Satoshi Baba
Hamamatsu University
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Featured researches published by Satoshi Baba.
World Journal of Surgery | 2002
Shohachi Suzuki; Takanori Sakaguchi; Yoshihiro Yokoi; Kazuya Okamoto; Kiyotaka Kurachi; Yasuo Tsuchiya; Takuya Okumura; Hiroyuki Konno; Satoshi Baba; Satoshi Nakamura
The clinicopathological characteristics relevant to prognosis after surgical treatment of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) remain unclear. In this study, the clinicopathological features of 19 patients with mass-forming ICC, the most common form of the disease, were reviewed to analyze prognostic determinants. Two or more segmentectomies of the liver with systematic lymphadenectomy were performed in 18 patients. Resection of the extrahepatic bile duct was performed in 14 patients, and reconstruction of the portal vein was accomplished in 5 patients. Stage IVA or IVB tumors were seen in 13 patients, and lymph node (LN) metastasis was present in 14 patients. The estimated 5-year survival rate after surgery for mass-forming ICC was 28%, with median survival time of 18 months. In univariate analysis, five variables were determined to be significantly correlated with poor survival of patients with mass-forming ICC after surgery. These variables include mass-forming ICC with periductal infiltration, perineural invasion, portal vein invasion, presence of intrahepatic metastasis, and two or more LN metastases. Survival rates of 5 patients without LN metastasis and 6 patients with a single LN metastasis were 80% and 33% at 5 years, respectively, while 8 patients with two or more LN metastasis failed to survive beyond 2 years. Multivariate analysis revealed the presence of intrahepatic metastasis to be an independent prognostic factor of poor survival. Hepatectomy with resection of the extrahepatic bile duct and systematic lymphadenectomy yields a good chance for prolonged survival for patients with mass-forming ICC when the lesion is singular and LN metastasis is limited to a regional LN. Because the presence of intrahepatic metastasis was closely related to a poor prognosis in patients with mass-forming ICC, efficacious chemotherapy would be needed to control development of the lesion.RésuméLes caractéristiques clinicopathologiques influençant le pronostic après traitement des cholangiocarcinomes intra-hépatiq.ues (CIH) ne sont pas claires. Dans cette étude, les caractéristiques clinicopathologiques chez 19 patients porteurs de CIH à forme tumorale, la forme la plus fréquente, ont été analysés à des fins pronostiques. On a réalisé une segmentectomie de deux segments ou plus avec lymphadénectomie systématique chez 18 patients, une résection des voies biliaires extra-hépatiques chez 14 et une reconstruction de la veine porte chez 5 patients. Treize patients avaient une tumeur stade IVA ou IVB; 14 avaient des métastases ganglionnaires. La survie à 5 ans après chirurgie pour CIH à forme tumorale a été de 28%; la médiane de survie a été de 18 mois. En analyse univariée, on a trouvé cinq variables significativement associées à une survie médiocre chez les patients opérés de CIH à forme tumorale. Ces variables sont un CIH avec infiltration péricanulaire, un envahissement perineural, un envahissement portai, la présence de métastases hépatiques, et des métastases de deux ganglions ou plus. La survie de cinq patients sans métastase ganglionnaire et de six patients avec une seule métastase ganglionnaire ont été, respectivement, de 80% et de 33% à 5 ans, alors qu’aucun des huit patients avec deux métastases ganglionnaires ou plus n’a survécu au-delà de deux ans. En analyse multivariée, la présence de métastases intrahépatiques était un facteur indépendant de mauvais pronostic. Une hépatectomie avec résection des voies biliaires extra-hépatiques associée à un curage lymphatique systématique améliore les chances de survie prolongée en cas de CIH à forme tumorale lorsque la lésion est unique et les métastases ganglionnaires sont limitées à un seul ganglion lymphatique régional. Puisque la présence de métastases intrahépatiques est étroitement en rapport avec un mauvais pronostic chez les patients porteurs de CIH à forme tumorale, une chimiothérapie efficace est nécessaire pour contrôler l’évolution.ResumenTras el tratamiento quirúrgico, las características clínicopatológicas pronósticas más importantes para los pacientes con colangiocarcinomas intrahepáticos (ICC) son poco conocidas. En este estudio se revisan las características clínicopatológicas más frecuentes en 19 pacientes con grandes tumores ICC, con objeto de determinar los factores pronósticos más importantes. 18 casos fueron tratados mediante dos o más segmentectomías hepáticas y linfadenectomía sistemática. En 14 pacientes se procedió a la resección y subsiguiente reconstrucción de la vía biliar extrahepática y en 5 de la vena porta. 