Selçuk Karaman
Atatürk University
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Featured researches published by Selçuk Karaman.
Education and Information Technologies | 2017
Elif Taslibeyaz; Melike Aydemir; Selçuk Karaman
Using technology in medical education has drawn the attention of researchers in the last several years. Especially, videos have been found to promote effective learning in medical education. This study aims to examine general trends and results of articles investigating video usage in medical education and published in SSCI and ERIC journals from 2000 to 2014. For this purpose, the researchers systematically read and analyzed 43 relevant articles. Descriptive content analysis methodology was applied to examine the trends of studies on video usage in medical education. Researchers used a publishing classification form to categorize characteristics of the articles during content analyses. The results showed that the number of articles published about video usage in medical education particularly increased from 2009 to 2011. Instructional environments were the most common topic, the most frequently used video type was a case video, and the samples were mostly medical students. Quantitative methodology and analysis were employed regularly, and the most preferred data collection tool was a questionnaire. The reviewed articles suggested many benefits to using videos, such as enabling cognitive learning and gaining clinical skills. In conclusion, many studies have been published on video usage in medical education, and their general consensus is that video usage increases learning. Findings direct future studies on the subject.
Interactive Learning Environments | 2017
Elif Taslibeyaz; Onur Burak Dursun; Selçuk Karaman
ABSTRACT This study aimed to compare the effects of interactive and non-interactive videos concerning the autism spectrum disorder on medical students’ achievement. It also evaluated the relation between the interactive videos’ interactivity and the students’ decision-making process. It used multiple methods, including quantitative and qualitative methods. The participants were 60 medical students, divided into two groups. One group watched an interactive video while the other watched a non-interactive video. Pre- and post-tests were used to evaluate the students’ relevant achievements in each group. Moreover, a think-aloud protocol was used to evaluate the decision-making process of the group who watched the interactive video. The pre- and post-test results indicated an increase in the achievements of students in the tested groups. Students who watched the interactive video were found to be more successful. Finally, watching interactive videos was shown to positively affect medical students’ decision-making process.
İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi | 2018
Elif Taşlibeyaz; Onur Burak Dursun; Selçuk Karaman
Tum egitim alanlarinda dijital materyallerin kullanilmasi oldukca populerdir. Ogrenciler de bu alanlarda kullanilan dijital materyallerin etkili ogrenmeyi destekleme acisindan faydali oldugunu dusunmektedirler. Son zamanlarda bu materyallere, etkiyi artirmak amaciyla etkilesim ozelligi eklenmektedir. Dijital materyallerdeki etkilesim, kullanilan materyal ile ilgili kullaniciya kontrol sansi veren ve kullanicilarin bilissel sureclerini aktiflestirmelerine yardim eden bir bilesen olarak tanimlanmaktadir. Etkilesimli videolar ile ilgili calismalara bakildiginda, bu videolarin, ogrenme ve ilgi cekme acisindan etkilesimiz olanlara nazaran daha etkili oldugu gorulmektedir. Bu calismada ise ogrencilerin dijital materyallerde kullanilan etkilesim turlerine yonelik bilissel sureclerinin ve deneyimlerinin incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Arastirmada, nitel arastirma yontemlerinden durum calismasina yer verilmistir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu, Ataturk Universitesi Tip Fakultesi’nde ogrenim goren 36 ogrenci olusturmaktadir. Arastirma surecinde ogrencilerden, etkilesimli bir materyali kullanmalari istenmis ve onlara materyaldeki etkilesim turleri ile ilgili etkilesim turlerini degerlendirme anketi uygulanmistir. Ayrica ogrencilerden bu etkilesim turlerinin kullanim ve faydalarina yonelik gorusler, sesli dusunme protokolu yardimiyla alinmistir. Elde edilen anket sonuclari betimsel analize tabi tutulmustur. Sesli dusunme protokolunden elde edilen veriler ise icerik analizine tabi tutulmustur. Sonuc olarak; etkilesimli videolarda yer alan etkilesim turlerinin karar verme, akilda kaliciligi saglama konularinda fayda sagladigi gorulmustur. Ayrica videolarda en cok yonlendirme etkilesiminin begenildigi ortaya cikmistir. Diyalog kurma etkilesiminin ise zihinsel surecleri harekete gecirdigi icin faydali bulundugu gorulmustur.
Sakarya University Journal of Education | 2018
Ali Gündüz; Melike Aydemir; Selçuk Karaman
Calismada uzaktan egitimde es-zamanli sanal sinif ortaminda ogrenim gormekte olan bireylerin sosyal bulunusluk duzeyleri cinsiyet, yas, ogrenim gorulen program, calisilan meslek grubu, calisma suresi ve uzaktan egitim tercih sebepleri degiskenleri ile incelenmistir. Calismanin orneklemini Ataturk Universitesi Uzaktan Egitim ve Arastirma Merkezi’nde ogrenim gormekte olan 310 ogrenci olusturmaktadir. Veri toplama araci olarak ogrencilerin sosyal bulunusluk duzeyini olcmek icin sosyal bulunusluk olcegi ve ogrencilerin demografik verilerini tespit etmek icin form kullanilmistir. Veri toplama araci es-zamanli sanal sinif oturumlarindan hemen sonra ogrencilerin doldurmasi icin Internet uzerinden sunulmustur. Verilerin analizinde betimsel ve kestirimsel istatistiki yontemler kullanilmistir. Elde edilen sonuclar incelendigi zaman uzaktan egitim ogrencilerinin es-zamanli sanal sinif ortamindaki sosyal bulunusluk duzeylerinin ortalamanin ustunde oldugu tespit edilmistir. Ayni zamanda cinsiyet degiskenin sosyal bulunusluk uzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir etkisi olmazken yas, ogrenim gorulen program, calisilan meslek grubu ve ne kadar suredir (kac yil) calisildigi gibi degiskenler acisindan sosyal bulunusluk duzeyinin farklilik gosterdigi tespit edilmistir.
BMC Medical Education | 2011
Selçuk Karaman
International Journal of Technology and Design Education | 2008
Selçuk Karaman; Suat Çelik
Educational Research Review | 2011
Selçuk Karaman
The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education | 2013
Selçuk Karaman; Melike Aydemir; Sevda Kucuk; Gurkan Yildirim
Technology, instruction, cognition, and learning | 2011
Tristan E. Johnson; Pablo Pirnay-Dummer; Dirk Ifenthaler; Anne Mendenhall; Selçuk Karaman; Gershon Tennenbaum
Archive | 2010
Tristan E. Johnson; Selçuk Karaman; Rinat B. Rosenberg-Kima