
Featured researches published by Sebastiano Costa.

Psychology Health & Medicine | 2014

Trait emotional intelligence and inflammatory diseases.

Sebastiano Costa; K. V. Petrides; Taavi Tillmann

Researchers have become increasingly interested in the psychological aspects of inflammatory disorders. Within this line of research, the present study compares the trait emotional intelligence (trait EI) profiles of 827 individuals with various inflammatory conditions (rheumatoid arthritis [RA], ankylosing spondylitis, multiple sclerosis, and RA plus one comorbidity) against 496 healthy controls. Global trait EI scores did not show significant differences between these groups, although some differences were observed when comparisons were carried out against alternative control groups. Significant differences were found on the trait EI factors of Well-being (where the healthy group scored higher than the RA group) and Sociability (where the healthy group scored higher than both the RA group and the RA plus one comorbidity group). The discussion centers on the multifarious links and interplay between emotions and inflammatory conditions.

Journal of Religion & Health | 2016

The Mediational Role of Psychological Basic Needs in the Relation Between Conception of God and Psychological Outcomes

Sebastiano Costa; Maria C. Gugliandolo; Nadia Barberis; Rosalba Larcan

Abstract Relatively few studies have examined the relationship between conception of God and psychological outcomes in a self-determination theory (SDT) framework. The aim of this study was to examine the role of basic psychological needs as a mediator of the association between conception of God and psychological outcomes. In a sample of 210 religious young adults, we found that the concept of a controlling God was positively associated with feelings of need frustration and depression, whilst the concept of an autonomy-supporting God was positively associated with feelings of need satisfaction and vitality. In turn, need satisfaction promoted feelings of vitality, whereas need frustration led to feelings of depression. The satisfaction of needs was a full mediator of the relationship between autonomy-supporting God and vitality, whilst the frustration of needs was a full mediator of the relationship between controlling God and depression. These findings are discussed in terms of SDT. We also discuss how future research may further increase our understanding of the dynamics involved in concepts of God and psychological outcomes.

Journal of behavioral addictions | 2012

Psychometric examination and factorial validity of the Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised in Italian exercisers

Sebastiano Costa; Francesca Cuzzocrea; Heather A. Hausenblas; Rosalba Larcan; Patrizia Oliva

Background and aims The purpose of this study was to verify the factorial structure, internal validity, reliability, and criterion validity of the 21-item Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised (EDS-R) in an Italian sample. Methods Italian voluntary (N = 519) users of gyms who had a history of regular exercise for over a year completed the EDS-R and measures of exercise frequency. Results and conclusions Confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated a good fit to the hypothesized 7-factor model, and adequate internal consistency for the scale was evidenced. Criterion validity was evidenced by significant correlations among all the subscale of the EDS and exercise frequency. Finally, individuals at risk for exercise dependence reported more exercise behavior compared to the nondependent-symptomatic and nondependent-asymptomatic groups. These results suggest that the seven subscales of the Italian version of the EDS are measuring the construct of exercise dependence as defined by the DSM-IV criteria for substance dependence and also confirm previous research using the EDS-R in other languages. More research is needed to examine the psychometric properties of the EDS-R in diverse populations with various research designs.

Journal of behavioral addictions | 2013

The role of age, gender, mood states and exercise frequency on exercise dependence

Sebastiano Costa; Heather A. Hausenblas; Patrizia Oliva; Francesca Cuzzocrea; Rosalba Larcan

Objectives The purpose of our study was to explore the prevalence, and the role of mood, exercise frequency, age, and gender differences of exercise dependence. Methods: Regular exercisers (N = 409) completed a socio-demographic questionnaire, the Exercise Dependence Scale, and the Profile of Mood States. For data analyses, the participants were stratified for sex and age (age ranges = young adults: 18–24 years, adults: 25–44 years, and middle-aged adults: 45–64 years). Results: We found that: (a) 4.4% of the participants were classified as at-risk for exercise dependence; (b) the men and the two younger groups (i.e., young adults and adults) had higher exercise dependence scores; and (c) age, gender, exercise frequency, and mood state were related to exercise dependence. Conclusions: Our results support previous research on the prevalence of exercise dependence and reveal that adulthood may be the critical age for developing exercise dependence. These findings have practical implication for identifying individuals at-risk for exercise dependence symptoms, and may aid in targeting and guiding the implementation of prevention program for adults.

