Shiann-Jong Lee
Academia Sinica
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Featured researches published by Shiann-Jong Lee.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | 2004
Kuo-Fong Ma; Jim Mori; Shiann-Jong Lee; Shui-Beih Yu
We investigated the rupture process of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earth- quake, using high-quality near-source strong-motion records, broadband teleseismic displacement waveforms, and well-distributed Global Positioning System (GPS) data. The near-source strong-motion displacement waveforms recorded significant static offsets of up to 8 m. The teleseismic displacement records show a significant pulse with duration of about 18 to 20 sec. Taking into account the surface displacements observed along the Chelungpu fault, we considered two fault geometries: a single planar fault and a two-segment fault with a northeast-striking section near the north- ern end. Using the finite-fault model with variable slip vectors, we derived two models of the temporal and spatial slip distribution of the earthquake. The GPS data provided good surface displacement constraints for the slip-distribution determina- tion. The spatial slip distribution is generally consistent with field observations. The results for the simple fault model show a large asperity located in the region about 25 to 55 km north of the hypocenter with maximum slip of about 15 m. When we use the two-segment model, the asperity further extends to the region where the fault bends toward the northeast with a maximum slip of up to 20 m. A large amount of right-lateral slip beneath station TCU068 is necessary to explain its observed large west movement. It implies a local converging slip at the corner where the fault bends to the northeast. The slip amplitude near the hypocenter is about 3 to 6 m. The seismic moments determined from the various data sets are within the range of 2 to 4 10 27 dyne cm. Most of the slip concentrated at shallow depths (less than 10 km). The total rupture duration is about 28 sec, and the rupture velocity is 75% to 80% of the shear-wave velocity. The slip vector shows a clockwise rotation during the fault rupture. The static stress drop of the large asperity region is comparable with the dynamic stress drop, as observed directly from the slip velocity at the station near the large slip region.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2000
Kuo-Fong Ma; Teh-Ru Alex Song; Shiann-Jong Lee; Hsiang-I Wu
The teleseismic waveforms of the MW7.6 September 20, 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake were examined to obtain the quick information on the fault rupture process. The deconvolution results show the fault ruptured from south to the north, and revealed the west movement of the hanging wall to the footwall on the eastern dipping plane. The spatial slip distribution shows that the earthquake was mainly composed by a large asperity with a dimension of about 45km × 15km. The maximum slip was about 8 m located at about 45 km to the north of the epicenter. The slip distributions obtained in this study have a good agreement with the observed surface breaks. The comparable static and the dynamic stress drops of about 11 Mpa in the large slip region indicate that the melting/fluid pressurization might have taken place in this earthquake. It reduces the dynamic friction and results in the large slip observed.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | 2009
Shiann-Jong Lee; Dimitri Komatitsch; Bor-Shouh Huang; Jeroen Tromp
Topography influences ground motion and, in general, increases the amplitude of shaking at mountain tops and ridges, whereas valleys have reduced ground motions, as is observed from data recorded during and after real earthquakes and from numerical simulations. However, recent publications have focused mainly on the implications for ground motion in the mountainous regions themselves, whereas the impact on surrounding low-lying areas has received less attention. Here, we develop a new spectral-element mesh implementation to accommodate realistic topography as well as the complex shape of the Taipei sedimentary basin, which is located close to the Central Mountain Range in northern Taiwan. Spectral-element numerical simulations indicate that high-resolution topography can change peak ground velocity (PGV) values in mountainous areas by ±50% compared to a half-space response. We further demonstrate that large-scale topography can affect the propagation of seismic waves in nearby areas. For example, if a shallow earthquake occurs in the I-Lan region of Taiwan, the Central Mountain Range will significantly scatter the surface waves and will in turn reduce the amplitude of ground motion in the Taipei basin. However, as the hypocenter moves deeper, topography scatters body waves, which subsequently propagate as surface waves into the basin. These waves continue to interact with the basin and the surrounding mountains, finally resulting in complex amplification patterns in Taipei City, with an overall PGV increase of more than 50%. For realistic subduction zone earthquake scenarios off the northeast coast of Taiwan, the effects of topography on ground motion in both the mountains and the Taipei basin vary and depend on the rupture process. The complex interactions that can occur between mountains and surrounding areas, especially sedimentary basins, illustrate the fact that topography should be taken into account when assessing seismic hazard.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | 2009
