
Featured researches published by Sarah B. Emery.

Nature | 2015

An integrated map of structural variation in 2,504 human genomes

Peter H. Sudmant; Tobias Rausch; Eugene J. Gardner; Robert E. Handsaker; Alexej Abyzov; John Huddleston; Zhang Y; Kai Ye; Goo Jun; Markus His Yang Fritz; Miriam K. Konkel; Ankit Malhotra; Adrian M. Stütz; Xinghua Shi; Francesco Paolo Casale; Jieming Chen; Fereydoun Hormozdiari; Gargi Dayama; Ken Chen; Maika Malig; Mark Chaisson; Klaudia Walter; Sascha Meiers; Seva Kashin; Erik Garrison; Adam Auton; Hugo Y. K. Lam; Xinmeng Jasmine Mu; Can Alkan; Danny Antaki

Structural variants are implicated in numerous diseases and make up the majority of varying nucleotides among human genomes. Here we describe an integrated set of eight structural variant classes comprising both balanced and unbalanced variants, which we constructed using short-read DNA sequencing data and statistically phased onto haplotype blocks in 26 human populations. Analysing this set, we identify numerous gene-intersecting structural variants exhibiting population stratification and describe naturally occurring homozygous gene knockouts that suggest the dispensability of a variety of human genes. We demonstrate that structural variants are enriched on haplotypes identified by genome-wide association studies and exhibit enrichment for expression quantitative trait loci. Additionally, we uncover appreciable levels of structural variant complexity at different scales, including genic loci subject to clusters of repeated rearrangement and complex structural variants with multiple breakpoints likely to have formed through individual mutational events. Our catalogue will enhance future studies into structural variant demography, functional impact and disease association.

American Journal of Human Genetics | 2008

Impairment of SLC17A8 Encoding Vesicular Glutamate Transporter-3, VGLUT3, Underlies Nonsyndromic Deafness DFNA25 and Inner Hair Cell Dysfunction in Null Mice

Jérôme Ruel; Sarah B. Emery; Régis Nouvian; Tiphaine Bersot; Bénédicte Amilhon; Jana M. Van Rybroek; Guy Rebillard; Marc Lenoir; Michel Eybalin; Benjamin Delprat; Theru A. Sivakumaran; Bruno Giros; Salah El Mestikawy; Tobias Moser; Richard J.H. Smith; Marci M. Lesperance; Jean Luc Puel

Autosomal-dominant sensorineural hearing loss is genetically heterogeneous, with a phenotype closely resembling presbycusis, the most common sensory defect associated with aging in humans. We have identified SLC17A8, which encodes the vesicular glutamate transporter-3 (VGLUT3), as the gene responsible for DFNA25, an autosomal-dominant form of progressive, high-frequency nonsyndromic deafness. In two unrelated families, a heterozygous missense mutation, c.632C-->T (p.A211V), was found to segregate with DFNA25 deafness and was not present in 267 controls. Linkage-disequilibrium analysis suggested that the families have a distant common ancestor. The A211 residue is conserved in VGLUT3 across species and in all human VGLUT subtypes (VGLUT1-3), suggesting an important functional role. In the cochlea, VGLUT3 accumulates glutamate in the synaptic vesicles of the sensory inner hair cells (IHCs) before releasing it onto receptors of auditory-nerve terminals. Null mice with a targeted deletion of Slc17a8 exon 2 lacked auditory-nerve responses to acoustic stimuli, although auditory brainstem responses could be elicited by electrical stimuli, and robust otoacoustic emissions were recorded. Ca(2+)-triggered synaptic-vesicle turnover was normal in IHCs of Slc17a8 null mice when probed by membrane capacitance measurements at 2 weeks of age. Later, the number of afferent synapses, spiral ganglion neurons, and lateral efferent endings below sensory IHCs declined. Ribbon synapses remaining by 3 months of age had a normal ultrastructural appearance. We conclude that deafness in Slc17a8-deficient mice is due to a specific defect of vesicular glutamate uptake and release and that VGLUT3 is essential for auditory coding at the IHC synapse.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2010

Increased activity of Diaphanous homolog 3 (DIAPH3)/diaphanous causes hearing defects in humans with auditory neuropathy and in Drosophila

