Sichul Lee
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Plant Molecular Biology | 1998
Hong-Gyu Kang; Jong-Seong Jeon; Sichul Lee; Gynheung An
The functions of two rice MADS-box genes were studied by the loss-of-function approach. The first gene, OsMADS4, shows a significant homology to members in the PISTILLATA (PI) family, which is required to specify petal and stamen identity. The second gene, OsMADS3, is highly homologous to the members in the AGAMOUS (AG) family that is essential for the normal development of the internal two whorls, the stamen and carpel, of the flower. These two rice MADS box cDNA clones were connected to the maize ubiquitin promoter in an antisense orientation and the fusion molecules were introduced to rice plants by the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method. Transgenic plants expressing antisense OsMADS4 displayed alterations of the second and third whorls. The second-whorl lodicules, which are equivalent to the petals of dicot plants in grasses, were altered into palea/lemma-like organs, and the third whorl stamens were changed to carpel-like organs. Loss-of-function analysis of OsMADS3 showed alterations in the third and fourth whorls. In the third whorl, the filaments of the transgenic plants were changed into thick and fleshy bodies, similar to lodicules. Rather than making a carpel, the fourth whorl produced several abnormal flowers. These phenotypes are similar to those of the agamous and plena mutants in Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum, respectively. These results suggest that OsMADS4 belongs to the class B gene family and OsMADS3 belongs to the class C gene family of floral organ identity determination.
The Plant Cell | 2000
Jong-Seong Jeon; Seonghoe Jang; Sichul Lee; Jongmin Nam; Chanhong Kim; Sanghee Lee; Yong-Yoon Chung; Seong-Ryong Kim; Yeon Hee Lee; Yong-Gu Cho; Gynheung An
Rice contains several MADS box genes. It has been demonstrated previously that one of these genes, OsMADS1 (for Oryza sativa MADS box gene1), is expressed preferentially in flowers and causes early flowering when ectopically expressed in tobacco plants. In this study, we demonstrated that ectopic expression of OsMADS1 in rice also results in early flowering. To further investigate the role of OsMADS1 during rice flower development, we generated transgenic rice plants expressing altered OsMADS1 genes that contain missense mutations in the MADS domain. There was no visible alteration in the transgenic plants during the vegetative stage. However, transgenic panicles typically exhibited phenotypic alterations, including spikelets consisting of elongated leafy paleae and lemmas that exhibit a feature of open hull, two pairs of leafy palea-like and lemma-like lodicules, a decrease in stamen number, and an increase in the number of carpels. In addition, some spikelets generated an additional floret from the same rachilla. These characteristics are very similar to those of leafy hull sterile1 (lhs1). The map position of OsMADS1 is closely linked to that of lhs1 on chromosome 3. Examination of lhs1 revealed that it contains two missense mutations in the OsMADS1 MADS domain. A genetic complementation experiment showed that the 11.9-kb genomic DNA fragment containing the wild-type OsMADS1 gene rescued the mutant phenotypes. In addition, ectopic expression of the OsMADS1 gene isolated from the lhs1 line resulted in lhs1-conferred phenotypes. These lines of evidence demonstrate that OsMADS1 is the lhs1 gene.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2009
Sichul Lee; Seung Jin Lee; Yoon-Keun Kim; Daniel P. Persson; Søren Husted; Jan K. Schjørring; Yusuke Kakei; Hiroshi Masuda; Naoko K. Nishizawa; Gynheung An
The most widespread dietary problem in the world is mineral deficiency. We used the nicotianamine synthase (NAS) gene to increase mineral contents in rice grains. Nicotianamine (NA) is a chelator of metals and a key component of metal homeostasis. We isolated activation-tagged mutant lines in which expression of a rice NAS gene, OsNAS3, was increased by introducing 35S enhancer elements. Shoots and roots of the OsNAS3 activation-tagged plants (OsNAS3-D1) accumulated more Fe and Zn. Seeds from our OsNAS3-D1 plants grown on a paddy field contained elevated amounts of Fe (2.9-fold), Zn (2.2-fold), and Cu (1.7-fold). The NA level was increased 9.6-fold in OsNAS3-D1 seeds. Analysis by size exclusion chromatography coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy showed that WT and OsNAS3-D1 seeds contained equal amounts of Fe bound to IP6, whereas OsNAS3-D1 had 7-fold more Fe bound to a low molecular mass, which was likely NA. Furthermore, this activation led to increased tolerance to Fe and Zn deficiencies and to excess metal (Zn, Cu, and Ni) toxicities. In contrast, disruption of OsNAS3 caused an opposite phenotype. To test the bioavailability of Fe, we fed anemic mice with either engineered or WT seeds for 4 weeks and measured their concentrations of hemoglobin and hematocrit. Mice fed with engineered seeds recovered to normal levels of hemoglobin and hematocrit within 2 weeks, whereas those that ate WT seeds remained anemic. Our results suggest that an increase in bioavailable mineral content in rice grains can be achieved by enhancing NAS expression.
