
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 2003

Muscle-specific PPARγ-deficient mice develop increased adiposity and insulin resistance but respond to thiazolidinediones

Andrew W. Norris; Lihong Chen; Simon J. Fisher; Ildiko Szanto; Michael Ristow; Alison C. Jozsi; Michael F. Hirshman; Evan D. Rosen; Laurie J. Goodyear; Frank J. Gonzalez; Bruce M. Spiegelman; C. Ronald Kahn

Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) by thiazolidinediones (TZDs) improves insulin resistance by increasing insulin-stimulated glucose disposal in skeletal muscle. It remains debatable whether the effect of TZDs on muscle is direct or indirect via adipose tissue. We therefore generated mice with muscle-specific PPARgamma knockout (MuPPARgammaKO) using Cre/loxP recombination. Interestingly, MuPPARgammaKO mice developed excess adiposity despite reduced dietary intake. Although insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in muscle was not impaired, MuPPARgammaKO mice had whole-body insulin resistance with a 36% reduction (P < 0.05) in the glucose infusion rate required to maintain euglycemia during hyperinsulinemic clamp, primarily due to dramatic impairment in hepatic insulin action. When placed on a high-fat diet, MuPPARgammaKO mice developed hyperinsulinemia and impaired glucose homeostasis identical to controls. Simultaneous treatment with TZD ameliorated these high fat-induced defects in MuPPARgammaKO mice to a degree identical to controls. There was also altered expression of several lipid metabolism genes in the muscle of MuPPARgammaKO mice. Thus, muscle PPARgamma is not required for the antidiabetic effects of TZDs, but has a hitherto unsuspected role for maintenance of normal adiposity, whole-body insulin sensitivity, and hepatic insulin action. The tissue crosstalk mediating these effects is perhaps due to altered lipid metabolism in muscle.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 2003

The role of endothelial insulin signaling in the regulation of vascular tone and insulin resistance

David Vicent; Jacob Ilany; Tatsuya Kondo; Keiko Naruse; Simon J. Fisher; Sven Erik Bursell; Masashi Yanagisawa; George L. King; C. Ronald Kahn

Insulin receptors (IRs) on vascular endothelial cells have been suggested to participate in insulin-regulated glucose homeostasis. To directly address the role of insulin action in endothelial function, we have generated a vascular endothelial cell IR knockout (VENIRKO) mouse using the Cre-loxP system. Cultured endothelium of VENIRKO mice exhibited complete rearrangement of the IR gene and a more than 95% decrease in IR mRNA. VENIRKO mice were born at the expected Mendelian ratio, grew normally, were fertile, and exhibited normal patterns of vasculature in the retina and other tissues. Glucose homeostasis under basal condition was comparable in VENIRKO mice. Both eNOS and endothelin-1 mRNA levels, however, were reduced by approximately 30-60% in endothelial cells, aorta, and heart, while vascular EGF expression was maintained at normal levels. Arterial pressure tended to be lower in VENIRKO mice on both low- and high-salt diets, and on a low-salt diet VENIRKO mice showed insulin resistance. Thus, inactivation of the IR on endothelial cell has no major consequences on vascular development or glucose homeostasis under basal conditions, but alters expression of vasoactive mediators and may play a role in maintaining vascular tone and regulation of insulin sensitivity to dietary salt intake.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 2003

Insulin signaling is required for insulin’s direct and indirect action on hepatic glucose production