Cynthia J. Schoen; Sarah B. Emery; Marc C. Thorne; Hima R. Ammana; Elzbieta Sliwerska; Jameson Arnett; Michael Hortsch; Frances Hannan; Margit Burmeister; Marci M. Lesperance

Auditory neuropathy is a rare form of deafness characterized by an absent or abnormal auditory brainstem response with preservation of outer hair cell function. We have identified Diaphanous homolog 3 (DIAPH3) as the gene responsible for autosomal dominant nonsyndromic auditory neuropathy (AUNA1), which we previously mapped to chromosome 13q21-q24. Genotyping of additional family members narrowed the interval to an 11-Mb, 3.28-cM gene-poor region containing only four genes, including DIAPH3. DNA sequencing of DIAPH3 revealed a c.-172G > A, g. 48G > A mutation in a highly conserved region of the 5′ UTR. The c.-172G > A mutation occurs within a GC box sequence element and was not found in 379 controls. Using genome-wide expression arrays and quantitative RT-PCR, we demonstrate a 2- to 3-fold overexpression of DIAPH3 mRNA in lymphoblastoid cell lines from affected individuals. Likewise, a significant increase (≈1.5-fold) in DIAPH3 protein was found by quantitative immunoblotting of lysates from lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from affected individuals in comparison with controls. In addition, the c.-172G > A mutation is sufficient to drive overexpression of a luciferase reporter. Finally, the expression of a constitutively active form of diaphanous protein in the auditory organ of Drosophila melanogaster recapitulates the phenotype of impaired response to sound. To date, only two genes, the otoferlin gene OTOF and the pejvakin gene PJVK, are known to underlie nonsyndromic auditory neuropathy. Genetic testing for DIAPH3 may be useful for individuals with recessive as well as dominant inheritance of nonsyndromic auditory neuropathy.

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A | 2011

Identification of p.A684V Missense Mutation in the WFS1 Gene as a Frequent Cause of Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy and Hearing Impairment

Nanna Dahl Rendtorff; Marianne Lodahl; Houda Boulahbel; Ida R. Johansen; Arti Pandya; Katherine O. Welch; Virginia W. Norris; Kathleen S. Arnos; Maria Bitner-Glindzicz; Sarah B. Emery; Marilyn B. Mets; Toril Fagerheim; Kristina Eriksson; Lars Kai Hansen; Helene Bruhn; Claes Möller; Sture Lindholm; Stefan Ensgaard; Marci M. Lesperance; Lisbeth Tranebjærg

Optic atrophy (OA) and sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) are key abnormalities in several syndromes, including the recessively inherited Wolfram syndrome, caused by mutations in WFS1. In contrast, the association of autosomal dominant OA and SNHL without other phenotypic abnormalities is rare, and almost exclusively attributed to mutations in the Optic Atrophy‐1 gene (OPA1), most commonly the p.R445H mutation. We present eight probands and their families from the US, Sweden, and UK with OA and SNHL, whom we analyzed for mutations in OPA1 and WFS1. Among these families, we found three heterozygous missense mutations in WFS1 segregating with OA and SNHL: p.A684V (six families), and two novel mutations, p.G780S and p.D797Y, all involving evolutionarily conserved amino acids and absent from 298 control chromosomes. Importantly, none of these families harbored the OPA1 p.R445H mutation. No mitochondrial DNA deletions were detected in muscle from one p.A684V patient analyzed. Finally, wolframin p.A684V mutant ectopically expressed in HEK cells showed reduced protein levels compared to wild‐type wolframin, strongly indicating that the mutation is disease‐causing. Our data support OA and SNHL as a phenotype caused by dominant mutations in WFS1 in these additional eight families. Importantly, our data provide the first evidence that a single, recurrent mutation in WFS1, p.A684V, may be a common cause of ADOA and SNHL, similar to the role played by the p.R445H mutation in OPA1. Our findings suggest that patients who are heterozygous for WFS1 missense mutations should be carefully clinically examined for OA and other manifestations of Wolfram syndrome.

