
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2012

A setup for resonant inelastic soft x-ray scattering on liquids at free electron laser light sources

Kristjan Kunnus; Ivan Rajkovic; Simon Schreck; Wilson Quevedo; Sebastian Eckert; M. Beye; Edlira Suljoti; Christian Weniger; Christian Kalus; S. Grübel; Mirko Scholz; Dennis Nordlund; Wenkai Zhang; Robert W. Hartsock; Kelly J. Gaffney; W. F. Schlotter; J. J. Turner; Brian Kennedy; Franz Hennies; Simone Techert; Philippe Wernet; A. Föhlisch

We present a flexible and compact experimental setup that combines an in vacuum liquid jet with an x-ray emission spectrometer to enable static and femtosecond time-resolved resonant inelastic soft x-ray scattering (RIXS) measurements from liquids at free electron laser (FEL) light sources. We demonstrate the feasibility of this type of experiments with the measurements performed at the Linac Coherent Light Source FEL facility. At the FEL we observed changes in the RIXS spectra at high peak fluences which currently sets a limit to maximum attainable count rate at FELs. The setup presented here opens up new possibilities to study the structure and dynamics in liquids.

Nature Communications | 2017

Selective gating to vibrational modes through resonant X-ray scattering

Rafael C. Couto; Vinícius Vaz da Cruz; Emelie Ertan; Sebastian Eckert; Mattis Fondell; Marcus Dantz; Brian K. Kennedy; Thorsten Schmitt; Annette Pietzsch; Freddy Fernandes Guimarães; Hans Ågren; Faris Gel’mukhanov; Michael Odelius; Victor Kimberg; A. Föhlisch

The dynamics of fragmentation and vibration of molecular systems with a large number of coupled degrees of freedom are key aspects for understanding chemical reactivity and properties. Here we present a resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) study to show how it is possible to break down such a complex multidimensional problem into elementary components. Local multimode nuclear wave packets created by X-ray excitation to different core-excited potential energy surfaces (PESs) will act as spatial gates to selectively probe the particular ground-state vibrational modes and, hence, the PES along these modes. We demonstrate this principle by combining ultra-high resolution RIXS measurements for gas-phase water with state-of-the-art simulations.

Applied Physics Letters | 2015

Principles of femtosecond X-ray/optical cross-correlation with X-ray induced transient optical reflectivity in solids

Sebastian Eckert; Martin Beye; Annette Pietzsch; Wilson Quevedo; Markus Hantschmann; Miguel Ochmann; Matthew Ross; Michael P. Minitti; J. J. Turner; Stefan Moeller; W. F. Schlotter; Georgi L. Dakovski; Munira Khalil; Nils Huse; A. Föhlisch

The discovery of ultrafast X-ray induced optical reflectivity changes enabled the development of X-ray/optical cross correlation techniques at X-ray free electron lasers worldwide. We have now linked through experiment and theory the fundamental excitation and relaxation steps with the transient optical properties in finite solid samples. Therefore, we gain a thorough interpretation and an optimized detection scheme of X-ray induced changes to the refractive index and the X-ray/optical cross correlation response.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 2018

Fingerprints of electronic, spin and structural dynamics from resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering in transient photo-chemical species

Jesper Norell; Raphael M. Jay; Markus Hantschmann; Sebastian Eckert; Meiyuan Guo; Kelly J. Gaffney; Philippe Wernet; Marcus Lundberg; A. Föhlisch; Michael Odelius

Inversion-symmetry separation of electronic state manifolds in RIXS enables identification of transient species in photo-chemical dynamics.

Angewandte Chemie | 2017

Ultrafast Independent N-H and N-C Bond Deformation Investigated with Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering

Sebastian Eckert; Jesper Norell; Piter S. Miedema; Martin Beye; Mattis Fondell; Wilson Quevedo; Brian Kennedy; Markus Hantschmann; Annette Pietzsch; Benjamin E. Van Kuiken; Matthew Ross; Michael P. Minitti; Stefan Moeller; W. F. Schlotter; Munira Khalil; Michael Odelius; A. Föhlisch

Abstract The femtosecond excited‐state dynamics following resonant photoexcitation enable the selective deformation of N−H and N−C chemical bonds in 2‐thiopyridone in aqueous solution with optical or X‐ray pulses. In combination with multiconfigurational quantum‐chemical calculations, the orbital‐specific electronic structure and its ultrafast dynamics accessed with resonant inelastic X‐ray scattering at the N 1s level using synchrotron radiation and the soft X‐ray free‐electron laser LCLS provide direct evidence for this controlled photoinduced molecular deformation and its ultrashort timescale.

