
Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology | 2005

Fear, pain and stress hormones during childbirth

Siw Alehagen; Barbro Wijma; Ulf Lundberg; Klaas Wijma

Aims. To investigate the course of fear, pain and stress hormones during labor, and the associations between fear, pain, stress hormones and duration of labor in nulliparous women with and without epidural analgesia (EDA). Method. One day during gestation weeks 37–39, urinary and salivary samples were collected to measure catecholamines and cortisol. Hourly during labor, the participants answered the Delivery Fear Scale and a pain intensity scale, and urinary and salivary samples were collected to measure stress hormones. Results. The course of fear, pain and stress hormones differed throughout labor in women with and without EDA. Pain and cortisol increased throughout labor in women without EDA. Women who received EDA had more fear, but not more pain, before the administration of the EDA than women who did not receive EDA. Pain, fear and catecholamines decreased when women received EDA, but fear and pain increased again later in labor. Fear and pain correlated, as well as levels of fear in the different phases of labor. During phase one of labor epinephrine and duration of the phase were negatively correlated. Conclusion. The course of fear, pain and concentrations of stress hormones differed, highly influenced by the administration of EDA. Fear and pain correlated more pronounced than stress hormones and fear, pain and duration of labor.

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica | 2006

Fear of childbirth before, during, and after childbirth

Siw Alehagen; Barbro Wijma; Klaas Wijma

Background. Only scanty research exists about the relationship between womens expectations during pregnancy and their experiences as reported during the actual process of labor and afterwards. The aims of the present study were: 1. to investigate the associations between fear of childbirth during pregnancy and postpartum and fear and pain during early active labor (phase 1: cervix dilatation 3–5 cm), and 2. to explore possible differences regarding fear of childbirth during pregnancy and postpartum between women who did or did not receive epidural analgesia during labor. Methods. Fear of childbirth was measured in 47 nulliparous women during gestation weeks 37–39 by means of the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W‐DEQ version A). During early active labor we measured womens fear (Delivery Fear Scale) and their experiences of pain (a pain intensity scale). Finally, fear after childbirth (W‐DEQ version B) was measured two hours, two days, and five weeks after delivery. Results. A positive correlation appeared between fear of childbirth during pregnancy, postpartum, and early active labor. There were no differences in fear of childbirth during late pregnancy between women who received epidural analgesia and those who did not. Postpartum fear was higher in the women who had received epidural analgesia. Conclusions. Pregnant women who fear childbirth are prone to report fear during the actual labor and postpartum. The administration of epidural analgesia is not a sufficient response to womens fear during the process of labor.

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica | 2001

Fear during labor

Siw Alehagen; Klaas Wijma; Barbro Wijma

Background. The aims of the present study were to compare primiparous and multiparous women’s experiences of fear of delivery during an early stage of active labor (cervix dilatation 3–5 centimeters) and to study whether fear of delivery, measured during the early stage of active labor, was a predictor of the amount of pain relief received during the remaining part of labor (cervix dilatation 5 cm – partus), of the duration of the remaining part of labor, and of the occurrence of instrumental vaginal delivery and emergency cesarean section.

Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology | 2008

Fear of childbirth in obstetrically low‐risk nulliparous women in Sweden and Denmark

Hanne Kjærgaard; Klaas Wijma; Anna-Karin Dykes; Siw Alehagen

The prevalence of troublesome fear of childbirth (FOC) in Western countries is about 20%, of which approximately 6–10% suffer from severe FOC that impacts daily life. The countries of Sweden and Denmark are quite alike as far as childbirth culture is concerned. However, to some extent they differ in the organisation of midwifery care during the antenatal and labour period, respectively, and this may influence womens FOC. The aims of this study were to compare FOC among Danish and Swedish nulliparous women and to investigate a possible difference in FOC between women who, during pregnancy, had met the midwife who they were subsequently coincidentally allocated to receive labour care from and women who had not previously met the midwife. In total 165 women participated, comprising 55 Swedes and 110 Danes, of whom 55 among the latter group had met the midwife during pregnancy. Severe FOC was found in 10%. There were no differences between the Swedish women and the Danish women who had or had not met the midwife. Fear of childbirth measured in gestational week 37 correlated positively with fear at admission to the labour ward.

Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology | 2002

Development of the Delivery Fear Scale

Klaas Wijma; Siw Alehagen; Barbro Wijma

This article reviews the development of the Delivery Fear Scale (DFS) to measure fear during labor and delivery. In an initial study, 92 women in labor answered a list of 60 items, expressing fear-related appraisals and their contrasts that were characteristic of women in labor. Ten items were then selected by means of an item-total analysis. In a second study, the final list of ten items was tested psychometrically and a semi-structured interview was performed on 45 women in labor, to explore the women s descriptions of the content of each of the ten items. According to the content analysis of the interviews, the dominating connotation of the ten items is fear based on the appraisal of being captured. The studies show that the DFS is a questionnaire that almost effortlessly can be completed within 60-90 seconds during any moment of labor and delivery. The scale has a good reliability: Cronbach‘s alpha was 0.88 in both studies.

Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology | 2013

Self-efficacy beliefs and fear of childbirth in nulliparous women

Birgitta Salomonsson; Mats T. Gullberg; Siw Alehagen; Klaas Wijma

Abstract Objective: To explore how childbirth self-efficacy, i.e. outcome expectancy and efficacy expectancy, was associated with fear of childbirth (FOC) and how efficacy expectancy and FOC, respectively were related to socio-demographic characteristics, mental problems and preference for a caesarean section. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a consecutive sample of 1000 pregnant nulliparous women was sent the Wijma Delivery Expectancy Questionnaire and Childbirth Self-Efficacy Inventory. Statistical analyses were performed on data from 423 women. Results: Outcome expectancy and efficacy expectancy correlated significantly and positively, FOC correlated significantly and negatively with both outcome expectancy and efficacy expectancy. Women with severe FOC (20.8%) had a significantly lower level of education (p = 0.001), and had more often sought help because of mental problems (p = 0.004). They were more likely to have low-efficacy expectancy (p < 0.001) and to prefer a caesarean section instead of a vaginal birth (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Lower efficacy expectancy was associated with higher FOC while preference for a caesarean section was not. Improvement of self-efficacy could be a part of care for women with FOC during pregnancy; however, it would not be enough for fearful women who wish to have a caesarean section.

BMC Public Health | 2013

Prevalence of alcohol use before and during pregnancy and predictors of drinking during pregnancy: a cross sectional study in Sweden.

Janna Skagerström; Siw Alehagen; Elisabet Häggström-Nordin; Kristofer Årestedt; Per Nilsen

BackgroundThere is a paucity of research on predictors for drinking during pregnancy among women in Sweden and reported prevalence rates differ considerably between studies conducted at different antenatal care centres. Since this knowledge is relevant for preventive work the aim of this study was to investigate these issues using a multicenter approach.MethodsThe study was conducted at 30 antenatal care centers across Sweden from November 2009 to December 2010. All women in pregnancy week 18 or more with a scheduled visit were asked to participate in the study. The questionnaire included questions on sociodemographic data, alcohol consumption prior to and during the pregnancy, tobacco use before and during pregnancy, and social support.ResultsQuestionnaires from 1594 women were included in the study. A majority, 84%, of the women reported alcohol consumption the year prior to pregnancy; about 14% were categorized as having hazardous consumption, here defined as a weekly consumption of > 9 standard drinks containing 12 grams of pure alcohol or drinking more than 4 standard drinks at the same occasion. Approximately 6% of the women consumed alcohol at least once after pregnancy recognition, of which 92% never drank more than 1 standard drink at a time. Of the women who were hazardous drinkers before pregnancy, 19% reduced their alcohol consumption when planning their pregnancy compared with 33% of the women with moderate alcohol consumption prior to pregnancy. Factors predicting alcohol consumption during pregnancy were older age, living in a large city, using tobacco during pregnancy, lower score for social support, stronger alcohol habit before pregnancy and higher score for social drinking motives.ConclusionsThe prevalence of drinking during pregnancy is relatively low in Sweden. However, 84% of the women report drinking in the year preceding pregnancy and most of these women continue to drink until pregnancy recognition, which means that they might have consumed alcohol in early pregnancy. Six factors were found to predict alcohol consumption during pregnancy. These factors should be addressed in the work to prevent alcohol-exposed pregnancies.