Shiann-Jong Lee; Yu-Chang Chan; Dimitri Komatitsch; Bor-Shouh Huang; Jeroen Tromp
We combine light detection and ranging (LiDAR) digital terrain model (DTM) data and an improved mesh implementation to investigate the effects of high- resolution surface topography on seismic ground motion based upon the spectral- element method. In general, topography increases the amplitude of shaking at mountain tops and ridges, whereas valleys usually have reduced ground motion, as has been observed in both records from past earthquakes and numerical simulations. However, the effects of realistic topography on ground motion have not often been clearly characterized in numerical simulations, especially the seismic response of the true ground surface. Here, we use LiDAR DTM data, which provide two-meter reso- lution at the free surface, and a spectral-element method to simulate three-dimensional (3D) seismic-wave propagation in the Yangminshan region in Taiwan, incorporating the effects of realistic topography. A smoothed topographic map is employed beneath the model surface in order to decrease mesh distortions due to steep ground surfaces. Numerical simulations show that seismic shaking in mountainous areas is strongly affected by topography and source frequency content. The amplification of ground motion mainly occurs at the tops of hills and ridges whilst the valleys and flat-topped hills experience lower levels of ground shaking. Interaction between small-scale to- pographic features and high-frequency surface waves can produce unusually strong shaking. We demonstrate that topographic variations can change peak ground accel- eration (PGA) values by 50% in mountainous areas, and the relative change in PGA between a valley and a ridge can be as high as a factor of 2 compared to a flat surface response. This suggests that high-resolution, realistic topographic features should be taken into account in seismic hazard analysis, especially for densely populated moun- tainous areas.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | 2008
Shiann-Jong Lee; How Wei Chen; Qinya Liu; Dimitri Komatitsch; Bor-Shouh Huang; Jeroen Tromp
We use the spectral-element method to simulate strong ground motion throughout the Taipei metropolitan area. Mesh generation for the Taipei basin poses two main challenges: (1) the basin is surrounded by steep mountains, and (2) the city is located on top of a shallow, low-wave-speed sedimentary basin. To accommodate the steep and rapidly varying topography, we introduce a thin high-resolution mesh layer near the surface. The mesh for the shallow sedimentary basin is adjusted to honor its complex geometry and sharp lateral wave-speed contrasts. Variations in Moho thickness beneath Northern Taiwan are also incorporated in the mesh. Spectral-element simulations show that ground motion in the Taipei metropolitan region is strongly affected by the geometry of the basin and the surrounding mountains. The amplification of ground motion is mainly controlled by basin depth and shallow shear-wave speeds, although surface topography also serves to amplify and prolong seismic shaking.
IMR | 2008
Emanuele Casarotti; Marco Stupazzini; Shiann-Jong Lee; Dimitri Komatitsch; Antonio Piersanti; Jeroen Tromp
Unstructured hexahedral mesh generation is a critical part of the modeling process in the Spectral-Element Method (SEM). We present some examples of seismic wave propagation in complex geological models, automatically meshed on a parallel machine based upon CUBIT (Sandia Laboratory), an advanced 3D unstructured hexahedral mesh generator that offers new opportunities for seismologist to design, assess, and improve the quality of a mesh in terms of both geometrical and numerical accuracy. The main goal is to provide useful tools for understanding seismic phenomena due to surface topography and subsurface structures such as low wave-speed sedimentary basins. Our examples cover several typical geophysical problems: 1) “layer-cake” volumes with high-resolution topography and complex solid-solid interfaces (such as the Campi Flegrei Caldera Area in Italy), and 2) models with an embedded sedimentary basin (such as the Taipei basin in Taiwan or the Grenoble Valley in France).