13 pacientes pertenecían al estadio IV A o IV B y adenopatias metastásicas (LN) se registraron en 14 enfermos. Tras el acto quirúrgico el porcentaje medio estimado de supervivencia a los 5 años fue del 28%, con un tiempo de supervivencia de 18 meses. En pacientes con ICC que cursan con una tumoración macroscópicamente visible y palpable, el análisis univariante detectó 5 variables significativas por lo que a la escasa supervivencia se refiere: tumoración ICC con infiltración periductal, invasión perineural o de la vena porta, existencia de metástasis intrahepáticas y 2 o más adenopatías (LN) metastásicas. La supervivencia a los 5 años de 5 pacientes sin metástasis ganglionares (LN) y con una sola adenopatía metastásica fue del 80% y 33%, mientras que 8 pacientes con dos o más adenopatias metastásicas (LN) no sobrevivieron más de 2 años. El análisis multivariante demostró que las metástasis intrahepáticas constituyen un factor pronóstico independiente, de escasa supervivencia. La hepatectomía con resección de la vía biliar extrahepática asociada a una sistemática linfadenectomia puede, con suerte, prolongar la supervivencia de pacientes con tumores ICC palpables, cuando la tumoración es única y las adenopatias metastásicas son exclusivamente regionales. Dado que la presencia de metástasis intrahepáticas es signo de mal pronóstico, se precisa una eficaz quimioterapia para controlar el desarrollo de este tumor.
Laboratory Investigation | 2000
Isao Kosugi; Yuichiro Shinmura; Hideya Kawasaki; Yoshifumi Arai; Ren-Yong Li; Satoshi Baba; Yoshihiro Tsutsui
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most frequent infectious cause of developmental disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) in humans. Infection of the CNS stem cells seems to be primarily responsible for the generation of the brain abnormalities. In this study, we evaluated the infectivity of murine CMV (MCMV) in epidermal growth factor (EGF)-responsive CNS stem cells prepared from fetal mouse brains, and studied the effect of infection on growth and differentiation of the stem cells. The CNS stem cells were permissive for MCMV infection, although MCMV replication was slower than in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. MCMV infection inhibited the growth and DNA replication of the stem cells. A clonogenic assay revealed that MCMV infection suppressed generation of colonies from single stem cells. When uninfected stem cells were induced to differentiate, a decrease in expression of the primitive neuroepidermal marker nestin was observed by immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry, whereas expression of neurofilament and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were induced. In virus-infected CNS stem cells, nestin expression was retained, whereas the expression of neurofilament was more severely inhibited than that of GFAP in these cells. Two-color flow cytometry showed that differentiated glial precursor cells were preferentially susceptible to MCMV infection. MCMV-infected and uninfected CNS stem cells were transplanted into the neonatal rat brains. The reduced number of infected stem cells were engulfed into the subventricular zone and expressed GFAP, but did not migrate further, in contrast to the uninfected stem cells. These results suggest that suppression of the growth of the CNS stem cells and inhibition of the neuronal differentiation by CMV infection may be primary causes of disorders of brain development in congenital CMV infection.
World Journal of Surgery | 2004
Shohachi Suzuki; Yoshihiro Yokoi; Kiyotaka Kurachi; Keisuke Inaba; Shigeyasu Ota; Masaki Azuma; Hiroyuki Konno; Satoshi Baba; Satoshi Nakamura
This retrospective study was designed to appraise the surgical procedures for pT2 gallbladder (GB) carcinomas. Twenty patients with pT2 GB carcinomas underwent surgical resection. Hepatectomy of segments 4b and 5 was performed in 19 patients, and an extended right hepatic lobectomy was performed in 1. The extrahepatic bile duct was preserved in 8 patients in whom the disease was limited to the GB fundus and/or body. Regional lymphadenectomy was performed in 18 patients. A separate radical second operation was performed in 8 patients after cholecystectomy. Final pathological staging was stage IB in 15 patients, IIB in 4, and IV in 1. Overall 5-year survival rate in those 20 patients was 77% without operative deaths. The 5-year survival rate in 5 patients with nodal metastasis and in 8 patients without extrahepatic biliary resection was 80% and 100%, respectively. A separate radical second operation in 8 patients yielded 75% survival after 5 years. Perineural invasion as a prognostic determinant was closely associated with tumor extending to the neck or the cystic duct. Partial hepatectomy, usually with extrahepatic biliary resection and regional lymphadenectomy, was appropriate as a standard radical operation for pT2 GB carcinoma, but preservation of extrahepatic bile duct is advocated for disease limited to the GB fundus and/or body. Radical second operation enhanced the chance for cure in patients with pT2 GB carcinoma.RésuméCette étude rétrospective évalue les procédés chirurgicaux dans le traitement