Sevil İnal
Istanbul University
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Featured researches published by Sevil İnal.
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking | 2009
Meral Kelleci; Sevil İnal
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the psychiatric symptoms of adolescents with and without Internet use. A total of 2,080 students (1,105 male, 975 female) were recruited for the study. We administered the Symptom Checklist-90-Revision and Questions Related to Internet Use. Students in 10th through 12th grades were recruited from 14 senior high schools in Sivas, Turkey. Data were collected from October to May 2008. Data were analyzed after excluding the participants who provided incomplete data. It was found that Internet use in adolescents was associated with more severe psychiatric symptoms. Attention should be devoted to adolescents with Internet use for the design of preventive strategies.
Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi | 2018
Leyla Erdim; Sevil İnal
Ulke duz eyinde yenidogan bebeklerin yasama daha saglikli baslamalarini saglaya bilmek icin tarama prog ramlari yurutulmektedir. Yenidogan tarama programlarinin amaci bazi konjenital hastaliklari belirtileri ortaya cikmadan once belirlenmek, bu sayede durumun uzun vadeli sonuclarini onlemek veya iyilestirilmesi icin tedavinin mumkun olan en erken donemde baslamasini saglamaktir. Bircok etkilenen bebek taramalarla erken donemde belirlendiginde, dogumdan kisa sure sonra baslayan tedaviler ile normal ve saglikli bir yasam surdurebilmektedir. Bu makalede, metabolik tarama testleri icin kan ornegi alinmasi ve gonderilmesinde hemsirenin sorumluluklari konusundaki farkindaliklarinin arttirilmasi amaclanmistir.
Midwifery | 2018
Gülümser Dolgun; Sevil İnal; Leyla Erdim; Sevda Korkut
BACKGROUND breast milk is a natural source of nourishment, with a high level of bioefficacy that is easily digestible, easy to deliver, providing all the fluids, energy and nutrients that are needed for the optimum growth and development of a newborn. OBJECTIVE this research aims to conduct a reliability and validity study of the Bristol Breastfeeding Assessment Tool (BBAT) in the Turkish population. DESIGN the research was conducted in methodological design. SETTING the Child Health Follow-up Polyclinic of a university hospital in Istanbul. PARTICIPANTS the participants were 217 breastfed infants and their mothers. FINDINGS the internal consistency of the Turkish version of Breastfeeding Assessment Tool (Cronbachs alpha = 0.77) and the intraclass correlation level are high (ICC = 0.89). Breastfeeding Assessment Tool displayed a high correlation with LATCH (Latch Audible, Swallowing, Type of Nipple, Comfort of Breast/Nipple, H-Hold/Position) (Pearson r = 0.76; p = 0.000). CONCLUSIONS Breastfeeding Assessment Tool was successfully adapted into Turkish as a reliable and valid breastfeeding assessment tool that can be quickly and easily administered, and it was shown that the instrument could be readily adapted into other languages as well. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE the Turkish version of Breastfeeding Assessment Tool is now available to Turkish midwives and nurses, who will be able to employ an instrument for breastfeeding assessment that has been proven effective. More studies are needed to demonstrate the efficacy of the instrument.
Applied Nursing Research | 2016
Sevil İnal; Yasemin Aydın; Nejla Canbulat
AIM To investigate perinatal factors that affect breastfeeding of newborns delivered at a baby-friendly public hospital in Turkey, including the time of the first physical examination by a pediatrician, the first union with their mothers, and the first breastfeeding time after delivery. METHOD The research was conducted from May 2nd through June 30th, 2011, in a baby-friendly public hospital in Istanbul. The sample consisted of 194 mothers and their full-term newborns. The data were collected via an observation form developed by the researchers. In analyzing the data, the average, standard deviation, minimum, maximum values, Chi-square, and percentages were used. RESULTS The results revealed that the first physical examinations of the newborns were performed approximately 53.02±39min (range, 1-180 min) after birth. The newborns were given to their mothers approximately 69.75±41min (range, 3-190 min) after birth. Consequently, the first initiated breastfeeding took place approximately 78.58±44min following birth, and active sucking was initiated after approximately 85.90±54min. A large percentage of the newborns (64.4%) were not examined by a specialist pediatrician within half an hour of birth, and 74.7% were not united with their mothers within the same period. Also, the newborns who initiated breastfeeding within the first half hour had significantly earlier success with active sucking and required significantly less assistance to achieve successful breastfeeding. CONCLUSION The newborns in our study met with their mothers late in the birth ward because examinations of the newborns were delayed. The newborns began initial sucking later, and this chain reaction negatively impacted the breastfeeding success of the newborns.
Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi | 2015
Leyla Erdim; Sevil İnal; Gülçin Bozkurt
Toplumun en kucuk birimi olan ailenin, insan hayatinda onemli bir yeri vardir. Kisilerin beden ve ruh sagligi icin gerekli sevgi, yakin ilgi ve bakim aile ortaminda saglanir. Bireyin olumlu davranis ozelliklerini kazandigi ve gelistirdigi bir yer olan aile ortami, zaman zaman olumsuz bazi yasantilarin orseleyici sonuclarinin ortaya ciktigi bir ortama donusebilir. Ozellikle psikiyatrik hastaligi olan ebeveyn/ebeveynlerin bulundugu aileler de ki cocuklar bircok olumsuz durumla karsilasmaktadirlar. Cocuklarin bu zorlu surecten saglikli sekilde cikmasi icin saglik profesyonellerine onemli gorevler dusmektedir. Bu nedenle saglik profesyonellerinin psikiyatrik hastaliga sahip ebeveyn tutumlarinin cocugun psikolojini nasil etkiledigi anlamasi cok onemlidir. Bu makale saglik profesyonellerinin bu konudaki farkindaligini arttirmak icin hazirlanmistir.
Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi | 2015
Sevil İnal; Leyla Erdim
Dogal Afet Nedeniyle Post Travmatik Stres Bozuklugu Yasayan Ornek Bir Olguda Hemsirelik Bakiminin Planlanmasinda Fonksiyonel Saglik Oruntuleri Modeli’nin Kullanilmasi
Cumhuriyet medical journal | 2012
Meral Kelleci; Zehra Gölbaşı; Sevil İnal; Önder Kavakcı
Amac. Bu calismada sigara icen ve icmeyen universite ogrencilerinin stresle basa cikma tarzlarinin cinsiyet acisindan incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Yontem. Calisma bir universitede ogrenim goren ogrenciler ile yurutulmustur. Arastirmanin orneklemini bu universitenin cesitli bolumlerinde ogrenim goren 965 universite ogrencisi olusturmustur. Verilerin toplanmasinda “Bilgi Formu” ve “Stresle Basa Cikma Yollari Envanteri” (SBCT) kullanilmistir. Verilerin analizinde student t testi, ki kare testi ve tek yonlu varyans analizi kullanilmistir. Bulgular. Arastirmada universite ogrencileri arasinda sigara kullanma yayginligi %39,8 olarak bulundu (erkeklerin %50,7’si ve kadinlarin %24,9’u). Ogrencilerin sigaraya baslama nedenleri arasinda arkadas etkisi, stresle basa cikma, merak ve sosyal kabul gorme yer aldi. Erkeklerde sigara kullanan ve kullanmayan bireylerin stresle basa cikma tarzlari puan ortalamasi benzer iken, kizlarda SBCT olceginin boyun egici yaklasim alt boyutu puan ortalamasi sigara kullananlarda, sosyal destek arama yaklasimi alt boyutu puan ortalamasi ise sigara kullanmayanlarda anlamli duzeyde yuksek bulundu (p
International Journal of Nursing Practice | 2012
Sevil İnal; Meral Kelleci
MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing | 2012
Sevil İnal; Meral Kelleci
Pain Management Nursing | 2015
Nejla Canbulat; Fatma Ayhan; Sevil İnal