Journal of behavioral addictions | 2016

Maladaptive perfectionism as mediator among psychological control, eating disorders, and exercise dependence symptoms in habitual exerciser

Sebastiano Costa; Heather A. Hausenblas; Patrizia Oliva; Francesca Cuzzocrea; Rosalba Larcan

Background and aims The current study examined the mediating role of maladaptive perfectionism among parental psychological control, eating disorder symptoms, and exercise dependence symptoms by gender in habitual exercisers. Methods Participants were 348 Italian exercisers (n = 178 men and n = 170 women; M age = 20.57, SD = 1.13) who completed self-report questionnaires assessing their parental psychological control, maladaptive perfectionism, eating disorder symptoms, and exercise dependence symptoms. Results Results of the present study confirmed the mediating role of maladaptive perfectionism for eating disorder and exercise dependence symptoms for the male and female exercisers in the maternal data. In the paternal data, maladaptive perfectionism mediated the relationships between paternal psychological control and eating disorder and exercise dependence symptoms as full mediator for female participants and as partial mediator for male participants. Discussion Findings of the present study suggest that it may be beneficial to consider dimensions of maladaptive perfectionism and parental psychological control when studying eating disorder and exercise dependence symptoms in habitual exerciser.

Journal of Child Health Care | 2016

Psychologists in preoperative programmes for children undergoing surgery.

Francesca Cuzzocrea; Sebastiano Costa; Maria C. Gugliandolo; Rosalba Larcan

This study aimed to verify whether psychologists and game activities could reduce preoperative anxiety and promote compliance in paediatric patients. More specifically, we sought to evaluate whether it would be better to propose contextualized games or just distracting activities. A total of 104 children undergoing surgery were assigned to the following 4 conditions of treatment: (1) contextual games and psychological accompaniment, (2) only contextual games, (3) distracting activities, and (4) only psychological accompaniment. Observed children’s anxiety was assessed using modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale and compliant behaviours with modified form of Induction Compliance Checklist. Children in the first condition (complete intervention – contextual games and psychological accompaniment) were less anxious and more cooperative in the preoperative period and during the induction of anaesthesia than in the other three conditions. In particular, contextual activities (second condition) were found to be more efficient than psychological accompaniment (fourth condition), whereas the worst condition was proposing only distracting activities (third condition). In order to help young hospitalized patients in paediatric surgery structures, it is necessary to propose games that can prepare them for what will happen as well as the support of a psychologist.

Child Care in Practice | 2016

Parental Stress, Coping Strategies and Social Support in Families of Children with a Disability.

Francesca Cuzzocrea; Anna Maria Murdaca; Sebastiano Costa; Pina Filippello; Rosalba Larcan

ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to compare parental stress, coping strategies and social support perceived in families of children with low functioning autism (n = 8), high functioning autism (n = 10), Down syndrome (n = 12) and parents of typically developing children (n = 20). Specifically, the objective was to investigate which variables (coping strategies and perception of social support available) might better predict different stress outcomes in the four groups. Parents were asked to fill in three questionnaires: Parent Stress Index, Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced and Social Support Questionnaire. Significant differences among groups in all of the variables considered were found. These results suggest the advisability of fostering functional coping strategies and social support received in families of children with disabilities, and especially in those with children with low functioning autism.

