Simeon Rakonjac
University of Kragujevac
Worlds Poultry Science Journal | 2012
S. Bogosavljević-Bošković; Simeon Rakonjac; Vladimir Doskovic; Milun Petrovic
Poultry rearing systems have been the focus of scientific research for many years as a result of consumer demand for high-quality products and legal poultry welfare requirements. Given these requirements, the following study was carried out as a comparative review of the results obtained by different authors on the effect of rearing systems on productive traits (growth, feed conversion and mortality) and meat quality traits (dressing percentage, yield and percentage of primal cuts, and chemical composition of meat) in broilers. Most authors reported a lower final body weight and poorer feed conversion efficiency in free-range systems compared to intensive rearing. Conversely, better meat quality traits, most notably in terms of chemical composition of meat, were observed in non-intensive and organic broilers. The above traits showed differences within the same rearing system, due to the effect of a range of genetic and non-genetic factors. In view of the above, it is hoped that the following review on the use of different rearing systems in broiler meat production can serve as a tool in determining the future direction of research as well as an indicator of its practical applications.
Worlds Poultry Science Journal | 2013
Vladimir Doskovic; S. Bogosavljević-Bošković; Z. Pavlovski; B. Milošević; Zdenka Skrbic; Simeon Rakonjac; V. Petričević
Enzyme supplementation of poultry diets is nutritionally, economically and environmentally justified. Enzymes are used to increase the energy value of feed ingredients and enhance the utilisation of protein, fats, carbohydrates and phytin phosphorus from plant materials, leading to a lower excretion rate of undigested nutrients into the environment and, hence, reduced environmental pollution. This is especially important regarding proteases, as the correct digestion of nitrogenous compounds in feed materials is essential for reducing N excretion – a major pollutant worldwide. Numerous studies have shown no adverse effects of enzyme supplementation in broiler diets on body weight, mortality, health, feed intake, FCR, nutrient digestibility, meat quality and production costs. However, there is still a large amount of uncertainty regarding the use of enzymes.
Worlds Poultry Science Journal | 2014
Simeon Rakonjac; S. Bogosavljević-Bošković; Z. Pavlovski; Zdenka Skrbic; Vladimir Doskovic; Milun Petrovic; V. Petričević
Laying hen rearing systems have been the focus of scientific research for many years. Over the last few decades, new laying hen rearing systems have been rapidly introduced in an effort to harmonise poultry health and welfare with consumer, producer, industry and environmental demands. Given the above situation, the subject matter of this paper was a comparative review of the results obtained by different authors on the effect of rearing system on productive traits (egg production and mortality) and egg quality characteristics (egg weight, proportions of main egg parts, Haugh units, yolk colour and carotenoids) in laying hens. Although productive performance in alternative systems is often lower compared to conventional, intensive layers, eggs from alternative systems have been proven in numerous studies to have better nutritional properties. Moreover, research results indicate differences within rearing systems. In view of this, this overview of the literature on the use of different rearing systems in table egg production can serve as a tool in determining the future direction of research as well as an indicator of its practical application.
Worlds Poultry Science Journal | 2014
Simeon Rakonjac; S. Bogosavljević-Bošković; Z. Pavlovski; Zdenka Skrbic; Vladimir Doskovic; Milun Petrovic; V. Petričević
Alternative laying hen rearing systems have been rapidly introduced into poultry production in an effort to harmonise poultry health and welfare with consumer, producer, industry and environmental demands. They are an integral part of modern egg production. Husbandry systems for keeping laying hens have an impact on, inter alia, the chemical composition of eggs. The subject matter of this study is a comparative review of the results obtained by different authors on the effect of rearing system on chemical composition (proteins, lipids, cholesterol, vitamins and fatty acids content) and hygienic conditions of eggs from different rearing systems of laying hens. Eggs from these laying hen rearing systems have been proven by a large body of literature data to have better nutritional properties. Moreover, the results analysed also indicate differences within rearing systems. Rearing systems also have an influence on hygienic and microbiological quality of eggs. In view of the above, this comparable overview of the literature on the use of different rearing systems in table egg production can serve as a tool in determining the future direction of research as well as an indicator of its practical application.
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry | 2011
S. Bogosavljević-Bošković; Sreten Mitrovic; V. Doskovic; Simeon Rakonjac; V. Kurćubić
Poultry rearing systems have captured the attention of scientists for many years. A number of attempts have been made to introduce new technologies in rearing poultry for meat and egg production aiming at improving rearing conditions, protecting the environment and enhancing the quality of poultry products. Given the above, the objective of this study was to present the results of an evaluation of the effect of rearing system on major meat quality traits (percent yield of primal cuts in cold carcasses, tissue percentage in major primal cuts and chemical composition of muscle tissue). The experiment involved a total of 400 Hybro broilers reared under two different systems (intensive and semi-intensive systems). The fattening period and slaughter and dressing procedures were followed by measurement and meat sampling for chemical analysis. The results obtained show that broilers reared under the semi-intensive system had a somewhat higher percentage of drumsticks and breasts i.e. first class meat, as well as a higher percentage of breast and thigh muscles. Moreover, the protein content of breast, thigh and drumstick muscles was higher in broilers reared under semi-intensive conditions. As for the fat content of primal cuts, it was found to exhibit higher values in broilers reared under the intensive system. Overall, the results suggest better performance for most traits in free range broilers reared under semi-intensive conditions as compared to those reared intensively.