Simon J. Fisher; C. Ronald Kahn

We and others have suggested that insulin predominantly acts indirectly to inhibit hepatic glucose production (HGP) via suppression of gluconeogenic precursors, FFAs, and glucagon. To test that hypothesis, we performed high-dose hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps using [3-(3)H]-glucose in liver-specific insulin receptor knockout (LIRKO) mice, LIRKO mice treated with streptozotocin (LIRKO+STZ), and controls. In LIRKO mice, fasted glucose was normal, but insulin levels were elevated tenfold. STZ treatment reduced insulinemia by 60% with resulting hyperglycemia. Interestingly, basal HGP was similar in all three groups. During the clamp, HGP was suppressed by 82 +/- 17% in controls, but was not suppressed in either LIRKO or LIRKO+STZ mice. Glucose infusion and utilization were impaired ( approximately 50%) in LIRKO and LIRKO+STZ mice versus controls. Insulin suppressed FFAs similarly in all groups ( approximately 46%). Glucagon was not significantly suppressed during the clamp. Thus, in LIRKO mice, (a) high-dose insulin fails to suppress HGP indicating that both direct and indirect effects of insulin require an intact insulin-signaling pathway in the liver; (b) primary hepatic insulin resistance leads to hyperinsulinemia and secondary extrahepatic insulin resistance; and (c) lowering insulin levels with STZ tended to improve extrahepatic insulin sensitivity but failed to reveal the previously postulated indirect role of insulin in suppressing HGP.

Nature Medicine | 2011

Regulation of glucose homeostasis through a XBP-1–FoxO1 interaction

Yingjiang Zhou; Justin Lee; Candace M. Reno; Cheng Sun; Sang Won Park; Jason Chung; Jaemin Lee; Simon J. Fisher; Morris F. White; Sudha B. Biddinger; Umut Ozcan

To date, the only known role of the spliced form of X-box–binding protein-1 (XBP-1s) in metabolic processes has been its ability to act as a transcription factor that regulates the expression of genes that increase the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) folding capacity, thereby improving insulin sensitivity. Here we show that XBP-1s interacts with the Forkhead box O1 (FoxO1) transcription factor and directs it toward proteasome-mediated degradation. Given this new insight, we tested modest hepatic overexpression of XBP-1s in vivo in mouse models of insulin deficiency or insulin resistance and found it improved serum glucose concentrations, even without improving insulin signaling or ER folding capacity. The notion that XBP-1s can act independently of its role in the ER stress response is further supported by our finding that in the severely insulin resistant ob/ob mouse strain a DNA-binding–defective mutant of XBP-1s, which does not have the ability to increase ER folding capacity, is still capable of reducing serum glucose concentrations and increasing glucose tolerance. Our results thus provide the first evidence to our knowledge that XBP-1s, through its interaction with FoxO1, can bypass hepatic insulin resistance independent of its effects on ER folding capacity, suggesting a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Cell Metabolism | 2011

Brain insulin controls adipose tissue lipolysis and lipogenesis

Thomas Scherer; James O'Hare; Kelly A. Diggs-Andrews; Martina Schweiger; Bob Cheng; Claudia Lindtner; Elizabeth Zielinski; Prashant Vempati; Kai Su; Shveta Dighe; Thomas Milsom; Michelle A. Puchowicz; Ludger Scheja; Rudolf Zechner; Simon J. Fisher; Stephen F. Previs; Christoph Buettner

White adipose tissue (WAT) dysfunction plays a key role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes (DM2). Unrestrained WAT lipolysis results in increased fatty acid release, leading to insulin resistance and lipotoxicity, while impaired de novo lipogenesis in WAT decreases the synthesis of insulin-sensitizing fatty acid species like palmitoleate. Here, we show that insulin infused into the mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH) of Sprague-Dawley rats increases WAT lipogenic protein expression, inactivates hormone-sensitive lipase (Hsl), and suppresses lipolysis. Conversely, mice that lack the neuronal insulin receptor exhibit unrestrained lipolysis and decreased de novo lipogenesis in WAT. Thus, brain and, in particular, hypothalamic insulin action play a pivotal role in WAT functionality.

Journal of Pediatric Surgery | 1997

Is 95% Pancreatectomy the Procedure of Choice for Treatment of Persistent Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia of the Neonate?

