Shangong Wu
Chinese Academy of Sciences
PLOS ONE | 2012
Shangong Wu; Guitang Wang; Esther R. Angert; Weiwei Wang; Wenxiang Li; Hong Zou
Gut microbiota has become an integral component of the host, and received increasing attention. However, for many domestic animals, information on the microbiota is insufficient and more effort should be exerted to manage the gastrointestinal bacterial community. Understanding the factors that influence the composition of microbial community in the host alimentary canal is essential to manage or improve the microbial community composition. In the present study, 16S rRNA gene sequence-based comparisons of the bacterial communities in the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) intestinal contents and fish culture-associated environments are performed. The results show that the fish intestinal microbiota harbors many cellulose-decomposing bacteria, including sequences related to Anoxybacillus, Leuconostoc, Clostridium, Actinomyces, and Citrobacter. The most abundant bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the grass carp intestinal content are those related to feed digestion. In addition, the potential pathogens and probiotics are important members of the intestinal microbiota. Further analyses show that grass carp intestine holds a core microbiota composed of Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria. The comparison analyses reveal that the bacterial community in the intestinal contents is most similar to those from the culture water and sediment. However, feed also plays significant influence on the composition of gut microbiota.
Molecular Immunology | 2009
Yichen Liu; M.X. Chang; Shangong Wu; Pin Nie
Chemokines and their receptors play important roles in nervous and immune systems. Little information, however, exists concerning this gene family in teleost fish. In the present study, 17 C-C chemokine receptors genes were identified from Danio rerio, 9 from Gasterosteus aculeatus, 10 from Oryzias latipes, 8 from Takifugu rubripes and 5 from Tetraodon nigroviridis. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the orthologs to mammalian CCR6, 7, 8, 9 and CCRL1 receptors were evident in zebrafish, but the clear orthologs to mammalian CCR1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 were not found in zebrafish. The gene structure of zebrafish CCR (zfCCR) was further analyzed. The open reading frame of zfCCR3-1, zfCCR3-3, zfCCR6-1, zfCCR6-2, zfCCR8-2 contain one exon, and two exons were identified for zfCCR2-1, zfCCR2-2, zfCCR4 and zfCCRL1-1, three exons for zfCCR3-2, zfCCR5 and zfCCR7, four exons for zfCCR8-1 and zfCCR9-1. The expression analyses showed that in zebrafish, most C-C chemokine receptor genes were expressed in fertilized eggs and oocytes, and all the receptor genes were expressed in larval stages. The zfCCR2-2, zfCCR3-1, zfCCR4 and zfCCR6-2 genes were expressed in all normal organs examined, whereas not for zfCCR2-1, zfCCR3-3, zfCCR6-1, zfCCR8-1, zfCCR9-2 and zfCCRL1-2. The expression of zfCCR3-2, zfCCR5, zfCCR7, zfCCR9-1 and zfCCRL1-1 were detected in the majority organs, and zfCCR8-2 and zfCCR8-3 detected only in brain. The differential expression pattern of different paralogues in organs may indicate their difference in function, which requires further investigation.
PLOS ONE | 2012
Hong Zou; Jin Zhang; Wenxiang Li; Shangong Wu; Guitang Wang
The 17,922 base pairs (bp) nucleotide sequence of the linear mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecule of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbyi (Hydrozoa,Trachylina, Limnomedusae) has been determined. This sequence exhibits surprisingly low A+T content (57.1%), containing genes for 13 energy pathway proteins, a small and a large subunit rRNAs, and methionine and tryptophan tRNAs. Mitochondrial ancestral medusozoan gene order (AMGO) was found in the C. sowerbyi, as those found in Cubaia aphrodite (Hydrozoa, Trachylina, Limnomedusae), discomedusan Scyphozoa and Staurozoa. The genes of C. sowerbyi mtDNA are arranged in two clusters with opposite transcriptional polarities, whereby transcription proceeds toward the ends of the DNA molecule. Identical inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) flank the ends of the mitochondrial DNA molecule, a characteristic typical of medusozoans. In addition, two open reading frames (ORFs) of 354 and 1611 bp in length were found downstream of the large subunit rRNA gene, similar to the two ORFs of ORF314 and polB discovered in the linear mtDNA of C. aphrodite, discomedusan Scyphozoa and Staurozoa. Phylogenetic analyses of C. sowerbyi and other cnidarians were carried out based on both nucleotide and inferred amino acid sequences of the 13 mitochondrial energy pathway genes. Our working hypothesis supports the monophyletic Medusozoa being a sister group to Octocorallia (Cnidaria, Anthozoa). Within Medusozoa, the phylogenetic analysis suggests that Staurozoa may be the earliest diverging class and the sister group of all other medusozoans. Cubozoa and coronate Scyphozoa form a clade that is the sister group of Hydrozoa plus discomedusan Scyphozoa. Hydrozoa is the sister group of discomedusan Scyphozoa. Semaeostomeae is a paraphyletic clade with Rhizostomeae, while Limnomedusae (Trachylina) is the sister group of hydroidolinans and may be the earliest diverging lineage among Hydrozoa.