Plant Physiology | 2009
Sichul Lee; Jeff Chiecko; Sun A. Kim; Elsbeth L. Walker; Youngsook Lee; Mary Lou Guerinot; Gynheung An
Uptake and translocation of metal nutrients are essential processes for plant growth. Graminaceous species release phytosiderophores that bind to Fe3+; these complexes are then transported across the plasma membrane. We have characterized OsYSL15, one of the rice (Oryza sativa) YS1-like (YSL) genes that are strongly induced by iron (Fe) deficiency. The OsYSL15 promoter fusion to β-glucuronidase showed that it was expressed in all root tissues when Fe was limited. In low-Fe leaves, the promoter became active in all tissues except epidermal cells. This activity was also detected in flowers and seeds. The OsYSL15:green fluorescent protein fusion was localized to the plasma membrane. OsYSL15 functionally complemented yeast strains defective in Fe uptake on media containing Fe3+-deoxymugineic acid and Fe2+-nicotianamine. Two insertional osysl15 mutants exhibited chlorotic phenotypes under Fe deficiency and had reduced Fe concentrations in their shoots, roots, and seeds. Nitric oxide treatment reversed this chlorosis under Fe-limiting conditions. Overexpression of OsYSL15 increased the Fe concentration in leaves and seeds from transgenic plants. Altogether, these results demonstrate roles for OsYSL15 in Fe uptake and distribution in rice plants.
Plant Cell and Environment | 2009
Sichul Lee; Gynheung An
Uptake and translocation of micronutrients are essential for plant growth. These micronutrients are also important food components. We generated transgenic rice plants over-expressing OsIRT1 to evaluate its functional roles in metal homeostasis. Those plants showed enhanced tolerance to iron deficiency at the seedling stage. In paddy fields, this over-expression caused plant architecture to be altered. In addition, those plants were sensitive to excess Zn and Cd, indicating that OsIRT1 also transports those metals. As expected, iron and zinc contents were elevated in the shoots, roots and mature seeds of over-expressing plants. This demonstrates that OsIRT1 can be used for enhancing micronutrient levels in rice grains.
Plant Molecular Biology | 2007
Serry Koh; Sang-Choon Lee; Min-Kyung Kim; Jun Ho Koh; Sichul Lee; Gynheung An; Sunghwa Choe; Seong-Ryong Kim
T-DNA-tagged rice plants were screened under cold- or salt-stress conditions to determine the genes involved in the molecular mechanism for their abiotic-stress response. Line 0-165-65 was identified as a salt-responsive line. The gene responsible for this GUS-positive phenotype was revealed by inverse PCR as OsGSK1 (Oryza sativaglycogen synthase kinase3-like gene 1), a member of the plant GSK3/SHAGGY-like protein kinase genes and an orthologue of the Arabidopsisbrassinosteroid insensitive 2 (BIN2), AtSK21. Northern blot analysis showed that OsGSK1 was most highly detected in the developing panicles, suggesting that its expression is developmental stage specific. Knockout (KO) mutants of OsGSK1 showed enhanced tolerance to cold, heat, salt, and drought stresses when compared with non-transgenic segregants (NT). Overexpression of the full-length OsGSK1 led to a stunted growth phenotype similar to the one observed with the gain-of-function BIN/AtSK21 mutant. This suggests that OsGSK1 might be a functional rice orthologue that serves as a negative regulator of brassinosteroid (BR)-signaling. Therefore, we propose that stress-responsive OsGSK1 may have physiological roles in stress signal-transduction pathways and floral developmental processes.
