Shari L. Gallop
Macquarie University
Scientific Data | 2015
Ivan D. Haigh; Matthew P. Wadey; Shari L. Gallop; Heiko Loehr; Robert J. Nicholls; Kevin Horsburgh; Jennifer M. Brown; Elizabeth Bradshaw
Coastal flooding caused by extreme sea levels can be devastating, with long-lasting and diverse consequences. Historically, the UK has suffered major flooding events, and at present 2.5 million properties and £150 billion of assets are potentially exposed to coastal flooding. However, no formal system is in place to catalogue which storms and high sea level events progress to coastal flooding. Furthermore, information on the extent of flooding and associated damages is not systematically documented nationwide. Here we present a database and online tool called ‘SurgeWatch’, which provides a systematic UK-wide record of high sea level and coastal flood events over the last 100 years (1915-2014). Using records from the National Tide Gauge Network, with a dataset of exceedance probabilities and meteorological fields, SurgeWatch captures information of 96 storms during this period, the highest sea levels they produced, and the occurrence and severity of coastal flooding. The data are presented to be easily assessable and understandable to a range of users including, scientists, coastal engineers, managers and planners and concerned citizens.
Frontiers in Marine Science | 2015
Matthew P. Wadey; Ivan D. Haigh; Robert J. Nicholls; Jennifer M. Brown; Kevin Horsburgh; Ben Carroll; Shari L. Gallop; Travis Mason; Elizabeth Bradshaw
A North Sea storm surge during 31 January-1 February 1953 caused Northwest Europe’s most severe coastal flood in living memory. This event killed more than 2,000 people on the coasts of England, the Netherlands and Belgium. In the UK, where this study focuses, this event was a pivotal influence for flood risk management. Subsequent progress included a national tide gauge network, a storm surge forecasting and warning service, and major defence upgrade such as the Thames Barrier. Almost 60-years later, on 5-6 December 2013 Storm “Xaver” generated a surge event of similar magnitude. This paper describes a detailed comparison of these two events in the UK in terms of: (1) the meteorological conditions; (2) the observed high sea levels; and (3) the coastal flooding and impacts. The 1953 storm had a more southerly track and generated bigger waves due to the north-northwesterly onshore winds off East Anglia. The 2013 storm had a more west-to-east path from the north Atlantic to Scandinavia. Consequently, the 1953 high waters were more extreme in the southern North Sea. However, the 2013 event coincided with larger astronomical tides, resulting in a larger spatial ‘footprint’ (the length of coastline impacted by extreme high waters and floods). The extreme sea levels impacted communities on the west, east and south coasts, with 2,800 properties flooded during the 2013 event, compared to 24,000 properties mainly between the Humber and Thames in 1953. The 1953 floods remain a modern benchmark in the UK of potential flood consequences in terms of failed defences, damaged property and infrastructure and loss of life. Measures taken after 1953 greatly reduced the consequences of the 5-6 December 2013 storm. However, the latter event is a reminder of the potential for national-scale coastal storm events and impacts. Continued monitoring of extreme sea levels and their consequences is important to inform a realistic perspective on future planning and resilience.
Coral Reefs | 2014
Shari L. Gallop; Ian R. Young; Roshanka Ranasinghe; Tom H. Durrant; Ivan D. Haigh
Abstract Offshore reef systems consist of individual reefs, with spaces in between, which together constitute the reef matrix. This is the first comprehensive, large-scale study, of the influence of an offshore reef system on wave climate and wave transmission. The focus was on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, utilizing a 16-yr record of wave height from seven satellite altimeters. Within the GBR matrix, the wave climate is not strongly dependent on reef matrix submergence. This suggests that after initial wave breaking at the seaward edge of the reef matrix, wave energy that penetrates the matrix has little depth modulation. There is no clear evidence to suggest that as reef matrix porosity (ratio of spaces between individual reefs to reef area) decreases, wave attenuation increases. This is because individual reefs cast a wave shadow much larger than the reef itself; thus, a matrix of isolated reefs is remarkably effective at attenuating wave energy. This weak dependence of transmitted wave energy on depth of reef submergence, and reef matrix porosity, is also evident in the lee of the GBR matrix. Here, wave conditions appear to be dependent largely on local wind speed, rather than wave conditions either seaward, or within the reef matrix. This is because the GBR matrix is a very effective wave absorber, irrespective of water depth and reef matrix porosity.
