Simon M. Hooker
University of Oxford
Nature Physics | 2009
M. Fuchs; Raphael Weingartner; Antonia Popp; Zsuzsanna Major; Stefan Becker; Jens Osterhoff; Isabella Cortrie; Benno Zeitler; Rainer Hörlein; George D. Tsakiris; U. Schramm; Tom P. Rowlands-Rees; Simon M. Hooker; Dietrich Habs; Ferenc Krausz; Stefan Karsch; Florian Grüner
High-intensity X-ray sources such as synchrotrons and free-electron lasers need large particle accelerators to drive them. The demonstration of a synchrotron X-ray source that uses a laser-driven particle accelerator could widen the availability of intense X-rays for research in physics, materials science and biology. Synchrotrons and free-electron lasers are the most powerful sources of X-ray radiation. They constitute invaluable tools for a broad range of research1; however, their dependence on large-scale radiofrequency electron accelerators means that only a few of these sources exist worldwide. Laser-driven plasma-wave accelerators2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 provide markedly increased accelerating fields and hence offer the potential to shrink the size and cost of these X-ray sources to the university-laboratory scale. Here, we demonstrate the generation of soft-X-ray undulator radiation with laser-plasma-accelerated electron beams. The well-collimated beams deliver soft-X-ray pulses with an expected pulse duration of ∼10 fs (inferred from plasma-accelerator physics). Our source draws on a 30-cm-long undulator11 and a 1.5-cm-long accelerator delivering stable electron beams10 with energies of ∼210 MeV. The spectrum of the generated undulator radiation typically consists of a main peak centred at a wavelength of ∼18 nm (fundamental), a second peak near ∼9 nm (second harmonic) and a high-energy cutoff at ∼7 nm. Magnetic quadrupole lenses11 ensure efficient electron-beam transport and demonstrate an enabling technology for reproducible generation of tunable undulator radiation. The source is scalable to shorter wavelengths by increasing the electron energy. Our results open the prospect of tunable, brilliant, ultrashort-pulsed X-ray sources for small-scale laboratories.
Nature Photonics | 2013
Simon M. Hooker
Laser-driven plasma accelerators have the potential to replace existing particle accelerators, as they are highly efficient systems that are orders of magnitude smaller than conventional particle accelerators. This review discusses recent progress and future challenges in this area.
New Journal of Physics | 2007
Stefan Karsch; Jens Osterhoff; Antonia Popp; T. P. Rowlands-Rees; Zsuzsanna Major; M. Fuchs; Benjamin Marx; Rainer Hörlein; Karl Schmid; Laszlo Veisz; Stefan Becker; U. Schramm; Bernhard Hidding; Georg Pretzler; Dietrich Habs; Florian Grüner; Ferenc Krausz; Simon M. Hooker
We report experimental results on laser-driven electron acceleration with low divergence. The electron beam was generated by focussing 750 mJ, 42 fs laser pulses into a gas-filled capillary discharge waveguide at electron densities in the range between 10 18 and 10 19 cm 3 . Quasi-monoenergetic electron bunches with energies as high as 500 MeV have been detected, with features reaching up to 1 GeV, albeit with large shot-to-shot fluctuations. A more stable regime with higher bunch charge (20-45 pC) and less energy (200-300 MeV) could also be observed. The beam divergence and the pointing stability are around or below 1 mrad and 8 mrad, respectively. These findings are consistent with self-injection of electrons into a breaking plasma wave.
Physics of Plasmas | 2007
Kei Nakamura; B. Nagler; Cs. Toth; C. G. R. Geddes; C. B. Schroeder; E. Esarey; W. P. Leemans; A. J. Gonsalves; Simon M. Hooker
Laser wakefield accelerators can produce electric fields of order 10–100GV∕m, suitable for acceleration of electrons to relativistic energies. The wakefields are excited by a relativistically intense laser pulse propagating through a plasma and have a phase velocity determined by the group velocity of the light pulse. Two important effects that can limit the acceleration distance and hence the net energy gain obtained by an electron are diffraction of the drive laser pulse and particle-wake dephasing. Diffraction of a focused ultrashort laser pulse can be overcome by using preformed plasma channels. The dephasing limit can be increased by operating at a lower plasma density, since this results in an increase in the laser group velocity. Here we present detailed results on the generation of GeV-class electron beams using an intense femtosecond laser beam and a 3.3cm long preformed discharge-based plasma channel [W. P. Leemans et al., Nature Physics 2, 696 (2006)]. The use of a discharge-based waveguide per...
Physical Review Letters | 2007
Matthew Zepf; B. Dromey; Matt Landreman; P. S. Foster; Simon M. Hooker
Selective enhancement (>10(3)) of harmonics extending to the water window (approximately 4 nm) generated in an argon gas filled straight bore capillary waveguide is demonstrated. This enhancement is in good agreement with modeling which indicates that multimode quasi-phase-matching is achieved by rapid axial intensity modulations caused by beating between the fundamental and higher-order capillary modes. Substantial pulse energies (>10 nJ per pulse per harmonic order) at wavelengths beyond the carbon K edge (approximately 4.37 nm, approximately 284 eV) up to approximately 360 eV are observed from argon ions for the first time.
Applied Physics B | 1992
Simon M. Hooker; A. M. Haxell; Colin E. Webb
We report an investigation of a high-pressure molecular fluorine laser operating at 158 nm. Several cavity configurations were studied, including one employing a roof prism as the high reflector. A maximum VUV pulse energy of 237 mJ, corresponding to a specific output of 3.3 J/1 was obtained when the laser was operated as a double-ended device. With single-ended operation the largest output energy was 176 mJ at a specific output of 2.5 J/1.
Applied Optics | 2007
B. Dromey; Matthew Zepf; Matt Landreman; Kevin O'Keeffe; Tom Robinson; Simon M. Hooker
A linear array of n calcite crystals is shown to allow the generation of a high contrast (>10:1) train of 2(n) high energy (>100 microJ) pulses from a single ultrafast laser pulse. Advantage is taken of the pulse-splitting properties of a single birefringent crystal, where an incident laser pulse can be split into two pulses with orthogonal polarizations and equal intensity, separated temporally in proportion to the thickness of the crystal traversed and the difference in refractive indices of the two optic axes. In the work presented here an array of seven calcite crystals of sequentially doubled thickness is used to produce a train of 128 pulses, each of femtosecond duration. Readily versatile properties such as the number of pulses in the train and variable mark-space ratio are realized from such a setup.
Journal of Physics B | 2001
David J. Spence; A. Butler; Simon M. Hooker
The results of the first experiments to demonstrate guiding of high-intensity laser pulses through a hydrogen-filled capillary discharge waveguide are described. Measurements of the temporal behaviour during the discharge of both the pulse energy transmission and the transverse spatial profile of the beam in the exit plane of the waveguide are presented. Guiding of laser pulses with a peak input intensity of greater than 1016 W cm-2 was observed for 20 and 40 mm long waveguides with pulse energy transmissions of approximately 90% and 80%, respectively. The proportion of energy coupled into the waveguide and the propagation loss were determined to be (96±2)% and (4±1) m-1. More than 103 laser pulses were guided through the same capillary.
Optics Letters | 1999
D. J. Spence; P. D. S. Burnett; Simon M. Hooker
We present the results of time-resolved interferometric measurements of the electron-density profile in a discharge-ablated capillary waveguide. We observe the development of a pronounced axial minimum in the electron-density profile with a relative depth of as much as 60% of the axial electron density. Such a profile is suitable for channeling high-intensity laser pulses.
Optics Express | 2007
B. Dromey; Matthew Zepf; Matt Landreman; Simon M. Hooker
A new scheme for quasi-phasematching high harmonic generation (HHG) in gases is proposed. In this, the rapid variation of the axial intensity resulting from excitation of more than one mode of a waveguide is used to achieve quasi phasematching. Numerical modeling demonstrates enhancement of the harmonic signal over that achieved for a single coherence length by factors >10(4).