Saniye Bilici
Gazi University
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics | 2011
Gamze Akbulut; Eda Köksal; Saniye Bilici; Nilüfer Acar Tek; Hilal Yildiran; Makbule Gezmen Karadağ; Nevin Sanlier
This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in Turkish elderly. All data were collected in a cross-sectional based survey on 266 elderly aged above 65 years living in capital city of Turkey, Ankara. MS was defined according to National Cholesterol Education Program: Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III) criteria. In the total sample of participants, the 61.7% (n=164) of the group has been diagnosed as MS. High blood pressure (BP) and waist circumference (WC) and low high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) were the criteria of MS with highest prevalence in both gender. In addition female participants have higher systolic blood pressure (93.4%) and WC (79.1%) and lower HDL-C (69.2%) than the men (74.4%, 31.1% and 52.2% respectively). Weight correlated significantly with triglyceride (TG) and MS (p<0.001). WC was the anthropometric variable which had the highest correlation with the MS (r=0.338, p<0.001). Our study indicates that MS is highly prevalent in the elderly people particularly among women. Our findings may be helpful in formulating public health policies and prevention strategies focus on elderly population.
Ecology of Food and Nutrition | 2016
Nevin Sanlier; Emine Yassibas; Saniye Bilici; Gulsah Sahin; Bülent Çelik
ABSTRACT Investigating eating disorders and orthorexia nervosa, especially in the young population, is an important step in taking protective precautions and identifying disease. This study was carried out to determine the relationship of eating disorders and orthorexia nervosa to gender, BMI, and field of study in a population of university students in Turkey. In all, 900 university students aged 17–23 years participated in this study. EAT-40 and ORTO-15, which are validated instruments for the screening of participants with anormal eating behaviors and orthorexia nervosa, respectively, were used. There was not a significant difference in EAT-40 scores according to gender and BMI classification. However, EAT-40 scores were high among the students in social science. The number of orthorectic participants among women is higher than that among men, and ORTO-15 scores were not associated with BMI classification and field of study. A significant negative correlation was found between EAT-40 and ORTO-15 scores.
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics | 2012
Makbule Gezmen-Karadag; Saniye Bilici; Nilüfer Acar-Tek; Hilal Yildiran; Gamze Akbulut; Eda Köksal; Nevin Sanlier
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between daily dietary mineral (Na, K, Ca and Mg) intake and BP in the elderly. This study was conducted on 390 elderly volunteers (≥ 65 years). Subjects were randomly selected from the general population of Ankara, Turkey. Anthropometric measurements, lipid profiles, and mean systolic and diastolic BP (SBP and DBP) of all the participants were measured. To determine the mineral intake of the participants, food consumption was measured with a 24-h dietary recall. The 49.3% of participants were found to be hypertensive, 25.1% to be pre-hypertensive and 25.6% were normotensive according to the JNC-7 Guidelines, except for daily Mg and Na intake, the energy, macronutrient and micronutrient intake of groups were not significantly different (p>0.05). A significant inverse correlation between daily Ca intake and SBP was found in the pre-hypertensive group when age and gender adjusted regression analyses were performed (B=-0.006, p<0.05). Na intake and Na/K ratio were directly associated with SBP in the hypertensive group. In conclusion, SBP was found to be most related to dietary Na and Ca intake, and Na-to-K ratio in the elderly population.
Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health | 2016
Saniye Bilici; Fatma Saglam; Yasemin Beyhan; Banugul Barut-Uyar; Derya Dikmen; Zeynep Goktas; A. James Attar; Patrick Mucka; M. Fatih Uyar
ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to assess the nutritional status, daily energy intake, and daily energy expenditure of coal miners in Turkey. A total of 135 healthy coal miners (aged 19–64 years) were evaluated. Heart rates were measured using Polar watches, and the total energy expenditure was calculated using physical activity level formula and Hiilloskorpi equation. The average body mass index of the participants was 25.7 ± 3.98 kg/m2, and the average energy intake was 3,973.7 ± 420.85 kcal. According to Dietary Reference Intakes, the energy and nutrient intakes of the miners were adequate, except for the intake of vitamin D. The coal miners were found to be at moderate (43.0%), heavy (41.5%), and very heavy (13.3%) activity levels. Calculations of the energy expenditure at work were found to be 2,189.8 ± 376.19 to 2,788.8 ± 359.89 kcal per day. Further studies have to be conducted for developing national standards for each occupation.