Journal of Fish Diseases | 2014
Lt Ye; Wen Xiang Li; Weiwu Wang; Shangong Wu; Gui-Zhen Wang
The original description of Myxobolus hearti is supplemented with new data on spore morphology, histopathology and molecular phylogeny. Myxobolus hearti are found in the heart ventricle of the gibel carp, Carassius gibelio (Bloch), where they form whitish oval or irregularly shaped plasmodia. Mature spores are oval or shortly ellipsoidal in frontal view, lemon-shaped in sutural view and eye-shaped in apical view. The spores are 14.12 ± 0.35 (13.6-15) μm long (mean ± SD), 11.85 ± 0.34 ± 0.36 (11-12) μm wide and 7.32 ± 0.36 (7-8) μm thick. The two polar capsules are equal in size, 6.11 ± 0.29 (6-7) μm long and 3.89 ± 0.31(3-4) μm wide, and are long pyriform in shape. Polar filaments have six or seven coils situated perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the polar capsules. Histopathology indicates that the plasmodia are encased by the host connective tissue, and no inflammatory responses are found in the heart ventricles. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 18S small-subunit ribosomal DNA sequences indicates that M. hearti is, genetically, most similar to Henneguya doneci, a gill-infecting species.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B | 2016
Hong Zou; Dong Zhang; Wenxiang Li; Shun Zhou; Shangong Wu; Guitang Wang
Abstract Gyrodactylus gurleyi, was inhabited on the fins and gills of goldfish (Carassius auratus), which belonged to the family Gyrodactylidae. In this study, we sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome of G. gurleyi with the total length of 14 771 bp. The mitogenome contained 12 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNA genes, two rRNA genes and two major non-coding regions (NC1 and NC2). The overall AT content was 72.1%. In phylogenetic analysis, G. gurleyi and G. kobayashii clustered together and then united with the clade of other three Gyrodactylus species (G. salaris, G. thymalli and G. derjavinoides) with high nodal support.
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology | 2016
Ming Li; Zong-Yi Sun; J. Norman Grim; Francisco Ponce-Gordo; Guitang Wang; Hong Zou; Wenxiang Li; Shangong Wu
The morphology of Nyctotheroides hubeiensis (Acta Hydrobiol. Sin. 1998, 22(suppl.):187), collected from the rectum of Phelophylax nigromaculatus, is presented in this paper based on detailed morphological information and molecular data. Our phylogenetic analysis showed that N. hubeiensis fell into the Nyctotheroides clade, which was strongly supported as monophyletic and clustered as basal to the genera Nyctotherus and Clevelandella. Also, the monophyly of the Order Clevelandellida and the affinity of parasitic nyctotherids and free‐living metopids were indicated in our work. The origin of clevelandellid ciliates as well as their possible evolutionary history was also discussed here; however, the analysis of more species from other vertebrate hosts (fish, reptiles) should be made before a well‐supported conclusion can be drawn.
Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 2017
Lingtong Ye (叶灵通); Mingmiao Lu (卢明淼); Keyan Quan (权可艳); Wenxiang Li; Hong Zou; Shangong Wu; Jiangyong Wang (王江勇); Guitang Wang
The mass mortality of pond-reared scattered mirror carp, Cyprinus carpio, caused by Thelohanellus kitauei, occurred at fish farms in Sichuan Province, southwest China. Morphological and molecular analyses were supplemented with histological evaluation of infected tissues to better understand the route of infection and the pathological effects of T. kitauei on the fish host. The intestine of the diseased host was full of large cysts of the myxosporean. The cysts range from 2 cm to 3.6 cm in diameter. Histopathology indicated that T. kitaue i first invaded the submucosa of the host intestine and then moved into the mucosa layers with the development of their spores, finally entering into the enteric cavity of the hosts after the disruption of mucosa layers. The pyriform spores of T. kitauei were surrounded by the transparent spore sheath, measuring 25.98 μm±0.95 μm in body length, 8.72 μm±0.51 μm in body width, and 7.86 μm±0.26 μm in body thickness. The single polar capsule was pyriform, measuring 14.73 μm±0.92 μm in length and 6.82 μm±0.45 μm in width, with eight to 10 turns of filament coils winding inside. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 18S small-subunit ribosomal DNA sequences indicated that minimal genetic differences were present between T. kitauei samples from South Korea and from China. Close affinity was found between the genus Thelohanellus and Myxobolus. Additionally, two polar capsule nuclei were found at the anterior end of the single polar capsule in spores of T. kitauei stained with hematoxylin and eosin, which suggested the separation of the genus Thelohanellus from Myxobolus.