des cancers de la vésicule biliaire pT2. Vingt patients porteurs de tumeur de la vésicule biliaire pT2 ont eu une résection chirurgicale. L’hépatectomie des segments 4b et 5 a été réalisée chez 19 patients et une lobectomie droite étendue chez un. La voie biliaire extrahépatique a pu être préservée chez huit patients lorsque la maladie était limitée au fundus et/ ou au corps de la vésicule. Une lymphadénectomie régionale a été réalisée chez 18 patients. Une intervention radicale a été réalisée chez huit patients à distance de leur cholécystectomie initiale. Le staging anatomopathologique final a été stade « IB » chez 15 patients, stade « I1B » chez quatre, et stade « IV » chez un. Le taux de survie globale à 5 ans chez les 20 patients a été de 77%, sans aucune mortalité opératoire. Les taux de survie à 5 ans chez les cinq patients porteurs de métastases ganglionnaires et chez les huit patients sans résection extrahépatique, ont été, respectivement, de 80% et de 100%. En cas de deuxième intervention radicale, à distance, chez huit patients s’est soldée par une survie à 5 ans de 75%. L’envahissement périneural a été le facteur pronostique déterminant pour les tumeurs s’étendant au col vésiculaire et au canal cystique. L’hépatectomie partielle avec résection extrahépatique et une lymphadénectomie régionale ont été considérées comme l’intervention standard radicale en cas de tumeur pT2 mais la préservation de la voie biliaire extra-hépatique est conseillée en cas de cancer limité au fundus et/ou corps. L’intervention à distance radicale augmente les chances de cure chez le patient porteur de cancer pT2 de la vésicule biliaire.ResumenSe efectúa un estudio retrospectivo para averiguar el tratamiento quirúrgico realizado en carcinomas pT2 de vesícula biliar (GB). 20 pacientes con carcinomas pT2 de vesícula biliar (GB) fueron tratados quirúrgicamente. En 19 pacientes se efectuaron hepatectomías de los segmentos 4b y 5 y en 1 una lobectomía hepática derecha ampliada. La vía biliar extrahepática se conservó en 8 pacientes en los que la lesión estaba localizada, exclusivamente, en el fundus o cuerpo de la vesícula biliar. Iinfadenectomía regional se realizó en 18 casos. Fueron reintervenidos con criterios más radicales 8 pacientes tras sufrir una colecistectomía previa. La estadificación registrada fue la siguiente: estadio IB (n = 15) IIB (n = 4) y IV (n = 1 ). En los 20 pacientes la supervivencia global a los 5 años fue del 77%, sin mortalidad intraoperatoria alguna. La tasa de supervivencia a los 5 años en 5 pacientes con nódulos metastásicos y 8 sin resección biliar extrahepática fue del 80% y 100%. Una segunda operación más radical en 8 pacientes proportionó una tasa de supervivencia a los 5 años del 75%. Un factor pronóstico determinante fue la invasión perineural que se asociaba a la extensión del tumor hacia el cuello o al conducto cístico. La hepatectomía parcial generalmente acompañada de resección de la vía biliar extrahepática y linfadenectomía regional parece constituir la técnica quirúrgica estándar para los carcinomas pT2 de vesícula biliar, pero en los cánceres limitados al fundus y cuerpo de la vesícula se puede respetar la vía biliar extrahepática. Una segunda operación más radical, aumenta la posibilidad de curación en pacientes con carcinomas pT2 de vesícula biliar.
Acta Neuropathologica | 1997
Yuichiro Shinmura; Isao Kosugi; Sonomi Aiba-Masago; Satoshi Baba; L. R. Yong; Yoshihiro Tsutsui
Abstract Microcephaly is the most prominent symptom of the developmental brain abnormalities induced by congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. To investigate the effect of CMV infection on neuronal migration in developing brains, mouse embryos on one side of uteri received, on day 15.5 of gestation (E15.5), an injection of murine CMV (MCMV) into the cerebral ventricles, and the embryos on the other side of the uteri were injected with minimum essential medium (MEM). Labeling with 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) was accomplished by intraperitoneal injection of BrdU 6 h later. Disturbance of the neuronal migration and loss of neurons were observed postnatally in the brains of MCMV-infected mice, which were identified by immunohistochemical staining of viral antigen. Double staining of BrdU-labeled and viral antigen-positive cells in brains on the 7th postnatal day showed that the migration of BrdU-single-labeled cells mainly localized in cerebral layers II–III, mostly preceded that of the viral antigen-positive cells. However, about 7.5% of the cells observed were double-labeled, especially in the layers III–IV, and a few double-stained cells were markedly disturbed in migration. In the brains of offspring labeled with BrdU 72 h after infection with MCMV on E15.5, most of the double-stained cells were seen around the ventricular and subventricular zones. These findings suggest that a disturbance of neuronal migration in addition to neuronal loss may play a crucial role in the development of microcephaly in congenital CMV infection in humans.
