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Featured researches published by Serkan Gülsoy.

Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management | 2009

Vegetation‐environment relationships in Mediterranean mountain forests on limeless bedrocks of southern Anatolia, Turkey

Kürşad Özkan; Huseyin Senol; Serkan Gülsoy; Ahmet Mert; Halil Süel; Yunus Eser

Abstract The forest resources of south Anatolia (Turkey) are characterized by degradation due to wood extraction, overgrazing and fire. In the context of forest restoration, afforestation, conservation, utilization and sustainability, vegetation‐environment relationships need to be known. In the study, a data set from Mediterranean mountain forests on limeless bedrocks of southern Anatolia, consisting of species cover and environmental measures in 56 sample plots, was examined with canonical correspondence analysis. Results illustrated two vegetation gradients related to factor complexes of altitude‐aspect and pH‐total calcium carbonate. Axis I of the ordinate was strongly related to altitude, aspect, available water percentage of Bv, field capacity percentage of Bv, schistose quartzite and soil stoniness percentage. Axis II was strongly related to total lime percentage of Ah, total lime percentage of Bv, pH of Bv, schistose quartzite, pH of Cv, pH of Ah, slope degree, respectively. Species richness was c...

Polish Journal of Environmental Studies | 2018

Potential Distribution Modeling and Mappingof Brutian Pine Stands in the Inner Parts of theMiddle Black Sea Region in Turkey

Özdemir Şentürk; Serkan Gülsoy; İlker Tümer

Brutian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) is one of the most common and precious coniferous tree species in Turkey. Except for its main distribution areas such as the Mediterranean and Aegean regions, brutian pine can be found in isolated areas due to its different forest site factors. Therefore, our aim was to obtain a model and map of this species in the Aydınca District, which is one of these isolated areas. For these purposes, the presence or absence of data of target species was collected from 453 sample plots. Environmental variables – including elevation, slope, heat index, topographic position index, slope position, bedrock types, BIO1, and BIO12 – were selected for generating a model and map of brutian pine via the generalized additive model. The model and map show that BIO1, BIO12, elevation, heat index, and bedrock were the most important explanatory variables. As a result of the obtained model, potential distribution of brutian pine was determined to range from 400 to 806 m elevation. In addition to this result, climate conditions for brutian pine were areas where the annual mean temperature was 11-12.5°C and annual mean precipitation was 428-439 mm. Besides, more suitable areas for brutian pine occurred where the heat index values are higher. Finally, brutian pine preferred limestone, schist, and other bedrock types in the district. In this study especially, climatic features that depend on elevation showed significant influence on potential distribution of brutian pine in Aydınca.

Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi | 2018

Boylu ardıç (Juniperus excelsa Bieb.) ormanları altındaki toprakların fizikokimyasal özellikleri

pelin alaboz; Hüseyin Şenol; Serkan Gülsoy; Gülcan Özkan

Ulkemizde genis bir yayilim alanina sahip olan boylu ardic turleri ozellikle Akdeniz bolgesinde bulunmaktadir. Bu calismada goller yoresi icerisinde bulunan boylu ardic turlerinin bulundugu 40 noktadan derinlik esasli (0-5, 5-30, 30-60, 60-120cm) toprak ornekleri alinarak soz konusu materyallerin bazi fiziksel ve kimyasal ozellikleri belirlenmis ve korelasyon iliskileri irdelenmistir. 0-5 cm derinlikte ortalama kum, silt, kil icerigi % 32.73, 40.45, 26.81 olarak belirlenmis olan topraklarin, organik madde icerikleri tarim yapilan topraklardan oldukca yuksek (% 2.65-13.39), pH degerlerinin (7.09-8.45) ise notr ve kuvvetli alkalin reaksiyon arasinda degistigi belirlenmistir. 5-30 cm derinliginde topraklarin Katyon Degisim Kapasitesi (KDK) degerleri 21.53-103.46 me/100g iken Na, K, Ca ve Mg icerikleri sirasiyla 8-31.19, 0.58-16.03, 35.71-127.91, 1.28-27.44 me/100g arasindadir. 30-60 cm derinlikteki toprak ozelliklerinin degiskenlikleri incelendiginde elektriksel iletkenlik (EC), Ca, KDK, kirec, kum, kil yuksek degiskenlige sahip ozellikler olarak belirlenmistir. 60-120 cm derinlikte degiskenler arasinda onemli seviyede en yuksek iliski kum-kil, Ca-pH ozelliklerinde iken en dusuk iliskiler Tarla kapasitesi-kil, kum-EC, Na- kirec icerigi arasinda belirlenistir.

