Sara J. Felts
Mayo Clinic
Journal of Immunology | 2008
Suresh Radhakrishnan; Rosalyn Cabrera; Erin Schenk; Pilar Nava-Parada; Michael P. Bell; Virginia Van Keulen; Ronald J. Marler; Sara J. Felts; Larry R. Pease
In the course of investigating suspicious patterns of experimental results in the laboratory, a systematic and in-depth study of key findings in this article was carried out using blinded protocols. In these repeat studies, no evidence was found to support our original conclusions that B7-DC XAb modulates dendritic cell functions. We do not believe our failure to reproduce our earlier findings is the result of a technical problem. A member of the B7-DC XAb investigative team, Dr. Suresh Radhakrishnan, who was involved in or had access to all the work on this subject, was found in a formal investigation to have engaged in scientific misconduct in unpublished experiments involving the B7-DC XAb reagent. This finding of misconduct and our inability to reproduce key findings using blinded protocols has undermined our confidence in our published reports. We seek, therefore, to retract this body of work.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2000
Arthur J. Weaver; William P. Sullivan; Sara J. Felts; Barbara A.L. Owen; David O. Toft
p23 is a co-chaperone for the heat shock protein, hsp90. This protein binds hsp90 and participates in the folding of a number of cell regulatory proteins, but its activities are still unclear. We have solved a crystal structure of human p23 lacking 35 residues at the COOH terminus. The structure reveals a disulfide-linked dimer with each subunit containing eight β-strands in a compact antiparallel β-sandwich fold. In solution, however, p23 is primarily monomeric and the dimer appears to be a minor component. Conserved residues are clustered on one face of the monomer and define a putative surface region and binding pocket for interaction(s) with hsp90 or protein substrates. p23 contains a COOH-terminal tail that is apparently less structured and is unresolved in the crystal structure. This tail is not needed for the binding of p23 to hsp90 or to complexes with the progesterone receptor. However, the tail is necessary for optimum active chaperoning of the progesterone receptor, as well as the passive chaperoning activity of p23 in assays measuring inhibition of heat-induced protein aggregation.
Cell Stress & Chaperones | 2003
Sara J. Felts; David O. Toft
Abstract p23 is a small but important cochaperone for the Hsp90 chaperoning pathway. It appears to facilitate the adenosine triphosphate–driven cycle of Hsp90 binding to client proteins. It enters at a late stage of the cycle and enhances the maturation of client proteins. Although this role of p23 is fairly well established, recent studies suggest that it may have additional functions in the cell that merit further exploration.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2006
Sonnet J. H. Arlander; Sara J. Felts; Jill M. Wagner; Bridget Stensgard; David O. Toft; Larry M. Karnitz
Checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1), a serine/threonine kinase that regulates DNA damage checkpoints, is destabilized when heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is inhibited, suggesting that Chk1 is an Hsp90 client. In the present work we examined the interplay between Chk1 and Hsp90 in intact cells, identified a source of unchaperoned Chk1, and report the in vitro chaperoning of Chk1 in reticulocyte lysates and with purified chaperones and co-chaperones. We find that bacterially expressed Chk1 is post-translationally chaperoned to an active kinase. This reaction minimally requires Hsp90, Hsp70, Hsp40, Cdc37, and the protein kinase CK2. The co-chaperone Hop, although not essential for the activation of Chk1 in vitro, enhanced the chaperoning process, whereas the co-chaperone p23 did not stimulate the chaperoning reaction. Additionally, we found that the C-terminal regulatory domain of Chk1 affects the association of Chk1 with Hsp90. Collectively these results provide new insights into Hsp90-dependent chaperoning of a client kinase and identify a novel, biochemically tractable model system that will be useful to further dissect the Hsp90-dependent chaperoning of this important and ubiquitous class of Hsp90 clients.
Journal of Biomolecular Screening | 2004
Joungnam Kim; Sara J. Felts; Laura Llauger; Huazhong He; Henri Huezo; Neal Rosen; Gabriela Chiosis
Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is a molecular chaperone with essential functions in maintaining transformation, and there is increasing interest in developing Hsp90 inhibitors as cancer therapeutics. In this study, the authors describe the development and optimization of a novel assay for the identification of Hsp90 inhibitors using fluorescence polarization. The assay is based on the competition of fluorescently (BODIPY) labeled geldanamycin (GM) for binding to purified recombinant Hsp90α (GM is a natural product that binds to the ATP/ADP pocket in the amino terminal of Hsp90). The authors show that GM-BODIPY binds Hsp90α with high affinity. Even at low Hsp90α concentrations (30 nM), the measured polarization value is close to the maximum assay range of 160 mP, making measurements very sensitive. Its performance, as judged by signal-to-noise ratios (> 10) and Z and Z′ values (> 0.5), suggests that this is a robust and reliable assay. GM, PU24FCl, ADP, and ATP, all known to bind to the Hsp90 pocket, compete with GM-BODIPY for binding to Hsp90α with EC50s in agreement with reported values. These data demonstrate that the Hsp90-FP-based assay can be used for high-throughput screening in aiding the identification of novel Hsp90 inhibitors.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2010
Ahmed Chadli; Sara J. Felts; Qin Wang; William P. Sullivan; Maria Victoria Botuyan; Abdul H. Fauq; Marina Ramirez-Alvarado; Georges Mer
Hsp90 is an ATP-dependent molecular chaperone. The best characterized inhibitors of Hsp90 target its ATP binding pocket, causing nonselective degradation of Hsp90 client proteins. Here, we show that the small molecule celastrol inhibits the Hsp90 chaperoning machinery by inactivating the co-chaperone p23, resulting in a more selective destabilization of steroid receptors compared with kinase clients. Our in vitro and in vivo results demonstrate that celastrol disrupts p23 function by altering its three-dimensional structure, leading to rapid formation of amyloid-like fibrils. This study reveals a unique inhibition mechanism of p23 by a small molecule that could be exploited in the dissection of protein fibrillization processes as well as in the therapeutics of steroid receptor-dependent diseases.
