Sebastião Gazola
Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Revista De Nutricao-brazilian Journal of Nutrition | 2008
Angélica Aparecida Maurício; Sebastião Gazola; Graciette Matioli
OBJECTIVE: To verify the degree of suitability of production areas and the level of microbial contamination in enteral diets used in three private hospitals in the Northwest region of Parana, Brazil. METHODS: The analysis of the Good Enteral Nutrition Preparation Practices followed the Collegiate Directory Resolution no 63/2000 of the Brazilian National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance, and the microbiological analyses of 15 samples of enteral diets followed the recommendations of the Collegiate Directory Resolution no 12/2001 of the Brazilian National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance, where molds and yeasts, mesophilic bacteria, coliforms at 35 and 45oC, coagulase-positive Staphylococci, Salmonella sp. and Bacillus cereus were sought. RESULTS: The highest percentage of Non-Conformities was from hospital HS (61%) and the lowest from hospital HT (43.5%). In 100% of the samples from hospitals HP and HT, contamination by coliforms at 45oC was higher than the reference standard of the Collegiate Directory Resolution no 12/2001, and in 60% of the samples from hospital HS, contamination by coliforms at 35oC was above the acceptable level. The samples were found to be within the standards for coagulase-positive staphylococci, Salmonella sp., Bacillus cereus and mesophilic bacteria. In hospitals HT and HP, contamination by molds and yeasts was above that permitted by standard regulation. The results of the analyses show that the contamination of the diets is related to the type of ingredients used and to excess handling. CONCLUSION: The hospitals were not in accordance with good enteral nutrition preparation practices regulated by the Collegiate Directory Resolution no 63/2000 and not suited to prepare this type of food.
Ciencia Rural | 2011
Sebastião Gazola; Carlos Alberto Scapim; Terezinha Aparecida Guedes; Alessandro de Lucca e Braccini
This research was developed with the goal to adjust a nonlinear regression model to estimate seed germination performance of three commercial seed lots of hybrid maize OC 705, subjected to accelerated aging test at a temperature of 43oC. The logistic model y(t)=C/(1+exp (B (t-M))) was used to fit the data. Measures of bias Box and parametric intrinsic bends were used for the diagnosis of the model. The proposed model fits properly to seed germination percentage data of hybrid corn seeds for OC 705, for all seed lots. Based on estimates of the parameters and fit quality, the seed lot three was identified as being the best for marketing, by presenting less reduction in seed germination power over time.
Extensio: Revista Eletrônica de Extensão | 2014
Adriana Strieder Philippsen; Danielle Peralta; Sebastião Gazola; Fernanda Lang Schumacher; Jennifer Kung
Este artigo teve com objetivo conhecer a opiniao da comunidade academica sobre o Informativo UEM por meio de uma pesquisa quantitativa junto a comunidade universitaria da Universidade Estadual de Maringa. Para a obtencao das informacoes o instrumento utilizado foi um questionario e o tipo de entrevista foi direta. O tipo de levantamento foi por amostragem estratificada proporcional. O levantamento de dados foi realizado no periodo de agosto a outubro de 2011. O tipo de levantamento foi por amostragem estratificada proporcional. Para as analises utilizou-se a estatistica descritiva e investigou-se a associacao entre variaveis por meio de testes estatisticos nao parametricos. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria da comunidade universitaria le o Informativo, sendo o meio impresso o mais utilizado. O principal motivo de interesse em ler o Informativo UEM e a busca por informacoes/solucoes para suas necessidades. Pode-se concluir que a maioria dos docentes e agentes considerou tanto o conteudo quanto o visual do Informativo impresso como bom.
Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem | 2009
Maria José Scochi; Thais Aidar de Freitas Mathias; Regina Kazue Tanno de Souza; Sebastião Gazola; Célia Regina Granhen Tavares
RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie | 2013
Hilka Vier Machado; Sebastião Gazola; Miguel Eduardo Moreno Añez
Revista Pensamento Contemporâneo em Administração | 2017
Hilka Vier Machado; Alexandre Guedes; Sebastião Gazola
Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo | 2017
Sebastião Gazola; Carlos Alberto Scapim; Alessandro de Lucca e Braccini; Antonio Teixeira do Amaral Junior; Marcelo Vivas
RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie | 2016
Hilka Vier Machado; Sebastião Gazola; Joiceli Santos Fabrício; Miguel Eduardo Moreno Añez
Journal of Seed Science | 2015
Sebastião Gazola; Carlos Alberto Scapim; Alessandro de Lucca e Braccini; Ângela Maria Marcone de Araujo; Antonio Teixeira do Amaral Júnior; Marcelo Vivas
RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie | 2013
Hilka Vier Machado; Sebastião Gazola; Miguel Eduardo Moreno Añez