Shinichiro Enomoto
University of Minnesota
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 1998
Jodi E. Lew; Shinichiro Enomoto; Judith Berman
ABSTRACT Rap1p localization factor 4 (RLF4) is aSaccharomyces cerevisiae gene that was identified in a screen for mutants that affect telomere function and alter the localization of the telomere binding protein Rap1p. In rlf4mutants, telomeric silencing is reduced and telomere DNA tracts are shorter, indicating that RLF4 is required for both the establishment and/or maintenance of telomeric chromatin and for the control of telomere length. In this paper, we demonstrate thatRLF4 is allelic to NMD2/UPF2, a gene required for the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway (Y. Cui, K. W. Hagan, S. Zhang, and S. W. Peltz, Mol. Cell. Biol. 9:423–436, 1995, and F. He and A. Jacobson, Genes Dev. 9:437–454, 1995). The NMD pathway, which requires Nmd2p/Rlf4p together with two other proteins, (Upf1p and Upf3p), targets nonsense messages for degradation in the cytoplasm by the exoribonuclease Xrn1p. Deletion of UPF1and UPF3 caused telomere-associated defects like those caused by rlf4 mutations, implying that the NMD pathway, rather than an NMD-independent function of Nmd2p/Rlf4p, is required for telomere functions. In addition, telomere length regulation required Xrn1p but not Rat1p, a nuclear exoribonuclease with functional similarity to Xrn1p (A. W. Johnson, Mol. Cell. Biol. 17:6122–6130, 1997). In contrast, telomere-associated defects were not observed in pan2, pan3, or pan2 pan3 strains, which are defective in the intrinsic deadenylation-dependent decay of normal (as opposed to nonsense) mRNAs. Thus, loss of the NMD pathway specifically causes defects at telomeres, demonstrating a physiological requirement for the NMD pathway in normal cell functions. We propose a model in which the NMD pathway regulates the levels of specific mRNAs that are important for telomere functions.
Eukaryotic Cell | 2003
Jeffrey N. Dahlseid; Jodi Lew-Smith; Michael J. Lelivelt; Shinichiro Enomoto; Amanda S. Ford; Michelle Desruisseaux; Mark McClellan; Neal F. Lue; Michael R. Culbertson; Judith Berman
ABSTRACT Telomeres, the chromosome ends, are maintained by a balance of activities that erode and replace the terminal DNA sequences. Furthermore, telomere-proximal genes are often silenced in an epigenetic manner. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, average telomere length and telomeric silencing are reduced by loss of function of UPF genes required in the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway. Because NMD controls the mRNA levels of several hundred wild-type genes, we tested the hypothesis that NMD affects the expression of genes important for telomere functions. In upf mutants, high-density oligonucleotide microarrays and Northern blots revealed that the levels of mRNAs were increased for genes encoding the telomerase catalytic subunit (Est2p), in vivo regulators of telomerase (Est1p, Est3p, Stn1p, and Ten1p), and proteins that affect telomeric chromatin structure (Sas2p and Orc5p). We investigated whether overexpressing these genes could mimic the telomere length and telomeric silencing phenotypes seen previously in upf mutant strains. Increased dosage of STN1, especially in combination with increased dosage of TEN1, resulted in reduced telomere length that was indistinguishable from that in upf mutants. Increased levels of STN1 together with EST2 resulted in reduced telomeric silencing like that of upf mutants. The half-life of STN1 mRNA was not altered in upf mutant strains, suggesting that an NMD-controlled transcription factor regulates the levels of STN1 mRNA. Together, these results suggest that NMD maintains the balance of gene products that control telomere length and telomeric silencing primarily by maintaining appropriate levels of STN1, TEN1, and EST2 mRNA.