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry | 2011
S. Bogosavljević-Bošković; V. Doskovic; Sreten Mitrovic; Simeon Rakonjac; Milun Petrovic
Broiler meat production in recent years has been oriented towards the implementation of non-commercial rearing systems aimed at improving broiler rearing conditions, enhancing meat quality and improving the environment. This study presents productive and slaughter results of broilers reared under two non-commercial systems, including extensive indoor and free-range systems. Length of fattening period was 63 days. On days 49 and 63 of the experiment, male and female broilers were randomly selected from both rearing systems and slaughtered thereafter to be evaluated and compared for the following traits: dressing percentage and percentage yield of primal carcass cuts, as dependent upon rearing system, length of fattening period and broiler sex. The results showed a higher dressing percentage in broilers slaughtered on day 49, regardless of the higher carcass weight of broilers slaughtered on day 63. Broiler sex had a highly significant effect on the percentage yield of breast, thigh and drumstick in the dressed carcass (P<0.01), whereas the percentage yield of thighs was also statistically highly significantly affected by rearing system (P<0.01). Rearing system, length of fattening period and the interaction of these factors had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the percentage yield of primal cuts (breast, thigh, drumstick, wing, back and pelvis), excepting that of pelvis which was significantly affected by rearing system (P<0.05).
Annals of Animal Science | 2015
D Milun Petrovic; Vladan Bogdanovic; M Milan Petrovic; S. Bogosavljević-Bošković; Radojica Đoković; Radica Đedović; Simeon Rakonjac
Abstract The effect of systematic and continuous environmental factors on milk performance traits over standard lactations in 2805 Simmental cows was evaluated using the general linear model. The systematic factors included the effect of farm or breeding area, calving season, year of birth, season of birth, lactation group and their interactions. The continuous factor analysed was the effect of age at first conception. The effect of farm, lactation group and calving season on standard lactation milk performance was found to be highly significant (P<0.01), excepting the effect of calving season on milk fat percent in standard lactations which showed statistical significance (P<0.05). The interactions between year and season of birth, farm and calving season, and farm and lactation group had a highly significant effect (P<0.01) on all performance traits studied. Age at first conception, as a continuous factor, had a highly significant effect (P<0.01) on milk yield and milk fat percent, and a non-significant effect on milk fat yield. The model used to correct the performance traits over standard lactations for the effect of systematic factors was highly significant (P<0.01). The variance of the model accounted for 20.06 and 37.31% of the total variance of milk fat yield and milk fat percent, respectively. The resulting coefficients of determination (R2) ranged from 0.20 for milk fat yield to 0.37 for milk fat percent.
Biotehnologija u stocarstvu | 2018
Zdenka Skrbic; M. Lukic; V. Petričević; Snezana Bogosavljevic-Boskovic; Natasa Tolimir; Vladimir Doskovic; Simeon Rakonjac
In order to determine the effect of intensity of light and stocking density, as well as the interaction of light intensity x stocking density on body weight and individual carcass traits, an experiment was performed on 1200 broilers of the Ross 308 genotype. The investigated factors were the intensity of light (LI): 20 lx (K) ; 150 lx (O) and stocking density (SD): 10 broilers/m (A); 13 broilers/m (B); 15 broilers/m (C), in 4 repetitions. The light source was incandescent bulbs of adequate intensity and a light program 16L: 4D: 2L: 2D was applied. Broiler body weight was controlled on 11th, 21st, 35th and 42nd day, by individual measurement of all chickens in the trial. The average sample containing 12 chickens per treatment with equal gender representation (total of 72 broilers) was used to study the slaughter quality of carcasses based on the parameters of absolute and relative yield of more valuable carcass parts (breast, thighs and drumsticks) and meat in the more valuable parts of the carcass. The effect of light with different intensity on the body weight differed depending on the broiler rearing phase. The interaction effect of the intensity of light and stocking density on the body weight of broilers was confirmed in all stages of growing up to the age of 42 days. A higher intensity of light (150 lx) showed the potential to alleviate the negative effects of higher stocking density (15 broilers/m) on the final body weight of the broiler. The carcass traits were not significantly affected by the intensity of the light, while the stocking density, as well as the intensity of the light x stocking density did influence the yield of whole breast and the yield of breast meat.
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry | 2011
Milun Petrovic; Vladan Bogdanovic; M.M. Petrovic; Simeon Rakonjac
The relationship between milk production traits over whole lactations was evaluated across three generations of Simmental cows, i.e. between daughters, dams and grand dams, by a phenotypic regression analysis with whole lactation traits in the daughter generation being used as the dependent variables (x1), and those in the dam and grand dam generations being used as the independent variables (x2 and x3). The results were obtained from a sample of 1170 daughters and as many dams and grand dams. The significance of the partial regression coefficients b2 and b3 was separately evaluated by a t-test. An analysis of variance was used to estimate the significance of the simultaneous effect of the production traits of dams and grand dams on the milk production achieved in the daughter generation. The calculated value of the partial regression coefficients for the whole lactation production traits across three generations (grand dams, dams and daughters) and their statistical significances determined by the t and F tests, as well as the regression equations used, suggested that the effect of the grand dam generation on the milk production traits in granddaughters was substantially lower than the effect of dams. The calculated partial regression coefficients (b2 and b3) were positive and statistically very significant (P<0.01), excepting the regression coefficients b3 for lactation length and b2 for milk fat content that were not statistically significant (P>0.05). A very significant change (P<0.01) was observed in all production traits in the daughter generation as simultaneously affected by the traits in the dam and grand dam generations.
Archive | 2017
Milun Petrovic; Vladan Bogdanovic; Radica Djedovic; Snezana Bogosavljevic-Boskovic; Simeon Rakonjac; Radojica Djokovic; M.M. Petrovic