Turkish Journal of Forestry | Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi | 2017

Relationships between essential oil yield and physical properties of cones in juniper species (Juniperus excelsa Bieb. and Juniperus foetidissima Willd.)

Serkan Gülsoy; Uysal Utku Turhan; Gülcan Özkan

Bu calismada Turkiye’de oldukca genis yayilis alanina sahip ardic turlerinden boylu ardic (Juniperus excelsa Bieb.) ve kokulu ardic (Juniperus foetidissima Willd.) turlerinin ucucu yag verimlilikleri ile kozalak fiziksel ozellikleri arasindaki iliskiler arastirilmistir. Bu amacla kokulu ardica ait 12 farkli, boylu ardica ait ise 40 farkli ornek alandan olgun kozalak ornekleri toplanmistir. Laboratuvarda ilk asamada kozalaklara ait fiziksel olcumler (en, boy, 1000 tane agirligi, nem orani) gerceklestirilmistir. Daha sonra Clevenger duzeneginde su destilasyonu ile damitilan orneklerde ucucu yag verimlilikleri tespit edilmistir. Kokulu ardiclarda ortalama %2,43 v/w, boylu ardiclarda ise %3,82 v/w oraninda ucucu yag verimi tespit edilmistir. Daha sonra ornek alanlarin ucucu yag verimlilikleri arasindaki farkin kozalak fiziksel ozellikleri ile iliskilendirilmesi amaciyla temel bilesenler analizi uygulanmistir. Analiz neticesinde ucucu yag veriminin ozellikle, kozalaklarda nem oranlari (%) ile iliskili olabilecegi sonucuna varilmistir. Bu durumun ise bitkide ozellikle neme bagli olarak kuraklik ve su stresinin ucucu yag verimi gibi biyokimyasal parametreler uzerine yansimasi sonucunda ortaya ciktigi yorumu yapilmistir.

Turkish Journal of Forestry | 2016

Relationships between essential oil properties of prickly juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. oxycedrus) berries and environmental factors

Serkan Gülsoy; Alican Çıvğa

Bu calismada olgun diken ardic (Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. oxycedrus) kozalaklarinda ucucu yag ozelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve bu ozellikler ile cevresel yetisme ortami faktorleri arasindaki iliskilerin ortaya konulmasi amaclanmistir. Bu dogrultuda 2014 yilinin Kasim ve Aralik aylari icerisinde Goller yoresi sinirlarinda tespit edilen 13 farkli ornek alandan kozalak ornekleri toplanmistir. Toplanan ornekler hava kurusu hale geldikten sonra su buhari ile distilasyon yontemi kullanilarak ucucu yag elde edilmistir. Bu islem sonucunda kozalaklarda ortalama % 0,59 ±0,08 v/w ucucu yag tespit edilmistir. Ayrica her bir ornek alana ait kozalak orneklerinde SPME/GC/MS yontemi kullanilarak ucucu bilesenler belirlenmistir. Kozalaklarda toplam 35 farkli ucucu bilesen tanimlanmis olup, bunlar icerisinde β-mirsen (%57,14 ±11,86), α-pinen (%32,85 ±9,80) ve limonen (%5,23 ±2,01)’in en temel ucucu bilesenler oldugu sonucuna varilmistir. Bu temel bilesenler ve cevresel faktorler (fizyografik, klimatik ve toprak faktorleri) arasindaki iliskiler ise sirasiyla Pearson Korelasyon Analizi, kumeleme analizi ve temel bilesenler analizi ile sorgulanmistir. Uygulanan analizler neticesinde turun kozalaklarinda tespit edilen bu bilesenlerin ozellikle ornek alanlarin denizden olan uzakliklari, en nemli ayin yagisi, en nemli uc aylik donemin yagisi ve toprak ozelliklerinden katyon degisim kapasitesi ile istatistiksel anlamda onemli iliskilerinin oldugu sonucuna varilmistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Cevresel faktorler, Diken ardic, Temel bilesenler analizi, Ucucu yaglarBu calismada olgun diken ardic (Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. oxycedrus) kozalaklarinda ucucu yag ozelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve bu ozellikler ile cevresel yetisme ortami faktorleri arasindaki iliskilerin ortaya konulmasi amaclanmistir. Bu dogrultuda 2014 yilinin Kasim ve Aralik aylari icerisinde Goller yoresi sinirlarinda tespit edilen 13 farkli ornek alandan kozalak ornekleri toplanmistir. Toplanan ornekler hava kurusu hale geldikten sonra su buhari ile distilasyon yontemi kullanilarak ucucu yag elde edilmistir. Bu islem sonucunda kozalaklarda ortalama % 0,59 ±0,08 v/w ucucu yag tespit edilmistir. Ayrica her bir ornek alana ait kozalak orneklerinde SPME/GC/MS yontemi kullanilarak ucucu bilesenler belirlenmistir. Kozalaklarda toplam 35 farkli ucucu bilesen tanimlanmis olup, bunlar icerisinde β-mirsen (%57,14 ±11,86), α-pinen (%32,85 ±9,80) ve limonen (%5,23 ±2,01)’in en temel ucucu bilesenler oldugu sonucuna varilmistir. Bu temel bilesenler ve cevresel faktorler (fizyografik, klimatik ve toprak faktorleri) arasindaki iliskiler ise sirasiyla Pearson Korelasyon Analizi, kumeleme analizi ve temel bilesenler analizi ile sorgulanmistir. Uygulanan analizler neticesinde turun kozalaklarinda tespit edilen bu bilesenlerin ozellikle ornek alanlarin denizden olan uzakliklari, en nemli ayin yagisi, en nemli uc aylik donemin yagisi ve toprak ozelliklerinden katyon degisim kapasitesi ile istatistiksel anlamda onemli iliskilerinin oldugu sonucuna varilmistir.Anahtar kelimeler: Cevresel faktorler, Diken ardic, Temel bilesenler analizi, Ucucu yaglar