Molecular Biology and Evolution | 2010
Thomas J. Templeton; Shinichiro Enomoto; Wei-June Chen; Chin-Gi Huang; Cheryl A. Lancto; Mitchell S. Abrahamsen; Guan Zhu
We have performed a whole-genome-sequence survey for the gregarine, Ascogregarina taiwanensis and herein describe both features unique to this early diverging apicomplexan and properties that unite it with Cryptosporidium, the Coccidia, and the Apicomplexa. Phylogenetic trees inferred from a concatenated protein sequence comprised of 10,750 amino acid positions, as well as the large subunit rRNA genes, robustly support phylogenetic affinity of Ascogregarina with Cryptosporidium at the base of the apicomplexan clade. Unlike Cryptosporidium, Ascogregarina possesses numerous mitochondrion-associated pathways and proteins, including enzymes within the Krebs cycle and a cytochrome-based respiratory chain. Ascogregarina further differs in the capacity for de novo synthesis of pyrimidines and amino acids. Ascogregarina shares with Cryptosporidium a Type I fatty acid synthase and likely a polyketide synthase. Cryptosporidium and Ascogregarina possess a large repertoire of multidomain surface proteins that align it with Toxoplasma and are proposed to be involved in coccidian-like functions. Four families of retrotransposable elements were identified, and thus, retroelements are present in Ascogregarina and Eimeria but not in other apicomplexans that have been analyzed. The sum observations suggest that Ascogregarina and Cryptosporidium share numerous molecular similarities, not only including coccidian-like features to the exclusion of Haemosporidia and Piroplasmida but also differ from each other significantly in their metabolic capacity.
Nucleic Acids Research | 2004
Daniela Puiu; Shinichiro Enomoto; Gregory A. Buck; Mitchell S. Abrahamsen; Jessica C. Kissinger
CryptoDB ( represents a collaborative effort to locate all genome data for the apicomplexan parasite Cryptosporidium parvum in a single user-friendly database. CryptoDB currently houses the genomic sequence data for both the human type 1 H strain and the bovine type 2 IOWA strain in addition to all other available EST and GSS sequences obtained from public repositories. All data are available for data mining via BLAST, keyword searches of pre-computed BLASTX results and user-defined or PROSITE motif pattern searches. Release 1.0 of CryptoDB contains approximately 19 million bases of genome sequence for the H and IOWA strains and an additional approximately 24 million bases of GSS and EST sequence obtained from other sources. Open reading frames greater than 50 and 100 amino acids have been generated for all sequences and all data are available for bulk download. This database, like other apicomplexan parasite databases, has been built utilizing the PlasmoDB model.
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 1992
Mark S. Longtine; Shinichiro Enomoto; S L Finstad; Judith Berman
Telomere repeat sequences (TRSs) can dramatically improve the segregation of unstable circular autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) plasmids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Deletion analysis demonstrated that yeast TRSs, which conform to the general sequence (C(1-3)A)n, are able to stabilize circular ARS plasmids. A number of TRS clones of different primary sequence and C(1-3)A tract length confer the plasmid stabilization phenotype. TRS sequences do not appear to improve plasmid replication efficiency, as determined by plasmid copy number analysis and functional assays for ARS activity. Pedigree analysis confirms that TRS-containing plasmids are missegregated at low frequency and that missegregated TRS-containing plasmids, like ARS plasmids, are preferentially retained by the mother cell. Plasmids stabilized by TRSs have properties that distinguish them from centromere-containing plasmids and 2 microns-based recombinant plasmids. Linear ARS plasmids, which include two TRS tracts at their termini, segregate inefficiently, while circular plasmids with one or two TRS tracts segregate efficiently, suggesting that plasmid topology or TRS accessibility interferes with TRS segregation function on linear plasmids. In strains carrying the temperature-sensitive mutant alleles rap1grc4 and rap1-5, TRS plasmids are not stable at the semipermissive temperature, suggesting that RAP1 protein is involved in TRS plasmid stability. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, an ARS plasmid was stabilized by the addition of S. pombe telomere sequence, suggesting that the ability to improve the segregation of ARS plasmids is a general property of telomere repeats.