Joel Shilyansky; Simon J. Fisher; Ernest Cutz; Kusiel Perlman; Robert M. Filler

A 95% pancreatectomy became the treatment of choice for persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of the neonate (PHHN, Nesidioblastosis) at the authors institution, when lesser resections failed to prevent hypoglycemia in 25% to 50% of cases. With few outcome data available in the literature, the authors reviewed their 25-year experience to assess the efficacy and the long-term consequences of this procedure. Since 1971, 27 infants underwent a 95% pancreatectomy for the treatment of PHHN. None had responded to medical treatment (glucose infusion, glucagon, octreotide, diazoxide), and two had 85% pancreatectomy that failed. The procedure consisted of resecting the pancreas including the uncinate process, leaving only the gland lying between the common bile duct (CBD) and the duodenum and a small rim of pancreas along the duodenal sweep. Hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia recurred in nine children (33%), all within 2 to 5 days. Seven of them were subsequently cured with near-total pancreatic resection. Partial pancreatic regrowth was evident at reoperation. In two cases hypoglycemia was controlled with diazoxide and frequent feedings because reoperation was refused. The gross anatomic findings and the histopathology were not predictive of treatment failure. Perioperative complications occurred in four of 27 children (15%) after 95% pancreatectomy and in four of seven children (57%) after near-total pancreatectomy. Clinical follow-up ranged from 0.5 to 18 years (mean, 8 years; median, 8 years). To date, diabetes has developed in 15 children (56%), nine of 20 (45%) after 95% pancreatectomy (mean age, 9.7 years) and six of seven (86%) after a near-total pancreatectomy (mean age, 1.7 years). After 95% pancreatectomy, the incidence of diabetes increased with age, developing in nine of the 13 (69%) children followed up for more than 4 years. The failure of 95% pancreatectomy to prevent hypoglycemia in one third of children with PHHN and the ultimate development of diabetes in a minimum of two-thirds, indicates that an alternative treatment strategy is needed for this disease.

Diabetes | 2005

Insulin Signaling in the Central Nervous System Is Critical for the Normal Sympathoadrenal Response to Hypoglycemia

Simon J. Fisher; Jens C. Brüning; Scott M. Lannon; C. Ronald Kahn

Hypoglycemia, hypoglycemia unawareness, and impaired counterregulation are major challenges to the intensive management of type 1 diabetes. While the counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia is predominantly determined by the degree and duration of hypoglycemia, there is now evidence that insulin per se may influence the counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia. To define the role of insulin action in the central nervous system in regulating the counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia, mice with a brain/neuron-specific insulin receptor knockout (NIRKO) and littermate controls were subjected to 90-min hyperinsulinemic (20 mU x kg(-1) x min(-1)) -hypoglycemic (approximately 1.5 mmol/l) clamps. In response to hypoglycemia, epinephrine levels rose 5.7-fold in controls but only 3.5-fold in NIRKO mice. Similarly, in response to hypoglycemia, norepinephrine levels rose threefold in controls, but this response was almost completely absent in NIRKO mice. In contrast, glucagon and corticosterone responses to hypoglycemia were similar in both groups. Thus, insulin action in the brain is critical for full activation of the sympathoadrenal response to hypoglycemia, and altered neural insulin signaling could contribute to defective glucose counterregulation in diabetes.

American Journal of Physiology-endocrinology and Metabolism | 2009

Diabetes increases brain damage caused by severe hypoglycemia

Adam J. Bree; Eduardo Tejera Puente; Dorit Daphna-Iken; Simon J. Fisher

Insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia causes brain damage. The hypothesis to be tested was that diabetes portends to more extensive brain tissue damage following an episode of severe hypoglycemia. Nine-week-old male streptozotocin-diabetic (DIAB; n = 10) or vehicle-injected control (CONT; n = 7) Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to hyperinsulinemic (0.2 severe hypoglycemic (10-15 mg/dl) clamps while awake and unrestrained. Groups were precisely matched for depth and duration (1 h) of severe hypoglycemia (CONT 11 +/- 0.5 and DIAB 12 +/- 0.2 mg/dl, P = not significant). During severe hypoglycemia, an equal number of episodes of seizure-like activity were noted in both groups. One week later, histological analysis demonstrated extensive neuronal damage in regions of the hippocampus, especially in the dentate gyrus and CA1 regions and less so in the CA3 region (P < 0.05), although total hippocampal damage was not different between groups. However, in the cortex, DIAB rats had significantly (2.3-fold) more dead neurons than CONT rats (P < 0.05). There was a strong correlation between neuronal damage and the occurrence of seizure-like activity (r(2) > 0.9). Separate studies conducted in groups of diabetic (n = 5) and nondiabetic (n = 5) rats not exposed to severe hypoglycemia showed no brain damage. In summary, under the conditions studied, severe hypoglycemia causes brain damage in the cortex and regions within the hippocampus, and the extent of damage is closely correlated to the presence of seizure-like activity in nonanesthetized rats. It is concluded that, in response to insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia, diabetes uniquely increases the vulnerability of specific brain areas to neuronal damage.

Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2004

p50α/p55α Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Knockout Mice Exhibit Enhanced Insulin Sensitivity

Dong Chen; Franck Mauvais-Jarvis; Matthias Bluher; Simon J. Fisher; Alison C. Jozsi; Laurie J. Goodyear; Kohjiro Ueki; C. Ronald Kahn

ABSTRACT Class Ia phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinases are heterodimers composed of a regulatory and a catalytic subunit and are essential for the metabolic actions of insulin. In addition to p85α and p85β, insulin-sensitive tissues such as fat, muscle, and liver express the splice variants of the pik3r1 gene, p50α and p55α. Το define the role of these variants, we have created mice with a deletion of p50α and p55α by using homologous recombination. These mice are viable, grow normally, and maintain normal blood glucose levels but have lower fasting insulin levels. Results of an insulin tolerance test indicate that p50α/p55α knockout mice have enhanced insulin sensitivity in vivo, and there is an increase in insulin-stimulated glucose transport in isolated extensor digitorum longus muscle tissues and adipocytes. In muscle, loss of p50α/p55α results in reduced levels of insulin-stimulated insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) and phosphotyrosine-associated PI 3-kinase but enhanced levels of IRS-2-associated PI 3-kinase and Akt activation, whereas in adipocytes levels of both insulin-stimulated PI 3-kinase and Akt are unchanged. Despite this, adipocytes of the knockout mice are smaller and have increased glucose uptake with altered glucose metabolic pathways. When treated with gold thioglucose, p50α/p55α knockout mice become hyperphagic like their wild-type littermates. However, they accumulate less fat and become mildly less hyperglycemic and markedly less hyperinsulinemic. Taken together, these data indicate that p50α and p55α play an important role in insulin signaling and action, especially in lipid and glucose metabolism.

Diabetes | 1996

The Roles of Catecholamines in Glucoregulation in Intense Exercise as Defined by the Islet Cell Clamp Technique

Ronald J. Sigal; Simon J. Fisher; Jeffrey B. Halter; Mladen Vranic; Errol B. Marliss

Exercise at > 85% VO2max causes the greatest known physiological increases in glucose production rates (Ra). To define the relative roles of catecholamine versus glucagon/insulin responses in stimulating Ra, normal subjects in the postabsorptive state exercised at 87 ± 2% VO2max during an islet cell clamp (IC): intravenous octreotide (somatostatin analog), 30 ng s· kg−1 · min−1; glucagon, 0.8 ng · kg−1 · min−1; growth hormone, 10 ng · kg−1 · min−1; and insulin adjusted to achieve euglycemia, then constant 56 ± 7 min before exercise. Seven control subjects exercised without an IC. In four subjects (IC-1) with hormone infusions held constant during exercise, plasma insulin rose 76% and glucagon 35%, perhaps because of altered hemodynamics. In seven subjects (IC-2), hormone infusions were decreased stepwise during exercise and returned stepwise to initial rates during early recovery. Ra increased sixfold in control and both IC groups. Plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine likewise increased > 12-fold with no differences among groups; both catecholamines correlated closely with Ra. Because mixed venous blood plasma insulin declined and glucagon did not change in control subjects, the glucagon-to-insulin ratio increased from 0.20 to 0.26 (P = 0.02). In IC subjects, plasma insulin increased and glucagon was either constant (IC-2) or increased < insulin, resulting in nonsignificant declines in the immunoreactive glucose-to-immunoreactive insulin ratio. Although a rise in insulin would have been expected to attenuate the Ra increment, this effect was overridden. The strong correlations of Ra with catecholamines and the similar Ra responses despite divergent glucagon-to-insulin responses are consistent with the primacy of catecholamines in regulation of Ra in intense exercise.

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