Serdar Carus
Süleyman Demirel University
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Featured researches published by Serdar Carus.
Phytoparasitica | 2004
Serdar Carus
An outbreak of the pine processionary moth (PPM),Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff. (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae), began in spring 1998 and lasted 5 years in aPinus brutia Ten. (Calabrian pine) stand. Tree volume and volume elements increments were examined throughout a PPM outbreak cycle from 1981 to 2003, for an even aged, pure, undisturbed, young Calabrian pine stand. Tree ring chronologies of ‘control’ Calabrian pine, which was not defoliated by PPM during the period of 1998–2003, were used to estimate potential growth characteristics in the ‘host’ Calabrian pine (moderate and high defoliation groups) for current and past outbreaks. Increment cores were collected from 70 host and 78 control dominant or co-dominant trees and annual radial growth indices from 1981–2003 were calculated for each defoliation group in a 41 point sampling. Growth functions were defined as the cumulative sum of radial, height, and volume increment, and graphically compared between host Calabrian pine (3 moderate and one high), four control Calabrian pine and one host Crimean pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) sample trees. At least three severe outbreak periods were identified (from 1981–86; 1992–97; and 1998–2003), much of the study area being severely affected by PPM. Tree ring evidence suggests that large scale (in 1981, 1992, 1998) and partial (in 1988) outbreaks occurred in the study area. Negative inflections of host radial growth curves relative to control height and volume indicated PPM activity. The periodic average diameter growth reductions (in %) in 1981, 1988, 1992 and 1998, respectively, were 0, 13, 5 and 0 for control, 12, 8, 7 and 2 for moderate, and 18, 5, 0 and 7 for high defoliation groups. Outbreaks appear to be associated with dry winter and spring weather prior to the autumn and winter in which feeding occurs.
Phytoparasitica | 2005
Serdar Carus; Mustafa Avci
An outbreak ofDichelia cedricola (Diakonoff) (Lep.: Tortricidae), the cedar shoot moth (CSM), began in spring 1998 and lasted 3 years. This was the first monitored outbreak of the CSM in Isparta, Turkey. Tree crowns recovered to near normal condition by the middle of each growing season (in early June) during the outbreak. Tree volume and volume element increments were examined throughout the outbreak cycle from 1954 to 2001. In the past, CSM activity in stands of Lebanon cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) was assessed through radial increment analyses. Cedar tree ring chronologies were analyzed for evidence of the CSM. Tree-ring chronologies from nonhost cedar (nondefoliated sample trees) were used to estimate potential growth in the host cedar (defoliated sample trees) during current and past outbreaks; all trees selected were the same subspecies and varieties. Regional outbreaks of the CSM were identified by synchronous and sustained growth periods of the trees. In 2001, increment cores were collected from 17 host and 16 nonhost dominant or codominant trees and annual radial growth indices from 1954–2001 were calculated for each of two host and two nonhost sample plots. Growth functions were defined as the cumulative sum of radial, height, and volume increment, and were graphically compared between CSM host cedar and nonhost cedar trees. Tree ring evidence suggests that a large-scale outbreak occurred in 1955 (from 1955 to 1966) and a small outbreak occurred in 1985 (1985–1990) and in 1998 (1998-continued) in the study area. The average diameter growth reductions around 1955, 1985 and 1998 were 40%, 46% and 7% of potential, respectively. It was concluded that a narrow latewood band is significant indicator of defoliation by the CSM and the outbreaks appear to be associated with dry winter and spring weather prior to the autumn and winter in which wood feeding occurred.
Turkish Journal of Forestry | 2018
Serdar Carus; Yunuz Akguş
In this study, diameterheight (d-h) models for afforestation stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) stands in Tarsus region were developed using the breast height diameter and tree height. The stone pine stand is about 932 ha and was planted in 1980. This study, a total of 20 models, the data used were obtained from 259 sample plots (n=5885) were tested. The available data for the species were split into two sets: the majority (%80) was used to estimate model parameters, and the remaining data (%20) were reserved to validate the models. The performance of the two (n=7), three (n=10) or four parameter models (n=3) was compared and evaluated with six model performance criteria. According to the model performance criteria, the best results were obtained with Prodan, Sibbesen and Ratkowsky models, respectively. The similar results were obtained using independent dataset. As a result, regional diameterheight models were created for stone pine.