Archive | 2010

Monitoring of Wetlands by Using Multitemporal Landsat Data; A Case Study from Fethiye – Turkey

I. Ozdemir; Kürşad Özkan; Ahmet Mert; Serkan Gülsoy

In the last two decades, tourism has led to a drastic conversion of the wetlands into settlement areas in the surroundings of Fethiye town located in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. The coast of Fethiye Bay abounds in coastal wetlands, riparian corridors, marshes, forested wetlands, swamps and grasslands that need urgent conservation. In addition to tourism activities, pollution resulting from residential and agricultural areas, urbanization, and other activities are threatening the wetland ecosystems in the area. The transformation of wetlands has resulted in a loss of biodiversity. The wildlife, notably many water birds are under a threat of extinction. These biotopes need to be monitored at short time intervals, as changes in the wetlands are rapid and serious due to these factors. Accurate and timely information will play a vital role in supporting decision making and effective sustainable management of these wetlands. In this connection the ground based survey for monitoring purpose is not entirely well-suited because of transportation difficulties as well as the working conditions. On the other hand, satellite data can provide an effective tool for mapping and monitoring of these areas. While high resolution satellite imageries including Ikonos and Quickbird generally provide detailed vegetation mapping, medium resolution satellite imageries including Landsat and Spot have been widely used for detecting the changes during definite time intervals. The aim of this study is to detect the changes in the wetlands between 1990–2001 along the coast of Fethiye and its inland parts by means of multitemporal Landsat data.

Forest Ecology and Management | 2007

Elevation and exposition rather than soil types determine communities and site suitability in Mediterranean mountain forests of southern Anatolia, Turkey

Maximilien Fontaine; Raf Aerts; Kürşad Özkan; Ahmet Mert; Serkan Gülsoy; Halil Süel; Marc Waelkens; Bart Muys

Journal of Environmental Biology | 2010

Plant distribution-altitude and landform relationships in karstic sinkholes of Mediterranean region of Turkey

Kürşad Özkan; Serkan Gülsoy; Ahmet Mert; Munir Ozturk; Bart Muys

Journal of Environmental Biology | 2010

Site properties for Crimean juniper (Juniperus excelsa) in semi-natural forests of south western Anatolia, Turkey.

Kuersad Ozkan; Serkan Gülsoy; Raf Aerts; Bart Muys

Journal of Environmental Biology | 2009

Effect of environmental factors on the productivity of crimean pine (Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana) in Sutculer, Turkey.

Kürşad Özkan; Serkan Gülsoy


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Kürşad Özkan

Süleyman Demirel University

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Ahmet Mert

Süleyman Demirel University

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Halil Süel

Süleyman Demirel University

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Bart Muys

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

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Musa Genç

Süleyman Demirel University

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Raf Aerts

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

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Ayşe Deligöz

Süleyman Demirel University

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Huseyin Senol

Süleyman Demirel University

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I. Ozdemir

Süleyman Demirel University

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