Frontiers in Marine Science | 2015
Shari L. Gallop; Michael Collins; Charitha Pattiaratchi; Matthew Eliot; Cyprien Bosserelle; Marco Ghisalberti; Lindsay B. Collins; Ian Eliot; Paul L. A. Erftemeijer; Piers Larcombe; Ionan Marigómez; Tanya Stul; David White
‘Packaging’ coastal sediment transport into discrete temporal and spatial scale bands is necessary for measurement programs, modelling, and design. However, determining how to best measure and parameterize information, to transfer between scales, is not trivial. An overview is provided of the major complexities in transferring information on coastal sediment transport between scales. Key considerations that recur in the literature include: interaction between sediment transport and morphology; the influence of biota; episodic sediment transport; and recovery time-scales. The influence of bedforms and landforms, as well as sediment-biota interactions, varies with spatio-temporal scale. In some situations, episodic sediment dynamics is the main contributor to long-term sediment transport. Such events can also significantly alter biogeochemical and ecological processes, which interact with sediments. The impact of such episodic events is fundamentally influenced by recovery time-scales, which vary spatially. For the various approaches to scaling (e.g., bottom-up, aggregation, spatial hierarchies), there is a need for fundamental research on the assumptions inherent in each approach.
Scientific Data | 2017
Ivan D. Haigh; Ozgun Ozsoy; Matthew P. Wadey; Robert J. Nicholls; Shari L. Gallop; Thomas Wahl; Jennifer M. Brown
Coastal flooding caused by extreme sea levels can produce devastating and wide-ranging consequences. The ‘SurgeWatch’ v1.0 database systematically documents and assesses the consequences of historical coastal flood events around the UK. The original database was inevitably biased due to the inconsistent spatial and temporal coverage of sea-level observations utilised. Therefore, we present an improved version integrating a variety of ‘soft’ data such as journal papers, newspapers, weather reports, and social media. SurgeWatch2.0 identifies 329 coastal flooding events from 1915 to 2016, a more than fivefold increase compared to the 59 events in v1.0. Moreover, each flood event is now ranked using a multi-level categorisation based on inundation, transport disruption, costs, and fatalities: from 1 (Nuisance) to 6 (Disaster). For the 53 most severe events ranked Category 3 and above, an accompanying event description based upon the Source-Pathway-Receptor-Consequence framework was produced. Thus, SurgeWatch v2.0 provides the most comprehensive and coherent historical record of UK coastal flooding. It is designed to be a resource for research, planning, management and education.
Journal of Coastal Research | 2016
Sebastian J. Pitman; Shari L. Gallop; Ivan D. Haigh; Sasan Mahmoodi; Gerd Masselink; Roshanka Ranasinghe
ABSTRACT Pitman, S.J.; Gallop, S.L.; Haigh, I.D.; Mahmoodi, S.; Masselink, G., and Ranasinghe, R., 2016. Synthetic imagery for the automated detection of rip currents. In: Vila-Concejo, A.; Bruce, E.; Kennedy, D.M., and McCarroll, R.J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Coastal Symposium (Sydney, Australia). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, No. 75, pp. 912–916. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. Rip currents are a major hazard on beaches worldwide. Although in-situ measurements of rips can be made in the field, it is generally safer and more cost effective to employ remote sensing methods, such as coastal video imaging systems. However, there is no universal, fully-automated method capable of detecting rips in imagery. In this paper we discuss the benefits of image manipulation, such as filtering, prior to rip detection attempts. Furthermore, we present a new approach to detect rip channels that utilizes synthetic imagery. The creation of a synthetic image involves the partitioning of the ‘parent’ image into key areas, such as sand bars, channels, shoreline and offshore. Then, pixels in each partition are replaced with the respective dominant color trends observed in the parent image. Using synthetic imagery increased the accuracy of rip detection from 81% to 92%. Synthetics reduce ‘noise’ inherent in surfzone imagery and is another step towards an automated approach for rip current detection.