Comunicar | 2014

Usos de Internet en contextos educativos informales: implicaciones para la educación formal

Sebastiano Costa; Francesca Cuzzocrea; Antonella Nuzzaci

El uso de Internet ofrece un importante espacio para el desarrollo social, emocional y cognitivo de los jovenes y ocupa gran parte de su tiempo libre. Por lo tanto, es muy importante observar algunas variables que contribuyen a mejorar su uso como fuente de informacion y conocimiento en contextos formales e informales. ?Como, entonces, aprovechar el enorme potencial de esta herramienta para ayudar a las personas en su aprendizaje?, ?cuales son las caracteristicas cognitivas y sociales que ayudan a utilizarla sin que les afecte negativamente?, ?que habilidades se necesitan para seleccionar y gestionar la informacion y la comunicacion?, ?que tipos de usos de Internet suscitan aprendizaje y nuevas y diferentes relaciones? En una muestra de 191 sujetos se examinan las diferentes caracteristicas entre los sujetos con alto y bajo nivel de uso. Los resultados muestran que los individuos con alto nivel de uso de Internet tienen una puntuacion mas alta en lo que se refiere a las caracteristicas de extroversion y apertura. La investigacion se basa en un marco teorico que parte del analisis del uso de en un contexto informal para llegar a una reflexion sobre las posibilidades y ventajas que pueden derivarse de su uso en la educacion, y del conjunto de habilidades que es necesario desarrollar para utilizar y evaluar la informacion de manera critica y analitica y para construir una mente abierta y una actitud independiente.

Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development | 2018

Psychometric Evaluation of the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS) in Italy

Sebastiano Costa; Sonia Ingoglia; Cristiano Inguglia; Francesca Liga; Alida Lo Coco; Rosalba Larcan

ABSTRACT The purpose of this multistudy report was to adapt the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS) to the Italian context. Two studies were conducted. In Study 1, we investigated the dimensionality, reliability, and convergent and discriminant validity of the instrument in a sample of 544 participants (males = 41%) from 16 to 35 years old. In Study 2, we replicated the results concerning dimensionality in an independent sample of 502 participants (males = 42%) from 16 to 35 years old. Furthermore, we analyzed measurement invariance across gender. Results of both studies showed that comparing a series of competitive factorial models, the 6-factor model had the best fit to the data, assessing 6 different but related dimensions: autonomy satisfaction, autonomy frustration, relatedness satisfaction, relatedness frustration, competence satisfaction, and competence frustration. Moreover, the reliability and convergent and discriminant validity can be considered adequate. Finally, the BPNSFS was shown to be invariant across gender. In sum, the BPNSFS can be considered a promising instrument in the context of self-determination theory-based research for investigating satisfaction and frustration of the 3 basic needs in Italy.

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships | 2018

Antecedents and consequences of parental psychological control and autonomy support: The role of psychological basic needs

Sebastiano Costa; Maria C. Gugliandolo; Nadia Barberis; Francesca Cuzzocrea; Francesca Liga

Research suggests that psychologically controlling and autonomy-supportive parenting can be described within the Self-Determination Theory’s (SDT) framework. Two studies were conducted to examine (a) the role of parental need frustration as a predictor of parental psychological control, (b) the role of parental need satisfaction as a predictor of parental autonomy support, and (c) the role of parents’ psychological control and autonomy support in the intergenerational transmission of satisfaction and frustration of the psychological basic needs. Study 1 provided evidence, in a sample of 203 Italian coupled parents, that needs frustration and needs satisfaction represent distinct antecedents of psychological control and autonomy support. Study 2, showed that in 135 families, the intergenerational association between parents’ and adolescents’ need frustration was partially mediated by psychological control and autonomy support. Results clearly showed that parents who experienced high level of psychological needs frustration are more likely to use psychological control and in turn to promote a feeling of need frustration in their adolescents; differently, parents who experienced high levels of psychological needs satisfaction tend to exert more autonomy support in their relationship with their children and in turn adolescents tend to perceive higher level of needs satisfaction. These findings are discussed in light of SDT and underline the importance of needs in the parenting context and have implications for interventions.

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