
Nature Chemical Biology | 2010

Relating diffusion along the substrate tunnel and oxygen sensitivity in hydrogenase

Pierre-Pol Liebgott; Fanny Leroux; Bénédicte Burlat; Sébastien Dementin; Carole Baffert; Thomas Lautier; Vincent Fourmond; Pierre Ceccaldi; Christine Cavazza; Isabelle Meynial-Salles; Philippe Soucaille; Juan C. Fontecilla-Camps; Bruno Guigliarelli; Patrick Bertrand; Marc Rousset; Christophe Léger

In hydrogenases and many other redox enzymes, the buried active site is connected to the solvent by a molecular channel whose structure may determine the enzymes selectivity with respect to substrate and inhibitors. The role of these channels has been addressed using crystallography and molecular dynamics, but kinetic data are scarce. Using protein film voltammetry, we determined and then compared the rates of inhibition by CO and O2 in ten NiFe hydrogenase mutants and two FeFe hydrogenases. We found that the rate of inhibition by CO is a good proxy of the rate of diffusion of O2 toward the active site. Modifying amino acids whose side chains point inside the tunnel can slow this rate by orders of magnitude. We quantitatively define the relations between diffusion, the Michaelis constant for H2 and rates of inhibition, and we demonstrate that certain enzymes are slowly inactivated by O2 because access to the active site is slow.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2008

Experimental approaches to kinetics of gas diffusion in hydrogenase

Fanny Leroux; Sébastien Dementin; Bénédicte Burlat; Laurent Cournac; Anne Volbeda; Stéphanie Champ; Lydie Martin; Bruno Guigliarelli; Patrick Bertrand; Juan C. Fontecilla-Camps; Marc Rousset; Christophe Léger

Hydrogenases, which catalyze H2 to H+ conversion as part of the bioenergetic metabolism of many microorganisms, are among the metalloenzymes for which a gas-substrate tunnel has been described by using crystallography and molecular dynamics. However, the correlation between protein structure and gas-diffusion kinetics is unexplored. Here, we introduce two quantitative methods for probing the rates of diffusion within hydrogenases. One uses protein film voltammetry to resolve the kinetics of binding and release of the competitive inhibitor CO; the other is based on interpreting the yield in the isotope exchange assay. We study structurally characterized mutants of a NiFe hydrogenase, and we show that two mutations, which significantly narrow the tunnel near the entrance of the catalytic center, decrease the rates of diffusion of CO and H2 toward and from the active site by up to 2 orders of magnitude. This proves the existence of a functional channel, which matches the hydrophobic cavity found in the crystal. However, the changes in diffusion rates do not fully correlate with the obstruction induced by the mutation and deduced from the x-ray structures. Our results demonstrate the necessity of measuring diffusion rates and emphasize the role of side-chain dynamics in determining these.

Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2009

Introduction of Methionines in the Gas Channel Makes [NiFe] Hydrogenase Aero-Tolerant

Sébastien Dementin; Fanny Leroux; Laurent Cournac; Antonio L. De Lacey; Anne Volbeda; Christophe Léger; Bénédicte Burlat; Nicolas Martinez; Stéphanie Champ; Lydie Martin; Oliver Sanganas; Michael Haumann; Victor M. Fernandez; Bruno Guigliarelli; Juan C. Fontecilla-Camps; Marc Rousset

Hydrogenases catalyze the conversion between 2H(+) + 2e(-) and H(2)(1). Most of these enzymes are inhibited by O(2), which represents a major drawback for their use in biotechnological applications. Improving hydrogenase O(2) tolerance is therefore a major contemporary challenge to allow the implementation of a sustainable hydrogen economy. We succeeded in improving O(2) tolerance, which we define here as the ability of the enzyme to resist for several minutes to O(2) exposure, by substituting with methionines small hydrophobic residues strongly conserved in the gas channel. Remarkably, the mutated enzymes remained active in the presence of an O(2) concentration close to that found in aerobic solutions in equilibrium with air, while the wild type enzyme is inhibited in a few seconds. Crystallographic and spectroscopic studies showed that the structure and the chemistry at the active site are not affected by the mutations. Kinetic studies demonstrated that the inactivation is slower and reactivation faster in these mutants. We propose that in addition to restricting O(2) diffusion to the active site of the enzyme, methionine may also interact with bound peroxide and provide an assisted escape route for H(2)O(2) toward the gas channel. These results show for the first time that it is possible to improve O(2)-tolerance of [NiFe] hydrogenases, making possible the development of biohydrogen production systems.

