Silvio Ranise
fondazione bruno kessler
Featured researches published by Silvio Ranise.
international joint conference on automated reasoning | 2010
Silvio Ghilardi; Silvio Ranise
We describe mcmt, a fully declarative and deductive symbolic model checker for safety properties of infinite state systems whose state variables are arrays. Theories specify the properties of the indexes and the elements of the arrays. Sets of states and transitions of a system are described by quantified first-order formulae. The core of the system is a backward reachability procedure which symbolically computes pre-images of the set of unsafe states and checks for safety and fix-points by solving Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) problems. Besides standard SMT techniques, efficient heuristics for quantifier instantiation, specifically tailored to model checking, are at the very heart of the system. mcmt has been successfully applied to the verification of imperative programs, parametrised, timed, and distributed systems.
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic | 2009
Alessandro Armando; Maria Paola Bonacina; Silvio Ranise; Stephan Schulz
Program analysis and verification require decision procedures to reason on theories of data structures. Many problems can be reduced to the satisfiability of sets of ground literals in theory T. If a sound and complete inference system for first-order logic is guaranteed to terminate on T-satisfiability problems, any theorem-proving strategy with that system and a fair search plan is a T-satisfiability procedure. We prove termination of a rewrite-based first-order engine on the theories of records, integer offsets, integer offsets modulo and lists. We give a modularity theorem stating sufficient conditions for termination on a combination of theories, given termination on each. The above theories, as well as others, satisfy these conditions. We introduce several sets of benchmarks on these theories and their combinations, including both parametric synthetic benchmarks to test scalability, and real-world problems to test performances on huge sets of literals. We compare the rewrite-based theorem prover E with the validity checkers CVC and CVC Lite. Contrary to the folklore that a general-purpose prover cannot compete with reasoners with built-in theories, the experiments are overall favorable to the theorem prover, showing that not only the rewriting approach is elegant and conceptually simple, but has important practical implications.
computer aided verification | 2005
Marco Bozzano; Roberto Bruttomesso; Alessandro Cimatti; Tommi A. Junttila; Silvio Ranise; Peter van Rossum; Roberto Sebastiani
The problem of deciding the satisfiability of a quantifier-free formula with respect to a background theory, also known as Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), is gaining increasing relevance in verification: representation capabilities beyond propositional logic allow for a natural modeling of real-world problems (e.g., pipeline and RTL circuits verification, proof obligations in software systems). In this paper, we focus on the case where the background theory is the combination T1∪T2 of two simpler theories. Many SMT procedures combine a boolean model enumeration with a decision procedure for T1∪T2, where conjunctions of literals can be decided by an integration schema such as Nelson-Oppen, via a structured exchange of interface formulae (e.g., equalities in the case of convex theories, disjunctions of equalities otherwise). We propose a new approach for SMT(T1∪T2), called Delayed Theory Combination, which does not require a decision procedure for T1∪T2, but only individual decision procedures for T1 and T2, which are directly integrated into the boolean model enumerator. This approach is much simpler and natural, allows each of the solvers to be implemented and optimized without taking into account the others, and it nicely encompasses the case of non-convex theories. We show the effectiveness of the approach by a thorough experimental comparison.
acm symposium on applied computing | 2015
Silvio Ranise; Anh Tuan Truong; Luca Viganò
Temporal role based access control models support the specification and enforcement of several temporal constraints on role enabling, role activation, and temporal role hierarchies among others. In this paper, we define three mappings that preserve the solutions to a class of policy problems (they map security analysis problems in presence of static temporal role hierarchies to problems without them) and we show how they can be used to extend the capabilities of a tool for the analysis of administrative temporal role-based access control policies to reason in presence of temporal role hierarchies. An experimental evaluation with a prototype implementation shows the better behavior of one of the proposed mappings over the other two. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first tool capable of reasoning with (static) temporal role hierarchies.
Logical Methods in Computer Science | 2010
Silvio Ranise; Silvio Ghilardi
The safety of infinite state systems can be checked by a backward reachability procedure. For certain classes of systems, it is possible to prove the termination of the procedure and hence conclude the decidability of the safety problem. Although backward reachability is property-directed, it can unnecessarily explore (large) portions of the state space of a system which are not required to verify the safety property under consideration. To avoid this, invariants can be used to dramatically prune the search space. Indeed, the problem is to guess such appropriate invariants. In this paper, we present a fully declarative and symbolic approach to the mechanization of backward reachability of infinite state systems manipulating arrays by Satisfiability Modulo Theories solving. Theories are used to specify the topology and the data manipulated by the system. We identify sufficient conditions on the theories to ensure the termination of backward reachability and we show the completeness of a method for invariant synthesis (obtained as the dual of backward reachability), again, under suitable hypotheses on the theories. We also present a pragmatic approach to interleave invariant synthesis and backward reachability so that a fix-point for the set of backward reachable states is more easily obtained. Finally, we discuss heuristics that allow us to derive an implementation of the techniques in the model checker MCMT, showing remarkable speed-ups on a significant set of safety problems extracted from a variety of sources.The safety of infinite state systems can be checked by a backward reachability procedure. For certain classes of systems, it is possible to prove the termination of the procedure and hence conclude the decidability of the safety problem. Although backward reachability is property-directed, it can unnecessarily explore (large) portions of the state space of a system which are not required to verify the safety property under consideration. To avoid this, invariants can be used to dramatically prune the search space. Indeed, the problem is to guess such appropriate invariants. In this paper, we present a fully declarative and symbolic approach to the mechanization of backward reachability of infinite state systems manipulating arrays by Satisfiability Modulo Theories solving. Theories are used to specify the topology and the data manipulated by the system. We identify sufficient conditions on the theories to ensure the termination of backward reachability and we show the completeness of a method for invariant synthesis (obtained as the dual of backward reachability), again, under suitable hypotheses on the theories. We also present a pragmatic approach to interleave invariant synthesis and backward reachability so that a fix-point for the set of backward reachable states is more easily obtained. Finally, we discuss heuristics that allow us to derive an implementation of the techniques in the model checker MCMT, showing remarkable speed-ups on a significant set of safety problems extracted from a variety of sources.
