Savdeep Sethi
University of Chicago
Journal of High Energy Physics | 1999
Keshav Dasgupta; Govindan Rajesh; Savdeep Sethi
We study the properties of M and F theory compactifications to three and four dimensions with background fluxes. We provide a simple construction of supersymmetric vacua, including some with orientifold descriptions. These vacua, which have warp factors, typically have fewer moduli than conventional Calabi-Yau compactifications. The mechanism for anomaly cancellation in the orientifold models involves background RR and NS fluxes. We consider in detail an orientifold of K3 × T2 with background fluxes. After a combination of T and S-dualities, this type IIB orientifold is mapped to a compactification of the SO(32) heterotic string on a non-Kahler space with torsion.
Nuclear Physics | 1996
Savdeep Sethi; Cumrun Vafa; Edward Witten
Abstract We study the restrictions imposed by cancellation of the tadpoles for two-, three-, and four-form gauge fields in string theory, M-theory and F-theory compactified to two, three and four dimensions, respectively. For a large class of supersymmetric vacua, turning on a sufficient number of strings, membranes and three-branes, respectively, can cancel the tadpoles, and preserve supersymmetry. However, there are cases where the tadpole cannot be removed in this way, either because the tadpole is fractional, or because of its sign. For M-theory and F-theory compactifications, we also explore the relation of the membranes and three-branes to the non-perturbative space-time superpotential.
Communications in Mathematical Physics | 1998
Savdeep Sethi; Mark Stern
Abstract:We study the existence of D-brane bound states at threshold in Type II string theories. In a number of situations, we can reduce the question of existence to quadrature, and the study of a particular limit of the propagator for the system of D-branes. This involves a derivation of an index theorem for a family of non-Fredholm operators. In support of the conjectured relation between compactified eleven-dimensional supergravity and Type IIA string theory, we show that a bound state exists for two coincident zero-branes. This result also provides support for the conjectured description of M-theory as a matrix model. In addition, we provide further evidence that there are no BPS bound states for two and three-branes twice wrapped on Calabi–Yau vanishing cycles.
Nuclear Physics | 2001
Jonathan L. Feng; John March-Russell; Savdeep Sethi; Frank Wilczek
Abstract We modify and extend an earlier proposal by Brown and Teitelboim to relax the effective cosmological term by nucleation of branes coupled to a three-index gauge potential. Microscopic considerations from string/M-theory suggest two major innovations in the framework. First, the dependence of brane properties on the compactification of extra dimensions may generate a very small quantized unit for jumps in the effective cosmological term. Second, internal degrees of freedom for multiply coincident branes may enhance tunneling rates by exponentially large density of states factors. These new features essentially alter the relaxation dynamics. By requiring stability on the scale of the lifetime of the universe, rather than absolute stability, we derive a non-trivial relation between the supersymmetry breaking scale and the value of the cosmological term. It is plausibly, though not certainly, satisfied in Nature.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2005
Ben Craps; Savdeep Sethi; Erik Verlinde
The light-like linear dilaton background represents a particularly simple time-dependent 1/2 BPS solution of critical type-IIA superstring theory in ten dimensions. Its lift to M-theory, as well as its Einstein frame metric, are singular in the sense that the geometry is geodesically incomplete and the Riemann tensor diverges along a light-like subspace of codimension one. We study this background as a model for a big bang type singularity in string theory/M-theory. We construct the dual Matrix theory description in terms of a (1+1)-d supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on a time-dependent world-sheet given by the Milne orbifold of (1+1)-d Minkowski space. Our model provides a framework in which the physics of the singularity appears to be under control.
Nuclear Physics | 2009
Katrin Becker; Savdeep Sethi
Abstract We construct new examples of torsional heterotic backgrounds using duality with orientifold flux compactifications. We explain how duality provides a perturbative solution to the type I/heterotic string Bianchi identity. The choice of connection used in the Bianchi identity plays an important role in the construction. We propose the existence of a much larger landscape of compact torsional geometries using string duality. Finally, we present some quantum exact metrics that correspond to NS5-branes placed on an elliptic space. These metrics describe how torus isometries are broken by NS flux.
Physical Review D | 2000
Ori J. Ganor; Govindan Rajesh; Savdeep Sethi
We study the generalization of S duality to noncommutative gauge theories. For rank-1 theories, we obtain the leading terms of the dual theory by Legendre transforming the Lagrangian of the noncommutative theory expressed in terms of a commutative gauge field. The dual description is weakly coupled when the original theory is strongly coupled if we appropriately scale the noncommutativity parameter. However, the dual theory appears to be noncommutative in space-time when the original theory is noncommutative in space. This suggests that locality in time for noncommutative theories is an artifact of perturbation theory.
Physics Letters B | 1997
Savdeep Sethi; Leonard Susskind
Abstract The matrix model formulation of M-theory can be generalized by compactification to ten-dimensional type II string theory, formulated in the infinite momentum frame. Both the type IIA and IIB string theories can be formulated in this way. In the M-theory and type IIA cases, the transverse rotational invariance is manifest, but in the IIB case, one of the transverse dimensions materializes in a completely different way from the other seven. The full O(8) rotational symmetry then follows in a surprising way from the electric-magnetic duality of supersymmetric Yang-Mills field theory.
Nuclear Physics | 1998
Sonia Paban; Savdeep Sethi; Mark Stern
Abstract We consider quantum mechanical gauge theories with sixteen supersymmetries. The Hamiltonians or Lagrangians characterizing these theories can contain higher derivative terms. In the operator approach, we show that the free theory is essentially the unique abelian theory with up to four derivatives in the following sense: any small deformation of the free theory, which preserves the supersymmetries, can be gauged away by a unitary conjugation. We also present a method for deriving constraints on terms appearing in an effective Lagrangian. We apply this method to the effective Lagrangian describing the dynamics of two well-separated clusters of D0-branes. As a result, we prove a non-renormalization theorem for the ν 4 interaction.
Physical Review Letters | 2002
Akikazu Hashimoto; Savdeep Sethi
We study the dynamics of D-branes in a smooth time-dependent background. The theory on the branes is a time-dependent noncommutative field theory. We find the metric and fluxes that determine the dual holographic closed string theory. This provides a concrete example of holography in a cosmological setting.