis Alves; Marcela Forgerini; Ítala dos Santos e Silva; Thaylla Albino Vieira; Ana Paula Garcia de Lima; Gabriel Braulio Xavier Sena; Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga
Este artigo aborda o tema Extensao Universitaria e Educacao em Doencas Sexualmente Transmissiveis (DST) e temas relacionados, com enfoque nas campanhas educativas organizadas pelo projeto de extensao Doencas Sexualmente Transmissiveis e Hepatites Virais da Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG). O objetivo das atividades educativas foi orientar jovens, adultos e idosos para a prevencao e controle das DST, AIDS e Hepatites Virais, bem como favorecer a multiplicacao da informacao sobre o tema e a troca de conhecimentos e saberes. Os assuntos abordados foram: os sinais e sintomas das DST, AIDS e Hepatites Virais, suas complicacoes, formas de transmissao, importância do diagnostico precoce, tratamento, medidas de prevencao e controle e temas relacionados. O projeto elaborou tambem materiais educativos especificos para os diferentes publicos, tais como panfletos e cartilhas sobre DST, AIDS e Hepatites Virais, medidas de prevencao e controle, higiene intima, câncer de mama e de prostata. Em algumas oportunidades, foi ofertado o teste rapido para Hepatite C.
Revista da Universidade Vale do Rio Verde | 2013
Josidel Conceição Oliver; Jaqueline de Lima Germano; Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga
The development of pathogenic microorganisms in minimally processed fruits depends on its characteristics, intrinsic properties and the effects of processing, packaging and storage. The fruits minimally processed can host a diverse microbiota, often of the order 10-10 CFU/g. In this sense, it is necessary for minimally processed fruit, have as crucial step hygiene (cleaning and sanitizing). Sodium hypochlorite is the most used for disinfection of fruits and vegetables, however, several micro-organisms have presented resistance to inorganic chlorine and still, there is a risk of forming potentially carcinogenic byproducts (trihalomethanes). This study aimed to evaluate alternative sanitizers in fruits artificially contaminated. The sanitizers used were sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) and ozone. To evaluate the effectiveness of sanitizers, the fruits (strawberry and Marolo) were artificially contaminated with strains of E. coli ATCC 25922 suspended in saline, with a turbidity corresponding to the tube 10 Scale Mac Farland, approximate concentration of 3.0 x10 bacteria/mL and posteriorly the fruits were separated into groups: control and treatment, and the time of contact of the fruit with the sanitizer was 20 minutes. The analyzes were performed according to Silva et al. (2010) and included the determination of Most Probable Number (MPN) of E. coli. The results were that among the sanitizing studied, that showed the greatest percentage of microbial reduction was NaDCC presenting microbial reductions averages 82.08% in the Marolo (01 log cycle) and 98.21% for the strawberry (02 log cycles).
Revista da Universidade Vale do Rio Verde | 2013
Tatiane Faria; Ramon Alves de Oliveira Paula; Jaqueline de Lima Germano; Josidel Conceição Oliver; Bianca Gonçalves Vasconcelos de Alcântara; Camilla Ribeiro Vieira; Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga
Food production is safe and necessary practice consumer rights, including in university cafeterias, space that serves a diverse customers. It is therefore of fundamental importance to evaluate the health of food, thus preventing waterborne diseases and food. This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of water and food offered in the cafeteria of a university in southern Minas Gerais. For water of human consumption, we analyzed the micro-organisms recommended by the 2914 Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, and all samples showed satisfactory results. For food, we analyzed the contamination indicators suggested by ANVISA (RDC 12/2001). There was the presence of yeasts and molds in samples of cheese bread and orange juice. In addition, we confirmed the presence of Salmonella ssp in esfiha meat and chicken drumstick. Thus, confirmatory analyzes were performed, and the continued positive Salmonella ssp. Moreover, the repeated analyzes, we found a significant presence of coagulase positive staphylococci in all foods. The results show satisfactory sanitary quality of some foods analyzed.
Revista da Universidade Vale do Rio Verde | 2013
Camilla Ribeiro Vieira; Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga; Tatiane Faria; Ramon Alves de Oliveira Paula; Josidel Conceição Oliver; Bianca Gonçalves Vasconcelos de Alcântara; Fernanda Reis Ribeiro; Raphaela Maria Fernandes Vala; Patrícia Lunardelli Negreiros de Carvalho; Luiz Carlos do Nascimento
Esta atividade objetiva multiplicar informacoes sobre higiene e boas praticas em servicos de alimentacao, em ambientes domestico e escolar e para a populacao em geral. Os temas abordados sao: higiene pessoal e saude do manipulador, manipulacao higienica dos alimentos (metodos corretos de preparo, conservacao, cozimento, reaquecimento, sanificacao e armazenamento de alimentos), higiene de superficies e do ambiente (limpeza adequada do ambiente de trabalho, dos equipamentos e utensilios) e doencas de origem alimentar. Ainda, realiza ensaios microbiologicos para agua e alimentos. Em 2012, desenvolveram-se atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensao, trabalhando diretamente com um publico de 2286 pessoas. Foram realizadas atividades educativas para manipuladores de alimentos, merendeiras, cantineiras, Agentes Comunitarios de Saude, criancas e jovens da rede publica municipal de ensino, usuarios de Unidades de PSF e populacao em geral, de Alfenas-MG. Ainda, foram realizados 84 ensaios microbiologicos no Laboratorio de Microbiologia de Alimentos da Unifal-MG, sendo 65 para avaliar a qualidade microbiologica de aguas, 17 para alimentos e 8 para ambiente (superficies e equipamentos). Apos as analises, confeccionaram-se os laudos e estes foram entregues aos interessados, com a adequada orientacao.
Revista da Universidade Vale do Rio Verde | 2013
Tatiane Faria; Ramon Alves de Oliveira Paula; Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga
Considering that children spend much of their day at school, is very important to evaluate the potability of drinking water because it is used for hydration, as well in all hygiene activities and food preparation. Furthermore, many schools do not perform proper maintenance and cleaning of their water reservoirs, which can cause contamination. In the case of educational institutions, the worry with diseases related to water and food (DVA) must be rigorous since should be assumed that children, especially the younger ones, are very susceptible to food intoxication. The contaminated water consumption can lead to the development of several diseases, including diarrhea, which causes general commitment of the child health, besides affecting its school development. This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of food establishment water supply of public schools in Alfenas MG. Microbiological analyzes were performed (Aerobic Mesophilic, Total Coliforms and Escherichia coli) and chemical (pH and chlorine), using reference values of legislation. 63 samples were analyzed, in which 14% were contaminated. The results also demonstrated the importance of monitoring water quality, and adopting preventive and corrective measures.
Hig. aliment | 2007
Dulcimara Aparecida Coelho; Paulo Márcio de Faria e Silva; Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga; João Evangelista Fiorini
Revista da Universidade Vale do Rio Verde | 2012
Lívia Freitas de Melo; Natália de Almeida Vilela; Patrícia Lunardelli Negreiros de Carvalho; Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga; Luiz Carlos do Nascimento
Hig. aliment | 2005
Luiz Carlos do Nascimento; Luiz Carlos de Oliveira Lima; Roberta Hilsdorf Picoli do Valle; Sandra Maria Oliveira Morais Veiga; João Evangelista Fiorini