Infection and Immunity | 2009
Jin Liu; Mingqi Deng; Cheryl A. Lancto; Mitchell S. Abrahamsen; Mark S. Rutherford; Shinichiro Enomoto
ABSTRACT The impact of Cryptosporidium parvum infection on host cell gene expression was investigated by microarray analysis with an in vitro model using human ileocecal HCT-8 adenocarcinoma cells. We found changes in 333 (2.6%) transcripts at at least two of the five (6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h) postinfection time points. Fifty-one of the regulated genes were associated with apoptosis and were grouped into five clusters based on their expression patterns. Early in infection (6 and 12 h), genes with antiapoptotic roles were upregulated and genes with apoptotic roles were downregulated. Later in infection (24, 48, and 72 h), proapoptotic genes were induced and antiapoptotic genes were downregulated, suggesting a biphasic regulation of apoptosis: antiapoptotic state early and moderately proapoptotic state late in infection. This transcriptional profile matched the actual occurrence of apoptosis in the infected cultures. Apoptosis was first detected at 12 h postinfection and increased to a plateau at 24 h, when 20% of infected cells showed nuclear condensation. In contrast, experimental silencing of Bcl-2 induced apoptosis in 50% of infected cells at 12 h postinfection. This resulted in a decrease in the infection rate and a reduction in the accumulation of meront-containing cells. To test the significance of the moderately proapoptotic state late in the infection, we inhibited apoptosis using pancaspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK. This treatment also affected the progression of C. parvum infection, as reinfection, normally seen late (24 h to 48 h), did not occur and accumulation of mature meronts was impaired. Control of host apoptosis is complex and crucial to the life of C. parvum. Apoptosis control has at least two components, early inhibition and late moderate promotion. For a successful infection, both aspects appear to be required.
PLOS ONE | 2012
Mary Mauzy; Shinichiro Enomoto; Cheryl A. Lancto; Mitchell S. Abrahamsen; Mark S. Rutherford
Cryptosporidiosis is caused by an obligate intracellular parasite that has eluded global transcriptional or proteomic analysis of the intracellular developmental stages. The transcript abundance for 3,302 genes (87%) of the Cryptosporidium parvum protein coding genome was elucidated over a 72 hr infection within HCT8 cells using Real Time-PCR. The parasite had detectable transcription of all genes in vitro within at least one time point tested, and adjacent genes were not co-regulated. Five genes were not detected within the first 24 hr of infection, one containing two AP2 domains. The fewest genes detected were at 2 hr post infection, while 30% (985) of the genes have their highest expression at 48 and/or 72 hr. Nine expression clusters were formed over the entire 72 hr time course and indicate patterns of transcriptional increases at each of the 7 time points collected except 36 hr, including genes paralleling parasite 18S rRNA transcript levels. Clustering within only the first 24 hr of infection indicates spikes in expression at each of the 4 time points, a group paralleling 18S rRNA transcript levels, and a cluster with peaks at both 6 and 24 hr. All genes were classified into 18 functional categories, which were unequally distributed across clusters. Expression of metabolic, ribosomal and proteasome proteins did not parallel 18S rRNA levels indicating distinct biochemical profiles during developmental stage progression. Proteins involved in translation are over-represented at 6 hr, while structural proteins are over-represented at 12 hr. Standardization methods identified 107 genes with <80% at a single of its total expression at a single time point over 72 hr. This comprehensive transcriptome of the intracellular stages of C. parvum provides insight for understanding its complex development following parasitization of intestinal epithelial cells.
