Shinpei Ogata
Shinshu University
computer software and applications conference | 2008
Shinpei Ogata; Saeko Matsuura
This paper proposes the stepwise automatic generation of a prototype system from the scenario based requirements analysis model based on UML. The system is a non-functional user interface prototype for Web applications. A scenarios is defined for every actor and for every normal, alternative and exceptional flow in a use case, so that it enriches the prototype system and is also utilized to test the final product.
world congress on services | 2016
Hironori Washizaki; Sota Fukumoto; Misato Yamamoto; Masatoshi Yoshizawa; Yoshiaki Fukazawa; Takehisa Kato; Shinpei Ogata; Haruhiko Kaiya; Eduardo B. Fernandez; Hideyuki Kanuka; Yuki Kondo; Nobukazu Yoshioka; Takao Okubo; Atsuo Hazeyama
We propose a metamodel for handling security and privacy in cloud service development and operation. The metamodel is expected to be utilized for building a knowledge base to accumulate, classify and reuse existing cloud security and privacy patterns and practices in a consistent and uniform way. Moreover the metamodel and knowledge base are expected to be utilized for designing and maintaining architectures for cloud service systems incorporating security and privacy.
product focused software process improvement | 2014
Takao Okubo; Yoshio Kakizaki; Takanori Kobashi; Hironori Washizaki; Shinpei Ogata; Haruhiko Kaiya; Nobukazu Yoshioka
There is an issue when security measures are implemented and tested while using agile software development techniques such as Behavior Driven Development (BDD). We need to define the necessary levels of security and the privacy behaviors and acceptance criteria for the BDD. A method for defining the acceptance criteria (BehaveSafe) by creating a threat and countermeasure graph called the T&C graph is proposed in this paper. We have estimated the efficiency of our method with a web based system.
international conference on advanced applied informatics | 2014
Mizue Kayama; Shinpei Ogata; Kento Masumoto; Masami Hashimoto; Makoto Otani
The purpose of this study is to explore educational methods for conceptual modeling for novices. In this research, the subjects are high school students and freshmen in university enrolled in various programs. Typical errors in class diagrams made by these types of novice learners are not easily detected. Therefore, we collected and analyzed some common errors, then developed appropriate teaching methods for novices based on these errors. In this paper, we show the results of our analyses of class diagram errors. After that we discuss basic methods to teach conceptual modeling to novices effectively.
asia-pacific software engineering conference | 2012
Haruhiko Kaiya; Shunsuke Morita; Shinpei Ogata; Kenji Kaijiri; Shinpei Hayashi; Motoshi Saeki
When information systems are introduced in a social setting such as a business, the systems will give bad and good impacts on stakeholders in the setting. Requirements analysts have to predict such impacts in advance because stakeholders cannot decide whether the systems are really suitable for them without such prediction. In this paper, we propose a method based on model transformation patterns for introducing suitable information systems. We use metrics of a model to predict whether a system introduction is suitable for a social setting. Through a case study, we show our method can avoid an introduction of a system, which was actually bad for some stakeholders. In the case study, we use a strategic dependency model in i* to specify the model of systems and stakeholders, and attributed graph grammar for model transformation. We focus on the responsibility and the satisfaction of stakeholders as the criteria for suitability about systems introduction in this case study.
conference on advanced information systems engineering | 2014
Haruhiko Kaiya; Sho Kono; Shinpei Ogata; Takao Okubo; Nobukazu Yoshioka; Hironori Washizaki; Kenji Kaijiri
Because all the requirements analysts are not the experts of security, providing security knowledge automatically is one of the effective means for supporting security requirements elicitation. We propose a method for eliciting security requirements on the basis of Common Attack Patterns Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC). A requirements analyst can automatically acquire the candidates of attacks against a functional requirement with the help of our method. Because technical terms are mainly used in the descriptions in CAPEC and usual phrases are used in the requirements descriptions, there are gaps between them. To bridge the gaps, our method contains a mapping between technical terms and noun phrases called term maps.
SpringerPlus | 2013
Shinpei Ogata; Saeko Matsuura
User interface prototyping is an effective method for users to validate the requirements defined by analysts at an early stage of a software development. However, a user interface prototype system offers weak support for the analysts to verify the consistency of the specifications about internal aspects of a system such as business logic. As the result, the inconsistency causes a lot of rework costs because the inconsistency often makes the developers impossible to actualize the system based on the specifications. For verifying such consistency, functional prototyping is an effective method for the analysts, but it needs a lot of costs and more detailed specifications. In this paper, we propose a review method so that analysts can verify the consistency among several different kinds of diagrams in UML efficiently by employing system-side prototyping without the detailed model. The system-side prototype system does not have any functions to achieve business logic, but visualizes the results of the integration among the diagrams in UML as Web pages. The usefulness of our proposal was evaluated by applying our proposal into a development of Library Management System (LMS) for a laboratory. This development was conducted by a group. As the result, our proposal was useful for discovering the serious inconsistency caused by the misunderstanding among the members of the group.
International Journal of Secure Software Engineering | 2013
Haruhiko Kaiya; Junya Sakai; Shinpei Ogata; Kenji Kaijiri
The authors cannot comprehensively determine all of the vulnerabilities to an attack only from requirements descriptions. To resolve the problem, the authors propose a method for eliciting security requirements using the information about system architecture. The authors convert a use-case description into a variation of a data flow diagram called an asset-flow diagram AFD. The authors then refine the AFDs based on a processor deployment diagram PDD, which gives information about a system architecture. By using vulnerabilities patterns to an attack, the authors distinguish vulnerabilities to the attack that can be identifiable in AFDs from remaining vulnerabilities to the attack. To prohibit the former vulnerabilities, security requirements are defined as countermeasures and/or modification of existing requirements. To prevent the latter vulnerabilities, security requirements are defined as design and implementation constraints. Through an evaluation of a web application, the authors show that our method enables us to elicit security requirements against several different attacks in different system architectures.
conference on advanced information systems engineering | 2013
Haruhiko Kaiya; Takao Okubo; Nobuyuki Kanaya; Yuji Suzuki; Shinpei Ogata; Kenji Kaijiri; Nobukazu Yoshioka
Because an information system is used in different activities simultaneously today, we have to analyze usages of the system in the existing activities and to-be usages in an intended activity together. Especially, security aspects should be carefully analyzed because existing activities are not always secure. We propose a security requirements analysis method for resolving this problem. To take both existing and intended activities into account together, we integrate them on the basis of the unification of common actors. To explore possible attacks under integrated activities, we enumerate achievable attacks on the basis of the possible means in each actor with the help of security knowledge. To avoid or mitigate the attacks and to achieve fundamental goals, we disable some means or narrow down the means to be monitored with the help of propositional logic formulae. Through case studies on insurance business, we illustrated our idea.
SpringerPlus | 2013
Hirotaka Okuda; Shinpei Ogata; Saeko Matsuura
Model Driven Development is a promising approach to develop high quality software systems. We have proposed a method of model-driven requirements analysis using Unified Modeling Language (UML). The main feature of our method is to automatically generate a Web user interface prototype from UML requirements analysis model so that we can confirm validity of input/output data for each page and page transition on the system by directly operating the prototype. We proposes a mapping rule in which design information independent of each web application framework implementation is defined based on the requirements analysis model, so as to improve the traceability to the final product from the valid requirements analysis model. This paper discusses the result of applying our method to the development of a Group Work Support System that is currently running in our department.