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2006
Ahmed Chadli; J.Dinny Graham; M. Greg Abel; Twila A. Jackson; David F. Gordon; William M. Wood; Sara J. Felts; Kathryn B. Horwitz; David O. Toft
ABSTRACT The hsp90 chaperoning pathway is a multiprotein system that is required for the production or activation of many cell regulatory proteins, including the progesterone receptor (PR). We report here the identity of GCUNC-45 as a novel modulator of PR chaperoning by hsp90. GCUNC-45, previously implicated in the activities of myosins, can interact in vivo and in vitro with both PR-A and PR-B and with hsp90. Overexpression and knockdown experiments show GCUNC-45 to be a positive factor in promoting PR function in the cell. GCUNC-45 binds to the ATP-binding domain of hsp90 to prevent the activation of its ATPase activity by the cochaperone Aha1. This effect limits PR chaperoning by hsp90, but this can be reversed by FKBP52, a cochaperone that is thought to act later in the pathway. These findings reveal a new cochaperone binding site near the N terminus of hsp90, add insight on the role of FKBP52, and identify GCUNC-45 as a novel regulator of the PR signaling pathway.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2000
Brian D. Johnson; Ahmed Chadli; Sara J. Felts; Ilhem Bouhouche; Maria G. Catelli; David O. Toft
Hsp90 is an abundant and ubiquitous protein involved in a diverse array of cellular processes. Mechanistically we understand little of the apparently complex interactions of this molecular chaperone. Recently, progress has been made in assigning some of the known functions of hsp90, such as nucleotide binding and peptide binding, to particular domains within the protein. We used fragments of hsp90 and chimeric proteins containing functional domains from hsp90 or its mitochondrial homolog, TRAP1, to study the requirements for this protein in the folding of firefly luciferase as well as in the prevention of citrate synthase aggregation. In agreement with others who have found peptide binding and limited chaperone ability in fragments of hsp90, we see that multiple fragments from hsp90 can prevent the aggregation of thermally denatured citrate synthase, a measure of passive chaperoning activity. However, in contrast to these results, the luciferase folding assay was found to be much more demanding. Here, folding is mediated by hsp70 and hsp40, requires ATP, and thus is a measure of active chaperoning. Hsp90 and the co-chaperone, Hop, enhance this process. This hsp90 activity was only observed using full-length hsp90 indicating that the cooperation of multiple functional domains is essential for active, chaperone-mediated folding.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2008
Ahmed Chadli; Sara J. Felts; David O. Toft
Hsp90 is an essential molecular chaperone required for the normal functioning of many key regulatory proteins in eukaryotic cells. Vertebrates have two closely related isoforms of cytosolic Hsp90 (Hsp90α and Hsp90β). However, specific functions for each isoform are largely unknown, and no Hsp90 co-chaperone has been reported to distinguish between the two isoforms. In this study, we show that the Hsp90 co-chaperone GCUNC45 bound preferentially to the β isoform of Hsp90 in vitro. GCUNC45 efficiently blocked the progression of progesterone receptor chaperoning in an in vitro functional system when Hsp90β was used, but did so with much less efficacy when Hsp90α was used. Knockdown experiments in HeLa cells showed that GCUNC45 is required for the normal cellular distribution of Hsp90β, but not Hsp90α. This is the first example of a co-chaperone with isoform selectivity, and this approach may open novel avenues to understanding the functional differences between Hsp90 isoforms.
Journal of Biomolecular Screening | 2007
Yuhong Du; Kamalika Moulick; Anna Rodina; Julia Aguirre; Sara J. Felts; Raymond Dingledine; Haian Fu; Gabriela Chiosis
Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is a molecular chaperone that has emerged as an important target in cancer and several other diseases, such as neurodegenerative diseases, nerve injuries, inflammation, and infection. Discovery of novel agents that inhibit Hsp90 and have druglike properties is therefore a major focus in several academic and industrial laboratories. In this study, the authors describe the development and optimization in a 384-well format of a novel assay for the identification of Hsp90 inhibitors using fluorescence polarization, which measures competitive binding of red-shifted fluorescently labeled geldanamycin (GM-cy3B) to Hsp90 found in the NCI-N417 small-cell lung carcinoma cells. The authors demonstrate that GMcy3B binds with high affinity and specificity to cellular Hsp90. The assay results in excellent signal-to-noise ratios (>10) and Z′ values (>0.75) at tracer concentrations greater than 4 nM and 1 µg/well of total NCI-N417 protein, indicating a robust assay. It also equilibrates after 5 h of incubation at room temperature and remains stable for up to 24 h. Furthermore, it is a simple mix-and-read format that is cost-effective and uses only low amounts of fluorophore and cell lysates. A study using more than 15,000 compounds from the National Institutes of Health Molecular Libraries Screening Center Network was performed to validate its performance in a high-throughput screening format. (Journal of Biomolecular Screening 2007:915-924)