
Journal of Veterinary Science | 2006

Protective effect of the isoflavone equol against DNA damage induced by ultraviolet radiation to hairless mouse skin

Sitarina Widyarini

Equol, an isoflavonoid metabolite produced from the dietary isoflavone daidzein by the gut microflora in mammals, has been found to protect not only against ultraviolet (UV) radiation-induced cutaneous inflammation and photoimmune suppression, but also have anti-photocarcinogenic properties in mice. Because the state of DNA damage has been correlated with suppression of the immune system and photocarcinogenesis, we have therefore examined the potential of equol to offer protection from solar-simulated UV (SSUV) radiation-induced DNA damage in hairless mice by the immunohistochemical approach using monoclonal antibody specific for cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs; H3 antibody). Topical application of 20 µM equol lotion, which was applied both before and after SSUV significantly reduced the number of CPDs. This reduction was evident immediately after SSUV exposure, at 1 h after exposure, and at 24 h after exposure, revealing 54%, 50%, and 26% reduction in CPDs, respectively. When the same concentration was applied for 5 consecutive days after SSUV exposure, there was no significant difference in the reduction of CPDs immediately after SSUV irradiation or at 1 hour afterwards, but there were significant reductions of 23% and 42% at 24 and 48 h after SSUV exposure, respectively. Despite apparently reducing the number of CPDs post-SSUV, topically applied equol did not appear to increase the rate of dimer removal. To conclude, equol applied topically prior to SSUV irradiation offers protection against CPD formation in hairless mice, possibly by acting as a suncreen and thus inhibiting DNA photodamage.

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2018

Chemopreventive Effects of Edible Canna (Canna edulis Kerr.) Against Colorectal Carcinogenesis: Effects on Expression of Adenomatous Polyposis Coli and Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in Rat Inflammatory Model

Burhannudin; Nur Mahmudah; Sitarina Widyarini; Dewajani Purnomosari

Objective: Dietary high fibre and calcium intake has been suggested to reduce colorectal cancer risk. However, there is limited information available regarding the potential of edible canna (Ganyong), with high dietary fibre and calcium content, to act as a preventive agent for colorectal cancer. This experimental study was conducted to investigate the preventive effect of Ganyong in reducing colorectal carcinogenesis with attention to effects on adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression. Methods: Thirty male Wistar rats were divided into 5 equal groups; a normal control group without azoxymethane/dextran sodium sulphate (AOM/DSS) induction and Ganyong, a ‘cancer’ control group with AOM/DSS induction only, and three treatment groups with AOM/DSS induction and different percentages (5%, 10% and 20%) of Ganyong. Paraffin-embedded sections of rat colon tissue were analysed by haematoxylin-eosin and immunohistochemical staining against antibodies against APC and iNOS. Variation in rates of APC and iNOS expression were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test followed by the Dunn’s test (SPSS statistic version 24). P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: AOM/DSS induction increased the expression of APC (p=0.013) and iNOS (p=0.013) compared to the normal control group. APC expression in the treated groups was lower than in the ‘cancer’ control group (p=0.049), especially in the 10% Ganyong group (p=0.02). In contrast, there was no significant variation among the treated groups regarding iNOS expression. Histopathological features of the colon supported the data for APC and iNOS expression. Conclusion: This study indicated potential chemopreventive effects of Ganyong reducing expression of factors contributing to colorectal carcinogenesis.

The Malaysian journal of medical sciences | 2017

Protection by Ethanolic Extract from Ulva lactuca L. against Acute Myocardial Infarction: Antioxidant and Antiapoptotic Activities

Wahyu Widyaningsih; Suwidjiyo Pramono; Zulaela Zulaela; Sugiyanto Sugiyanto; Sitarina Widyarini

Background Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a major role in myocardial damage during acute myocardial infarction (AMI). This study aimed to determine the antioxidant and antiapoptotic activities of an ethanolic extract from Ulva lactuca L. (EEUL) against AMI. Methods Thirty-six male Wistar rats were divided into six groups: one control group and five treatment groups. Treatment group II was given 85 mg/kg body weight (BW) of isoproterenol (ISO). Group III, IV and V were given ISO and EEUL at 250, 500 and 750 mg/kg BW, respectively. Group VI were given 10 mg/kg BW of ISO and melatonin. EEUL and melatonin were orally administered for 28 days. ISO was injected subcutaneously on day 29 and 30 to chemically induce AMI. On day 31, blood was collected for antioxidant assay and heart tissues were collected for histological examination. Results The activity of catalase (CAT), an endogenous antioxidant, in the EEUL-treatment groups was significantly increased compared to the ISO-treatment group (P < 0.001). The EEUL-treatment groups showed significantly decreased expression of caspase-3 (P < 0.001) and better myocardial tissue morphology. Conclusion EEUL possibly protects against AMI because of its antioxidant and antiapoptotic properties.


Red spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.) ethanolic extract as prevention against atherosclerosis based on the level of Low-Density Lipoprotein and histopathological feature of aorta in male Sprague-Dawley rats

Dimas Adhi Pradana; Marizki Pondawinata; Sitarina Widyarini

This study aimed to determine the potential activity of standardized ethanolic extract of red spinach as prevention against atherosclerosis based on the level of Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and histopathological feature of aorta in male Sprague-Dawley rats induced by high-fat, high-cholesterol diet. A total of 42 animals was divided into 6 groups: normal control group, negative control group, positive control group (0.9 mg/kgBW of simvastatin), first intervention group (200 mg/kgBW of red spinach extract), second intervention group (400 mg/kgBW of red spinach extract), and third intervention group (800 mg/kgBW of red spinach extract). From the first day up to the 66th day, all the groups, except the normal control group and negative control group, were administered simvastatin (positive control) and extract of amaranth (intervention). Then, from the eighth day until Day 66, induction of high-fat and high-cholesterol diet was given in two hours after the simvastatin and red spinach extract administration...