Nucleic Acids Research | 2014

The genomic landscape of polymorphic human nuclear mitochondrial insertions

Gargi Dayama; Sarah B. Emery; Jeffrey M. Kidd; Ryan E. Mills

The transfer of mitochondrial genetic material into the nuclear genomes of eukaryotes is a well-established phenomenon that has been previously limited to the study of static reference genomes. The recent advancement of high throughput sequencing has enabled an expanded exploration into the diversity of polymorphic nuclear mitochondrial insertions (NumtS) within human populations. We have developed an approach to discover and genotype novel Numt insertions using whole genome, paired-end sequencing data. We have applied this method to a thousand individuals in 20 populations from the 1000 Genomes Project and other datasets and identified 141 new sites of Numt insertions, extending our current knowledge of existing NumtS by almost 20%. We find that recent Numt insertions are derived from throughout the mitochondrial genome, including the D-loop, and have integration biases that differ in some respects from previous studies on older, fixed NumtS in the reference genome. We determined the complete inserted sequence for a subset of these events and have identified a number of nearly full-length mitochondrial genome insertions into nuclear chromosomes. We further define their age and origin of insertion and present an analysis of their potential impact to ongoing studies of mitochondrial heteroplasmy and disease.

Archives of Otolaryngology-head & Neck Surgery | 2011

Autosomal Dominant Progressive Sensorineural Hearing Loss Due to a Novel Mutation in the KCNQ4 Gene

Jameson Arnett; Sarah B. Emery; Theresa B. Kim; Angelique Boerst; Kwanghyuk Lee; Suzanne M. Leal; Marci M. Lesperance

OBJECTIVE To identify the genetic etiology in a family with autosomal dominant progressive sensorineural hearing loss. DESIGN Prospective molecular genetic research study. SETTING Academic genetic research laboratory. PARTICIPANTS Seventeen members of a family with dominant progressive nonsyndromic sensorineural hearing loss: 9 affected, 6 unaffected, and 2 spouses. INTERVENTIONS Clinical data from questionnaires, interviews, serial audiograms, and medical records; genetic data from genome-wide linkage analysis and candidate gene mutation analysis. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Symptoms, age at onset, serial audiometric data, and the presence or absence of a deafness-associated mutation. RESULTS Affected individuals in this family presented with autosomal dominant nonsyndromic high-frequency progressive sensorineural hearing loss, with age at onset ranging from 1 to 21 years. Genome-wide linkage analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms yielded evidence of linkage to an 18.9-Mb region on chromosome 1p34-p36, with a multipoint logarithm of odds score of 3.6. This interval contains a known deafness gene, KCNQ4, which underlies DNFA2 deafness. Sequencing of the 14 coding exons and intron-exon junctions of KCNQ4 revealed a novel heterozygous missense mutation, c.859G>C, p.Gly287Arg. The mutation disrupts the highly conserved GYG motif (glycine-tyrosine-glycine) of the phosphate-binding loop, hypothesized to be critical in maintaining pore structure and function. All 274 controls were negative for the mutation. CONCLUSIONS Autosomal dominant high-frequency hearing loss is genetically heterogeneous, and linkage analysis is an efficient means of identifying the etiology in larger families. Deafness in this family is caused by a novel mutation in KCNQ4.

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters | 2013

Design considerations for PAMAM dendrimer therapeutics.

Sascha N. Goonewardena; Jeremy D. Kratz; Hong Zong; Ankur Desai; Shengzhuang Tang; Sarah B. Emery; James R. Baker; Baohua Huang

We have previously shown that methotrexate (MTX) conjugated to a cancer-specific poly amido amine (PAMAM) dendrimer has a higher therapeutic index than MTX alone. Unfortunately, these therapeutics have been difficult to advance because of the complicated syntheses and an incomplete understanding of the dendrimer properties. We wished to address these obstacles by using copper-free click chemistry to functionalize the dendrimer scaffolds and to exploring the effects of two dendrimer properties (the targeting ligand and drug linkage) on cytotoxicity. We conjugated either ester or amide-linker modified MTX to dendrimer scaffolds with or without folic acid (FA). Because of multivalency, the FA and MTX functionalized dendrimers had similar capacities to target the folate receptor on cancer cells. Additionally, we found that the ester- and amide-linker modified MTX compounds had similar cytotoxicity but the dendrimer-ester MTX conjugates were much more cytotoxic than the dendrimer-amide MTX conjugates. These results clarify the impact of these properties on therapeutic efficacy and will allow us to design more effective polymer therapeutics.

