Sina Nitzko
University of Göttingen
British Food Journal | 2015
Marie von Meyer-Höfer; Sina Nitzko; Achim Spiller
Purpose – While the European organic regulation exists since more than 20 years consumers still do not seem to know what to expect from European Union (EU) labelled organic food. The purpose of this paper is to examine consumer expectations towards organic food in mature and emerging EU organic food markets. Design/methodology/approach – Online consumer survey data (n=1,180; 2011) from Germany, the UK, Spain, and the Czech Republic are used to analyse the question: “Which criteria would you expect of an organic food product labelled with the EU-organic label?”. In total, 23 items including organic production criteria according to EC 834/07 and unregulated food quality criteria are tested. Mean value analysis and exploratory factor analysis are performed. Findings – Consumers expect organic food to be free from chemical pesticides and mineral fertilisers. In total, two factors affect consumers’ expectations: naturalness of organic food products; additional sustainability aspects like, e.g. resource saving....
Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie | 2009
Sina Nitzko; Inge Seiffge-Krenke
Zusammenfassung. In diesem Beitrag werden einfuhrend die Konstrukte subjektives Wohlbefinden und gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualitat naher beleuchtet. Des Weiteren wird ein Uberblick uber Korrelate des Wohlbefindens gegeben. Unter Berucksichtigung der Entwicklungsdynamik sowie von Alters- und Geschlechtsunterschieden wird die Bedeutung sozialer Beziehungen fur Wohlbefinden bzw. Wohlbefindensbeeintrachtigungen aufgezeigt. Thematisiert werden zudem Zusammenhange zwischen dem sich entwickelnden Korperkonzept und dem Wohlbefinden. Auffallig ist die gesteigerte Unzufriedenheit mit Gewicht und Figur, die sich bei weiblichen Heranwachsenden zeigt. Auch im Zusammenhang mit Risikoverhaltensweisen wie Alkohol- und Nikotinkonsum, die gehauft im Jugendalter in Erscheinung treten, werden Konsequenzen fur das Wohlbefinden aufgezeigt. Abschliesend werden entwicklungsbezogene Prinzipien vorgestellt, welche bezuglich der Erarbeitung von Praventions- und Gesundheitsforderungsmasnahmen in Kindheit und Jugend Berucksichtigung...
Journal of Food Products Marketing | 2017
Laura Helena Hartmann; Sina Nitzko; Achim Spiller
ABSTRACT Recent trends in the German food sector have shifted and segmented consumer consumption motives toward indulgence, quality, and sustainability. Simultaneously, in Western countries there has been a change in luxury consumption motives, shifting emphasis to hedonism, self-actualization, and quality instead of prestige. These parallel developments give rise to the question of how food is related to luxury. This study investigates the perceived dimensions of luxury food and outlines a number of segmented consumer groups based on these dimensions. By means of principal component and cluster analyes, seven dimensions were revealed, which generated four consumer segments. Six of the perceived dimensions of luxury food correspond to those that are found within general luxury goods and services. Sustainability and authenticity form a further dimension, mirroring new luxury values. In the cluster analysis, two segments can be identified as target groups for classic premium foods, whereby one group is predominated by new luxury values and the other is expected to buy lower-quality food.
British Food Journal | 2016
Laura Helena Hartmann; Sina Nitzko; Achim Spiller
Purpose – An observable shift in food consumption motives for some German consumer segments has created new market potentials for high-priced food items. The purpose of this paper is to empirically show whether and to what extent financial, functional, individual and social dimensions as well as sustainability and authenticity contribute to consumers’ perception of the luxury value of food. Design/methodology/approach – The effects of seven exploratory value dimensions on a perceived luxury value for foods were measured using a partial least squares structural equation analysis of a database generated by a survey done on 936 German consumers in summer 2014. Findings – Luxury food was found to serve as a suitable setting to investigate both old and new motives for luxury consumption. The analyses revealed that all factors contribute significantly to luxury value, with functional and individual luxury facets having the strongest effects. Practical and methodological implications can be derived from the resu...
