Sergey A. Antonyan
National Autonomous University of Mexico
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Featured researches published by Sergey A. Antonyan.
Topology and its Applications | 1999
Sergey A. Antonyan
Abstract Extensorial properties of orbit spaces of locally compact proper group actions are investigated.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society | 2003
Sergey A. Antonyan
Let G be a compact Lie group, X a metric G-space, and exp X the hyperspace of all nonempty compact subsets of X endowed with the Hausdorff metric topology and with the induced action of G. We prove that the following three assertions are equivalent: (a) X is locally continuum-connected (resp., connected and locally continuum-connected); (b) expX is a G-ANR (resp., a G-AR); (c) (exp X)/G is an ANR (resp., an AR). This is applied to show that (expG)/G is an ANR (resp., an AR) for each compact (resp., connected) Lie group G. If G is a finite group, then (expX)/G is a Hilbert cube whenever X is a nondegenerate Peano continuum. Let L(n) be the hyperspace of all centrally symmetric, compact, convex bodies A C R n , n > 2, for which the ordinary Euclidean unit ball is the ellipsoid of minimal volume containing A, and let L 0 (n) be the complement of the unique O(n)-fixed point in L(n). We prove that: (1) for each closed subgroup H C O(n), L 0 (n)/H is a Hilbert cube manifold; (2) for each closed subgroup K C O(n) acting non-transitively on S n-1 , the K-orbit space L(n)/K and the K-fixed point set L(n)[K] are Hilbert cubes. As an application we establish new topological models for tha Banach-Mazur compacta L(n)/O(n) and prove that L 0 ( n ) and (exp S n-1 ) \ {S n-1 } have the same O(n)-homotopy type.
Acta Mathematica Hungarica | 2003
Sergey A. Antonyan; S. de Neymet
Let G be a locally compact Hausdorff group. It is proved that: 1. on each Palais proper G-space X there exists a compatible family of G-invariant pseudometrics; 2.the existence of a compatible G-invariant metric on a metrizable proper G-space X is equivalent to the paracompactness of the orbit space X/G; 3. if in addition G is either almost connected or separable, and X is locally separable, then there exists a compatible G-invariant metric on X.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society | 2001
Sergey A. Antonyan
We give a short proof of Wojdyslawski’s famous theorem. Theorem (Wojdyslawski [6]). Let X be a Peano continuum. Then the hyperspace 2 of all nonempty compact subsets of X is an absolute retract for metric spaces. This result is an essential step in the proof of the Curtis-Schori-West Hyperspace Theorem to the effect that 2 is a Hilbert cube for any Peano continuum X (see, e.g., the book of van Mill [5, §8.4]). Wojdyslawski’s original proof is rather complicated [6]. A simpler proof was suggested later on by Kelley [4], which is, however, based on a difficult Lefschetz-Dugundji characterization of metric ANR’s (see [5, Theorem 5.2.1]). Yet another proof, also based on the Lefschetz-Dugundji characterization, can be found in [5, §5.3]. Our proof is elementary and it does not rely on the Lefschetz-Dugundji criterion. Proof. Let d be any compatible metric on X and let dH be the Hausdorff metric on 2 . Assume that (Y, ρ) is a metric space, A is a closed subset of Y and f : A→ 2 is a continuous map. Following [3], choose a canonical cover ω of Y \A in Y , that is to say: (1) ω is an open cover of Y \ A, locally finite in Y \ A; (2) for each neighborhood V of a point a ∈ A in Y there exists a neighborhood S of a in Y contained in V , such that every element U ∈ ω which meets S is contained in V . We note that the second condition implies that every neighborhood of any boundary point of A in Y contains infinitely many open sets in ω (see [2, Ch. III, §1]). Let N (ω) denote the nerve of ω endowed with the CW topology. We will denote by pU the vertex of N (ω) corresponding to U ∈ ω. Then according to [3], there exist a Hausdorff space Z and a continuous map μ : Y → Z with the following properties: (a) Z as a set coincides with the disjoint union A ∪ N (ω); (b) A is closed in Z and the restriction μ|A is the identical homeomorphism; (c) Z \A=N (ω) is taken with its CW topology and μ(Y \A) ⊂ Z \ μ(A); (d) a base of neighborhoods of a ∈ A in Z is determined by selecting a neighborhood W of a in Y and taking in Z the set W ∩ A together with the closed Received by the editors October 29, 1999 and, in revised form, September 5, 2000. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 54B20; Secondary 54C55.
Abstract and Applied Analysis | 2006
Sergey A. Antonyan; Zalman Balanov; Boris D. Gel'Man
A variant of the Bourgin-Yang theorem for a-compact perturbations of a closed linear operator (in general, unbounded and having an infinite-dimensional kernel) is proved. An application to integrodifferential equations is discussed.
Archive | 2018
N. Antonyan; Sergey A. Antonyan; M. Sanchis
In what follows, G is a Hausdorff topological group with identity element e. A topological transformation group or a G-space with phase group G is a triple \(\langle X, G, \alpha \rangle \), where X is a topological space and \(\alpha \).
Fundamenta Mathematicae | 2000
Sergey A. Antonyan
Topology and its Applications | 2002
Sergey A. Antonyan
Topology and its Applications | 2005
Sergey A. Antonyan
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata | 2002
Sergey A. Antonyan; Manuel Sanchis