
Featured researches published by Shamci Monajembashi.

Current Biology | 2007

Endosymbiont-Dependent Host Reproduction Maintains Bacterial-Fungal Mutualism

Laila P. Partida-Martinez; Shamci Monajembashi; Karl-Otto Greulich; Christian Hertweck

Bacterial endosymbionts play essential roles for many organisms, and thus specialized mechanisms have evolved during evolution that guarantee the persistence of the symbiosis during or after host reproduction. The rice seedling blight fungus Rhizopus microsporus represents a unique example of a mutualistic life form in which a fungus harbors endobacteria (Burkholderia sp.) for the production of a phytotoxin. Here we report the unexpected observation that in the absence of endosymbionts, the host is not capable of vegetative reproduction. Formation of sporangia and spores is restored only upon reintroduction of endobacteria. To monitor this process, we succeeded in GFP labeling cultured endosymbionts. We also established a laserbeam transformation technique for the first controlled introduction of bacteria into fungi to observe their migration to the tips of the aseptate hyphae. The persistence of this fungal-bacterial mutualism through symbiont-dependent sporulation is intriguing from an evolutionary point of view and implies that the symbiont produces factors that are essential for the fungal life cycle. Reproduction of the host has become totally dependent on endofungal bacteria, which in return provide a highly potent toxin for defending the habitat and accessing nutrients from decaying plants. This scenario clearly highlights the significance for a controlled maintenance of this fungal-bacterial symbiotic relationship.

PLOS ONE | 2007

Composition and Hierarchical Organisation of a Spider Silk

Alexander Sponner; Wolfram Vater; Shamci Monajembashi; Eberhard Unger; Frank Grosse; Klaus Weisshart

Albeit silks are fairly well understood on a molecular level, their hierarchical organisation and the full complexity of constituents in the spun fibre remain poorly defined. Here we link morphological defined structural elements in dragline silk of Nephila clavipes to their biochemical composition and physicochemical properties. Five layers of different make-ups could be distinguished. Of these only the two core layers contained the known silk proteins, but all can vitally contribute to the mechanical performance or properties of the silk fibre. Understanding the composite nature of silk and its supra-molecular organisation will open avenues in the production of high performance fibres based on artificially spun silk material.

Molecular metabolism | 2013

Neuronal ROS signaling rather than AMPK/sirtuin-mediated energy sensing links dietary restriction to lifespan extension

Sebastian Schmeisser; Steffen Priebe; Marco Groth; Shamci Monajembashi; Peter Hemmerich; Reinhard Guthke; Matthias Platzer; Michael Ristow

Dietary restriction (DR) extends lifespan and promotes metabolic health in evolutionary distinct species. DR is widely believed to promote longevity by causing an energy deficit leading to increased mitochondrial respiration. We here show that inhibitors of mitochondrial complex I promote physical activity, stress resistance as well as lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans despite normal food uptake, i.e. in the absence of DR. However, complex I inhibition does not further extend lifespan in dietarily restricted nematodes, indicating that impaired complex I activity mimics DR. Promotion of longevity due to complex I inhibition occurs independently of known energy sensors, including DAF-16/FoxO, as well as AAK-2/AMPK and SIR-2.1/sirtuins, or both. Consistent with the concept of mitohormesis, complex I inhibition transiently increases mitochondrial formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that activate PMK-1/p38 MAP kinase and SKN-1/NRF-2. Interference with this retrograde redox signal as well as ablation of two redox-sensitive neurons in the head of the worm similarly prevents extension of lifespan. These findings unexpectedly indicate that DR extends organismal lifespan through transient neuronal ROS signaling rather than sensing of energy depletion, providing unexpected pharmacological options to promote exercise capacity and healthspan despite unaltered eating habits.

Nature Communications | 2015

Branched-chain amino acid catabolism is a conserved regulator of physiological ageing

Johannes Mansfeld; Nadine Urban; Steffen Priebe; Marco Groth; Christiane Frahm; Nils Hartmann; Juliane Gebauer; Meenakshi Ravichandran; Anne Dommaschk; Sebastian Schmeisser; Doreen Kuhlow; Shamci Monajembashi; Sibylle Bremer-Streck; Peter Hemmerich; Michael Kiehntopf; Nicola Zamboni; Christoph Englert; Reinhard Guthke; Christoph Kaleta; Matthias Platzer; Jürgen Sühnel; Otto W. Witte; Kim Zarse; Michael Ristow