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | 2008
Shiann-Jong Lee; How-Wei Chen; Bor-Shouh Huang
We perform full elastic wave-field simulations within the Taipei basin by using a three-dimensional (3D) discontinuous finite-difference method. The 3D Taipei basin model is determined from a seismic reflection study. Two major subsurfaces, the Songshan formation (surface soil layer) and the basin basement, are constituted in the model. A parallel-based composite grid technique, a containing scalene grid and a discontinuous grid, is developed in this study to deal with the possible numerical prob- lem of thin depth and low velocity of the Songshan formation. Taking advantage of the composite grid, the resolution of the subsurface structure can be reached to 20 m, and a higher frequency (up to 3 Hz) of the synthetic waveform can be achieved. In our strong ground motion simulations, we assume a constant velocity in each subsurface. Three different types of models are considered in the study: the Songshan formation with a basement structure model, a basin basement model, and a layered half-space model. Results indicate that only the model with both the Songshan formation and the basement structure can produce the apparent basin amplification effects. First, the surface wave generated after the primary S wave is trapped at the shallow part of the basin. Then, when the wave propagates through the deepest part of the basin, most of the energy is reflected from the boundary and focused back into the basin. In addi- tion, part of the seismic wavefront turns and follows the shallow basin edge resulting in further amplification. Our study indicates that the complex Taipei basin geometry and fairly low velocity of the Songshan formation dominate the amplification and wave propagation behavior that result in extraordinary strong shaking patterns in the Taipei metropolitan region.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
Shiann-Jong Lee; Te-Yang Yeh; Tzu-Chi Lin; Yen-Yu Lin; Teh-Ru Alex Song; Bor-Shouh Huang
The Mw8.4 Illapel earthquake occurred on 16 September was the largest global event in 2015. This earthquake was not unexpected because the hypocenter was located in a seismic gap of the Peru-Chile subduction zone. However, the source model derived from 3-D spectral-element inversion of teleseismic waves reveals a distinct two-stage rupture process with completely different slip characteristics as a composite megathrust event. The two stages were temporally separated. Rupture in the first stage, with a moment magnitude of Mw8.32, built up energetically from the deeper locked zone and propagated in the updip direction toward the trench. Subsequently, the rupture of the second stage, with a magnitude of Mw8.08, mainly occurred in the shallow subduction zone with atypical repeating slip behavior. The unique spatial-temporal rupture evolution presented in this source model is key to further in-depth studies of earthquake physics and source dynamics in subduction systems.
Science | 2012
Kuo-Fong Ma; Yen-Yu Lin; Shiann-Jong Lee; Jim Mori; Emily E. Brodsky
Cracking Up Hydraulic fracturing by fluids at high pressure results in damage or breakage along cracks in deep rocks, a process that in some cases causes earthquakes. This process can occur naturally when the hydrologic setting is just right, or can be induced by human activity when fluids are pumped at high pressure into deep aquifers. By studying the fault along which the 1999 magnitude 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake occurred in Taiwan, where there are currently low tectonic stresses following the large earthquake, Ma et al. (p. 459) observed an unusual type of earthquake-like event that they attribute to natural hydraulic fracturing. High-pressure fluids induce fracturing along preexisting cracks near the site of a recent earthquake. Shear failure is the dominant mode of earthquake-causing rock failure along faults. High fluid pressure can also potentially induce rock failure by opening cavities and cracks, but an active example of this process has not been directly observed in a fault zone. Using borehole array data collected along the low-stress Chelungpu fault zone, Taiwan, we observed several small seismic events (I-type events) in a fluid-rich permeable zone directly below the impermeable slip zone of the 1999 moment magnitude 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake. Modeling of the events suggests an isotropic, nonshear source mechanism likely associated with natural hydraulic fractures. These seismic events may be associated with the formation of veins and other fluid features often observed in rocks surrounding fault zones and may be similar to artificially induced hydraulic fracturing.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2014
Hsin-Hua Huang; Yih-Min Wu; Xiaodong Song; Chien Hsin Chang; Hao Kuo-Chen; Shiann-Jong Lee
The interaction between two flipping subduction systems shapes the complicated lithospheric structures and dynamics around the Taiwan region. Whether and in what form the Eurasian Plate subducts/deforms under Taiwan Island is critical to the debate of tectonic models. Although an east dipping high-velocity anomaly down to a depth below 200 km has been reported previously, its detailed morphology remains uncertain and leads to different interpretations. With a two-step strategy of nonlinear joint inversion, the slab images of the Eurasian Plate were retrieved in a geometry that is hyperthin in the south, becoming massive and steeper in the central, and severely deformed in the north. The possible depth and dimension of a slab break were also investigated through synthetic tests of whether the slab had torn. Moreover, the slab deflection found at ~23.2°N latitude seems to correspond to where the nonvolcanic tremors and recent NW-SE striking structures have occurred in southern Taiwan.