Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Administrativa | 2012
Eliete dos Reis; Mauri Leodir Löbler; Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos; Márcio Sampedro Ramos
As a result of technological advances and the speed at which information is processed, every moment society starts to count on new technologies developed for the purpose of making the work of individuals easier. Concerning this scenario, this study had the objective to identify the factors which explain the use of a managerial information system from the technology acceptance models, TAM and TTF, considered a consensus in the literature about the theme. Thus, a research of qualitative and descriptive approach was conducted by means of these models which, in most cases, are applied in quantitative analysis. Relating to the method for carrying out this research, a case study was used in a public institution. The analysis of the results which were obtained showed that all the factors evaluated, that is, noticeable utility, facility of use, intention of use and adjustment of technology to task were relevant to explain the use of the system being studied. In this way, it is noticed that the use of an Information System is not only related to the adjustment between task and technology, or to the individuals’ behavior and attitude toward the systems, but also to the combination of these factors (Klopping & McKinney, 2004).
Archive | 2017
Deisi Viviani Becker; Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos; Tania Nunes da Silva
Universities are working more and more every day to be the locus for efforts to enable them to enact management alternatives towards sustainable development and at the same time, to make their students be in touch with the most developed management tools, taking into account the intertwined “environmental, social, and economic” spheres. The following research shows the different phases that the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul experienced regarding their relationship with sustainable development. It was necessary to: (a) check what the institutional plans regarding the issue are; (b) understand the way managers of the Environmental Management System (EMS) work and carry out their plans and (c) realize way of integrating sustainability into the curriculum of higher education. In the last decade, the difficulties and obstacles have shown that the process is delicate and slow. Even without an official document that provides clear directions to all institutional levels, there are initiatives that impact on best practices within the University and end up reflecting positively in society. From this work, other institutions can benefit from the initiatives and have the awareness that the process of change, although difficult, can happen gradually and gain legitimacy.
Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Administrativa - RECADM | 2013
Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos; Lisiane Celia Palma; Daiane Mülling Neutzling; Luis Carlos Zucatto; Luis Antonio Slongo
A tematica da sustentabilidade tem alterado o cenario estrategico das empresas diante de varias mudancas. Uma destas diz respeito as transformacoes nos criterios de decisao dos consumidores, que comecam a predispor-se a tornar o verde a sua prioridade, atraidos por marcas que possuem principios verdes. A partir disso, as empresas passaram a usar estrategias de comunicacao dos seus principios sustentaveis diretamente nas embalagens de seus produtos. Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os impactos da comunicacao verde na identidade corporativa e propensao de compra. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo de carater quase-experimental e com design fatorial da ordem de 2 (Embalagens e Selos Verdes) x 2 (Identidade Corporativa e Propensao de Compra), manipulando a presenca ou ausencia do tipo de apelo utilizado (embalagem ou selos verdes). Como principais resultados, o estudo mostra que a identidade corporativa e percebida positivamente mediante a presenca tanto dos selos quanto pelas embalagens verdes – sendo os primeiros mais efetivos – o que tambem influencia, de maneira positiva, na propensao de compra. Palavras-chave: Comunicacao verde, Propensao de compra, Identidade corporativa. DOES THE GREEN COMMUNICATION TALK BY ITSELF? EFFECTS IN CORPORATE IDENTITY AND PURCHASE PROPENSITY ABSTRACT The sustainability issues have changed the strategic environment of companies facing many changes. One of these being related to changes in the consumer’s decision criteria that have begun to promising the green being acted to brands that have linked green principles. Since that the companies started to use communication strategies for their sustainable principles directly on the packaging of their products. Thus, the objective of this study was to verify the impact of green communication on corporate identity and propensity to purchase. Therefore, we carried out a quasi-experimental study and with the factorial design of the order 2 (Packaging and Green Stamps) x 2 (Corporate Identity and Willingness to Purchase), manipulating the presence or absence of the type of appeal used (packaging or green stamps). As the main results of the study shows that corporate identity is perceived positively by both, the presence of seals for packaging as green - the former being more effective - which also affects, in a positive way, the propensity to buy. Keywords: Green communication, Propensity to purchase, Corporate identity.
Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Administrativa | 2013
Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos; Lisiane Celia Palma; Daiane Mülling Neutzling; Luis Carlos Zucatto; Luis Antonio Slongo
The sustainability issues have changed the strategic environment of companies facing many changes. One of these being related to changes in the consumer’s decision criteria that have begun to promising the green being acted to brands that have linked green principles. Since that the companies started to use communication strategies for their sustainable principles directly on the packaging of their products. Thus, the objective of this study was to verify the impact of green communication on corporate identity and propensity to purchase. Therefore, we carried out a quasi-experimental study and with the factorial design of the order 2 (Packaging and Green Stamps) x 2 (Corporate Identity and Willingness to Purchase), manipulating the presence or absence of the type of appeal used (packaging or green stamps). As the main results of the study shows that corporate identity is perceived positively by both, the presence of seals for packaging as green - the former being more effective - which also affects, in a positive way, the propensity to buy.
Revista Brasileira de Administração Científica | 2013
Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete; Tarízi Cioccari Gomes; Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos; Fernanda Lampert Ribas; Giovani de Souza
Os relacionamentos interorganizacionais no terceiro setor intrigam muitas pesquisas devido ao real objetivo de sua existencia. No entanto, sabe-se que as entidades formadoras de redes pertencentes ao terceiro setor geralmente identificam-se com os objetivos propostos por essas organizacoes, a fim de cooperarem umas com as outras, de forma que haja atuacao conjunta e que todos sejam beneficiados. A presente pesquisa buscou analisar, segundo a percepcao dos gestores, a formacao do relacionamento interorganizacional no terceiro setor entre as entidades envolvidas, em relacao aos motivos e beneficios obtidos com essa parceria e de que forma se da o processo de aprendizagem entre essas organizacoes. Realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, de cunho qualitativo e o metodo adotado foi o estudo de caso. O foco de unidade de analise foi uma rede constituida por organizacoes sociais do terceiro setor, localizadas no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, constituida em 2003 e composta atualmente por treze organizacoes sociais, sendo que oito dessas participaram da pesquisa. Os resultados revelaram que as principais razoes motivadoras, em relacao a formacao da rede foi a atuacao conjunta, acesso aos recursos, maior colaboracao entre as entidades sociais e a obtencao de recursos financeiros. Dentre os beneficios identificados destacam-se a busca por solucoes de problemas comuns, o aumento da qualidade, suprimento das necessidades das organizacoes e a eficiencia economica. Quanto ao processo de aprendizagem pode-se ressaltar a predominância de aprendizagem organizacional adaptativa, na qual as organizacoes aprendem a se adaptar ao ambiente atraves de mudancas em seus comportamentos, na busca por melhores condicoes, recursos para manutencao das entidades e o alcance conjunto de metas. Os resultados sinalizaram para a existencia de relacoes de confianca entre os parceiros, apresentando uma relacao com a credibilidade, a visibilidade e a solidariedade entre as entidades envolvidas. Contudo, nao foi possivel identificar a influencia da confianca em termos de motivacao, objetivos e beneficios obtidos atraves do relacionamento, nem em relacao a aprendizagem organizacional. Os resultados revelaram que ha uma grande valorizacao por parte dos gestores, do fator economico para a formacao da rede, pois o acesso aos recursos e a eficiencia economica foram comentadas na maioria dos relatos dos entrevistados, como beneficio e motivo para a formacao da rede, demonstrando ser constantes na gestao das organizacoes.
Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement | 2015
Angela Maria Maurer; Paola Schmitt Figueiró; Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos; Virgínia Sebastião da Silva; Marcia Dutra de Barcellos
Revista Alcance | 2013
Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos; Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete
Revista de Administração IMED | 2017
Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos; Lisiane Celia Palma; Eugenio Avila Pedrozo
Revista Pretexto | 2017
Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos; Eliete dos Reis Lehnhart; Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá; Laércio André Gassen Balsan
Contextus - Revista Contemporânea de Economia e Gestão | 2017
Jefferson Menezes de Oliveira; Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete; Gilnei Luiz de Moura; Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos