Shaun Mahony
Pennsylvania State University
Nucleic Acids Research | 2007
Shaun Mahony; Panayiotis V. Benos
STAMP is a newly developed web server that is designed to support the study of DNA-binding motifs. STAMP may be used to query motifs against databases of known motifs; the software aligns input motifs against the chosen database (or alternatively against a user-provided dataset), and lists of the highest-scoring matches are returned. Such similarity-search functionality is expected to facilitate the identification of transcription factors that potentially interact with newly discovered motifs. STAMP also automatically builds multiple alignments, familial binding profiles and similarity trees when more than one motif is inputted. These functions are expected to enable evolutionary studies on sets of related motifs and fixed-order regulatory modules, as well as illustrating similarities and redundancies within the input motif collection. STAMP is a highly flexible alignment platform, allowing users to ‘mix-and-match’ between various implemented comparison metrics, alignment methods (local or global, gapped or ungapped), multiple alignment strategies and tree-building methods. Motifs may be inputted as frequency matrices (in many of the commonly used formats), consensus sequences, or alignments of known binding sites. STAMP also directly accepts the output files from 12 supported motif-finders, enabling quick interpretation of motif-discovery analyses. STAMP is available at
Nucleic Acids Research | 2007
Obi L. Griffith; Stephen B. Montgomery; Bridget Bernier; Bryan Chu; Katayoon Kasaian; Stein Aerts; Shaun Mahony; Monica C. Sleumer; Mikhail Bilenky; Maximilian Haeussler; Malachi Griffith; Steven M. Gallo; Belinda Giardine; Bart Hooghe; Peter Van Loo; Enrique Blanco; Amy Ticoll; Stuart Lithwick; Elodie Portales-Casamar; Ian J. Donaldson; Gordon Robertson; Claes Wadelius; Pieter De Bleser; Dominique Vlieghe; Marc S. Halfon; Wyeth W. Wasserman; Ross C. Hardison; Casey M. Bergman; Steven J.M. Jones
ORegAnno is an open-source, open-access database and literature curation system for community-based annotation of experimentally identified DNA regulatory regions, transcription factor binding sites and regulatory variants. The current release comprises 30 145 records curated from 922 publications and describing regulatory sequences for over 3853 genes and 465 transcription factors from 19 species. A new feature called the ‘publication queue’ allows users to input relevant papers from scientific literature as targets for annotation. The queue contains 4438 gene regulation papers entered by experts and another 54 351 identified by text-mining methods. Users can enter or ‘check out’ papers from the queue for manual curation using a series of user-friendly annotation pages. A typical record entry consists of species, sequence type, sequence, target gene, binding factor, experimental outcome and one or more lines of experimental evidence. An evidence ontology was developed to describe and categorize these experiments. Records are cross-referenced to Ensembl or Entrez gene identifiers, PubMed and dbSNP and can be visualized in the Ensembl or UCSC genome browsers. All data are freely available through search pages, XML data dumps or web services at:
PLOS Biology | 2006
Katherine Belov; Janine E. Deakin; Anthony T. Papenfuss; Michelle L. Baker; Sandra D. Melman; Hannah V. Siddle; Nicolas Gouin; David L Goode; Tobias Sargeant; Mark D. Robinson; Matthew J. Wakefield; Shaun Mahony; Joseph Gr Cross; Panayiotis V. Benos; Paul B. Samollow; Terence P. Speed; Jennifer A. Marshall Graves; Robert D. Miller
The first sequenced marsupial genome promises to reveal unparalleled insights into mammalian evolution. We have used theMonodelphis domestica (gray short-tailed opossum) sequence to construct the first map of a marsupial major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The MHC is the most gene-dense region of the mammalian genome and is critical to immunity and reproductive success. The marsupial MHC bridges the phylogenetic gap between the complex MHC of eutherian mammals and the minimal essential MHC of birds. Here we show that the opossum MHC is gene dense and complex, as in humans, but shares more organizational features with non-mammals. The Class I genes have amplified within the Class II region, resulting in a unique Class I/II region. We present a model of the organization of the MHC in ancestral mammals and its elaboration during mammalian evolution. The opossum genome, together with other extant genomes, reveals the existence of an ancestral “immune supercomplex” that contained genes of both types of natural killer receptors together with antigen processing genes and MHC genes.