Turkish Journal of Forestry | Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi | 2017
Serdar Carus; Yılmaz Çatal
Bu calismada, Aglasun yoresi yapay kizilcam (Pinus brutia Ten.) mescerelerinden alinan 52 ornek alan verisi kullanilarak toplam 20 adet cap- boy (d-h) modeli test edilmistir. Kizilcam mesceresi 600 ha buyuklugunde ve 1975 yilinda dikim yoluyla getirilmistir. Ornek alan verileri iki gruba ayrilmis, birinci grup (%80) model gelistirmek ve ikinci grupta (%20) gelistirilen modellerin test edilmesi amaciyla kullanilmistir. Gelistirilen iki (n=7), uc (n=10) ya da dort parametreli (n=3) cap boy modellerinin boy tahminlerindeki performanslari, alti farkli olcut degerleri kullanilarak karsilastirilmistir. En basarili sonuclar sirasiyla, Korf, Sibbesen ve Meyer tarafindan gelistirilen modellerle elde edilmistir. Bagimsiz veri seti kullanilarak yapilan degerlendirmede de benzer sonuclar elde edilmistir. Sonuc olarak, yoresel bazda kizilcam mescerelerinde cap-boy iliskilerini en iyi sekilde aciklayan yoresel cap- boy modelleri gelistirilmistir.
Turkish Journal of Forestry | 2007
Serdar Carus; Yılmaz Çatal
In this study, were investigated distribution to the months in the vegetation period of a year diameter and height increment on Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) and Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) trees growing in the same site conditions. In this research, total 80 of numbers individuals from 13-15 years Taurus cedar (50) and Stone pine (30) in the Botanic garden Suleyman Demirel of University were selected. On the sample trees, diameter (mm) and height (mm) increment were periodically measured in the vegetation period between the last of March and the beginning of November of 2003. It was showed that annual diameter and height increment according to months on Taurus cedar and Stone pine was right skewed bell-shaped curve. According to normal distribution, while the bell-shape curves of Taurus cedar are flat, Stone pine is steeper. According to the results of two-way variance analysis applied to the repeated measurements for diameter and height increment it was found that; 1) from the stand point of species diameter increment was different but height increment was same, 2) from the stand point of months both diameter and height increment was different and 3) from the stand point of species and month interaction diameter and height increment was different. Keywords: Increment, Analysis of variance, Interaction, Normal distribution, Isparta.
Turkish Journal of Forestry | 2005
Yılmaz Çatal; Nevzat Gürlevik; Yasin Karatepe; Serdar Carus
In this study, a local single and double entry volume table was formed for artificially grown black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.). Regression analysis was used in forming the tree volume table. A total of 13 tree volume models were tested for single-entry (6) and double-entry (7) tables. Correlation coefficients for Dissescu-Meyer and Schumacher-Hall models selected were 0.994 and 0.997, respectively. Standard errors of the two regression models were 0.036 and 0.087 m3, total error percentages were –0.255 and 0.820, absolute mean error percentages were 2.426 and 5.370 for the first and second models, respectively. Valuations of these two volume functions were performed against an independent dataset, and it was concluded that they were suitable for black locust plantations in Isparta-Golcuk region with a 95% confidence. As a result, a single and double entry volume table was created for black locust. Keywords: Black locust, Robinia pseudoacacia L., Regression analysis, Single and double entry tree volume table.
Turkish Journal of Forestry | 2004
Serdar Carus
Bu calismada, Isparta-Sutculer yoresindeki bilincli ve duzenli bakim gormemis, normal kapali, saf, esit yasli Boylu Ardic mescerelerinin farkli yas ve yetisme ortamlarindaki artim ve buyumeleri arastirilmistir. Calismada, Sutculer Orman Isletme Mudurlugune bagli, Merkez (5), Tota (1) ve Sipahiler (2) isletme sefligi ormanlarindan alinan toplam 8 adet ornek alan verisi kullanilmistir. Olcumlerden, ornek alanin alindigi mescereye ait hektardaki hacim ve hacim elemanlari belirlenmistir. Ornek alanlarda, cap dagilimi, cap- cap artimi ve cap- boy iliskileri de incelenmistir. Cap- cap artimi iliskisi zayif ve cap- boy iliskilerine ait istatistiklerin onem duzeyi orta kuvvetliktedir. Cunku, Boylu Ardic mescereleri uzun yillar asiri kesim, otlatma baskisi ve silvikulturel problemler nedeniyle, cogunlukla tepe ve govde formlari kotu bireylerden olusan, ileri yasli ve bozuk kurulustaki mescereler durumuna gelmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Boylu Ardic, Artim, Buyume, Yas, Bonitet sinifi
Phytoparasitica | 2009
Serdar Carus
Journal of Pest Science | 2005
Mustafa Avci; Serdar Carus
Journal of Environmental Biology | 2010
Serdar Carus