Public Health Nutrition | 2014
Gamze Akbulut; Mine Yildirim; Nevin Sanlier; Maartje M. van Stralen; Nilüfer Acar-Tek; Saniye Bilici; Johannes Brug; Judith Sb de Meij; Makbule Gezmen-Karadag; Eda Köksal; Anke Oenema; Amika S. Singh; Saskia J. te Velde; Hilal Yildiran; Mai J. M. Chinapaw
OBJECTIVE To explore the influences of migration to a Western country on obesity and related risk factors by comparing measures of body composition and energy balance-related behaviours between Turkish adolescents in Turkey (TR-TR) and adolescents from Turkish immigrant ethnicity in the Netherlands (TR-NL). DESIGN Cross-sectional survey or baseline intervention data from six Dutch school-based studies and one Turkish study. SETTING Primary and secondary schools. SUBJECTS A total of 915 (49 % girls; mean age 13·1 (sd 0·8) years) TR-TR adolescents and 433 (51 % girls; mean age 11·7 (sd 1·3) years) TR-NL adolescents were included. Outcome measures were self-reported sugar-containing beverage consumption, fruit and vegetable intake, screen time, physical activity, measured body height and weight, BMI, waist and hip circumferences, and skinfold thicknesses. RESULTS Our data showed that more TR-NL adolescents were overweight (31 % v. 26 %) and obese (9 % v. 6 %) and had significantly higher mean BMI (21·1 v. 20·0 kg/m2), waist circumference (72·2 v. 71·3 cm) and suprailiac skinfold thickness (19·8 v. 13·1 mm) than TR-TR adolescents. TR-NL adolescents reported significantly higher sugar-containing beverage consumption (1173 v. 115 ml/d), less fruit and vegetable intake (295 v. 647 g/d), less screen time (253 v. 467 min/d) and higher physical activity levels (61 v. 27 min/d) than TR-TR adolescents. CONCLUSIONS Immigrant adolescents in the Netherlands were more often overweight and had a less favourable dietary pattern than their peers in Turkey, while their physical activity and screen time patterns were more favourable. These results suggest that adolescents from Turkish immigrant ethnicity in the Netherlands have adopted lifestyles towards the host culture.
Journal of The American College of Nutrition | 2018
Saniye Bilici; Hande Mortas; Betül Kocaadam; Eda Köksal
ABSTRACT Objective: Low dietary quality is an important indicator of unhealthy eating patterns that can lead to some consequences such as obesity, so policy is a very powerful tool that can affect the consumption of both healthy and unhealthy foods. Indices that assess whether nutritional policies are applied contribute to the assessment of the quality of the populations diet. This study was conducted to investigate the quality of diets and beverages consumed by Turkish adults, and the factors affecting them. Method: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 352 adults aged between 18 and 58 years. The quality of diet and beverage was measured through the Healthy Eating Index-2010 (HEI) and Healthy Beverage Index (HBI), respectively, using 2-day (weekday and weekend) dietary recall data. Results: The total HBI scores were 79.1 ± 11.8 and 81.0 ± 11.6; total HEI-2010 scores were 45.9 ± 12.3 and 52.3 ± 11.0, of men and women, respectively (p < 0.05). The women had significantly higher scores than that of the men in the HEI-2010 subcomponent of empty calories (p > 0.05). Sugar-sweetened beverage (HBI subcomponent) was significantly correlated with the scores of HEI-2010 and empty calorie (HEI-2010 subcomponent), as expected (p < 0.01). The caloric beverages contributed ∼133.6 kcal/d to the total caloric intake. Conclusions: The mean contribution of beverages to total daily energy intake of participants was found to be at the suggestion level. This result is rewarding when the relationship of sugar-sweetened beverages scores with the scores of HEI and empty calories is considered.