PLOS Computational Biology | 2012
Yuchun Guo; Shaun Mahony; David K. Gifford
An essential component of genome function is the syntax of genomic regulatory elements that determine how diverse transcription factors interact to orchestrate a program of regulatory control. A precise characterization of in vivo spacing constraints between key transcription factors would reveal key aspects of this genomic regulatory language. To discover novel transcription factor spatial binding constraints in vivo, we developed a new integrative computational method, genome wide event finding and motif discovery (GEM). GEM resolves ChIP data into explanatory motifs and binding events at high spatial resolution by linking binding event discovery and motif discovery with positional priors in the context of a generative probabilistic model of ChIP data and genome sequence. GEM analysis of 63 transcription factors in 214 ENCODE human ChIP-Seq experiments recovers more known factor motifs than other contemporary methods, and discovers six new motifs for factors with unknown binding specificity. GEMs adaptive learning of binding-event read distributions allows it to further improve upon previous methods for processing ChIP-Seq and ChIP-exo data to yield unsurpassed spatial resolution and discovery of closely spaced binding events of the same factor. In a systematic analysis of in vivo sequence-specific transcription factor binding using GEM, we have found hundreds of spatial binding constraints between factors. GEM found 37 examples of factor binding constraints in mouse ES cells, including strong distance-specific constraints between Klf4 and other key regulatory factors. In human ENCODE data, GEM found 390 examples of spatially constrained pair-wise binding, including such novel pairs as c-Fos:c-Jun/USF1, CTCF/Egr1, and HNF4A/FOXA1. The discovery of new factor-factor spatial constraints in ChIP data is significant because it proposes testable models for regulatory factor interactions that will help elucidate genome function and the implementation of combinatorial control.
PLOS Computational Biology | 2005
Shaun Mahony; Philip E. Auron; Panayiotis V. Benos
Transcription factor (TF) proteins recognize a small number of DNA sequences with high specificity and control the expression of neighbouring genes. The evolution of TF binding preference has been the subject of a number of recent studies, in which generalized binding profiles have been introduced and used to improve the prediction of new target sites. Generalized profiles are generated by aligning and merging the individual profiles of related TFs. However, the distance metrics and alignment algorithms used to compare the binding profiles have not yet been fully explored or optimized. As a result, binding profiles depend on TF structural information and sometimes may ignore important distinctions between subfamilies. Prediction of the identity or the structural class of a protein that binds to a given DNA pattern will enhance the analysis of microarray and ChIP–chip data where frequently multiple putative targets of usually unknown TFs are predicted. Various comparison metrics and alignment algorithms are evaluated (a total of 105 combinations). We find that local alignments are generally better than global alignments at detecting eukaryotic DNA motif similarities, especially when combined with the sum of squared distances or Pearsons correlation coefficient comparison metrics. In addition, multiple-alignment strategies for binding profiles and tree-building methods are tested for their efficiency in constructing generalized binding models. A new method for automatic determination of the optimal number of clusters is developed and applied in the construction of a new set of familial binding profiles which improves upon TF classification accuracy. A software tool, STAMP, is developed to host all tested methods and make them publicly available. This work provides a high quality reference set of familial binding profiles and the first comprehensive platform for analysis of DNA profiles. Detecting similarities between DNA motifs is a key step in the comparative study of transcriptional regulation, and the work presented here will form the basis for tool and method development for future transcriptional modeling studies.
Genome Biology | 2011
Shaun Mahony; Esteban O. Mazzoni; Scott McCuine; Richard A. Young; Hynek Wichterle; David K. Gifford
BackgroundAmong its many roles in development, retinoic acid determines the anterior-posterior identity of differentiating motor neurons by activating retinoic acid receptor (RAR)-mediated transcription. RAR is thought to bind the genome constitutively, and only induce transcription in the presence of the retinoid ligand. However, little is known about where RAR binds to the genome or how it selects target sites.ResultsWe tested the constitutive RAR binding model using the retinoic acid-driven differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into differentiated motor neurons. We find that retinoic acid treatment results in widespread changes in RAR genomic binding, including novel binding to genes directly responsible for anterior-posterior specification, as well as the subsequent recruitment of the basal polymerase machinery. Finally, we discovered that the binding of transcription factors at the embryonic stem cell stage can accurately predict where in the genome RAR binds after initial differentiation.ConclusionsWe have characterized a ligand-dependent shift in RAR genomic occupancy at the initiation of neurogenesis. Our data also suggest that enhancers active in pluripotent embryonic stem cells may be preselecting regions that will be activated by RAR during neuronal differentiation.