PLOS ONE | 2011

Heterologous Expression of Membrane Proteins: Choosing the Appropriate Host

Florent Bernaudat; Annie Frelet-Barrand; Nathalie Pochon; Sébastien Dementin; Patrick Hivin; Sylvain Boutigny; Jean-Baptiste Rioux; Daniel Salvi; Daphné Seigneurin-Berny; Pierre Richaud; Jacques Joyard; Monique Sabaty; Thierry Desnos; Eva Pebay-Peyroula; Elisabeth Darrouzet; Thierry Vernet; Norbert Rolland

Background Membrane proteins are the targets of 50% of drugs, although they only represent 1% of total cellular proteins. The first major bottleneck on the route to their functional and structural characterisation is their overexpression; and simply choosing the right system can involve many months of trial and error. This work is intended as a guide to where to start when faced with heterologous expression of a membrane protein. Methodology/Principal Findings The expression of 20 membrane proteins, both peripheral and integral, in three prokaryotic (E. coli, L. lactis, R. sphaeroides) and three eukaryotic (A. thaliana, N. benthamiana, Sf9 insect cells) hosts was tested. The proteins tested were of various origins (bacteria, plants and mammals), functions (transporters, receptors, enzymes) and topologies (between 0 and 13 transmembrane segments). The Gateway system was used to clone all 20 genes into appropriate vectors for the hosts to be tested. Culture conditions were optimised for each host, and specific strategies were tested, such as the use of Mistic fusions in E. coli. 17 of the 20 proteins were produced at adequate yields for functional and, in some cases, structural studies. We have formulated general recommendations to assist with choosing an appropriate system based on our observations of protein behaviour in the different hosts. Conclusions/Significance Most of the methods presented here can be quite easily implemented in other laboratories. The results highlight certain factors that should be considered when selecting an expression host. The decision aide provided should help both newcomers and old-hands to select the best system for their favourite membrane protein.

Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2011

Original design of an oxygen-tolerant [NiFe] hydrogenase: major effect of a valine-to-cysteine mutation near the active site.

Pierre-Pol Liebgott; Antonio L. De Lacey; Bénédicte Burlat; Laurent Cournac; Pierre Richaud; Myriam Brugna; Victor M. Fernandez; Bruno Guigliarelli; Marc Rousset; Christophe Léger; Sébastien Dementin

Hydrogenases are efficient biological catalysts of H(2) oxidation and production. Most of them are inhibited by O(2), and a prerequisite for their use in biotechnological applications under air is to improve their oxygen tolerance. We have previously shown that exchanging the residue at position 74 in the large subunit of the oxygen-sensitive [NiFe] hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio fructosovorans could impact the reaction of the enzyme with O(2) (Dementin, S.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 10156-10164; Liebgott, P. P.; Nat. Chem. Biol. 2010, 6, 63-70). This residue, a valine in the wild-type enzyme, located at the bottleneck of the gas channel near the active site, has here been exchanged with a cysteine. A thorough characterization using a combination of kinetic, spectroscopic (EPR, FTIR), and electrochemical studies demonstrates that the V74C mutant has features of the naturally occurring oxygen-tolerant membrane-bound hydrogenases (MBH). The mutant is functional during several minutes under O(2), has impaired H(2)-production activity, and has a weaker affinity for CO than the WT. Upon exposure to O(2), it is converted into the more easily reactivatable inactive form, Ni-B, and this inactive state reactivates about 20 times faster than in the WT enzyme. Control experiments carried out with the V74S and V74N mutants indicate that protonation of the position 74 residue is not the reason the mutants reactivate faster than the WT enzyme. The electrochemical behavior of the V74C mutant toward O(2) is intermediate between that of the WT enzyme from D. fructosovorans and the oxygen-tolerant MBH from Aquifex aeolicus.

Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2012

Understanding and Tuning the Catalytic Bias of Hydrogenase

Abbas Abou Hamdan; Sébastien Dementin; Pierre-Pol Liebgott; Oscar Gutiérrez-Sanz; Pierre Richaud; Antonio L. De Lacey; Marc Rousset; Patrick Bertrand; Laurent Cournac; Christophe Léger

When enzymes are optimized for biotechnological purposes, the goal often is to increase stability or catalytic efficiency. However, many enzymes reversibly convert their substrate and product, and if one is interested in catalysis in only one direction, it may be necessary to prevent the reverse reaction. In other cases, reversibility may be advantageous because only an enzyme that can operate in both directions can turnover at a high rate even under conditions of low thermodynamic driving force. Therefore, understanding the basic mechanisms of reversibility in complex enzymes should help the rational engineering of these proteins. Here, we focus on NiFe hydrogenase, an enzyme that catalyzes H(2) oxidation and production, and we elucidate the mechanism that governs the catalytic bias (the ratio of maximal rates in the two directions). Unexpectedly, we found that this bias is not mainly determined by redox properties of the active site, but rather by steps which occur on sites of the proteins that are remote from the active site. We evidence a novel strategy for tuning the catalytic bias of an oxidoreductase, which consists in modulating the rate of a step that is limiting only in one direction of the reaction, without modifying the properties of the active site.

Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry | 2008

Biocatalysts for fuel cells: efficient hydrogenase orientation for H2 oxidation at electrodes modified with carbon nanotubes

Elisabeth Lojou; X. Luo; Myriam Brugna; N. Candoni; Sébastien Dementin; Marie Thérèse Giudici-Orticoni

We report the modification of gold and graphite electrodes with commercially available carbon nanotubes for immobilization of Desulfovibrio fructosovorans [NiFe] hydrogenase, for hydrogen evolution or consumption. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNs), and amine-modified and carboxyl-functionalized SWCNs were used and compared throughout. Two separate methods were performed: covalent attachment of oriented hydrogenase by controlled architecture of carbon nanotubes at gold electrodes, and adsorption of hydrogenase at carbon-nanotube-coated pyrolytic graphite electrodes. In the case of self-assembled carbon nanotubes at gold electrodes, hydrogenase orientation based on electrostatic interaction with the electrode surface was found to control the electrocatalytic process for H2 oxidation. In the case of carbon nanotube coatings on pyrolytic graphite electrodes, catalysis was controlled more by the geometry of the nanotubes than by the orientation of the enzyme. Noticeably, shortened SWCNs were demonstrated to allow direct electron transfer and generate high and quite stable current densities for H2 oxidation via adsorbed hydrogenase, despite having many carboxylic surface functions that could yield unfavorable hydrogenase orientation for direct electron transfer. This result is attributable to the high degree of oxygenated surface functions in addition to the length of shortened SWCNs that yields highly divided materials.

Nature Chemical Biology | 2013

O2-independent formation of the inactive states of NiFe hydrogenase

Abbas Abou Hamdan; Bénédicte Burlat; Oscar Gutiérrez-Sanz; Pierre-Pol Liebgott; Carole Baffert; Antonio L. De Lacey; Marc Rousset; Bruno Guigliarelli; Christophe Léger; Sébastien Dementin

We studied the mechanism of aerobic inactivation of Desulfovibrio fructosovorans nickel-iron (NiFe) hydrogenase by quantitatively examining the results of electrochemistry, EPR and FTIR experiments. They suggest that, contrary to the commonly accepted mechanism, the attacking O(2) is not incorporated as an active site ligand but, rather, acts as an electron acceptor. Our findings offer new ways toward the understanding of O(2) inactivation and O(2) tolerance in NiFe hydrogenases.

Journal of Bacteriology | 2003

Functional and Biochemical Analysis of Chlamydia trachomatis MurC, an Enzyme Displaying UDP-N-Acetylmuramate:Amino Acid Ligase Activity

Lars Hesse; Julieanne M. Bostock; Sébastien Dementin; Didier Blanot; Dominique Mengin-Lecreulx; Ian Chopra

Chlamydiae are unusual obligate intracellular bacteria that cause serious infections in humans. Chlamydiae contain genes that appear to encode products with peptidoglycan biosynthetic activity. The organisms are also susceptible to antibiotics that inhibit peptidoglycan synthesis. However, chlamydiae do not synthesize detectable peptidoglycan. The paradox created by these observations is known as the chlamydial anomaly. The MurC enzyme of chlamydiae, which is synthesized as a bifunctional MurC-Ddl product, is expected to possess UDP-N-acetylmuramate (UDP-MurNAc):L-alanine ligase activity. In this paper we demonstrate that the MurC domain of the Chlamydia trachomatis bifunctional protein is functionally expressed in Escherichia coli, since it complements a conditional lethal E. coli mutant possessing a temperature-sensitive lesion in MurC. The recombinant MurC domain was overexpressed in and purified from E. coli. It displayed in vitro ATP-dependent UDP-MurNAc:L-alanine ligase activity, with a pH optimum of 8.0 and dependence upon magnesium ions (optimum concentration, 20 mM). Its substrate specificity was studied with three amino acids (L-alanine, L-serine, and glycine); comparable Vmax/Km values were obtained. Our results are consistent with the synthesis of a muramic acid-containing polymer in chlamydiae with UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide as a precursor molecule. However, due to the lack of specificity of MurC activity in vitro, it is not obvious which amino acid is present in the first position of the pentapeptide.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2012

Relation between anaerobic inactivation and oxygen tolerance in a large series of NiFe hydrogenase mutants.

Abbas Abou Hamdan; Pierre-Pol Liebgott; Vincent Fourmond; Oscar Gutiérrez-Sanz; Antonio L. De Lacey; Pascale Infossi; Marc Rousset; Sébastien Dementin; Christophe Léger

Nickel-containing hydrogenases, the biological catalysts of oxidation and production, reversibly inactivate under anaerobic, oxidizing conditions. We aim at understanding the mechanism of (in)activation and what determines its kinetics, because there is a correlation between fast reductive reactivation and oxygen tolerance, a property of some hydrogenases that is very desirable from the point of view of biotechnology. Direct electrochemistry is potentially very useful for learning about the redox-dependent conversions between active and inactive forms of hydrogenase, but the voltammetric signals are complex and often misread. Here we describe simple analytical models that we used to characterize and compare 16 mutants, obtained by substituting the position-74 valine of the -sensitive NiFe hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio fructosovorans. We observed that this substitution can accelerate reactivation up to 1,000-fold, depending on the polarity of the position 74 amino acid side chain. In terms of kinetics of anaerobic (in)activation and oxygen tolerance, the valine-to-histidine mutation has the most spectacular effect: The V74H mutant compares favorably with the -tolerant hydrogenase from Aquifex aeolicus, which we use here as a benchmark.

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