The effect of Ipomoea reptans poir ethanolic extract on the histopathological parameters of pancreas in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

Farida Hayati; Sitarina Widyarini; Lulung Lanova; Marsih Wijayanti

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of ethanolic extract of Ipomoea reptans Poir in male Wistar rats on the histopathological parameters of the pancreas. The rats (N=30) were divided into six groups, each consisting of five rats. The treatment groups were divided into: group I as the normal group fed ad libitum during the research, group II as the positive control administered glibenclamide 0.09 mg/200g BW, group III as the negative control given aquadest, and group IV to VI given ethanolic extract of Ipomoea reptans Poir as much as 200 mg/KgBW, 400 mg/KgBW and 600 mg/KgBW respectively. The study of antidiabetic effect was undertaken by oral administration for 21 days. On the 21st day, all the rats were dissected to prepare histopathological preparates through Gomori’s chrome alum hematoxylin-phloxine staining method. The histopathological study showed that the ethanol extract of Ipomoea reptans Poir at a dose of 200 mg/KgBW and 400mg/KgBW had an antidiabetic activity through protection of...

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2017

The effects of combination of Eurycoma longifolia Jack ethanolic extract and doxorubicine on hematological profile in rats given by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene

Laela Hayu Nurani; A Mursyidi; Sitarina Widyarini; Abdul Rohman

Doxorubicin (Dox) is known as anticancer drug commonly used for cancer treatment. Eurycoma longifolia Jack or Pasakbumi was reported to have chemopreventive effect. In cancer patients, there are some dysfunctions of blood parameter, therefore some hematologic tests are needed to monitor cancer patients. In this study, the effects of combination of ethanolic extract of E. longifolia Jack (EEE) and Dox on hematologic profiles were investigated in rats injected by DMBA. Rats were divided into eight groups. Group I was normal group; Group II, rats were treated with extract dose 100 mg/kgbw; Groups III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII, rats were treated with Dox, DMBA, DMBA+Dox, DMBA+EEE, DMBA+Dox +EEE, and Dox+EEE, respectively. DMBA administration orally was conducted twice a week for 5 weeks. At 16th week of treatments, bloods were taken from orbitalis sinus for hematologicals profile (levels of Hb, erytrocyte, hematocrite, leukocyte, MCV, MCH, and differencial leucocyte count) measurements. These data were analyzed by one way ANOVA followed by LSD test. DMBA administration significantly decreased the hematological profiles compared to the normal group, except in lymphocyte level. Rats treated with extract and extract+Dox were able to increase the hematological profile compared to rats given by DMBA only. Based on these findings it can be concluded that the combination of EEE and Dox potentially increase hematological profile of rats given by DMBA.


The cytotoxicity of mekai (Albertisia papuana Becc.) root extract on breast cancer cell lines T47D and Vero cell lines

Elizabeth Betty Elok Kristiani; Laurentius Hartanto Nugroho; Soekarti Moeljopawiro; Sitarina Widyarini

Mekai (Albertisia papuana Becc.) root is usually used for the treatment of various diseases especially cancer by Dayak people, Kalimantan. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxic activities of A. papuana Becc. root extract and its fractions on breast cancer cell lines (T47D) and normal cell lines (Vero). The plant roots were macerated using ethanol. The MTT assay was applied to determine the cytotoxic activity of ethanol extract on T47D and Vero cell lines. Moreover, SPSS (Probit analysis) was used for calculating IC50 extract. The ethanol root extract was fractionated using vacuum liquid chromatography. The same method was used for determined the cytotoxic activities and of IC50 of the fractions. The result showed that the ethanol extract less toxic on T47D cell lines less toxic than ethyl acetate : ethanol (2:3 v/v) fractions that have IC50 21.3 µg · mL−1 and 9.1 µg · mL−1 respectively. The IC50 values of ethanol extract and ethyl acetate : ethanol (2:3 v/v) fraction on Vero cell lines...

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 2016

Cardioprotective effect of melatonin-standardized ethanol extract of Ulva lactuca L against acute myocardial infarction in rats induced by isoproterenol

Wahyu Widyaningsi; Suwidjiyo Pramono; Sitarina Widyarini; Dan Sugiyanto

Indonesian Journal of Chemistry | 2013

Inhibition of Lipid Peroxidation Induced by Ultraviolet Radiation by Crude Phlorotannis Isolated from Brown Algae Sargassum hystrix v. buxifolium C. Agardh

Agnes Nora Iska Harnita; Ign Edi Santosa; Sudibyo Martono; Sudarsono Sudarsono; Sitarina Widyarini; Frans J. M. Harren

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 2014

In vivo Immunomodulatory Effect and Histopathological Features of Mouse Liver and Kidney Treated with Neolignans Isolated from Red Betel ( Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav) Leaf

Yustina Sri Hartini; Subagus Wahyuono; Sitarina Widyarini

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