Santino Orecchio
University of Palermo
Food and Chemical Toxicology | 2009
Santino Orecchio; Viviana Paradiso Ciotti; Loredana Culotta
Roasting is a crucial step for the production of coffee, as it enables the development of color, aroma, and flavor, which are essential for the characterization of the coffee quality. At the same time, roasting may lead to the formation of not desirable compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In this paper, we report a method for PAHs determination in coffee brew, based on saponification and liquid-liquid extraction with small volumes of hexane, with exclusion of further processes of purification since we analyze the extract by gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detectors in the single ion monitoring mode (SIM). The total concentration of the 28 compounds investigated, expressed as the sum of concentrations (SigmaPAH), in coffee brew varies from 0.52 to 1.8 microg/l. Carcinogenic PAHs, expressed as B[a]Peq ranged from 0.008 to 0.060 microg/l. The results indicate that coffee contributes with very insignificant quantities to the daily human intake of carcinogenic PAHs. The values of calculated isomeric ratios confirm that the PAHs identified in most of the coffee samples originate from high temperature processes.
Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2010
Santino Orecchio
Isola delle Femmine Natural Reserve is a very little isle about 15 km from the centre of Palermo, in front of a plant for the production of cement and about 600 m from coast. In the present research, profiles soil PAHs were obtained for 16 sites within the reserve and for 8 stations on the rural soil taken as reference. summation Sigma PAHs, in the soil of investigated area, ranged from 35 to 545 microg/kg. With the aim to find the origin of PAHs in the soil of Isola delle Femmine, we compare the distribution of single analytes in the investigated area with those of the reference rural area (Monte Raffo Rosso), with those of atmospheric urban particulate collected at Palermo along with reported of emissions of some cement plants. The islands investigated area showed a high amount of 4- and 5-rings PAHs, whereas 3-ring PAHs are present mainly in the emission of cement plants (from literature). The percentage of 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-rings PAHs determined in samples of Isola delle Femmine are similar to those of the reference rural soils and to those of urban atmospheric particulate. Cement plant activity has a negligible weight on the presence of PAHs in the soil of Isola delle Femmine.
Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2009
Santino Orecchio; Vera Papuzza
Concentrations, fingerprint and daily intake of 16 PAHs in 15 bread samples baked using wood as fuel are examined in this work. Analysis was performed by GC/MS after saponification of the samples and clean up of the extract. The total concentration of the 16 analytes varies from 6 to 230 microg/kg on dry weight (d.w.). The better extraction procedure was estimated by analyzing test-samples and using different extraction methods. Additionally, for every analyzed sample, the extraction yield has been determined by the use of surrogate standards. Extraction yields were never less than 77% and in most cases almost 100%. The profiles of PAHs (percentage) are similar for all the analyzed samples but are different from those reported when other types of fuels are taken in consideration. The daily intake of PAHs was found to range between 1.6 and 68 microg day(-1), while the intake of B[a]P ranges from 0.33 to 8.0 microg day(-1). These results are considerably lower than the slope factor for 14 of the 15 analyzed samples.
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds | 2004
Alba Giacalone; Antonio Gianguzza; Maria Rosaria Mannino; Santino Orecchio; Daniela Piazzese
The content of 21 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in 16 samples of sediments collected from Ganzirri and Faro marine coastal lagoons in Messina, Italy. Analysis was performed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode. The total concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (ΣPAHs) ranged from 74 to 5755 μg/kg of dry matrix. The resulting distributions and molecular ratios of specific compounds are discussed in terms of sampling location and origin of organic matter. The results obtained show that levels of contamination are not homogeneous throughout the stations, while the relative distributions of PAHs are homogeneous in most of the sampling stations. The organic matter content and PAH concentration were found to be correlated (r = 0.90). It is also shown that the pyrolytic origin is the main source of these compounds in Ganzirri and Faro Lakes sediments.
Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2010
Santino Orecchio
The Botanical Garden lies within the city of Palermo, a few meters away from one of the largest unused Manufacturing Gas Plant in Sicily. The total concentrations of PAHs (23 compounds) in the soil of Botanical Garden ranged from 947 to 18,072 microg/kg. The wide range of PAH concentrations (RSD=84%) found in the soil samples indicates heterogeneous levels of contamination in the area and this can be explained by considering the different tree distributions which prevents the homogeneous deposition of pollutants on the soil. Soils collected in the Botanical Garden generally showed the highest PAH concentrations, being almost 2-3 times higher than the concentration samples obtained in the urban reference sites and about 20 times higher than those in the rural stations. The total PAH concentrations, in the Botanical Garden soil, resulted higher than the maximum concentrations allowed by the Italian legislation for the green areas. Perylene, was found in all the stations. From a careful study of the isomeric ratios, we can hypothesize that the soils of the Botanical Garden are mainly affected by localized MGP particulate deposition, suggesting that the partitioning between organic matter and PAHs is not the dominant process in the soils with higher organic matter content.
Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2010
Santino Orecchio; Diana Amorello
A rapid accumulation of the catalytic active noble metals in the environmental and biological matrices was observed and concern arose about potential environmental and health risks. The development of reliable analytic methods to measure very low Pt and Rh concentrations is required. The main purpose of this work was to develop a reliable method for the determination of Pt and Rh in environmental matrices because of inherent difficulties in using conventional techniques used, in particular, the ICP-OES technique. A direct determination of Pt using ICP-MS, for instance, is problematic, due to interfering signals. In this work, differential pulse voltammetry (DPV/a) and adsorptive stripping voltammetry (AdSV) were used for the determination of Pt and Rh in Nerium oleander leaves. Pt and Rh concentrations were found in the ranges 0.33-25 and 0.40-4.6 microg/kg d.w., respectively. We carried out linear regression analysis between total PAH concentrations in leaves of oleander and of Quercus ilex measured in previous researches and the data obtained in this work. The high correlation coefficients were obtained; which demonstrates that oleander leaves can be used to establish the presence and the distribution of pollutants in a chosen area.
Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2010
Santino Orecchio; Salvatore Cannata; Loredana Culotta
The purpose of this study was to determine the variation of concentrations and distribution of PAHs in the sediments of the Gela coastal area (Italy) caused by the construction of an underwater pipeline connecting Libya to Sicilian coast. The receiving terminal of offshore pipeline, crossing the Mediterranean Sea, 516 Km long, up to 1127 meters deep, is located in Gela (Sicily, Italy). No bibliographic data regarding hydrocarbons are available for this area. In this paper we report the results of analysis on the water and organic along PAHs.The total concentrations of 16 PAHs in the sediments, analyzed during five surveys, ranged from 2.4 to 434 microg/kg of dry weight. The highest concentrations of total PAHs were found in sediments during the monitoring campaign immediately following the laying of the pipeline. A progressive decrease during the subsequent surveys was observed: The found concentrations was in the direction of restoring the initial situation. Highest levels of PAHs concentration have been often observed in sample stations endowed with highest organic matter content.
Environmental Research | 2008
Santino Orecchio; Antonio Gianguzza; Loredana Culotta
In the light of using biomaterial as pollutants sorbents for the environmental biomonitoring, we report here the results of the absorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by pine bark. Quantitative analysis of 19 different polycyclic aromatic compounds was performed, after Soxhlet extraction in dichloromethane, by means GC-MS technique. Pinus was chosen due to its wide distribution in the Mediterranean area. The passive absorption of PAH by pine bark in the metropolitan areas allowed us to evaluate the air quality of Palermo. The obtained results showed a very high range of PAHs concentrations, from 33 microg/kg (bark dry weight), as SigmaPAHs, at the control site to 1015 microg/kg along a road with high traffic flow.
Atmospheric Environment | 2001
Maria Carmela Lombardo; Rita M. Melati; Santino Orecchio
The influence of air pollution on the chemical composition of Pinus sp. needles was examined in polluted and control sites in and around the city of Palermo (Sicily). The chemical composition of needles indicated the extent of contamination of the trees, which were cytologically examined. Cell analysis was carried out on pine samples, including needles and pollens, from 15 different locations. Biostructural and spectrophotometric tests were performed. In particular, concentrations of toxic (Cd, Pb) and non-toxic metals (Fe,Cu, Zn) were determined, as well as injury caused by their accumulation in the needles. The more highly urbanised areas showed higher concentrations of metals (Pb, Cu. Zn, Fe); only the concentrations of Cd and Mn turned out to be constant in all the sites. Cell analysis revealed displasic cells and secondary metabolite accumulations in trees from polluted sites. These changes observed were most likely caused by the toxic effect of pollutants.
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds | 2005
Loredana Culotta; Antonio Gianguzza; Santino Orecchio
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) were determined in the leaves of Nerium oleander L. an evergreen plant that occurs widely in both urban and rural areas, to monitor the degree of pollution in the urban area of Palermo (Italy) compared to remote areas. Twenty sites (urban roadside, urban, urban park, suburban and rural) in and around Palermo city were investigated. The purpose of this research was to investigate concentration levels and distribution patterns and relate them to possible sources. Analysis of 19 PAH was performed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCMS) using selected ion monitoring (SIM). The total amount of PAH ranged from 10 to 166 μg/Kg d.w. Each source gives rise to a characteristic PAH pattern, and it is therefore possible to get access to the processes that generate the compounds. To this aim, the recommended as priority pollutants by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), perylene and three additional alkylated compounds were analyzed. Positive correlations were found between total PAH content of the leaves with CO, benzene and particulate levels measured in air of Palermo.