
Featured researches published by Sharon James.

The Journal of Urology | 1989

Autoradiographic analysis of alpha-adrenoceptors and muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the hyperplastic human prostate

Sharon James; Christopher R. Chapple; M.I. Phillips; P.M. Greengrass; M.J. Davey; Richard Turner-Warwick; E. J. G. Milroy; Geoffrey Burnstock

Radioligand receptor binding and autoradiography were used to characterize, localize and compare alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenoceptors and muscarinic cholinergic receptor populations in human benign prostatic hyperplastic tissue. The binding of selective alpha-1 and alpha-2 ligands, [3H]-prazosin and [3H]-UK 14,304, to homogenates of human central and peripheral prostate was saturable and of high affinity. Scatchard analysis produced an equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of 0.51 +/- 0.10 nM for alpha-1 adrenoceptors, and 2.34 +/- 0.40 nM for alpha-2 adrenoceptors. The mean densities, Bmax, of alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenoceptors identified in the human adenomatous prostate were 65.9 +/- 12.9 and 36.1 +/- 7.0 fmoles/mg. protein respectively. Receptor autoradiography was used to examine the distribution of muscarinic cholinergic receptors [( 3H]-QNB), alpha-1 adrenoceptors [( 3H]-prazosin]), and alpha-2 adrenoceptors [( 3H]-rauwolscine) on consecutive sections of benign hyperplastic prostatic tissue. Although both subtypes of adrenoceptor were seen in the stromal component of the hyperplastic prostate, there was a substantial predominance of alpha-1 adrenoceptors. A densitometric computer-assisted analysis was performed on the autoradiographic slides to determine the mean ratio of specific alpha-1: alpha-2 adrenoceptors in the stromal compartment of the hyperplastic tissue. The ratio, expressed as % grain occupancy/unit area, was 3.9 +/- 0.75, which is in agreement with a functional alpha-1 adrenoceptor predominance shown in previous studies. Although sparsely distributed in the stroma, a dense alpha-2 adrenoceptor population was seen in association with blood vessels, and in close proximity to the base of some of the [3H]-QNB-labelled prostatic glandular epithelial cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Experimental Dermatology | 2003

Purinergic receptor expression in the regenerating epidermis in a rat model of normal and delayed wound healing

Aina Greig; Sharon James; McGrouther Da; G. Terenghi; Geoffrey Burnstock

Abstract:  This study investigated changes in the protein expression of purinergic receptors in the regenerating rat epidermis during normal wound healing, in denervated wounds, and in denervated wounds treated with nerve growth factor (NGF), where wound healing rates are normalized. Excisional wounds were placed within denervated, pedicled, oblique, groin skin flaps, and in the contralateral abdomen to act as a control site. Six rats had NGF‐treated wounds and six had untreated wounds. Tissue was harvested at day four after wounding. The re‐epithelializing wound edges were analyzed immunohistochemically for P2X5, P2X7, P2Y1 and P2Y2 receptors, and immunostaining of keratinocytes was quantified using optical densitometry.

Regulatory Peptides | 1988

Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in intramural ganglia of the newborn guinea pig urinary bladder

Sharon James; Geoffrey Burnstock

Immunoreactive neuropeptide Y (NPY) was demonstrated in neuronal elements in the urinary bladder wall of the newborn guinea pig. Numerous intramural ganglia were found lying among the smooth muscle bundles and in the submucosa, and NPY-like immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were demonstrated within all of these ganglia. Nerve fibres containing NPY were also richly distributed in the detrusor muscle, submucosa and around blood vessels. In dissociated cell cultures from newborn guinea pig detrusor muscle, a subpopulation (70-85%) of both mononucleate and binucleate intramural neurones was shown to contain NPY-like immunoreactivity. A low percentage (1-6%) of the intramural bladder neurones contained dopamine-beta-hydroxylase. In conclusion, while some NPY-containing nerve fibres in the wall of the bladder are of sympathetic origin, especially those supplying blood vessels, the results of this present study establish that many of these NPY-containing nerve fibres originate from non-adrenergic cell bodies within the intramural bladder ganglia.

