
Journal of Endodontics | 2015

Diminished Progression of Periapical Lesions with Zoledronic Acid in Ovariectomized Rats

Marcelo Tadahiro Wayama; Hitoshi Yoshimura; Seigo Ohba; Hisato Yoshida; Shinpei Matsuda; Junichi Kobayashi; Motohiro Kobayashi; João Eduardo Gomes Filho; Kazuo Sano

INTRODUCTION The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of systemically administered zoledronic acid (ZOL) on the progression of periapical lesions in estrogen-deficient rats. METHODS Female Wistar rats were divided into the following groups: SHAM-veh, sham surgery treated with vehicle (physiological saline); OVX-veh, ovariectomy treated with vehicle; SHAM-ZOL, sham surgery treated with ZOL; and OVX-ZOL, ovariectomy treated with ZOL. Vehicle or ZOL was administered intravenously once a week for 4 weeks. The pulp of the mandibular first molar of all rats was exposed to the oral environment to induce a periapical lesion, and the lesions were analyzed after 7 and 30 days. The mandibles were examined by micro-computed tomographic imaging and histopathologic, histometric, and immunohistochemical analyses. RESULTS Histopathologically, the OVX-veh group had more severe inflammation and bone loss and a larger number of cells that were positive for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase compared with the SHAM-veh and OVX-ZOL groups; the SHAM-veh and OVX-ZOL groups were similar to each other. The SHAM-ZOL group had the lowest magnitude of these conditions. Tomographically, the OVX-veh group had greater bone loss than the other groups at both time points. The SHAM-veh, SHAM-ZOL, and OVX-ZOL groups had similar bone loss at both time points. In the sagittal section on day 30, the SHAM-ZOL group had lower bone loss compared with the SHAM-veh and OVX-ZOL groups. CONCLUSIONS The hypoestrogenic condition aggravates the progression of periapical lesions. ZOL therapy may help contain bone destruction of periapical lesions.

Archives of Oral Biology | 2016

Onlay bone augmentation on mouse calvarial bone using a hydroxyapatite/collagen composite material with total blood or platelet-rich plasma

Seigo Ohba; Yoshinori Sumita; Mayumi Umebayashi; Hitoshi Yoshimura; Hisato Yoshida; Shinpei Matsuda; Hideki Kimura; Izumi Asahina; Kazuo Sano

OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to assess newly formed onlay bone on mouse calvarial bone using a new artificial bone material, a hydroxyapatite/collagen composite, with total blood or platelet-rich plasma. DESIGN The hydroxyapatite/collagen composite material with normal saline, total blood or platelet-rich plasma was transplanted on mouse calvarial bone. The mice were sacrificed and the specimens were harvested four weeks after surgery. The newly formed bone area was measured on hematoxylin and eosin stained specimens using Image J software. RESULTS The hydroxyapatite/collagen composite materials with total blood or platelet-rich plasma induced a significantly greater amount of newly formed bone than that with normal saline. Moreover, bone marrow was observed four weeks after surgery in the transplanted materials with total blood or platelet-rich plasma but not with normal saline. However, there were no significant differences in the amount of newly formed bone between materials used with total blood versus platelet-rich plasma. CONCLUSIONS The hydroxyapatite/collagen composite material was valid for onlay bone augmentation and this material should be soaked in total blood or platelet-rich plasma prior to transplantation.

Oncology Letters | 2017

Denosumab-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in a patient with bone metastases of prostate cancer: A case report and literature review

Hitoshi Yoshimura; Seigo Ohba; Hisato Yoshida; Kyoko Saito; Kazuyoshi Inui; Rie Yasui; Dai Ichikawa; Minako Aiki; Junichi Kobayashi; Shinpei Matsuda; Yoshiaki Imamura; Kazuo Sano

Denosumab, a human monoclonal antibody directed against the receptor activator of nuclear factor-κβ ligand (RANKL), is used for the treatment of patients with metastatic cancer of the bone or osteoporosis. Recent reports have demonstrated that denosumab can induce osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), but reported cases of this are uncommon. The present study reports the case of an 86-year-old male with prostate cancer patient exhibiting bone metastases who developed ONJ whilst receiving denosumab. To elucidate the influence of denosumab on the development of ONJ, the present study also reviewed the literature, including clinical trials and case reports. In the clinical trials, the prevalence of denosumab-related ONJ was higher in patients with cancer compared with those with osteoporosis. The high risk of ONJ in patients with cancer was thought to be associated with the differing dose and frequency of denosumab administration. The prevalence of ONJ was not significantly different between patients receiving denosumab and bisphoshonate (BP). In the reported cases, denosumab-related ONJ had a similar clinical presentation to BP-related ONJ. There was also a tendency for denosumab-related ONJ to develop in the mandible of elderly patients. Previous invasive dental treatment was a commonly shared characteristic of patients with denosumab-related ONJ. A complex medical history was also suspected to affect the prevalence. No clear association between the dose or duration of denosumab treatment and the development of ONJ was observed. Although conservative treatments are given for denosumab-related ONJ, non-improving cases were managed surgically with primarily positive results. Because denosumab may offer superior results compared with BP for the treatment of metastatic cancer of the bone or osteoporosis, the use of denosumab is expected to increase in the near future. Clinicians should also be aware of the risk factors for denosumab-related ONJ, in order to aid in its diagnosis. In addition, patients treated with denosumab should receive prophylactic treatment to maintain their oral health prior to, during and after denosumab treatment.