Ageing has been defined as a global decline in physiological function depending on both environmental and genetic factors. Here we identify gene transcripts that are similarly regulated during physiological ageing in nematodes, zebrafish and mice. We observe the strongest extension of lifespan when impairing expression of the branched-chain amino acid transferase-1 (bcat-1) gene in C. elegans, which leads to excessive levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). We further show that BCAAs reduce a LET-363/mTOR-dependent neuro-endocrine signal, which we identify as DAF-7/TGFβ, and that impacts lifespan depending on its related receptors, DAF-1 and DAF-4, as well as ultimately on DAF-16/FoxO and HSF-1 in a cell-non-autonomous manner. The transcription factor HLH-15 controls and epistatically synergizes with BCAT-1 to modulate physiological ageing. Lastly and consistent with previous findings in rodents, nutritional supplementation of BCAAs extends nematodal lifespan. Taken together, BCAAs act as periphery-derived metabokines that induce a central neuro-endocrine response, culminating in extended healthspan.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2012

Contribution of the C-terminal Regions of Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein (PML) Isoforms II and V to PML Nuclear Body Formation

Yunyun Geng; Shamci Monajembashi; Anwen Shao; Di Cui; Weiyong He; Zhongzhou Chen; Peter Hemmerich; Jun Tang

Background: Multiple promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) isoforms co-exist in PML nuclear bodies (NBs). Results: The C-terminal regions of PML isoforms II and V can form nuclear bodies and target to PML-NBs in the absence of the N terminus. Conclusion: The C-terminal domains of PML-II and -V may contribute to PML-NB formation and targeting. Significance: PML-II and -V may play important roles in regulating PML-NB structure and function. Promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) nuclear bodies are dynamic and heterogeneous nuclear protein complexes implicated in various important functions, most notably tumor suppression. PML is the structural component of PML nuclear bodies and has several nuclear splice isoforms that share a common N-terminal region but differ in their C termini. Previous studies have suggested that the coiled-coil motif within the N-terminal region is sufficient for PML nuclear body formation by mediating homo/multi-dimerization of PML molecules. However, it has not been investigated whether any of the C-terminal variants of PML may contribute to PML body assembly. Here we report that the unique C-terminal domains of PML-II and PML-V can target to PML-NBs independent of their N-terminal region. Strikingly, both domains can form nuclear bodies in the absence of endogenous PML. The C-terminal domain of PML-II interacts transiently with unknown binding sites at PML nuclear bodies, whereas the C-terminal domain of PML-V exhibits hyperstable binding to PML bodies via homo-dimerization. This strong interaction is mediated by a putative α-helix in the C terminus of PML-V. Moreover, nuclear bodies assembled from the C-terminal domain of PML-V also recruit additional PML body components, including Daxx and Sp100. These observations establish the C-terminal domain of PML-V as an additional important contributor to the assembly mechanism(s) of PML bodies.

ChemPhysChem | 2009

Laser microbeams and optical tweezers in ageing research.

Paulius Grigaravicius; Karl Otto Greulich; Shamci Monajembashi

We show how a technique developed within the framework of physics and physical chemistry-in a true interdisciplinary approach-can answer questions in life sciences that are not solvable by using other techniques. Herein, we focus on blood-pressure regulation and DNA repair in ageing studies. Laser microbeams and optical tweezers are now established tools in many fields of science, particularly in the life sciences. A short glimpse is given on the wide field of non-age-research applications in life sciences. Then, optical tweezers are used to show that exerting a vertical pressure on cells representing the inner lining of blood vessels results in bursts of NO liberation concomitant with large changes in cell morphology. Repeated treatment of such human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) results in stiffening, a hallmark of manifest high blood pressure, a disease primarily of the elderly. As a second application in ageing research, a laser microbeam is used to induce, with high spatial and temporal resolution, DNA damages in the nuclei of U2OS human osteosarcoma cells. A pairwise study of the recruitment kinetics of different DNA repair proteins reveals that DNA repair starts with non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), a repair pathway, and may only after several minutes switch to the error-free homologous recombination repair (HRR) pathway. Since DNA damages-when incorrectly repaired-accumulate with time, laser microbeams are becoming well-used tools in ageing research.

Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2014

The Tumor Suppressor PML Specifically Accumulates at RPA/Rad51-Containing DNA Damage Repair Foci but Is Nonessential for DNA Damage-Induced Fibroblast Senescence

Sandra Münch; Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters; Karolin Klement; Paulius Grigaravicius; Shamci Monajembashi; Paolo Salomoni; Pier Paolo Pandolfi; Klaus Weißhart; Peter Hemmerich

ABSTRACT The PML tumor suppressor has been functionally implicated in DNA damage response and cellular senescence. Direct evidence for such a role based on PML knockdown or knockout approaches is still lacking. We have therefore analyzed the irradiation-induced DNA damage response and cellular senescence in human and mouse fibroblasts lacking PML. Our data show that PML nuclear bodies (NBs) nonrandomly associate with persistent DNA damage foci in unperturbed human skin and in high-dose-irradiated cell culture systems. PML bodies do not associate with transient γH2AX foci after low-dose gamma irradiation. Superresolution microscopy reveals that all PML bodies within a nucleus are engaged at Rad51- and RPA-containing repair foci during ongoing DNA repair. The lack of PML (i) does not majorly affect the DNA damage response, (ii) does not alter the efficiency of senescence induction after DNA damage, and (iii) does not affect the proliferative potential of primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts during serial passaging. Thus, while PML NBs specifically accumulate at Rad51/RPA-containing lesions and senescence-derived persistent DNA damage foci, they are not essential for DNA damage-induced and replicative senescence of human and murine fibroblasts.