The Plant Cell | 2009
Donghwan Shim; Jae-Ung Hwang; Joohyun Lee; Sichul Lee; Yunjung Choi; Gynheung An; Enrico Martinoia; Youngsook Lee
Cadmium (Cd) is a widespread soil pollutant; thus, the underlying molecular controls of plant Cd tolerance are of substantial interest. A screen for wheat (Triticum aestivum) genes that confer Cd tolerance to a Cd hypersensitive yeast strain identified Heat shock transcription factor A4a (HsfA4a). Ta HsfA4a is most similar to the class A4 Hsfs from monocots. The most closely related rice (Oryza sativa) homolog, Os HsfA4a, conferred Cd tolerance in yeast, as did Ta HsfA4a, but the second most closely related rice homolog, Os HsfA4d, did not. Cd tolerance was enhanced in rice plants expressing Ta HsfA4a and decreased in rice plants with knocked-down expression of Os HsfA4a. An analysis of the functional domain using chimeric proteins constructed from Ta HsfA4a and Os HsfA4d revealed that the DNA binding domain (DBD) of HsfA4a is critical for Cd tolerance, and within the DBD, Ala-31 and Leu-42 are important for Cd tolerance. Moreover, Ta HsfA4a–mediated Cd resistance in yeast requires metallothionein (MT). In the roots of wheat and rice, Cd stress caused increases in HsfA4a expression, together the MT genes. Our findings thus suggest that HsfA4a of wheat and rice confers Cd tolerance by upregulating MT gene expression in planta.
Journal of Plant Biology | 1999
Sichul Lee; Jong-Seong Jeon; Ki Hong Jung; Gynheung An
We constructed binary vectors that were designed for transfer and expression of a gene into rice chromosomes. The binary vectors contained the hygromycin-resistance gene for selection of transformants and multiple-cloning sites within the transfer DNA. In addition, vectors were designed to express foreign genes using four kinds of promoters. We also report a procedure for efficient transformation of rice plants using scutellum-derived calli and theAgrobacterium strain LBA4404.
Plant Molecular Biology | 1999
Jong-Seong Jeon; Yong-Yoon Chung; Sichul Lee; Gihwan Yi; Byeong-Geun Oh; Gynheung An
An anther-specific cDNA clone of rice, RA8, was isolated from an anther cDNA library by differential screening. RNA blot analysis indicated that the RA8 transcript is present specifically in anthers and the transcript level increased as flowers matured, reaching the highest level in mature flowers. The RA8 clone contains an open reading frame of 264 amino acid residues with a hydrophobic N-terminal region. The deduced amino acid sequences did not show significant homology to any known sequences. Genomic DNA blot analysis showed that RA8 is a single-copy gene. A genomic clone corresponding to the RA8 cDNA was isolated and its promoter region was fused to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene. Transgenic rice plants exhibited anther-specific expression of the GUS reporter gene. Histochemical GUS analysis showed that the RA8 promoter was active in the tapetum, endothecium, and connective tissues of anthers. Experiments showed that expression of the gene starts when microspores are released from tetrads, and it reaches to the maximum level at the late vacuolated-pollen stage. The RA8 promoter may be useful for controlling gene expression in anthers of cereal plants and for generating male-sterile plants.
Plant Physiology | 2007
Sichul Lee; Yu-Young Kim; Youngsook Lee; Gynheung An
P1B-type heavy-metal ATPases (HMAs) are transmembrane metal-transporting proteins that play a key role in metal homeostasis. Despite their importance, very little is known about their functions in monocot species. We report the characterization of rice (Oryza sativa) OsHMA9, a member of the P1B-type ATPase family. Semiquantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analyses of seedlings showed that OsHMA9 expression was induced by a high concentration of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and cadmium. We also determined, through promoter∷β-glucuronidase analysis, that the main expression was in the vascular bundles and anthers. The OsHMA9:green fluorescence protein fusion was localized to the plasma membrane. Heterologous expression of OsHMA9 partially rescued the Cu sensitivity of the Escherichia coli copA mutant, which is defective in Cu-transporting ATPases. It did not rescue the Zn sensitivity of the zntA mutant, which is defective in Zn-transporting ATPase. To further elucidate the functional roles of OsHMA9, we isolated two independent null alleles, oshma9-1 and oshma9-2, from the T-DNA insertion population. Mutant plants exhibited the phenotype of increased sensitivity to elevated levels of Cu, Zn, and lead. These results support a role for OsHMA9 in Cu, Zn, and lead efflux from the cells. This article is the first report on the functional characterization of a P1B-type metal efflux transporter in monocots.