Shigenobu Hirose
Johns Hopkins University
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
Jean-Pierre De Villiers; John F. Hawley; Julian H. Krolik; Shigenobu Hirose
We have carried out fully relativistic numerical simulations of accretion disks in the Kerr metric. In this paper we focus on the unbound outflows that emerge self-consistently from the accretion flow. These outflows are found in the axial funnel region and consist of two components: a hot, fast, tenuous outflow in the axial funnel proper and a colder, slower, denser jet along the funnel wall. The funnel-wall jet is excluded from the axial funnel by elevated angular momentum and is also pressure-confined by a magnetized corona. Inside the funnel, a large-scale poloidal magnetic field spontaneously arises from the coupled dynamics of accretion and outflow, although there was no large-scale field in the initial state. Black hole rotation is not required to produce these unbound outflows, but their strength is enhanced by black hole spin. When the black hole spins rapidly, the energy ejected can be tens of percent of the accreted rest mass. At low spin, kinetic energy and enthalpy of the matter dominate the outflow energetics; at high spin, the balance shifts to Poynting flux. We compare the outflows observed in our simulations with those seen in other simulations.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2006
Shigenobu Hirose; Julian H. Krolik; James M. Stone
We calculate the vertical structure of a local patch of an accretion disk in which heating by dissipation of MRI-driven MHD turbulence is balanced by radiative cooling. Heating, radiative transport, and cooling are computed self-consistently with the structure by solving the equations of radiation MHD in the shearing-box approximation. Using a fully three-dimensional and energy-conserving code, we compute the structure of this disk segment over a span of more than five cooling times. After a brief relaxation period, a statistically steady state develops. Measuring height above the midplane in units of the scale height predicted by a Shakura-Sunyaev model, we find that magnetic pressure causes the disk atmosphere to stretch upward, with the photosphere rising to 7H, in contrast to the 3H predicted by conventional analytic models. This more extended structure, as well as fluctuations in the height of the photosphere, may lead to departures from Planckian form in the emergent spectra. Dissipation is distributed across the region within 3H of the midplane but is very weak at greater altitudes. As a result, the temperature deep in the disk interior is less than that expected when all heat is generated in the midplane. With only occasional exceptions, the gas temperature stays very close to the radiation temperature, even above the photosphere. Because fluctuations in the dissipation are particularly strong away from the midplane, the emergent radiation flux can track dissipation fluctuations with a lag that is only 0.1-0.2 times the mean cooling time of the disk. Long-timescale asymmetries in the dissipation distribution can also cause significant asymmetry in the flux emerging from the top and bottom surfaces of the disk. Radiative diffusion dominates Poynting flux in the vertical energy flow throughout the disk.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2004
Shigenobu Hirose; Julian H. Krolik; Jean-Pierre De Villiers; John F. Hawley
We present a detailed analysis of the magnetic field structure found in a set of four general relativistic three-dimensional MHD simulations of accreting tori in the Kerr metric with different black hole spins. Among the properties analyzed are the field strength as a function of position and black hole spin, the shapes of field lines, the degree to which they connect different regions, and their degree of tangling. Strong magnetic field is found toward small radii, and field strength increases with black hole spin. In the main disk body, inner torus, and corona the field is primarily toroidal. Most field lines passing through a given radius in these regions wander through a narrow radial range, suggesting an overall tightly wound spiral structure. In the main disk body and inner torus sharp field-line bends on small spatial scales are superposed on the spirals, but the field lines are much smoother in the corona. The magnetic field in the plunging region is also comparatively smooth, being stretched out radially by the infalling gas. The magnetic field in the axial funnel resembles a split monopole, but with evidence of frame dragging of the field lines near the poles of the black hole. We investigate prior speculations about the structure of the magnetic fields and discuss how frequently certain configurations are seen in the simulations. For example, coronal loops are very rare, and field lines connecting high latitudes on the event horizon to the disk are not found at all. Almost the entire system is matter-dominated; the only force-free regions are in the axial funnel. We also analyze the distribution of current density, with a view toward identifying possible locations of magnetic energy dissipation. Regions of high current density are concentrated toward the inner torus and plunging region. Dissipation inside the marginally stable orbit may provide a new source of energy for radiation, supplementing the dissipation associated with torques in the stably orbiting disk body.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
Julian H. Krolik; John F. Hawley; Shigenobu Hirose
This paper continues the analysis of a set of general relativistic three-dimensional MHD simulations of accreting tori in the Kerr metric with different black hole spins. We focus on bound matter inside the initial pressure maximum, where the time-averaged motion of gas is inward and an accretion disk forms. We use the flows of mass, angular momentum, and energy in order to understand dynamics in this region. The sharp reduction in accretion rate with increasing black hole spin reported in the first paper of this series is explained by a strongly spin-dependent outward flux of angular momentum conveyed electromagnetically; when a/M ≥ 0.9, this flux can be comparable to the inward angular momentum flux carried by the matter. In all cases, there is outward electromagnetic angular momentum flux throughout the flow; in other words, contrary to the assertions of traditional accretion disk theory, there is in general no stress edge, no surface within which the stress is zero. The retardation of accretion in the inner disk by electromagnetic torques also alters the radial distribution of surface density, an effect that may have consequences for observable properties, such as Compton reflection. The net accreted angular momentum is sufficiently depressed by electromagnetic effects that in the most rapidly spinning black holes mass growth can lead to spin-down. Spinning black holes also lose energy by Poynting flux; this rate is also a strongly increasing function of black hole spin, rising to 10% of the rest-mass accretion rate at very high spin. As the black hole spins faster, the path of the Poynting flux changes from being predominantly within the accretion disk to being predominantly within the funnel outflow.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2004