Journal of Coastal Research | 2016
Shari L. Gallop; Karin R. Bryan; Sebastian J. Pitman; Roshanka Ranasinghe; Dean R. Sandwell
ABSTRACT Gallop, S.L.; Bryan, K.R.; Pitman, S.J.; Ranasinghe, R., and Sandwell, D., 2016. Pulsations in surf zone currents on a high energy mesotidal beach in New Zealand. In: Vila-Concejo, A.; Bruce, E.; Kennedy, D.M., and McCarroll, R.J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Coastal Symposium (Sydney, Australia). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, No. 75, pp. 378–382. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. The exchange of material between the surf zone and continental shelf can be driven by pulsations in rip current velocities. However, there is a poor understanding of the relationship of these pulsations to surf zone morphology and material exchange. Moreover, understanding of rip current dynamics has focused mainly on single-barred beaches in an intermediate state, and there have been few studies on high energy beaches. Therefore, this paper undertakes preliminary research on surf zone current velocity pulsations, on a high energy beach in New Zealand. This initial analysis presents results from two days of measurements using Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters and Lagrangian GPS drifters. Drifters revealed pulsations in current velocities on the order of ∼0.5–2 m s−1 throughout the surf zone, whether inside a rip current circulation cell or not. More infragravity wave energy was associated with constant pulsations in current velocity, and lower infragravity energy with pulsation bursts, lasting 5–10 minutes, interspersed with periods of relatively constant velocity lasting 15–25 minutes. However, higher wave conditions also reduced the exit rate from the surf zone.
Palgrave Communications | 2018
Ana Vila-Concejo; Shari L. Gallop; Sarah Hamylton; Luciana S. Esteves; Karin R. Bryan; Irene Delgado-Fernandez; Emilia Guisado-Pintado; Siddhi Joshi; Graziela Miot da Silva; Amaia Ruiz de Alegria-Arzaburu; Hannah E. Power; Nadia Senechal; Kristen D. Splinter
Robust data are the base of effective gender diversity policy. Evidence shows that gender inequality is still pervasive in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Coastal geoscience and engineering (CGE) encompasses professionals working on coastal processes, integrating expertise across physics, geomorphology, engineering, planning and management. The article presents novel results of gender inequality and experiences of gender bias in CGE, and proposes practical steps to address it. It analyses the gender representation in 9 societies, 25 journals, and 10 conferences in CGE and establishes that women represent 30% of the international CGE community, yet there is under-representation in prestige roles such as journal editorial board members (15% women) and conference organisers (18% women). The data show that female underrepresentation is less prominent when the path to prestige roles is clearly outlined and candidates can self-nominate or volunteer instead of the traditional invitation-only pathway. By analysing the views of 314 survey respondents (34% male, 65% female, and 1% ‘‘other’’), we show that 81% perceive the lack of female role models as a key hurdle for gender equity, and a significantly larger proportion of females (47%) felt held back in their careers due to their gender in comparison with males (9%). The lack of women in prestige roles and senior positions contributes to 81% of survey respondents perceiving the lack of female role models in CGE as a key hurdle for gender equality. While it is clear that having more women as role models is important, this is not enough to effect change. Here seven practical steps towards achieving gender equity in CGE are presented: (1) Advocate for more women in prestige roles; (2) Promote high-achieving females; (3) Create awareness of gender bias; (4) Speak up; (5) Get better support for return to work; (6) Redefine success; and, (7) Encourage more women to enter the discipline at a young age. Some of these steps can be successfully implemented immediately (steps 1–4), while others need institutional engagement and represent major societal overhauls. In any case, these seven practical steps require actions that can start immediately.
Nature Climate Change | 2014
Sally Brown; Robert J. Nicholls; Susan Hanson; Geoff Brundrit; John A. Dearing; Mark E. Dickson; Shari L. Gallop; Shu Gao; Ivan D. Haigh; Jochen Hinkel; José A. Jiménez; Richard J.T. Klein; Wolfgang Kron; Attila N. Lázár; Claudio Neves; Alice Newton; Charitha Pattiaratachi; Andres Payo; Kenneth Pye; Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla; Mark Siddall; Ali Shareef; Emma L. Tompkins; Athanasios T. Vafeidis; Barend van Maanen; Philip J. Ward; Colin D. Woodroffe
Continental Shelf Research | 2012
Shari L. Gallop; Cyprien Bosserelle; Ian Eliot; Charitha Pattiaratchi