Seyoung Mun
Dankook University
Genome Biology and Evolution | 2017
Seyoung Mun; Yun-Ji Kim; Kesavan Markkandan; Wonseok Shin; Sumin Oh; Jiyoung Woo; Jongsu Yoo; Hyesuck An; Kyudong Han
Abstract The manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, is an important bivalve species in worldwide aquaculture including Korea. The aquaculture production of R. philippinarum is under threat from diverse environmental factors including viruses, microorganisms, parasites, and water conditions with subsequently declining production. In spite of its importance as a marine resource, the reference genome of R. philippinarum for comprehensive genetic studies is largely unexplored. Here, we report the de novo whole-genome and transcriptome assembly of R. philippinarum across three different tissues (foot, gill, and adductor muscle), and provide the basic data for advanced studies in selective breeding and disease control in order to obtain successful aquaculture systems. An approximately 2.56 Gb high quality whole-genome was assembled with various library construction methods. A total of 108,034 protein coding gene models were predicted and repetitive elements including simple sequence repeats and noncoding RNAs were identified to further understanding of the genetic background of R. philippinarum for genomics-assisted breeding. Comparative analysis with the bivalve marine invertebrates uncover that the gene family related to complement C1q was enriched. Furthermore, we performed transcriptome analysis with three different tissues in order to support genome annotation and then identified 41,275 transcripts which were annotated. The R. philippinarum genome resource will markedly advance a wide range of potential genetic studies, a reference genome for comparative analysis of bivalve species and unraveling mechanisms of biological processes in molluscs. We believe that the R. philippinarum genome will serve as an initial platform for breeding better-quality clams using a genomic approach.
Comparative and Functional Genomics | 2012
Jungnam Lee; Seyoung Mun; Thomas J. Meyer; Kyudong Han
Approximately 80 long interspersed element (LINE-1 or L1) copies are able to retrotranspose actively in the human genome, and these are termed retrotransposition-competent L1s. The 5′ untranslated region (UTR) of the human-specific L1 contains an internal promoter and several transcription factor binding sites. To better understand the effect of the L1 5′ UTR on the evolution of human-specific L1s, we examined this population of elements, focusing on the sequence diversity and accumulated substitutions within their 5′ UTRs. Using network analysis, we estimated the age of each L1 component (the 5′ UTR, ORF1, ORF2, and 3′ UTR). Through the comparison of the L1 components based on their estimated ages, we found that the 5′ UTR of human-specific L1s accumulates mutations at a faster rate than the other components. To further investigate the L1 5′ UTR, we examined the substitution frequency per nucleotide position among them. The results showed that the L1 5′ UTRs shared relatively conserved transcription factor binding sites, despite their high sequence diversity. Thus, we suggest that the high level of sequence diversity in the 5′ UTRs could be one of the factors controlling the number of retrotransposition-competent L1s in the human genome during the evolutionary battle between L1s and their host genomes.
PLOS ONE | 2014
Seyoung Mun; Jungnam Lee; Yun-Ji Kim; Heui-Soo Kim; Kyudong Han
Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs), eukaryotic transposable elements, exist as proviruses in vertebrates including primates and contribute to genomic changes during the evolution of their host genomes. Many studies about ERVs have focused on the elements residing in the human genome but only a few studies have focused on the elements which exist in non-human primate genomes. In this study, we identified 256 chimpanzee-specific endogenous retrovirus copies (PtERVs: Pan troglodyte endogenous retroviruses) from the chimpanzee reference genome sequence through comparative genomics. Among the chimpanzee-specific ERV copies, 121 were full-length chimpanzee-specific ERV elements while 110 were chimpanzee-specific solitary LTR copies. In addition, we found eight potential retrotransposition-competent full-length chimpanzee-specific ERV copies containing an intact env gene, and two of them were polymorphic in chimpanzee individuals. Through computational analysis and manual inspection, we found that some of the chimpanzee-specific ERVs have propagated via non-classical PtERV insertion (NCPI), and at least one of the PtERVs may have played a role in creating an alternative transcript of a chimpanzee gene. Based on our findings in this study, we state that the chimpanzee-specific ERV element is one of the sources of chimpanzee genomic variations, some of which might be related to the alternative transcripts in the chimpanzee population.