Cranio-the Journal of Craniomandibular Practice | 2016

Rhythm and amplitude of rhythmic masticatory muscle activity during sleep in bruxers - comparison with gum chewing.

Shinpei Matsuda; Taihiko Yamaguchi; Saki Mikami; Kazuki Okada; Akihito Gotouda; Kazuo Sano

Objectives: The aim of this study was to elucidate characteristics of rhythmic masticatory muscle activity (RMMA) during sleep by comparing masseteric EMG (electromyogram) activities of RMMA with gum chewing. Method: The parts of five or more consecutive phasic bursts in RMMA of 23 bruxers were analyzed. Wilcoxon signed-rank test for matched pairs and Spearman’s correlation coefficient by the rank test were used for statistical analysis. Results: Root mean square value of RMMA phasic burst was smaller than that during gum chewing, but correlates to that of gum chewing. The cycle of RMMA was longer than that of gum chewing due to the longer burst duration of RMMA, and variation in the cycles of RMMA was wider. Discussion: These findings suggest that the longer but smaller EMG burst in comparison with gum chewing is one of the characteristics of RMMA. The relation between size of RMMA phasic bursts and gum chewing is also suggested.

Journal of Craniofacial Surgery | 2014

Diagnostic role of magnetic resonance imaging in assessing orofacial pain and paresthesia.

Seigo Ohba; Hitoshi Yoshimura; Shinpei Matsuda; Junichi Kobayashi; Takashi Kimura; Minako Aiki; Kazuo Sano

Abstract The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of CT and MRI in evaluating orofacial pain and paresthesia. A total of 96 patients with orofacial pain and/or paresthesia were included in this study. The patients who underwent CT and/or MRI examinations were assessed, and the efficacy of CT and/or MRI examinations in detecting the causative disease of the orofacial pain and paresthesia was evaluated. Seventy (72.9%) of 96 patients underwent CT and/or MRI examinations. Whereas CT examinations detected 2 diseases (4.5%) in 44 tests, 13 diseases (37.1%) were detected in 35 MRI examinations. Seven (53.8%) of 13 diseases, which were detected by MRI, were found in elderly patients. A high percentage of patients, who claimed orofacial pain and paresthesia, have other diseases in their brain, especially in elderly patients, and MRI is more useful than CT for evaluating these patients.

Cranio-the Journal of Craniomandibular Practice | 2015

Spindle cell carcinoma arising at the buccal mucosa: a case report and review of the literature

Seigo Ohba; Hitoshi Yoshimura; Shinpei Matsuda; Yoshiaki Imamura; Kazuo Sano

Abstract Aims: Spindle cell carcinoma (SPCC) is a subtype of squamous cell carcinoma, and it mainly occurs in the upper aerodigestive duct. On the other hand, it rarely arises in the head and neck region. The prognosis of this tumor is usually poor because of its highly malignant behavior, such as its high incidence of recurrence or metastasis to cervical lymph nodes. However, the number of accumulated cases is still too low to provide the full details of SPCC. Methodology: The case of SPCC was counted by using database, PubMed. The authors also present a case of SPCC arising at the left buccal mucosa in a 72-year-old Japanese female in the current study. Results: Only six cases of SPCC arising at the buccal mucosa have been reported previously. The authors’ patient died from a recurrent tumor 15 months after the first operation. Conclusion: The authors have added this case to the previous knowledge of SPCC arising at the buccal mucosa, and discuss the clinical behavior of SPCC to help suggest a standard treatment strategy for the disease.

Journal of Craniofacial Surgery | 2014

Aspiration pneumonia associated with a double fracture of the mandible.