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2004
Shinichiro Enomoto; Lynn Glowczewski; Jodi Lew-Smith; Judith Berman
ABSTRACT Cells lacking telomerase undergo senescence, a progressive reduction in cell division that involves a cell cycle delay and culminates in “crisis,” a period when most cells become inviable. In telomerase-deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells lacking components of the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway (Upf1,Upf2, or Upf3 proteins), senescence is delayed, with crisis occurring ∼10 to 25 population doublings later than in Upf+ cells. Delayed senescence is seen in upfΔ cells lacking the telomerase holoenzyme components Est2p and TLC1 RNA, as well as in cells lacking the telomerase regulators Est1p and Est3p. The delay of senescence in upfΔ cells is not due to an increased rate of survivor formation. Rather, it is caused by alterations in the telomere cap, composed of Cdc13p, Stn1p, and Ten1p. In upfΔ mutants, STN1 and TEN1 levels are increased. Increasing the levels of Stn1p and Ten1p in Upf+ cells is sufficient to delay senescence. In addition, cdc13-2 mutants exhibit delayed senescence rates similar to those of upfΔ cells. Thus, changes in the telomere cap structure are sufficient to affect the rate of senescence in the absence of telomerase. Furthermore, the NMD pathway affects the rate of senescence in telomerase-deficient cells by altering the stoichiometry of telomere cap components.
PLOS ONE | 2014
Robert J. Dusek; Gunnar Thor Hallgrimsson; Hon S. Ip; Jón Einar Jónsson; Srinand Sreevatsan; Sean W. Nashold; Joshua L. TeSlaa; Shinichiro Enomoto; Rebecca A. Halpin; Xudong Lin; Nadia Fedorova; Timothy B. Stockwell; Vivien G. Dugan; David E. Wentworth; Jeffrey S. Hall
Avian influenza virus (AIV) in wild birds has been of increasing interest over the last decade due to the emergence of AIVs that cause significant disease and mortality in both poultry and humans. While research clearly demonstrates that AIVs can move across the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean, there has been no data to support the mechanism of how this occurs. In spring and autumn of 2010 and autumn of 2011 we obtained cloacal swab samples from 1078 waterfowl, gulls, and shorebirds of various species in southwest and west Iceland and tested them for AIV. From these, we isolated and fully sequenced the genomes of 29 AIVs from wild caught gulls (Charadriiformes) and waterfowl (Anseriformes) in Iceland. We detected viruses that were entirely (8 of 8 genomic segments) of American lineage, viruses that were entirely of Eurasian lineage, and viruses with mixed American-Eurasian lineage. Prior to this work only 2 AIVs had been reported from wild birds in Iceland and only the sequence from one segment was available in GenBank. This is the first report of finding AIVs of entirely American lineage and Eurasian lineage, as well as reassortant viruses, together in the same geographic location. Our study demonstrates the importance of the North Atlantic as a corridor for the movement of AIVs between Europe and North America.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology | 2013
Manoosak Wongphatcharachai; Ping Wang; Shinichiro Enomoto; Richard J. Webby; Marie Gramer; Alongkorn Amonsin; Srinand Sreevatsan
ABSTRACT Triple reassortant influenza A viruses (IAVs) of swine, particularly the North American H3N2 subtype, circulate in swine herds and may reassort and result in the emergence of novel zoonotic strains. Current diagnostic tools rely on isolation of the viruses, followed by serotyping by hemagglutination or genome sequencing, both of which can be expensive and time-consuming. Thus, novel subtype-specific ligands and methods are needed for rapid testing and subtyping of IAVs in the field. To address this need, we selected DNA aptamers against the recombinant HA protein from swine IAV H3 cluster IV using systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX). Four candidate aptamers (HA68, HA7, HA2a, and HA2b) were identified and characterized. The dissociation constants (K d ) of aptamers HA68, HA7, HA2a, and HA2b against recombinant H3 protein were 7.1, 22.3, 16.0, and 3.7 nM, respectively. The binding site of HA68 to H3 was identified to be between nucleotide residues 8 and 40. All aptamers inhibited H3 hemagglutination. HA68 was highly specific to all four lineages within the North American H3N2 subtype. Further, the other three aptamers specifically identified live viruses belonging to the phylogenetic clusters I, II/III, and IV especially the virus that closely related to the recent H3N2 variant (H3N2v). Aptamer HA68 was also able to bind and detect H3N2v isolated from recent human cases. In conclusion, we provide subtype-specific aptamers against H3N2 IAVs of swine that can now be used in rapid detection and typing protocols for field applications.