Zoological Science | 2016
Dong-Yep Oh; Bongjun Son; Seyoung Mun; Man Hwan Oh; Sejong Oh; Jaejung Ha; Jun-Koo Yi; Seunguk Lee; Kyudong Han
Chicken is one of the most popular domesticated species worldwide, as it can serve an important role in agricultural as well as biomedical research fields. Because it inhabits almost every continent and presents diverse morphology and traits, the need of genetic markers for distinguishing each breed for various purposes has increased. The whole genome sequencing of three different breeds (White Leghorn, Korean domestic, and Araucana) that show similar coloring patterns, with the exception of the White Leghorn breed, have confirmed previously reported genomic alterations and identified many novel variants. Additionally, the Whole Genome Re-Sequencing (WGRS) approach identified an approximately 4 kb insert within SLCO1B3 responsible for blue egg shell color. Targeted investigation of pigment-related genes corroborated previously reported non-synonymous mutations, and provided deeper insight into chicken coloring, where not a single but a combination of non-synonymous mutations in the MC1R gene is likely to be responsible for altered feather coloring.
Gene | 2015
Wooseok Lee; Seyoung Mun; Keunsoo Kang; Lothar Hennighausen; Kyudong Han
Alu elements are the most successful short interspersed elements in primate genomes and their retrotransposition is a major source of genomic expansion. Alu elements integrate into genomic regions through target-site primed reverse transcription, which generates target site duplications (TSDs). Unexpectedly, we have identified target site triplications (TSTs) at some loci, where two Alu elements in tandem share one direct repeat. Thus, the three copies of the repeat are present. We located 212 TST loci in the human genome and examined 25 putative human-specific TST loci using PCR validation. As a result, 12 human-specific TST loci were identified. These findings suggest that unequal homologous recombination between TSDs can lead to TST. Through this mechanism, the copy number of Alu elements could have increased in primate genomes without new Alu retrotransposition events. This study provides new insight into the augmentation of Alu elements in the primate genome.
Mobile Dna | 2017
Jinmin Lee; Seyoung Mun; Dong Hee Kim; Chun-Sung Cho; Dong-Yep Oh; Kyudong Han
BackgroundTransposable elements (TEs) comprise ~10% of the chicken (Gallus gallus) genome. The content of TEs is much lower than that of mammalian genomes, where TEs comprise around half of the genome. Endogenous retroviruses are responsible for ~1.3% of the chicken genome. Among them is Gallus gallus endogenous retrovirus 10 (GGERV10), one of the youngest endogenous retrovirus families, which emerged in the chicken genome around 3 million years ago.ResultsWe identified a total of 593 GGERV10 elements in the chicken reference genome using UCSC genome database and RepeatMasker. While most of the elements were truncated, 49 GGERV10 elements were full-length retaining 5′ and 3′ LTRs. We examined in detail their structural features, chromosomal distribution, genomic environment, and phylogenetic relationships. We compared LTR sequence among five different GGERV10 subfamilies and found sequence variations among the LTRs. Using a traditional PCR assay, we examined a polymorphism rate of the 49 full-length GGERV10 elements in three different chicken populations of the Korean domestic chicken, Leghorn, and Araucana. The result found a breed-specific GGERV10B insertion locus in the Korean domestic chicken, which could be used as a Korean domestic chicken-specific marker.ConclusionsGGERV10 family is the youngest ERV family and thus might have contributed to recent genomic variations in different chicken populations. The result of this study showed that one of GGERV10 elements integrated into the chicken genome after the divergence of Korean domestic chicken from other closely related chicken populations, suggesting that GGERV10 could be served as a molecular marker for chicken breed identification.
Gene | 2015
Jae Lee; Yun-Ji Kim; Seyoung Mun; Heui-Soo Kim; Kyudong Han
Mobile elements are responsible for ~45% of the human genome. Among them is the Alu element, accounting for 10% of the human genome (>1.1million copies). Several studies of Alu elements have reported that they are frequently involved in human genetic diseases and genomic rearrangements. In this study, we investigated the AluS subfamily, which is a relatively old Alu subfamily and has the highest copy number in primate genomes. Previously, a set of 263 human-specific AluS insertions was identified in the human genome. To validate these, we compared each of the human-specific AluS loci with its pre-insertion site in other primate genomes, including chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan. We obtained 24 putative human-specific AluS candidates via the in silico analysis and manual inspection, and then tried to verify them using PCR amplification and DNA sequencing. Through the PCR product sequencing, we were able to detect two instances of near-parallel Alu insertions in nearby sites that led to computational false negatives. Finally, we computationally and experimentally verified 23 human-specific AluS elements. We reported three alternative Alu insertion events, which are accompanied by filler DNA and/or Alu retrotransposition mediated-deletion. Bisulfite sequencing was carried out to examine DNA methylation levels of human-specific AluS elements. The results showed that fixed AluS elements are hypermethylated compared with polymorphic elements, indicating a possible relation between DNA methylation and Alu fixation in the human genome.