Journal of Cellular Biochemistry | 2011

Proteomic identification of PSF and p54(nrb) as topBP1-interacting proteins

Anja Kuhnert; Uta Schmidt; Shamci Monajembashi; Claudia Franke; Bernhard Schlott; Frank Grosse; Karl Otto Greulich; Hans-Peter Saluz; Frank Hänel

TopBP1 is a BRCT domain‐rich protein that is structurally and functionally conserved throughout eukaryotic organisms. It is required for the initiation of DNA replication and for DNA repair and damage signalling. To further dissect its biological functions, we explored TopBP1‐interacting proteins by co‐immunoprecipitation assays and LC‐ESI‐MS‐analyses. As TopBP1 binding partners we identified p54(nrb) and PSF, and confirmed the physical interactions by GST pull‐down assays, co‐immunoprecipitations and by yeast two‐hybrid experiments. Recent evidence shows an involvement of p54(nrb) and PSF in DNA double‐strand break repair (DSB) and radioresistance. To get a first picture of the physiological significance of the interaction of TopBP1 with p54(nrb) and PSF we investigated in real time the spatiotemporal behaviour of the three proteins after laser microirradiation of living cells. Localisation of TopBP1 at damage sites was noticed as early as 5 s following damage induction, whereas p54(nrb) and PSF localised there after 20 s. Both p54(nrb) and PSF disappeared after 200 s while TopBP1 was retained at damage sites significantly longer suggesting different functions of the proteins during DSB recognition and repair. J. Cell. Biochem. 113: 1744–1753, 2012.

Plant Signaling & Behavior | 2016

Stress promotes Arabidopsis - Piriformospora indica interaction

Khabat Vahabi; Sedigheh Karimi Dorcheh; Shamci Monajembashi; Martin Westermann; Michael Reichelt; Daniela Falkenberg; Peter Hemmerich; Irena Sherameti

ABSTRACT The endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica colonizes Arabidopsis thaliana roots and promotes plant performance, growth and resistance/tolerance against abiotic and biotic stress. Here we demonstrate that the benefits for the plant increase when the two partners are co-cultivated under stress (limited access to nutrient, exposure to heavy metals and salt, light and osmotic stress, pathogen infection). Moreover, physical contact between P. indica and Arabidopsis roots is necessary for optimal growth promotion, and chemical communication cannot replace the physical contact. Lower nutrient availability down-regulates and higher nutrient availability up-regulates the plant defense system including the expression of pathogenesis-related genes in roots. High light, osmotic and salt stresses support the beneficial interaction between the plant and the fungus. P. indica reduces stomata closure and H2O2 production after Alternaria brassicae infection in leaves and suppresses the defense-related accumulation of the phytohormone jasmonic acid. Thus, shifting the growth conditions toward a stress promotes the mutualistic interaction, while optimal supply with nutrients or low stress diminishes the benefits for the plant in the symbiosis.

International Journal of Medical Microbiology | 2014

Chlamydia psittaci inclusion membrane protein IncB associates with host protein Snapin.

Selina Böcker; Adeline Heurich; Claudia Franke; Shamci Monajembashi; Konrad Sachse; Hans Peter Saluz; Frank Hänel

Chlamydia (C.) psittaci, the causative agent of psittacosis in birds and humans, is the most important zoonotic pathogen of the family Chlamydiaceae. During a unique developmental cycle of this obligate intracellular pathogen, the infectious elementary body gains access to the susceptible host cell, where it transforms into the replicative reticulate body. C. psittaci uses dynein motor proteins for optimal early development. Chlamydial proteins that mediate this process are unknown. Two-hybrid screening with the C. psittaci inclusion protein IncB as bait against a HeLa Yeast Two-hybrid (YTH) library revealed that the host protein Snapin interacts with IncB. Snapin is a cytoplasmic protein that plays a multivalent role in intracellular trafficking. Confocal fluorescence microscopy using an IncB-specific antibody demonstrated that IncB, Snapin, and dynein were co-localized near the inclusion of C. psittaci-infected HEp-2 cells. This co-localization was lost when Snapin was depleted by RNAi. The interaction of Snapin with both IncB and dynein has been shown in vitro and in vivo. We propose that Snapin connects chlamydial inclusions with the microtubule network by interacting with both IncB and dynein.

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