Seigo Ohba; Hitoshi Yoshimura; Shinpei Matsuda; Kazuo Sano

Abstract Aspiration pneumonia is one of the most life-threatening diseases in the elderly. A 73-year-old woman was diagnosed with aspiration pneumonia after a mandibular fracture. Because her persistent aspiration pneumonia was accompanied by a diminished swallowing function that was believed to be due to a double fracture of the mandible, the patient underwent an open reduction while having pneumonia. Her symptoms of aspiration pneumonia improved immediately after the surgery. The hyoid bone was repositioned to its original position, and the movements of the hyoid bone and mandible were recovered after the surgery. In cases in which the medial bone segment of the mandible moves inside because of a double fracture and the movement of the hyoid bone declines, we strongly suggest that an open reduction should be performed as soon as possible to prevent aspiration pneumonia caused by a swallowing dysfunction.

Oncology Letters | 2018

Effects of peritumoral bevacizumab injection against oral squamous cell carcinoma in a nude mouse xenograft model: A preliminary study

Hisato Yoshida; Hitoshi Yoshimura; Shinpei Matsuda; Takashi Ryoke; Tamotsu Kiyoshima; Motohiro Kobayashi; Kazuo Sano

Angiogenesis serves a crucial role in tumor growth. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent regulator of tumor angiogenesis and is highly expressed in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Bevacizumab, which binds to VEGF-A, inhibits the biological activity of VEGF and is clinically administered by intravenous injection. As intravenous chemotherapy intensifies the side effects experienced by OSCC patients, an alternative treatment option is desirable, particularly for older patients with OSCC who present with systemic disease complications. Generally, local injections of antitumor agents enhance tumoricidal activity and decrease side effects. However, the antitumor effects of peritumoral bevacizumab injections in OSCC are not fully understood. Therefore, the present study examined the effects of peritumoral bevacizumab injections in an experimental nude mouse model of OSCC through immunohistochemical staining for cluster of differentiation (CD)31 and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and apoptosis assays. It was identified that peritumoral injections of bevacizumab significantly inhibited tumor growth in OSCC xenografts compared with peritumoral saline injections or no treatment (controls), and it was also revealed that treatment with bevacizumab significantly reduced CD31- and α-SMA-positive microvessel density (P<0.01) and increased level of tumor cell apoptosis (P<0.01) compared with the controls. In conclusion, these results collectively support the experimental basis for the clinical development of peritumoral bevacizumab injections for the treatment of OSCC.

International Journal of Prosthodontics | 2018

Oromandibular Dystonia–Related Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis: A Case History Report

Shinpei Matsuda; Hitoshi Yoshimura; Kazuo Sano

Dystonia affecting the perioral and pharyngeal regions is called oromandibular dystonia (OMD). OMD can affect the jaw muscles and may cause trismus, mouth-closing disturbance, tooth wear/loss, and damage to the oral soft tissues and temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This case history reports a case of jaw-closing OMD accompanied by trismus-related TMJ osteoarthritis (OA). In the present case history, treatment for OMD was started as soon as the diagnosis of jaw-closing OMD was established, and dental treatment intervention for preventing its development or progression was considered at the same time.

Oncology Letters | 2017

Stereolithographic model‑assisted reconstruction of the mandibular condyle with a vascularized fibular flap following hemimandibulectomy: Evaluation of morphological and functional outcomes

Hitoshi Yoshimura; Shinpei Matsuda; Seigo Ohba; Yoshiki Minegishi; Kunihiro Nakai; Shigeharu Fujieda; Kazuo Sano

The vascularized fibular flap is one of the standard treatment choices for the reconstruction of the mandible; however, the consequences of condylar restoration have not previously been reported. The use of three-dimensional models allows for a more predictable reconstruction. The purpose of the present study was to assess the outcome of stereolithographic model-assisted reconstruction of the mandibular condyle with a vascularized fibular flap. A total of 5 patients underwent mandibular resection including the condyle and immediate reconstruction with a vascularized fibular flap. A stereolithographic model was used to determine the length and angle of the bony reconstruction. In all patients, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc was preserved, and the contoured fibular end was placed directly into the glenoid fossa under the TMJ disc. To investigate the morphological and functional outcomes, radiographic and clinical examinations were performed, and a food scale questionnaire was administered. The mean period of follow-up was 23 months, and all the flaps were viable. Cosmetic results were generally satisfactory. Radiographic assessment revealed that the end of the fibular graft became round-shaped. None of the patients had abnormal bone resorption, dislocation or ankylosis. The mean value of maximum mouth opening was 31 mm. No patients exhibited difficulties with occlusion. All patients recovered their ability to ingest nearly the same foods that were ingested prior to surgery. The stereolithographic model-assisted reconstruction of mandibular condyle with a vascularized fibular flap is therefore useful for morphological and functional reconstructions of the hemimandible, including condylar defects.

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