International Nursing Review | 2009

Perceptions of family planning among low-income men in Western Kenya.

Theresah Wambui; Anna-Christina Ek; Siw Alehagen

BACKGROUND Men have rarely been involved in either receiving or providing information on sexuality, reproductive health or birth spacing. They have also been ignored or excluded in one way or the other from participating in many family planning programmes as family planning is viewed as a womans affair. AIM To describe the perceptions of family planning among low-income men in Western Kenya. METHODS A qualitative study using focus group interviews and content analysis was conducted, with 64 men aged 15-54 years participating actively. FINDINGS Perceptions of family planning were manifold. For example, some perceived it as meaning having the number of children one is able to provide for. Most men knew about traditional and modern methods of birth control, although their knowledge was poor and misconceived. Modern methods were thought to give side effects, discouraging family planning. Low instances of family planning were also because of the fact that culturally, children are considered wealth. A law advocating family size limitation was regarded as necessary for the future. CONCLUSION Mens perceptions of family planning are manifold. Their knowledge about contraception is poor and sometimes misconceived. Preferences regarding a childs gender are strong, thus attitudes and cultural beliefs that might hinder family planning have to be considered. A policy on male contraception and contraceptive services is seen as necessary.

International Journal of Behavioral Medicine | 2001


Siw Alehagen; Klaas Wijma; Ulf Lundberg; Bo Melin; Barbro Wijma

One way to study the stressfulness of childbirth is to examine the output of stress hormones. In this study, urinary catecholamines and salivary cortisol from 50 primiparous women were collected for 1 day during gestational weeks 37 to 39, hourly during labor and delivery, and 2 hr and 2 days postpartum. All three stress hormones increased statistically significantly from pregnancy to labor. The increase in adrenaline and cortisol was more than 500%, and the increase in noradrenaline was about 50%. After labor, the output decreased but not statistically significantly below the levels during late pregnancy. Hormone levels during late pregnancy, during labor and delivery, and during the period postpartum mostly did not correlate systematically. However, noradrenaline and adrenaline, as well as adrenaline and cortisol, were positively correlated during labor. After administration of epidural analgesia, there was a moderate but significant decrease in noradrenaline and adrenaline, whereas cortisol did not change. In conclusion, the results of this study support the assumption that childbirth is a very stressful event and that the stress responses vary considerably among women. The substantial increase of adrenaline and cortisol compared with noradrenaline indicates that mental stress is more dominant than physical stress during labor.

Journal of Perinatal Education | 2008

Parenthood education in Swedish antenatal care: perceptions of midwives and obstetricians in charge.

Ingegerd Ahldén; Anne Göransson; Ann Josefsson; Siw Alehagen

The aim of this study was to describe perceptions of parenthood education among midwives and obstetricians in charge of antenatal care in Sweden. Focus group interviews of 25 obstetricians and midwives were conducted. Data were analyzed with a phenomenographic approach. Five main categories emerged: aim of the parenthood education, content and expectations, implementation, support to group leaders, and strategies for the future. There is a strong belief in parenthood education, and the overall aim was considered to be support in the transition to parenthood. Contents should focus on awareness of the expected child, confidence in the biological processes, and the changes of roles. Pedagogies training, cost effectiveness, development, and the need to reach target groups were emphasized.

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