Slobodan Stupar
University of Belgrade
Smart Materials and Structures | 2013
Miroslav M Jovanović; Aleksandar Simonović; Nemanja D. Zorić; Nebojša S. Lukić; Slobodan Stupar; Slobodan S Ilić
This paper presents experimental verification of the active vibration control of a smart cantilever composite beam using a PID controller. In order to prevent negative occurrences in the derivative and integral terms in a PID controller, first-order low-pass filters are implemented in the derivative action and in the feedback of the integral action. The proposed application setup consists of a composite cantilever beam with a fiber-reinforced piezoelectric actuator and strain gage sensors. The beam is modeled using a finite element method based on third-order shear deformation theory. The experiment considers vibration control under periodic excitation and an initial static deflection. A control algorithm was implemented on a PIC32MX440F256H microcontroller. Experimental results corresponding to the proposed PID controller are compared with corresponding results using proportional (P) control, proportional‐integral (PI) control and proportional‐derivative (PD) control. Experimental results indicate that the proposed PID controller provides 8.93% more damping compared to a PD controller, 14.41% more damping compared to a PI controller and 19.04% more damping compared to a P controller in the case of vibration under periodic excitation. In the case of free vibration control, the proposed PID controller shows better performance (settling time 1.2 s) compared to the PD controller (settling time 1.5 s) and PI controller (settling time 2.5 s). (Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures | 2013
Nemanja D. Zorić; Aleksandar Simonović; Zoran Mitrović; Slobodan Stupar
Control performances of smart structures depend on the size and location of the piezoelectric actuators and sensors as well as on the applied control algorithm. This article presents optimal vibration control of a thin-walled composite beam by using the fuzzy optimization strategy based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm. The optimization of the size and location of the conventionally collocated piezoelectric actuators and sensors, and optimization of the controller parameters are performed separately. The optimization criteria for optimal size and location of piezoelectric actuators and sensors are based on eigenvalues of the controllability Grammian matrix. The optimization procedure implies constraint of the original dynamic properties change and limitation of the beam mass increase. The particle swarm optimization-based linear quadratic regulator has been implemented for optimal vibration control in order to maximize the modal closed-loop damping ratios and minimize the control voltages required for actuation while keeping them below breakdown voltage for the used piezoelectric actuator. A pseudo-goal function, derived from the fuzzy set theory, gives an expression for global objective functions eliminating the use of weighting coefficients and penalty functions. The problem is formulated using the finite element method based on the third-order shear deformation theory. Several numerical examples are presented for the cantilever beam.
Journal of Vibration and Control | 2016
Aleksandar Simonović; Miroslav M Jovanović; Nebojša S. Lukić; Nemanja D. Zorić; Slobodan Stupar; Slobodan S Ilić
This paper presents a design, development and experimental verification of an active vibration control system of aluminum plate. The active structure consists of an aluminum rectangular plate as the host structure, strain gages as the sensor element and a piezoceramic patch as the actuation element. Based on characteristics of the integrated elements with use of the fuzzy optimization strategy based on the pseudogoal function the optimal orientation of piezoelectric actuator is found, and the whole active vibration control system is designed and developed. The active vibration control system is controlled by proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control strategy. Control algorithm was implemented on the PIC32MX440F256H microcontroller platform. In order to prevent it from negative occurrences from derivative and integral terms in a PID controller, the first-order low-pass filters are implemented in the derivative action and in the feedback of integral action. The experiment considers active damping control under periodic excitation. Experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the vibration suppression and to compare the damping effect with different adjustment of PID gains. Experimental results corresponding to the developed active vibration control system are presented. The system suppresses more than 90% of vibration amplitude, which confirms the high level of effectiveness in vibration active damping at the proposed active structure.
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009: Volume 1 and Volume 2 | 2009
Ivana Ivanović; Zlatko Petrović; Slobodan Stupar
An introductory study of helicopter main rotor blade aerodynamic shape optimization problem is presented. Optimization process is carried out in compressible, viscous, quasi‐steady fluid flow field of hovering rotor described by thin layer Navier‐Stokes equations. Since the gradient‐based optimization technique is chosen the discrete adjoint equation method is used for gradient calculations. The airfoils in the blade cross‐sections are parameterized with Non‐Uniform Rational B‐Splines (NURBS). Inverse three dimensional blade shape optimization example is given to demonstrate the efficiency of the numerical procedure.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2014
Ivana Vasovic; Stevan Maksimović; Katarina Maksimovic; Slobodan Stupar; Gordana Bakić; Mirko Maksimovic
An attention in this paper is focused on the stress analysis and the determination of fracture mechanics parameters in low pressure (LP) turbine rotor discs and on developing analytic expressions for stress intensity factors at the critical location of LP steam turbine disc. Critical locations such as keyway and dovetail area experienced stress concentration leading to crack initiation. Major concerns for the power industry are determining the critical locations with one side and fracture mechanics parameters with the other side. For determination of the critical locations in LP turbine rotor disc conventional finite elements are used here. For this initial crack length and during crack growth it is necessary to determine SIFs. In fatigue crack growth process it is necessary to have analytic formulas for the stress intensity factor. To determine analytic formula for stress intensity factor (SIF) of cracked turbine rotor disc special singular finite elements are used. Using discrete values of SIFs which correspond to various crack lengths analytic formula of SIF in polynomial forms is derived here. For determination of SIF in this paper, combined -integral approach and singular finite elements are used. The interaction of mechanical and thermal effects was correlated in terms of the fracture toughness.