Zeitschrift Fur Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie Und Psychotherapie | 2011
Inge Seiffge-Krenke; Sina Nitzko
OBJECTIVE Studies analyzing psychotherapy efficacy from the perspective of the different persons involved in the therapeutic process are lacking in the evaluation of psychotherapy outcome with children and adolescents. METHODS Treatment efficacy of 28 long-term treatments with adolescents were analyzed from the perspective of the afflicted adolescents, their parents, and their therapist. Assessments were made three times over a mean frequency of 113 h. RESULTS Therapy group (n = 28) and waiting group (n = 32) did not differ in relevant features, including diagnosis. In the therapy group, the therapists reported a strong reduction in symptomatology (η(2 )= .62) and communicative disturbances with parents, siblings and friends (η(2 )= .57) over time. Adolescents and parents reported a significant reduction in symptomatology (η(2 )= .26) over time, but did not differ in their evaluation of treatment effectiveness. The diagnosis (internalizing vs. externalizing disturbances) had no impact on the evaluation of treatment effectiveness of adolescents and parents. CONCLUSIONS Psychotherapy should include the different perspectives of all persons involved.
Zeitschrift Fur Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie Und Psychotherapie | 2011
Inge Seiffge-Krenke; Sina Nitzko
OBJECTIVE Studies analyzing psychotherapy efficacy from the perspective of the different persons involved in the therapeutic process are lacking in the evaluation of psychotherapy outcome with children and adolescents. METHODS Treatment efficacy of 28 long-term treatments with adolescents were analyzed from the perspective of the afflicted adolescents, their parents, and their therapist. Assessments were made three times over a mean frequency of 113 h. RESULTS Therapy group (n = 28) and waiting group (n = 32) did not differ in relevant features, including diagnosis. In the therapy group, the therapists reported a strong reduction in symptomatology (η(2 )= .62) and communicative disturbances with parents, siblings and friends (η(2 )= .57) over time. Adolescents and parents reported a significant reduction in symptomatology (η(2 )= .26) over time, but did not differ in their evaluation of treatment effectiveness. The diagnosis (internalizing vs. externalizing disturbances) had no impact on the evaluation of treatment effectiveness of adolescents and parents. CONCLUSIONS Psychotherapy should include the different perspectives of all persons involved.
Archive | 2014
Sina Nitzko; Achim Spiller
Vor dem Hintergrund gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungsprozesse vollziehen sich Veranderungen im Ernahrungsverhalten, an welche sich der Lebensmittelmarkt mit spezifisch darauf ausgerichteten Angeboten anpasst. Dementsprechend werden im Rahmen des Beitrages bedeutsame Trends wie Gesundheits-, Genuss- und Nachhaltigkeitsorientierung thematisiert. Da der deutsche Lebensmittelmarkt durch eine hohe Marktsattigung und einen damit einhergehenden regen Wettbewerb zwischen den Anbietern gekennzeichnet ist, ist eine ausgepragte Marktorientierung zentral. Der hohe Differenzierungsgrad des Lebensmittelmarktes erfordert eine Konzentration der Marketingaktivitaten auf ausgewahlte Marktsegmente. Vorgestellt werden entsprechend demografische/soziookonomische, psychographische und verhaltensorientierte Zielgruppenansatze.
Archive | 2017
Achim Spiller; Sina Nitzko
Der Beitrag gibt einen Uberblick uber zentrale Entwicklungslinien der ernahrungsbezogenen Verbraucherforschung und arbeitet dabei eine Tendenz zur zunehmenden Eingriffstiefe des Staates als Reaktion auf individuelle und gesellschaftliche Problemlagen heraus. Deutlich wird ein Zusammenspiel von individuellen Problemen (z. B. Adipositas), gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen (z. B. Notwendigkeit des Klimaschutzes) sowie veranderten Werthaltungen (z. B. Tierschutz). Aus soziologischer Perspektive betrachtet offenbaren sich Forderungen bzw. Uberforderungen einer individualisierten Gesellschaft, die bisher zu wenig stutzende Rahmenbedingungen gibt. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden Forschungsergebnisse zum Ernahrungshandeln der Verbraucher aufgezeigt und Instrumente der Ernahrungspolitik diskutiert.
Appetite | 2014
Beate Irene Goetzke; Sina Nitzko; Achim Spiller
The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review | 2014
Anette Cordts; Sina Nitzko; Achim Spiller