Information & Computation | 2006
Marco Bozzano; Roberto Bruttomesso; Alessandro Cimatti; Tommi A. Junttila; Silvio Ranise; Peter van Rossum; Roberto Sebastiani
Many approaches to deciding the satisfiability of quantifier-free formulae with respect to a background theory T-also known as Satisfiability Modulo Theory, or SMT(T)-rely on the integration between an enumerator of truth assignments and a decision procedure for conjunction of literals in T. When the background theory T is the combination T1 ∪ T2 of two simpler theories, the approach is typically instantiated by means of a theory combination schema (e.g. Nelson-Oppen, Shostak). In this paper we propose a new approach to SMT(T1 ∪ T2), where the enumerator of truth assignments is integrated with two decision procedures, one for T1 and one for T2, acting independently from each other. The key idea is to search for a truth assignment not only to the atoms occurring in the formula, but also to all the equalities between variables which are shared between the theories. This approach is simple and expressive: for instance, no modification is required to handle non-convex theories (as opposed to traditional Nelson-Oppen combinations which require a mechanism for splitting). Furthermore, it can be made practical by leveraging on state-of-the-art boolean and SMT search techniques, and on theory layering (i.e., cheaper reasoning first, and more often). We provide thorough experimental evidence to support our claims: we instantiate the framework with two decision procedures for the combinations of Equality and Uninterpreted Functions (EUF) and Linear Arithmetic (LA), both for (the convex case of) reals and for (the non-convex case of) integers; we analyze the impact of the different optimizations on a variety of test cases; and we compare the approach with state-of-the-art competitor tools, showing that our implemented tool compares positively with them, sometimes with dramatic gains in performance.
software engineering and formal methods | 2003
David Déharbe; Silvio Ranise
Software bugs are very difficult to detect even in small units of code. Several techniques to debug or prove correct such units are based on the generation of a set of formulae whose unsatisfiability reveals the presence of an error. These techniques assume the availability of a theorem prover capable of automatically discharging the resulting proof obligations. Building such a tool is a difficult, long, and error-prone activity. In this paper, we describe techniques to build provers which are highly automatic and flexible by combining state-of-the-art superposition theorem provers and BDDs. We report experimental results on formulae extracted from the debugging of C functions manipulating pointers showing that an implementation of our techniques can discharge proof obligations which cannot be handled by Simplify (the theorem prover used in the ESC/Java tool) and perform much better on others.
international joint conference on automated reasoning | 2008
Silvio Ghilardi; Enrica Nicolini; Silvio Ranise; Daniele Zucchelli
We introduce the notion of array-based system as a suitable abstraction of infinite state systems such as broadcast protocols or sorting programs. By using a class of quantified-first order formulae to symbolically represent array-based systems, we propose methods to check safety (invariance) and liveness (recurrence) properties on top of Satisfiability Modulo Theories solvers. We find hypotheses under which the verification procedures for such properties can be fully mechanized.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence | 2007
Silvio Ghilardi; Enrica Nicolini; Silvio Ranise; Daniele Zucchelli
The theory of arrays, introduced by McCarthy in his seminal paper “Towards a mathematical science of computation,” is central to Computer Science. Unfortunately, the theory alone is not sufficient for many important verification applications such as program analysis. Motivated by this observation, we study extensions of the theory of arrays whose satisfiability problem (i.e., checking the satisfiability of conjunctions of ground literals) is decidable. In particular, we consider extensions where the indexes of arrays have the algebraic structure of Presburger arithmetic and the theory of arrays is augmented with axioms characterizing additional symbols such as dimension, sortedness, or the domain of definition of arrays. We provide methods for integrating available decision procedures for the theory of arrays and Presburger arithmetic with automatic instantiation strategies which allow us to reduce the satisfiability problem for the extension of the theory of arrays to that of the theories decided by the available procedures. Our approach aims to re-use as much as possible existing techniques so as to ease the implementation of the proposed methods. To this end, we show how to use model-theoretic, rewriting-based theorem proving (i.e., superposition), and techniques developed in the Satisfiability Modulo Theories communities to implement the decision procedures for the various extensions.
frontiers of combining systems | 2005
Silvio Ranise; Christophe Ringeissen; Calogero G. Zarba
Most computer programs store elements of a given nature into container-based data structures such as lists, arrays, sets, and multisets. To verify the correctness of these programs, one needs to combine a theory S modeling the data structure with a theory T modeling the elements. This combination can be achieved using the classic Nelson-Oppen method only if both S and T are stably infinite. The goal of this paper is to relax the stable infiniteness requirement. To achieve this goal, we introduce the notion of polite theories, and we show that natural examples of polite theories include those modeling data structures such as lists, arrays, sets, and multisets. Furthemore, we provide a method that is able to combine a polite theory S with any theory T of the elements, regardless of whether T is stably infinite or not. The results of this paper generalize to many-sorted logic those recently obtained by Tinelli and Zarba concerning the combination of shiny theories with nonstably infinite theories in one-sorted logic.