
Featured researches published by Sérgio Carlos Barros Esteves.

Menopause | 2011

Quality of life and menopausal and sexual symptoms in gynecologic cancer survivors: a cohort study

Ana Francisca Vaz; Aarão Mendes Pinto-Neto; Délio Marques Conde; Lúcia Costa-Paiva; Sirlei Siani Morais; Adriana Orcesi Pedro; Sérgio Carlos Barros Esteves

Objectives:The aims of this study were to investigate the frequency of menopausal and sexual symptoms and the proportion of sexually active women and to assess and identify quality of life (QOL) predictors in gynecologic cancer survivors. Methods:A prospective case series following a cohort of women under radiation therapy was conducted, including 107 women (aged 21-75 y) with gynecologic cancer (cervical or endometrial cancer) who underwent pelvic radiotherapy in the Radiotherapy Division of the Womens Integral Healthcare Center at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Adverse effects of radiotherapy were evaluated using the Common Terminology Criteria Adverse Event Scale. QOL was measured using the abbreviated version of the World Health Organizations Quality of Life instrument before radiotherapy (T0) and at 4 months (T1), 1 year (T2), and 3 years (T3) after radiotherapy. QOL scores were assessed over time using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to identify QOL predictors. Results:A decrease in the frequency of vaginal dryness (26.7% in T0 vs 8.3% in T3; P < 0.01) and an increase in the proportion of sexually active women (21.5% in T0 vs 44.2% in T3; P < 0.01) were observed. A significant increase in QOL scores was observed in the psychological domain and general health and overall QOL. Dyspareunia negatively affected the physical (P < 0.01), psychological (P < 0.01), and social relationship domains (P < 0.01); overall QOL (P = 0.01); and general health (P = 0.04). Family income was positively related to environment domain (P < 0.01), overall QOL (P = 0.04), and general health (P < 0.01). Conclusions:Data derived from this study indicated that gynecologic cancer survivors had a lower frequency of vaginal dryness and a higher proportion of these women were sexually active 3 years after completion of radiotherapy. Furthermore, QOL improved and dyspareunia negatively affected various QOL dimensions.

Brazilian Dental Journal | 2009

Dental needs in brazilian patients subjected to head and neck radiotherapy

Ana Carolina de Mesquita Netto Rosales; Sérgio Carlos Barros Esteves; Jacks Jorge; Oslei Paes de Almeida; Márcio Ajudarte Lopes

In spite of its recognized benefits in the treatment of malignant tumors, radiation therapy have several side effects in the head and neck region. The evaluation of oral conditions by a dentist is important to prevent or minimize these problems. The aim of this retrospective review was to analyze the dental needs in 357 patients who received radiotherapy in the head and neck region and were treated at Orocentro/FOP/UNICAMP, between January 1990 and December 2004. Review of patient files showed that dental examination before radiotherapy was not performed in 148 patients (41.5%) and was done in 209 patients (58.5%). From the total of examined patients, 94 (45%) did not require dental procedures at the moment of examination, while 115 (55%) presented some sort of dental need. Following the patients after the radiotherapy, it was observed that the group of patients that was evaluated before radiation presented less need of restorations, root canal filling and dental extractions than those who were not evaluated. The results of this study confirm that the evaluation of oral conditions prior to radiotherapy is essential to minimize the dental needs, emphasizing the importance of the dentist in the multidisciplinary team that treats cancer patients.

Journal of Clinical Oncology | 2014

Concomitant Cisplatin Plus Radiotherapy and High–Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Versus Radiotherapy Alone for Stage IIIB Epidermoid Cervical Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Antonio Carlos Zuliani; Sérgio Carlos Barros Esteves; Luiz Carlos Teixeira; Júlio César Teixeira; Gustavo Antonio de Souza; Luis Otávio Sarian

PURPOSE The benefits of chemoradiotherapy (CRT) for cervical cancer compared with radiation (RT) alone seem to diminish in later-stage disease. However, these modalities have not been directly compared for disease-free interval (DFI) and overall survival (OS) of women with stage IIIB cervical cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS We conducted a randomized controlled clinical trial comparing DFI and OS of 147 women with stage IIIB squamous cervical cancer who received either cisplatin plus RT (CRT) or RT alone (72 patients in the CRT group and 75 patients in the RT-only group). RESULTS The CRT group had significantly better DFI (hazard ratio [HR], 0.52; 95% CI, 0.29 to 0.93; P = .02). However, patients in the CRT group did not have significantly better OS than those in the RT-only group (HR, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.38 to 1.17; P = .16). Toxicity was graded according to criteria of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group. The organs affected (excluding hematologic effects) did not differ significantly between groups. Also, late toxicity events and organs affected were not significantly disproportionate between the study groups. CONCLUSION For stage IIIB cervical cancer, the addition of cisplatin offers a small but significant benefit in DFI, with acceptable toxicity.

Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira | 2010

Brachytherapy for stage IIIB squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix: survival and toxicity

Antonio Carlos Zuliani; Maércio de Oliveira Cunha; Sérgio Carlos Barros Esteves; Júlio César Teixeira

OBJECTIVE To compare survival and toxicity of three different treatments for stage IIIB cervix cancer: low-dose-rate (LDR), high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy and association of HDR and chemotherapy. METHODS Between 1985 and 2005, 230 patients with FIGO stage IIIB squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix received 4-field pelvic teletherapy at doses between 40 and 50.4 Gy, with a different complementation in each group. The LDRB group, with 42 patients, received one or two insertions of LDR, with Cesium-137, in a total dose of 80 to 100 Gy at point A. The HDR group, 155 patients received HDR in 4 weekly 7 Gy fractions and 9 Gy to 14.4 Gy applied to the involved parametria. The CHT group, 33 patients, were given the same treatment as the HDR group and received 5 or 6 weekly cycles of cisplatin, 40 mg per m(2). RESULTS The five-year progression-free survival (PFS) was 60% for the HDR group and 45% for the LDR group, and the two-year PFS for the CHT group was 65% (p = 0.02). The five-year Overall Survival (OS) was 65% for the HDR group and 49% for the LDR group. The two-year OS was 86% for the CHT group (p = 0.02). Rectum toxicity grade II was 7% for the LDR group, 4% for the HDR group and 7% for the CHT group that had one case of rectum toxicity grade IV. CONCLUSION Patients that received HDR had better OS and PFS. The Chemotherapy-HDR association showed no benefit when compared to HDR only. Toxicity rates showed no difference between the three groups.

Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira | 2008

Radiosurgery with a linear accelerator in cerebral arteriovenous malformations

Sérgio Carlos Barros Esteves; Wladimir Nadalin; Ronie Leo Piske; Salomon Benabou; Evandro de Souza Md; Antonio Carlos Zuliani de Oliveira

OBJECTIVE To evaluate results achieved with radiosurgery and complications of the procedure when treating arteriovenous malformations with linear accelerator. METHODS This retrospective study was conducted between October 1993 and December 1996. Sixty-one patients with arteriovenous malformations were treated with radiosurgery utilizing a 6MV energy linear accelerator. Ages of the 32 female and 29 male patients ranged from 6 to 54 years (mean: 28.3 years). The most frequent initial symptom was cephalea (45.9%), followed by neurological deficit (36.1%). Cerebral hemorrhage diagnosed by image was observed in 35 patients (57.3%). Most arteriovenous malformations (67.2%) were graded Spetzler III and IV. Venous stenosis (21.3%) and aneurysm (13.1%) were the most frequent angioarchitecture changes. The dose administered varied from 12 to 27.5Gy in the periphery of the lesion. RESULTS Out of twenty-eight patients that underwent conclusive angiography control, complete obliteration was achieved in 18 (72%) and treatment failed in 7 (absence of occlusion with more than 3 years of follow-up). Four were submitted to a second radiosurgery, and one of these has shown obliteration after 18 months of follow-up. DISCUSSION Several factors were analyzed regarding the occlusion rate (gender, age, volume, localization, Spetzler, flow, embolization, total of isocenters, prescribed dose and chosen isodose) and complications (total of isocenters, localization, volume, maximum dose, prescribed dose and chosen isodose). Analyzed variables showed no statistical significance for obliteration of the vessel, as well as for treatment complications. The largest diameter of the arteriovenous malformation, its volume and the dose administered did not influence time of obliteration. CONCLUSION Radiosurgery is effective in the treatment of arteriovenous malformations and can be an alternative for patients with clinical contraindication or with lesions in eloquent areas. In the studied variables no statistically significant correlation was observed between occlusion and treatment complications.

SciELO | 2004

Braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose no Brasil

Sérgio Carlos Barros Esteves; Antonio Carlos Zuliani de Oliveira; Luís Fernando de Andrade Feijó

A braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose foi introduzida em nosso meio em janeiro de 1991. Desde entao, houve uma mudanca significativa na abordagem das neoplasias malignas em relacao as vantagens do novo metodo, e tambem resolucao da demanda reprimida de braquiterapia para as neoplasias ginecologicas. Nos primeiros dez anos de atividade, o Brasil tratou, em 31 servicos, 26.436 pacientes com braquiterapia, sendo mais de 50% das pacientes portadoras de neoplasias do colo uterino. Este estudo mostra o numero e o perfil de pacientes tratados com esse metodo e a sua distribuicao no territorio nacional, deixando explicito o beneficio da braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose para o Brasil.

Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira | 2011

Adjuvant radiotherapy in early stage endometrial cancer

Antonio Carlos Zuliani; Aurea Akemi Cairo; Sérgio Carlos Barros Esteves; Carla Cristina dos Santos Watanabe; Maércio de Oliveira Cunha; Gustavo Antonio de Souza

OBJECTIVE To compare the rates of overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS) and toxicity in different techniques of postoperative radiotherapy for stage IA endometrioid adenocarcionoma of endometrium, histological grades 1and 2. METHODS A historical comparison between treatment regimens was performed, and 133 women with a minimum follow-up of 5 years were included. Teletherapy (TELE group), with 22 patients treated from 1988 to 1996, with a 10 MV linear accelerator, average dose 46.2 Gy. Low dose rate brachytherapy (LDRB group) was performed between 1992 and 1995, in 19 women, with an insertion of Cesium 137, at a 60 Gy dose. Fourteen women operated between 1990 and 1996 did not receive radiotherapy (NO RT group). High dose rate brachytherapy was performed in 78 patients (HDRB group), from 1996 to 2004, in five weekly 7 Gy insertions, prescribed at 0.5 cm from the vaginal cylinder. RESULTS The 5-year disease-free survival was 94.6% for the HDRB group, 94.1% for the LDRB group, 100% for the TELE group and NO RT groups (p = 0.681). The 5-year overall survival was 86.6% for the HDRB group, 89.5% for the LDRB group and 90% for the TELE group and NO RT groups (p = 0.962). Grades 3-5 late toxicity was 5.3% in LDRB group and 27.3% for the TELE group (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION Patients submitted to adjuvant teletherapy showed very high toxicity, which contraindicates that treatment for those patients. There may be a role for adjuvant HDRB, but randomized controlled trials are still needed to evaluate its benefit.

Radiologia Brasileira | 2006

Braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose no tratamento do carcinoma da próstata: análise da toxicidade aguda e do comportamento bioquímico

Sérgio Carlos Barros Esteves; Antonio Carlos Zuliani de Oliveira; Herbeni Cardoso; Eduardo Komai Tagawa; Márcio D'Império; Roberto Castelo

OBJECTIVE: This study focuses on the biochemical response of the following variables: prostate volume, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) value, Gleason scores, staging, the risk of the disease, and hormonotherapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the period between February of 1998 and July of 2001, 46 patients with prostate cancer were treated with radiotherapy, in a combination of teletherapy and high-dose rate brachytherapy (HDR). The age ranged from 51 to 79 years (averaging 66.4 years). T1c stage was the most frequent one: 30 (65%). The Gleason score was below 7 in 78% of the patients. PSA ranged from 3.4 to 33.3, being below 10 in 39% of the cases. The average prostatic volume was 32.3cc. Twenty-eight percent of the patients received hormonotherapy. Teletherapy dose ranged from 45 to 50.4 Gy, associated to four fractions of 4 Gy of HDR. RESULTS: The follow-up period varied from 6 to 43 months. Four patients missed the follow-up and four died (one due to the disease). Out of the 39 patients that were analyzed, 76% presented a less than 1.5 PSA. None of the analyzed variables were found to be of statistical significance (p>0.05) regarding biochemical control. CONCLUSION: The use of HDR brachytherapy was found to be effective in the treatment of prostate cancer and, in this study, the variables considered as prognostic factors did not interfere in the biochemical control.

Radiologia Brasileira | 2005

Braquiterapia intersticial para recidivas de câncer de colo uterino pós-radioterapia

Antonio Carlos Zuliani de Oliveira; Sérgio Carlos Barros Esteves; Luiz Fernando Andrade Feijó; Eduardo Komai Tagawa; Maércio de Oliveira Cunha

OBJETIVO: Analisar a resposta e toxicidade da braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose (BATD) intersticial para carcinoma do colo do utero com recidiva pelvica pos-radioterapia. MATERIAIS E METODOS: Entre 1998 e 2001, 11 pacientes com carcinoma de colo de utero e que tiveram recidiva pelvica pos-radioterapia receberam BATD intersticial. Idade: 41 a 71 anos (media: 56,5 anos); estadios (FIGO): IIA, IIB, IIIB e IVA. Nove (82%) pacientes tinham carcinoma de celulas escamosas e duas (18%), adenocarcinoma. Dose total de BATD: 20-30 Gy, em fracoes de 4-5 Gy. O seguimento variou de dois a 54 meses (media: 22,5 meses), atraves de exame fisico periodico (tres meses). Uma paciente faleceu sem avaliacao de resposta. RESULTADOS: Dez pacientes (91%) tiveram resposta clinica completa, com duracao de tres a 46 meses (media: 18,9 meses). Tres pacientes estao livres de doenca (27%), duas estao vivas com doenca (18%), tres morreram (27%) e de tres se perdeu o seguimento apos nova recidiva (27%). A toxicidade para o trato urinario foi de 9% (uma paciente - grau III). CONCLUSAO: A BATD intersticial e uma abordagem alternativa e viavel para pacientes selecionadas que tiveram recidiva pos-radioterapia. Foi possivel obter altas taxas de resposta com baixa toxicidade, considerando-se o grupo estudado, o tempo de seguimento e a re-irradiacao.

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics | 2007

Quality of life of women with gynecologic cancer: associated factors

Ana Francisca Vaz; Aarão Mendes Pinto-Neto; Délio Marques Conde; Lúcia Costa-Paiva; Sirlei Siani Morais; Sérgio Carlos Barros Esteves

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