Hiromitsu Kigure; Yutaka Uchida; Masanori Nakamura; Shigenobu Hirose; R. H. Cameron
Distributions of Faraday rotation measure (FRM) and the projected magnetic field derived by a three-dimensional simulation of MHD jets are investigated based on our sweeping magnetic twist model. FRM and Stokes parameters were calculated to be compared with radio observations of large-scale wiggled AGN jets on kiloparsec scales. We propose that the FRM distribution can be used to discuss the three-dimensional structure of the magnetic field around jets and the validity of existing theoretical models, together with the projected magnetic field derived from Stokes parameters. In a previous paper we investigated the basic straight part of AGN jets by using the result of a two-dimensional axisymmetric simulation. The derived FRM distribution has a general tendency to have a gradient across the jet axis, which is due to the toroidal component of the magnetic field generated by the rotation of the accretion disk. In this paper we consider the wiggled structure of the AGN jets by using the result of a three-dimensional simulation. Our numerical results show that the distributions of FRM and the projected magnetic field have a clear correlation with the large-scale structure of the jet itself, namely, three-dimensional helix. Distributions, seeing the jet from a certain direction, show a good matching with those in a part of the 3C 449 jet. This suggests that the jet has a helical structure and that the magnetic field (especially the toroidal component) plays an important role in the dynamics of the wiggle formation because it is due to a current-driven helical kink instability in our model.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2004
Yutaka Uchida; Hiromitsu Kigure; Shigenobu Hirose; Masanori Nakamura; R. H. Cameron
Using the numerical data of MHD simulation for active galactic nucleus (AGN) jets based on our sweeping magnetic twist model, we calculated the Faraday rotation measure (FRM) and the Stokes parameters to compare with observations. We propose that the FRM distribution can be used to discuss the three-dimensional structure of magnetic field around jets, together with the projected magnetic field derived from the Stokes parameters. In the present paper, we assumed the basic straight part of the AGN jet and used the data of axisymmetric simulation. The FRM distribution that we derived has a general tendency to have gradient across the jet axis, which is due to the toroidal component of the helical magnetic field generated by the rotation of the accretion disk. This kind of gradient in the FRM distribution is actually observed in some AGN jets, which suggests a helical magnetic field around the jets and thus supports our MHD model. Following this success, we are now extending our numerical observation to the wiggled part of the jets, using the data of three-dimensional simulation based on our model, in an upcoming paper.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2004
Shigenobu Hirose; Yuri E. Litvinenko; Kazunari Shibata Syuniti Tanuma; Masaaki Takahashi; Takayuki Tanigawa; Takahiro Sasaqui; Ayato Noro; Kazuhiro Uehara; Kunio Takahashi; Takashi Taniguchi; Yuliya A. Terekhova
The Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) and tearing instabilities are likely to be important for the process of fast magnetic reconnection that is believed to explain the observed explosive energy release in solar flares. Theoretical studies of the instabilities, however, typically invoke simplified initial magnetic and velocity fields that are not solutions of the governing magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations. In the present study, the stability of a reconnecting current sheet is examined using a class of exact global MHD solutions for steady state incompressible magnetic reconnection, discovered by Craig & Henton. Numerical simulation indicates that the outflow solutions where the current sheet is formed by strong shearing flows are subject to the KH instability. The inflow solutions where the current sheet is formed by a fast and weakly sheared inflow are shown to be tearing unstable. Although the observed instability of the solutions can be interpreted qualitatively by applying standard linear results for the KH and tearing instabilities, the magnetic field and plasma flow, specified by the Craig-Henton solution, lead to the stabilization of the current sheet in some cases. The sensitivity of the instability growth rate to the global geometry of magnetic reconnection may help in solving the trigger problem in solar flare research.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2018
Matthew S. B. Coleman; Omer Blaes; Shigenobu Hirose; Peter H. Hauschildt
We present the results of local, vertically stratified, radiation magnetohydrodynamic shearing box simulations of magnetorotational instability (MRI) turbulence for a (hydrogen poor) composition applicable to accretion disks in AM CVn type systems. Many of these accreting white dwarf systems are helium analogues of dwarf novae (DNe). We utilize frequency-integrated opacity and equation of state tables appropriate for this regime to accurately portray the relevant thermodynamics. We find bistability of thermal equilibria in the effective temperature, surface mass density plane typically associated with disk instabilities. Along this equilibrium curve (i.e. the S-curve) we find that the stress to thermal pressure ratio
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement | 2004
Julian H. Krolik; Shigenobu Hirose
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement | 2004
Shigenobu Hirose; Julian H. Krolik
varied with peak values of