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 2018

Disentangling Transient Charge Density and Metal–Ligand Covalency in Photoexcited Ferricyanide with Femtosecond Resonant Inelastic Soft X-ray Scattering

Raphael M. Jay; Jesper Norell; Sebastian Eckert; Markus Hantschmann; Martin Beye; Brian Kennedy; Wilson Quevedo; W. F. Schlotter; Georgi L. Dakovski; Michael P. Minitti; Matthias C. Hoffmann; Ankush Mitra; Stefan Moeller; Dennis Nordlund; Wenkai Zhang; Huiyang W. Liang; Kristjan Kunnus; K. Kubicek; Simone Techert; Marcus Lundberg; Philippe Wernet; Kelly J. Gaffney; Michael Odelius; A. Föhlisch

Soft X-ray spectroscopies are ideal probes of the local valence electronic structure of photocatalytically active metal sites. Here, we apply the selectivity of time-resolved resonant inelastic X-ray scattering at the iron L-edge to the transient charge distribution of an optically excited charge-transfer state in aqueous ferricyanide. Through comparison to steady-state spectra and quantum chemical calculations, the coupled effects of valence-shell closing and ligand-hole creation are experimentally and theoretically disentangled and described in terms of orbital occupancy, metal-ligand covalency, and ligand field splitting, thereby extending established steady-state concepts to the excited-state domain. π-Back-donation is found to be mainly determined by the metal site occupation, whereas the ligand hole instead influences σ-donation. Our results demonstrate how ultrafast resonant inelastic X-ray scattering can help characterize local charge distributions around catalytic metal centers in short-lived charge-transfer excited states, as a step toward future rationalization and tailoring of photocatalytic capabilities of transition-metal complexes.

Structural Dynamics | 2017

Time-resolved soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy in transmission mode on liquids at MHz repetition rates

Mattis Fondell; Sebastian Eckert; Raphael M. Jay; Christian Weniger; Wilson Quevedo; Johannes Niskanen; Brian Kennedy; Florian Sorgenfrei; Daniel Schick; Erika Giangrisostomi; Ruslan Ovsyannikov; Katrin Adamczyk; Nils Huse; Philippe Wernet; Rolf Mitzner; A. Föhlisch

We present a setup combining a liquid flatjet sample delivery and a MHz laser system for time-resolved soft X-ray absorption measurements of liquid samples at the high brilliance undulator beamline UE52-SGM at Bessy II yielding unprecedented statistics in this spectral range. We demonstrate that the efficient detection of transient absorption changes in transmission mode enables the identification of photoexcited species in dilute samples. With iron(II)-trisbipyridine in aqueous solution as a benchmark system, we present absorption measurements at various edges in the soft X-ray regime. In combination with the wavelength tunability of the laser system, the set-up opens up opportunities to study the photochemistry of many systems at low concentrations, relevant to materials sciences, chemistry, and biology.

Angewandte Chemie | 2017

Untersuchung unabhängiger N-H- und N-C-Bindungsverformungen auf ultrakurzen Zeitskalen mit resonanter inelastischer Röntgenstreuung

Sebastian Eckert; Jesper Norell; Piter S. Miedema; Martin Beye; Mattis Fondell; Wilson Quevedo; Brian Kennedy; Markus Hantschmann; Annette Pietzsch; Benjamin E. Van Kuiken; Matthew Ross; Michael P. Minitti; Stefan Moeller; W. F. Schlotter; Munira Khalil; Michael Odelius; A. Föhlisch

Die Femtosekundendynamik nach resonanten Photoanregungen mit optischen und Rontgenpulsen ermoglicht eine selektive Verformung von chemischen N-H- und N-C-Bindungen in 2-Thiopyridon in wassriger Losung. Die Untersuchung der orbitalspezifischen elektronischen Struktur und ihrer Dynamik auf ultrakurzen Zeitskalen mit resonanter inelastischer Rontgenstreuung an der N1s-Resonanz am Synchrotron und dem Freie-Elektronen-Laser LCLS in Kombination mit quantenchemischen Multikonfigurationsberechnungen erbringen den direkten Nachweis dieser kontrollierten photoinduzierten Molekulverformungen und ihrer ultrakurzen Zeitskala.

Structural Dynamics | 2016

Versatile soft X-ray-optical cross-correlator for ultrafast applications.

Daniel Schick; Sebastian Eckert; N. Pontius; Rolf Mitzner; A. Föhlisch; Karsten Holldack; Florian Sorgenfrei

We present an X-ray-optical cross-correlator for the soft (>150 eV) up to the hard X-ray regime based on a molybdenum-silicon superlattice. The cross-correlation is done by probing intensity and position changes of superlattice Bragg peaks caused by photoexcitation of coherent phonons. This approach is applicable for a wide range of X-ray photon energies as well as for a broad range of excitation wavelengths and requires no external fields or changes of temperature. Moreover, the cross-correlator can be employed on a 10 ps or 100 fs time scale featuring up to 50% total X-ray reflectivity and transient signal changes of more than 20%.

Journal of Chemical Physics | 2015

X-ray emission spectroscopy of bulk liquid water in “no-man’s land”

Jonas A. Sellberg; Trevor A. McQueen; Hartawan Laksmono; Simon Schreck; Martin Beye; Daniel P. DePonte; Brian Kennedy; Dennis Nordlund; Raymond G. Sierra; Daniel Schlesinger; Takashi Tokushima; Iurii Zhovtobriukh; Sebastian Eckert; Vegard H. Segtnan; Hirohito Ogasawara; K. Kubicek; Simone Techert; Uwe Bergmann; Georgi L. Dakovski; W. F. Schlotter; Yoshihisa Harada; Michael J. Bogan; Philippe Wernet; A. Föhlisch; Lars G. M. Pettersson; Anders Nilsson

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