Neuroscience Letters | 1989

Localization of muscarinic receptors on somatostatin-like immunoreactive neurones of the newborn guinea pig urinary bladder in culture

Sharon James; Geoffrey Burnstock

Muscarinic receptors were localized on cells cultured from the detrusor muscle of the newborn guinea pig urinary bladder by autoradiography using the irreversible muscarinic antagonist [3H]propylbenzilylcholine mustard, before being immunostained with an antibody to somatostatin. Many mononucleate and binucleate intramural neurones immunoreactive for somatostatin were observed (60-75% of the total population), a subpopulation of which (40-60%) expressed muscarinic receptors. Autoradiographic grains were distributed over the whole cell body surface and the entire length of the neurites. An even distribution of silver grains was also seen on cultured smooth muscle cell surfaces, but not on other cell types present in the culture preparations. The demonstration of muscarinic receptors on specific neuropeptide-containing cells in culture is consistent with the existence of specialized cholinergic, intraganglionic circuits within the bladder wall, and suggests that somatostatin may also be involved in the integration and/or modulation of bladder function.

Cell and Tissue Research | 1991

Atrial and brain natriuretic peptides share binding sites on cultured cells from the rat trachea.

Sharon James; Geoffrey Burnstock

SummaryWe examined the distribution of binding sites for alpha-atrial natriuretic peptide (125I-ANP1–28) and the recently discovered porcine brain natriuretic peptide (125I-pBNP) on immunocytochemically identified cells in dissociated culture preparations of the rat trachea. Specific binding sites for both 125I-ANP1–28 and 125I-pBNP were evenly distributed over distinet subpopulations of smooth muscle myosin-like immunoreactive muscle cells, fibronectin-like immunoreactive fibroblasts and S-100-like immunoreactive glial cells. Neither keratin-like immunoreactive epithelial cells nor protein gene product 9.5-like immunoreactive paratracheal neurones expressed natriuretic peptide binding sites, although autoradiographically labelled glial cells were seen in close association with both neuronal cell bodies and neurites. The binding of each radiolabelled peptide was abolished by the inclusion of either excess (1 μM) unlabelled rat ANP or excess unlabelled porcine BNP, suggesting that ANP and BNP share binding sites in the trachea. Furthermore, the ring-deleted analogue, Des-[Gln18, Ser19, Gly20, Leu21, Gly22]-ANF4–23-NH2, strongly competed for specific 125I-ANP1–28 and 125I-pBNP binding sites in the tracheal cultures; this suggests that virtually all binding sites were of the “clearance” (ANP-C or ANF-R2) receptor subtype.

Brain Research | 1988

Autoradiographic localization of binding sites for 125I-substance P on neurones from cultured rat superior cervical ganglion

Sharon James; Geoffrey Burnstock

Using an autoradiographic receptor binding technique, the distribution of substance P (SP) receptors on cells cultured from the superior cervical ganglia (SCG) of newborn rats was investigated. Binding sites for 125I-Bolton-Hunter-SP were observed on a subpopulation of 35-50% of the ganglion neurones. The percentage of labelled neurones remained constant whether the cultures were seeded densely or sparsely. Variation in the density of labelling was observed on different neuronal clusters. Neuronal cell bodies were often densely labelled, but neuronal processes were rarely labelled. In contrast with the neuronal cells, specific labelling was not associated with other cell types found in this culture preparation, including fibroblasts, glial cells and other non-neuronal supporting cells. These results are interpreted to suggest that there is a subpopulation of SCG neurones which, by virtue of their expressing SP receptors, are responsive to SP and have a physiological role within the ganglion.

Cell and Tissue Research | 1990

Autoradiographic localization of specific atrial natriuretic peptide binding sites on immunocytochemically identified cells in cultures from rat and guinea-pig hearts

Sharon James; C. J. S. Hassall; J.M. Polak; Geoffrey Burnstock

SummaryDissociated cell culture preparations from rat and guinea-pig atria and interatrial septum, and from rat ventricles were studied using a combined autoradiographic and immunocytochemical approach. Alphaatrial natriuretic peptide (125I-ANP1-128) binding sites were confined to subpopulations of identified non-neuronal cells in each type of culture preparation, and had distinct patterns of labelling. The density of ANP1-28 binding sites was substantially greater in guinea-pig cultures than in rat cultures and was least in rat ventricular cultures. ANP1-28-labelled subpopulations of S-100-like immunoreactive glial cells were only seen in guinea-pig cultures. Von Willebrand factor (vWF)-like immunoreactive endothelial cells and vWF-negative endothelioid cells expressed ANP1-28 binding sites in both the guinea-pig and rat atrial cultures, but were unlabelled in rat ventricular cultures. In contrast, labelled subpopulations of fibronectin-like immunoreactive fibroblasts were present in all of the three types of culture preparation studied. ANP-like immunoreactive myocytes were present in both atrial and ventricular cultures. These cells did not, however, express ANP1-28 binding sites.