Thermal Science | 2017
Jelena Svorcan; Vasko G. Fotev; Nebojsa Petrovic; Slobodan Stupar
The effects of active separation control by steady blowing jets were investigated numerically on three different examples: subsonic flow past Aerospatiale A air- foil at 13o angle-of-attack, transonic flow past NACA 0012 airfoil at 4o angle-of- attack, and transonic flow in linear compressor/turbine cascade. Performed analyses are two-dimensional, flow is turbulent (or transitional) while fluid is viscous and compressible. Jets are positioned along the suction sides of the foils, the first one being located just upstream of the separation point, and modeled by source terms added to flow equations. Several different jet diameters and intensities are investigated. As the choice of turbulence model affects the final solution of Reynolds equations, turbulence is modeled by four different models: Spalart- Allmaras, realizable k-e, k-ω SST, and γ-Reθ, and a comparison of obtained results is performed. Goals of the study include definition of an adequate numerical setting that enables sufficiently correct simulation of the problems in question as well as evaluation of the possible increase in aerodynamic performances. Lift coefficients, lift-to-drag ratios or relative pressure differences are improved for all controlled cases.
Thermal Science | 2017
Miroslav P. Pajčin; Aleksandar Simonović; Toni Ivanov; Dragan Komarov; Slobodan Stupar
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) computations for two hypersonic flow cases using the commercial FLUENT 16.2 CFD software were done. In this paper, an internal and external hypersonic flow cases were considered and analysis of the hypersonic flow using different turbulence viscosity models available in FLUENT16.2 as well as the laminar viscosity model were done. The obtained results were after compared and commented upon.
Scientific Technical Review | 2015
Dragana Zakic-Nedeljkovic; Aleksandar Simonović; Slobodan Stupar; Nebojša S. Lukić
This paper presents a practical example of the measurement and analysis of vibrations in the first two stages of the axial-flow compressor with intention to estimate a connection between inlet air flow distortions and appearance of stalling of the compressor blades. The inlet air flow distortions were tested during different regimes of the aircraft flight with a maximum thrust, with an assumption that the asymmetry of air flow through the twin-inlets existed and had effect on vibrations of the compressor. The paper shows the measurement of vibrations on the Galeb G-2 aircraft powered by the Rolls Royce Viper Mk22-6 engine with the aim to recognize and define the minimum necessary data for detection of the potential distorted air flow through the compressor, as concequences of an unequal air flow distribution in the inlets. The detection capability of this methodology of measurement is presented using the fast Fourier transform (FFT). The proposed methodology of measurement and analysis can be implemented in different types of aircraft in order to research the occurrence of stall and surge.
Experimental Techniques | 2012
Aleksandar Simonović; Ivan Kostić; Slobodan Stupar; Zlatko Petrović
Experimental acquisition and verification of structural properties of an actual helicopter main rotor blade segment have been done with an aim to validate the capability of bonded joints of these structural elements to sustain the most dominant dynamic loads in forward flight, for the assigned blade’s life time. It was also one of the qualitative tests of the newly applied rotor blade hybrid structure production technology, consisting of a metal spar and 21 plastic composite segments, bonded to it after the polymerization process. Because of the structural similarity of the segments, only the most highly loaded 21st segment and adjacent spar section were investigated, as representative in this particular sense. This has enabled remarkable reduction both in time and funds required for the design and construction of the test facility. This paper is focused on the demonstration of usage of fairly low-cost experimental infrastructure for that purpose, and also provides the designers and engineers with some examples and guidelines of how it is possible to conduct experimental verifications of the properties of similar, both aeronautical and non-aeronautical hybrid structures and joints, exposed to the long-lasting dynamic loads. Tests presented in this paper were only a part of a very wide test campaign, mostly undertaken on the entire new hybrid blade structures, both on the ground and in flight, before they have been put to operational service.
Archive | 2013
Aleksandar Simonović; Dragan Komarov; Slobodan Stupar