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A | 2009

Pure Monosomy and Pure Trisomy of 13q21.2-31.1 Consequent to a Familial Insertional Translocation : Exclusion of PCDH9 as the Responsible Gene for Autosomal Dominant Auditory Neuropathy (AUNA1)

Francesca Romana Grati; Marci M. Lesperance; Simona De Toffol; Sara Chinetti; Angelo Selicorni; Sarah B. Emery; Beatrice Grimi; Francesca Dulcetti; Barbara Malvestiti; Joseph Taylor; Silvia Milani; Anna Maria Ruggeri; Federico Maggi; Giuseppe Simoni

Insertional translocations (IT) are rare structural rearrangements. Offspring of IT balanced carriers are at high risk to have either pure partial trisomy or monosomy for the inserted segment as manifested by “pure” phenotypes. We describe an IT between chromosomes 3 and 13 segregating in a three‐generation pedigree. Short tandem repeat (STR) segregation analysis and array‐comparative genomic hybridization were used to define the IT as a 25.1 Mb segment spanning 13q21.2–q31.1. The phenotype of pure monosomy included deafness, duodenal stenosis, developmental and growth delay, vertebral anomalies, and facial dysmorphisms; the trisomy was manifested by only minor dysmorphisms. As the AUNA1 deafness locus on 13q14‐21 overlaps the IT in the PCDH9 (protocadherin‐9) gene region, PCDH9 was investigated as a candidate gene for deafness in both families. Genotyping of STRs and single nucleotide polymorphisms defined the AUNA1 breakpoint as 35 kb 5′ to PCDH9, with a 2.4 Mb area of overlap with the IT. DNA sequencing of coding regions in the AUNA1 family and in the retained homologue chromosome in the monosomic patient revealed no mutations. We conclude that AUNA1 deafness does not share a common etiology with deafness associated with monosomy 13q21.2–q31.3; deafness may result from monosomy of PCHD9 or another gene in the IT, as has been demonstrated in contiguous gene deletion syndromes. Precise characterization of the breakpoints of the translocated region is useful to identify which genes may be contributing to the phenotype, either through haploinsufficiency or extra dosage effects, in order to define genotype–phenotype correlations.

Genome Biology | 2016

Resolving complex structural genomic rearrangements using a randomized approach

Xuefang Zhao; Sarah B. Emery; Bridget Myers; Jeffrey M. Kidd; Ryan E. Mills

Complex chromosomal rearrangements are structural genomic alterations involving multiple instances of deletions, duplications, inversions, or translocations that co-occur either on the same chromosome or represent different overlapping events on homologous chromosomes. We present SVelter, an algorithm that identifies regions of the genome suspected to harbor a complex event and then resolves the structure by iteratively rearranging the local genome structure, in a randomized fashion, with each structure scored against characteristics of the observed sequencing data. SVelter is able to accurately reconstruct complex chromosomal rearrangements when compared to well-characterized genomes that have been deeply sequenced with both short and long reads.

Genetics | 2017

Modeling Human Population Separation History Using Physically Phased Genomes

Shiya Song; Elzbieta Sliwerska; Sarah B. Emery; Jeffrey M. Kidd

Phased haplotype sequences are a key component in many population genetic analyses since variation in haplotypes reflects the action of recombination, selection, and changes in population size. In humans, haplotypes are typically estimated from unphased sequence or genotyping data using statistical models applied to large reference panels. To assess the importance of correct haplotype phase on population history inference, we performed fosmid pool sequencing and resolved phased haplotypes of five individuals from diverse African populations (including Yoruba, Esan, Gambia, Maasai, and Mende). We physically phased 98% of heterozygous SNPs into haplotype-resolved blocks, obtaining a block N50 of 1 Mbp. We combined these data with additional phased genomes from San, Mbuti, Gujarati, and Centre de’Etude du Polymorphism Humain European populations and analyzed population size and separation history using the pairwise sequentially Markovian coalescent and multiple sequentially Markovian coalescent models. We find that statistically phased haplotypes yield a more recent split-time estimation compared with experimentally phased haplotypes. To better interpret patterns of cross-population coalescence, we implemented an approximate Bayesian computation approach to estimate population split times and migration rates by fitting the distribution of coalescent times inferred between two haplotypes, one from each population, to a standard isolation-with-migration model. We inferred that the separation between hunter-gatherer populations and other populations happened ∼120–140 KYA, with gene flow continuing until 30–40 KYA; separation between west-African and out-of-African populations happened ∼70–80 KYA; while the separation between Maasai and out-of-African populations happened ∼50 KYA.

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