British Food Journal | 2017
Saniye Bilici; Hande Mortas; Süleyman Köse; Semra Navruz Varli; Büşra Ayhan
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the hygiene of laminated menus. Design/methodology/approach The cleanliness of 41 laminated menus from first-class restaurant in Ankara, Turkey, was monitored according to the level of bioluminescence measured using a rapid hygiene monitor (Lumitester PD-20 and LuciPac Pen). Aerobic colonies, Escherichia coli, Enterobacteriaceae spp., and Staphylococcus aureus were enumerated. Findings Based on the adenosine triphosphate+adenosine monophosphate hygiene monitoring levels, analyses showed impurity in 82.9 percent of the samples. The aerobic colony count on the restaurant menus showed a mean 1.52 log cfu/cm2. The study results demonstrated a high-level impurity on the menus in first-class restaurants in Ankara. Originality/value This study is the first in Turkey to assess the microbiological load of menus. This paper adds relevant insights into the assessment of menu hygiene and highlights the high contamination of the restaurant menus. Useful information about including the restaurant menus in the daily cleaning protocol is provided.
Revista De Nutricao-brazilian Journal of Nutrition | 2016
Semra Navruz Varli; Saniye Bilici
Objetivo: Este estudo determinou o estado nutricional de enfermeiras em regime de trabalho por turnos em hospital universitario em Ancara, na Turquia. Metodos: Um total de 110 enfermeiras voluntarias (n=56 no grupo controle e n=54 no grupo de estudo) participaram do estudo. Os dados do estudo foram coletados com o auxilio de um questionario com um registro alimentar de tres dias. Resultados: A ingestao de energia diaria media do grupo de estudo foi maior que a mesma ingestao do grupo controle (1756±659 kcal versus 1694±431 kcal, p>0,05). Enquanto que as ingestoes de carboidratos (196,3±85,5 g versus 185,9±54,7 g) e lipideos (79,5±29,5 g versus 77,1±22,6 g) foram maiores no grupo de estudo, a ingestao de proteinas foi maior no grupo controle (59,4±17,6 g versus 57,6±21,6 g). A ingestao media de ferro foi estatisticamente maior no grupo controle (10,6±2,9 mg versus 10,0±4,0 mg, p<0,05). Conclusao: Para melhorar o desempenho e estado nutricional de enfermeiras que trabalham no turno da noite e importante disponibilizar unidades de alimentacao e nutricao saudaveis, acessiveis, e de qualidade.
African Journal of Biotechnology | 2011
Saniye Bilici; Gamze Akbulut; N Acar Tek; Hilal Yildiran; Eda Köksal; Makbule Gezmen Karadağ; Nevin Sanlier
To estimate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome using international dietetics federation (IDF) versus National cholesterol education program; adult treatment panel III (NCEP-ATPIII) definitions in Turkish adults. A cross-sectional study was conducted on a total of 1531 (male 758 and female 773) Turkish adults, aged between 20 to 64 years. Subjects were randomly selected from the general population of Ankara. The overall prevalence of MetS, as defined by NCEP-ATPIII and IDF was 48.2 and 56.4%, respectively. The agreement between National cholesterol education program (NCEP) and IDF definitions was substantial (kappa: 0.79). The prevalence was increased significantly according to increasing age in women, but was not different by age group in men. The prevalence of MetS in all age groups was higher in women. Hypertriglyceridemia and low High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) were the criteria of metabolic syndrome (MetS) with the highest prevalence. According to IDF criteria, the frequency of participants with high fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and Waist circumference (WC) was higher than the participants with adult treatment panel III (ATP III) criteria. The prevalence of the MetS was found to be very high, especially in women. The IDF definition resulted in a higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome than the NCEP-ATPIII in the entire Turkish population. The agreement between the IDF and NCEP definitions for metabolic syndrome was very good. Key words: Metabolic syndrome, NCEP-ATPIII, IDF, adult.
Nutrition Research and Practice | 2011
Nilüfer Acar Tek; Hilal Yildiran; Gamze Akbulut; Saniye Bilici; Eda Köksal; Makbule Gezmen Karadağ; Nevin Sanlier