Cell and Tissue Research | 1990

Visualisation of specific binding sites for atrial natriuretic peptide on non-neuronal cells of cultured rat sympathetic ganglia

Sharon James; C. J. S. Hassall; J.M. Polak; Geoffrey Burnstock

SummaryThe distribution of atrial natriuretic peptide binding sites on cells in dissociated culture preparations of neonatal rat superior cervical ganglia and in explant cultures of rat thoracic sympathetic chain ganglia has been studied. The autoradiographic visualisation of atrial natriuretic peptide binding sites has been combined with the use of specific immunocytochemical markers for glial cells (antiserum to S-100 protein), fibroblasts (antiserum to fibronectin) and neurones (antiserum to protein gene product 9.5) in order to achieve unambiguous identification of the cell types in culture. Specific binding sites for rat125I-atrial natriuretic peptide(1–28) were observed over subpopulations of fibronectin-like-immunoreactive fibroblasts and S-100-like-immunoreactive glia in the dissociated superior cervical ganglion cultures. However, only a subpopulation of fibronectin-like-immunoreactive fibroblasts possessed atrial natriuretic peptide binding sites in the explant culture preparations. No atrial natriuretic peptide-like-immunoreactive cells were present in either culture. The distribution of autoradiographic grains over individual cell surfaces in culture was uniform, but there were distinct differences in the density of labelling of single cells of the same type. This apparent variation in the number of binding sites on glial cells and fibroblasts in culture did not seem to be related to the morphology of the cells or the surrounding cell types. No sympathetic neurones were labelled with autoradiographic grains in either the dissociated or explant culture preparations. However, the presence of atrial natriuretic peptide binding sites on non-neuronal cells of sympathetic ganglia in culture may be linked to the relationship between atrial natriuretic peptide and the sympathetic nervous system.

Regulatory Peptides | 1990

Colocalization of peptides and a catecholamine-synthesizing enzyme in intramural neurones of the newborn guinea-pig urinary bladder in culture

Sharon James; Geoffrey Burnstock

The patterns of colocalization of somatostatin (SOM), neuropeptide Y (NPY) and the catecholamine-synthesizing enzyme, dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH), were examined in intramural neurones in dissociated cell culture preparations from the detrusor muscle of the urinary bladder of the newborn guinea-pig using an elution-restaining immunocytochemical technique. Large numbers of the intramural neurones contained NPY-like (70-85% of the total neuronal population) and SOM-like (60-75%) immunoreactivities, in contrast to a small population (1-6%) of neurones containing immunoreactivity to DBH. Some neurones were immunoreactive to NPY (15-20%) and SOM (5-10%) alone, while 55-70% of the total neuronal population showed immunoreactivity to both NPY and SOM. NPY-like immunoreactive neuronal cell bodies that did not contain SOM were predominantly binucleate, whereas neuronal cell bodies immunoreactive to SOM alone were mainly mononucleate. Although not seen in every culture preparation, neuronal cell bodies containing both NPY-like and DBH-like immunoreactivities were also observed (less than 5% of the total neuronal population), and most, if not all, of these neuronal cell bodies were binucleate. SOM-like and DBH-like immunoreactivities were not seen in the same neuronal cell body throughout this study. These results show that intramural bladder neurones can be divided into distinct subpopulations based upon the coexistence of specific peptides and enzymes, and the possibility that they sustain local integrative and modulatory roles in bladder function is discussed.

Brain Research | 1990

Autoradiographic visualization of muscarinic receptors on rat paratracheal neurones in dissociated cell culture

Sharon James; Doreen Bailey; Geoffrey Burnstock

An autoradiographic method was used to determine the distribution of muscarinic receptors on cells cultured from the trachealis muscle of 12-13-day-old rats. Cells identified in these culture preparations included neurones, fibroblasts, smooth muscle, and glial and epithelial cells. The cultured cells were incubated with the specific, irreversible ligand [3H]propylbenzylylcholine mustard, and the autoradiographs generated showed that most, if not all, of the paratracheal neurones observed in these cultures were specifically labelled. Both the neuronal cell body and associated neurites were evenly labelled over their entire surface. Neither the pattern nor the density of neuronal labelling appeared to be influenced by close association with other cultured cell types. Autoradiographic grains for muscarinic receptors also appeared to be uniformly distributed over smooth muscle cells and epithelial cell groups in culture. In contrast, no specific labelling was associated with cultured fibroblasts, glial cells and other non-neuronal supporting cells. The precise localization of muscarinic receptors on different cell types in culture may prove to be useful knowledge in the design of an effective and specific antimuscarinic bronchodilator.

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