World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology | 2018
Ngoc Tuan Tran; Jing Zhang; Fan Xiong; Guitang Wang; Wenxiang Li; Shangong Wu
Gut microbiota plays a crucial importance in their host. Disturbance of the microbial structure and function is known to be associated with inflammatory intestinal disorders. Enteritis is a significant cause of high mortality in fish species, including grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Study regarding the association between microbial alternations and enteritis in grass carp is still absent. In this study, changes in the gut microbiota of grass carp suffering from enteritis were investigated using NGS-based 16S rRNA sequencing. Six healthy and ten abnormal fish (showing reddening anus, red odiferous fluid accumulating in the abdominal capacity, and flatulence and haemorrhage in the intestine) were collected from a fish farm in Huanggang Fisheries Institute (Hubei, China). Our results revealed that the diversity, structure, and function of gut microbiota were significantly different between diseased and healthy fish (P < 0.05). Particularly, members of the genera Dechloromonas, Methylocaldum, Planctomyces, Rhodobacter, Caulobacter, Flavobacterium, and Pseudomonas were significantly increased in diseased fish compared with that in healthy fish (P < 0.05). Predicted function indicated that microbiota significantly changed the specific metabolic pathways (related to amino acid metabolism, xenobiotics biodegradation and metabolism, and carbohydrate metabolism) in diseased fish (P < 0.05). Taken together, our findings point out the association between changes of the gut microbiota and enteritis in grass carp, which provide basic information useful for diagnoses, prevention, and treatment of intestinal diseases occurring in cultured fish.
Veterinary Parasitology | 2018
Ming Li; Runqiu Wang; Giana Bastos Gomes; Hong Zou; Wenxiang Li; Shangong Wu; Guitang Wang; Francisco Ponce-Gordo
The genus Chilodonella includes free-living ciliated protozoa as well as pathogenic species for freshwater fish, with Chilodonella hexasticha and Chilodonella piscicola being the most important ones. These parasites cause outbreaks with high mortalities among farmed freshwater fishes with great economic losses. There are few reports of these species in China, and their identification has been based mostly on their morphological characteristics. In the present work, the parasites causing five outbreaks occurring in China between 2014 and 2017 have been identified by morphological and genetic analysis. We provide the first records of Ctenopharingodon idella and Siniperca chuatsi as hosts of C. hexasticha, and of Procypris rabaudi and Schizothorax wangchiachii as hosts of C. piscicola. There are no differences in the gross pathological findings produced by C. hexasticha and C. piscicola, consisting in desquamation and necrosis of epithelial cells in the skin and gills and in severe fusion of gill lamellae. However, both species differ in their geographic distribution: C. piscicola was found in farms located at altitudes over 1500 m above sea level and with a water temperature ≤18 °C, while C. hexasticha was found in farms located at altitudes under 50 m above sea level and with a water temperature ≥21 °C. Present results confirm that C. hexasticha and C. piscicola are two different species that can be differenced by their morphology; however, their biological variability may lead to erroneous identifications and the diagnosis should be preferably based in genetic analysis including nuclear LSU rDNA and mitochondrial SSU rDNA sequences.
Parasite | 2018
Can Li; Weishan Zhao; Dong Zhang; Runqiu Wang; Guitang Wang; Hong Zou; Wenxiang Li; Shangong Wu; Ming Li
Morphological studies of Sicuophora (Syn. Wichtermania) multigranularis Xiao et al., 2002, from the rectum of the frog, Quasipaa spinosa, performed using silver impregnation and scanning electron microscopy, confirmed the following newly recognized features: (1) only one apical suture on the right surface; (2) two naked regions at the posterior end of both the left and the right side of the body. Phylogenetic analysis based on the SSU-rRNA gene showed that S. multigranularis is a sister to a clade comprising all other Clevelandellida, strongly supporting the validity of the genus Sicuophora. This is also the first molecular data obtained for the genus Sicuophora. Because of the lack of molecular data, it will be necessary to obtain more genetic data from the family Sicuophoridae to discuss the question of the taxonomic status of the genus Sicuophora.