bioRxiv | 2016
Wanxiangfu Tang; Seyoung Mun; Adiya Joshi; Kyundong Han; Ping Liang
Mobile elements (MEs) collectively constituted to at least 51% of the human genome. Due to their past incremental accumulation and ongoing DNA transposition of members from certain subfamilies, MEs serve as a significant source for both inter- and intra-species genetic diversity during primate and human evolution. Since MEs can exert direct impact on gene function via a plethora of mechanism, it is believed that the ME-derived genetic diversity has contributed to the phenotypic differences between human and non-human primates, as well as among human populations and individuals. To define the specific contribution of MEs in making Human sapiens as a biologically unique species, we aim to compile a complete list of MEs that are only uniquely present in the human genome, i.e., human-specific MEs (HS-MEs). By making use of the most recent reference genome sequences for human and many other primates and a unbiased more robust and integrative multi-way comparative genomic approach, we identified a total of 15,463 HS-MEs. This list of HS-MEs represents a 120% increase from prior studies with over 8,000 being newly identified as HS-MEs. Collectively, these ~15,000 HS-MEs have contributed to a total of 15 million base pair (Mbp) sequence increase through insertion, generation of target site duplications, and transductions, as well as a 0.5 Mbp sequence loss via insertion- mediated deletions, leading to a net total of 14.5 Mbp genome size increase. Other new observations made with these HS-MEs include: 1) identification of several additional ME subfamilies with significant transposition activities not visible with prior smaller datasets (e.g. L1HS, L1PA2, and HERV-K); 2) A clear similarity of the retrotransposition mechanism among L1, Alus, and SVAs that is distinct from HERVs based on the pre- integration site sequence motifs; 3) Y-chromosome as a strikingly hot target for HS-MEs, particularly for LTRs, which showed an insertion rate 15 times higher than the genome average; 4) among the ME types, SVAs seem to show a very strong bias in inserting into existing SVAs. Among the HS-MEs, more than 8,000 elements were integrated into the vicinity of ~4900 unique genes, in regions including CDS, untranslated exon regions, promoters, and introns of protein coding genes, as well as promoters and exons of non- coding RNAs. In seven cases, MEs participate in protein coding. Furthermore, 1,213 HS-MEs contributed to a total of 3,124 experimentally identified binding sites for 146 of the 161 transcriptional factors in association with 622 genes. All these data suggest that these HS-MEs, despite being very young, already showed sufficient sign for their participation in gene function via regulation of transcription, splicing, and protein coding, with more potential for future participation. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the amount of MEs uniquely occurred in the human genome is much higher than previously known, and we predict that the same is true regarding their impact on human genome evolution and function. The comprehensive list of HS-MEs provides an important reference resource for studying the impact of DNA transposition in human genome evolution and gene function.
Genomics & Informatics | 2013
Seyoung Mun; Jungnam Lee; Siwon Lee; Kyudong Han; Tae-Young Ahn
Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene has been widely used for the classification of microorganisms. However, we have been unable to clearly identify five Flavobacterium species isolated from a freshwater by using the gene as a single marker, because the evolutionary history is incomplete and the pace of DNA substitutions is relatively rapid in the bacteria. In this study, we tried to classify Flavobacterium species through multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA), which is a practical and reliable technique for the identification or classification of bacteria. The five Flavobacterium species isolated from freshwater and 37 other strains were classified based on six housekeeping genes: gyrB, dnaK, tuf, murG, atpA, and glyA. The genes were amplified by PCR and subjected to DNA sequencing. Based on the combined DNA sequence (4,412 bp) of the six housekeeping genes, we analyzed the phylogenetic relationship among the Flavobacterium species. The results indicated that MLSA, based on the six housekeeping genes, is a trustworthy method for the identification of closely related Flavobacterium species.
DNA Research | 2018
Wanxiangfu Tang; Seyoung Mun; Aditya Joshi; Kyudong Han; Ping Liang
Abstract Mobile elements (MEs) collectively contribute to at least 50% of the human genome. Due to their past incremental accumulation and ongoing DNA transposition, MEs serve as a significant source for both inter- and intra-species genetic and phenotypic diversity during primate and human evolution. By making use of the most recent genome sequences for human and many other closely related primates and robust multi-way comparative genomic approach, we identified a total of 14,870 human-specific MEs (HS-MEs) with more than 8,000 being newly identified. Collectively, these HS-MEs contribute to a total of 14.2 Mbp net genome sequence increase. Several new observations were made based on these HS-MEs, including the finding of Y chromosome as a strikingly hot target for HS-MEs and a strong mutual preference for SINE-R/VNTR/Alu (SVAs). Furthermore, ∼8,000 of these HS-MEs were found to locate in the vicinity of ∼4,900 genes, and collectively they contribute to ∼84 kb sequences in the human reference transcriptome in association with over 300 genes, including protein-coding sequences for 40 genes. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that MEs made a significant contribution to the evolution of human genome by participating in gene function in a human-specific fashion.