Nature Neuroscience | 2013
Esteban O. Mazzoni; Shaun Mahony; Michael Closser; Carolyn A. Morrison; Stephane Nedelec; Damian J. Williams; Disi An; David K. Gifford; Hynek Wichterle
Efficient transcriptional programming promises to open new frontiers in regenerative medicine. However, mechanisms by which programming factors transform cell fate are unknown, preventing more rational selection of factors to generate desirable cell types. Three transcription factors, Ngn2, Isl1 and Lhx3, were sufficient to program rapidly and efficiently spinal motor neuron identity when expressed in differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells. Replacement of Lhx3 by Phox2a led to specification of cranial, rather than spinal, motor neurons. Chromatin immunoprecipitation–sequencing analysis of Isl1, Lhx3 and Phox2a binding sites revealed that the two cell fates were programmed by the recruitment of Isl1-Lhx3 and Isl1-Phox2a complexes to distinct genomic locations characterized by a unique grammar of homeodomain binding motifs. Our findings suggest that synergistic interactions among transcription factors determine the specificity of their recruitment to cell type–specific binding sites and illustrate how a single transcription factor can be repurposed to program different cell types.
Molecular Cell | 2016
Makiko Iwafuchi-Doi; Greg Donahue; Akshay Kakumanu; Jason A. Watts; Shaun Mahony; B. Franklin Pugh; Dolim Lee; Klaus H. Kaestner; Kenneth S. Zaret
Nuclear DNA wraps around core histones to form nucleosomes, which restricts the binding of transcription factors to gene regulatory sequences. Pioneer transcription factors can bind DNA sites on nucleosomes and initiate gene regulatory events, often leading to the local opening of chromatin. However, the nucleosomal configuration of open chromatin and the basis for its regulation is unclear. We combined low and high levels of micrococcal nuclease (MNase) digestion along with core histone mapping to assess the nucleosomal configuration at enhancers and promoters in mouse liver. We find that MNase-accessible nucleosomes, bound by transcription factors, are retained more at liver-specific enhancers than at promoters and ubiquitous enhancers. The pioneer factor FoxA displaces linker histone H1, thereby keeping enhancer nucleosomes accessible in chromatin and allowing other liver-specific transcription factors to bind and stimulate transcription. Thus, nucleosomes are not exclusively repressive to gene regulation when they are retained with, and exposed by, pioneer factors.
Bioinformatics | 2005
Shaun Mahony; David A. Hendrix; Aaron Golden; Terry J. Smith; Daniel S. Rokhsar
MOTIVATION The automatic identification of over-represented motifs present in a collection of sequences continues to be a challenging problem in computational biology. In this paper, we propose a self-organizing map of position weight matrices as an alternative method for motif discovery. The advantage of this approach is that it can be used to simultaneously characterize every feature present in the dataset, thus lessening the chance that weaker signals will be missed. Features identified are ranked in terms of over-representation relative to a background model. RESULTS We present an implementation of this approach, named SOMBRERO (self-organizing map for biological regulatory element recognition and ordering), which is capable of discovering multiple distinct motifs present in a single dataset. Demonstrated here are the advantages of our approach on various datasets and SOMBREROs improved performance over two popular motif-finding programs, MEME and AlignACE. AVAILABILITY SOMBRERO is available free of charge from SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
Nature Methods | 2011
Esteban O. Mazzoni; Shaun Mahony; Michelina Iacovino; Carolyn A. Morrison; George Mountoufaris; Michael Closser; Warren A. Whyte; Richard A. Young; Michael Kyba; David K. Gifford; Hynek Wichterle
The study of developmentally regulated transcription factors by chromatin immunoprecipitation and deep sequencing (ChIP-seq) faces two major obstacles: availability of ChIP-grade antibodies and access to sufficient number of cells. We describe versatile genome-wide analysis of transcription-factor binding sites by combining directed differentiation of embryonic stem cells and inducible expression of tagged proteins. We demonstrate its utility by mapping DNA-binding sites of transcription factors involved in motor neuron specification.