Spine | 2012
Yasushi Oshima; Atsushi Seichi; Katsushi Takeshita; Hirotaka Chikuda; Takashi Ono; Satoshi Baba; Jiro Morii; Hiroyuki Oka; Hiroshi Kawaguchi; Kozo Nakamura
Study Design. A retrospective comparative study. Objective. To investigate natural course and prognostic factors in patients with mild forms of cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM), focusing on intramedullary increased signal intensity (ISI) on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Summary of Background Data. Long-term natural course of mild forms of CSM, especially with ISI on magnetic resonance imaging, remains uncertain. Methods. Patients with CSM who visited our institution between 1992 and 2004 and did not undergo surgery at first visit were retrospectively reviewed. The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) motor function Japanese Orthopedic Association scores of 3 or more in both upper and lower extremities and (2) cervical spinal cord compression with ISI on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. There were 45 patients, with a mean follow-up period of 78 months (range, 24–208). We investigated long-term natural history by setting the timing of conversion to surgery due to neurological deterioration as an end point. We further compared prognostic parameters between patients who converted to surgery and those who continued to be followed up nonsurgically. Results. Sixteen patients gradually deteriorated and underwent decompression surgery, whereas 27 patients did not. Apart from these, 2 patients with acute spinal cord injury after minor trauma underwent surgery. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis revealed that 82% or 56% of patients did not require surgery 5 or 10 years after the initial treatment, respectively. As for prognostic factors, Cox proportional hazard analysis revealed that total cervical range of motion (hazard ratio: 3.25), segmental kyphosis in the maximum compression segment (hazard ratio: 4.51), and local slip (hazard ratio: 4.67) were statistically significant. Conclusion. Fifty-six percent of patients with clinically mild CSM with ISI had not deteriorated or undergone surgery at 10 years. Large range of motion, segmental kyphosis, and instability at the narrowest canal were considered to be adverse prognostic factors.
FEBS Letters | 2004
Xiaoying Fu; Tatsumi Korenaga; Li Fu; Yanming Xing; Zhanjun Guo; Takatoshi Matsushita; Masanori Hosokawa; Hironobu Naiki; Satoshi Baba; Yasushi Kawata; Shu-ichi Ikeda; Tokuhiro Ishihara; Masayuki Mori; Keiichi Higuchi
Preformed amyloid fibrils accelerate conformational changes of amyloid precursor proteins and result in rapid extension of amyloid fibrils in vitro. We injected various kinds of amyloid fibrils into mice with amyloidogenic apoAII gene (Apoa2C ). The most severe amyloid depositions were detected in the tissues of mice injected with mouse AApoAII(C) amyloid fibrils. Mild amyloid depositions were also detected in the tissues of mice that were injected with other types of fibrils, including synthetic peptides and recombinant proteins. However, no amyloid depositions were found in mice that were injected with non‐amyloid fibril proteins. These results demonstrated that a common structure of amyloid fibrils could serve as a seed for amyloid fibril formation in vivo.
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology | 2003
Kotaro Tozawa; Hiroyuki Hanai; Ken Sugimoto; Satoshi Baba; Haruhiko Sugimura; Taiki Aoshi; Masato Uchijima; Toshi Nagata; Yukio Koide
Background and Aims: The imbalance between helper T (Th)1/Th2 cytokines has been observed in human inflammatory bowel disease and various animal models. Because interleukin (IL)‐12 and interferon‐γ (IFN‐γ) productions are known to be a hallmark of Th1‐dominant intestinal inflammation such as 2,4,6‐trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)‐induced colitis, we strictly addressed the roles of IFN‐γ and IL‐12 in the development of colitis, employing knockout mice with IFN‐γ receptor (IFN‐γR) or IL‐12 p40 gene disruptions and mice administered with neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against IFN‐γ or IL‐12.
Acta Neuropathologica | 1998
Isao Kosugi; Yuichiro Shinmura; Ren-Yong Li; Sonomi Aiba-Masago; Satoshi Baba; Katsutoshi Miura; Yoshihiro Tsutsui
Abstract Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most common cause of congenital infection, resulting in birth defects such as microcephaly. In this study, we found that apoptosis is induced in the developing mouse brain infected with murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) in an association with neuronal cell loss. With the combination of the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) technique and immunohistochemical staining, 3.8% of the TUNEL-positive cells were double-stained with the antibody to neuron-specific enolase, while none of the TUNEL-positive cells were stained with antibodies to the immediate early and early viral antigens of MCMV. Furthermore, distribution pattern of the TUNEL-positive cells was different from that of viral DNA-positive cells detected by the in situ DNA-DNA hybridization. More than 30% of the TUNEL-positive cells were double-stained with the F4/80 antibody specific for microglia/macrophages, which were sometimes swollen, presumably the consequence of engulfment of the neuronal apoptotic cells. In the primary neuronal cultures, MCMV infection inhibited the induction of apoptosis either by serum deprivation or by glutamate treatment. It was also confirmed by the double-staining method that apoptosis was not induced in the viral-infected neuronal cultures. These results suggest that MCMV infection induces apoptosis in non-infected neuronal cells, presumably by indirect mechanisms, and that apoptotic cells are engulfed by microglia/macrophages. The induction and blocking of neuronal apoptosis by viral infection may be important for morphological and functional brain disorders in the congenital CMV infection.
Transplantation | 1997
Shohachi Suzuki; Satoshi Nakamura; Takanori Sakaguchi; Hideto Ochiai; Hiroyuki Konno; Satoshi Baba; Shozo Baba
BACKGROUND This study was conducted to determine whether the duration of total hepatic ischemia influences reticuloendothelial phagocytic activity and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha production after reperfusion. METHODS Male rats pretreated with either normal saline (NS group) or gadolinium chloride (7 mg/kg) for 2 days to inhibit Kupffer cell function (GC group) were subjected to 30, 60, or 90 min of total hepatic ischemia. RESULTS The animals tolerated hepatic ischemia well for 30 and 60 min. Although the 7-day survival rate of the NS group decreased to 28% after 90 min of hepatic ischemia, that of the GC group improved significantly to 68% (P<0.01). In the NS group, plasma alanine transaminase and TNF-alpha levels after reperfusion increased with the length of hepatic ischemia. The phagocytic index (PI) after 60 min of reperfusion following 90 min of hepatic ischemia showed significant depression compared with the preischemic level and the value after 30 or 60 min of ischemia. The GC group had significantly lower plasma alanine transaminase and TNF-alpha levels as well as significantly less polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration in the liver compared with the NS group. The preischemic PI was significantly inhibited in the GC group when compared with that in the NS group, but PI in the GC group did not change significantly after reperfusion, irrespective of the ischemic time. CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrated that warm ischemia of up to 60 min is tolerable for normal rat liver without a detrimental effect on phagocytic activity. Modulation of Kupffer cell function may have the potential to prevent reperfusion injury after hepatic ischemia, which may allow safe prolongation of the ischemic time.
Transplantation | 1999
Hiroshi Mitsuoka; Shohachi Suzuki; Takanori Sakaguchi; Satoshi Baba; Mitsuharu Miwa; Hiroyuki Konno; Satoshi Nakamura
BACKGROUND Endothelin (ET)-1 may have a role in hepatic polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration as well as microcirculatory disturbance during hepatic ischemia-reperfusion (HIR) injury. This study was conducted to investigate the influence of ET-1 on the hepatic microcirculation after total HIR and to evaluate the effect of a nonselective ET receptor antagonist under these conditions. METHODS Male rats pretreated with either normal saline (NS group) or TAK-044, a nonselective ET receptor antagonist (TAK group), were subjected to 120 min of total hepatic ischemia with extracorporeal portosystemic shunting. RESULTS Plasma ET-1 levels increased significantly from 1 to 6 hr after reperfusion in the NS group when compared with the nonischemic control. In the early phase of reperfusion, the NS group showed significantly narrower sinusoids, lower hepatic tissue blood flow, a lower hepatic tissue oxy-hemoglobin concentration, and more hepatic neutrophil infiltration than the TAK group (P<0.05). Pretreatment with TAK-044 improved hepatic microcirculatory derangement, and resulted in significantly better 7-day survival (61.5%) with more bile production after reperfusion when compared with the NS group (P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS The present study demonstrated that ET-1 is involved in the development of HIR injury by causing deterioration of the hepatic microcirculation. A nonselective ET receptor antagonist successfully ameliorated HIR injury through improvement of hepatic oxygenation and of the microcirculation along with reduced hepatic neutrophil infiltration.