
Fibers and Polymers | 2013

Effects of binder fibers and bonding processes on PET hollow fiber nonwovens for automotive cushion materials

Ki-Young Kim; Song Jun Doh; Jung Nam Im; Won Young Jeong; Hyo Jin An; Dae Young Lim

In this study, nonwoven fabrics were developed for the replacement of polyurethane foams in car interiors, in particular, cushioning materials for car seats. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) hollow fibers and two types of bicomponent binder fibers were used to manufacture automotive nonwovens by carding processes and then post-bonding processes, such as needle punching or thermal bonding. The physical and mechanical properties of nonwovens were thoroughly investigated with respect to the effects of binder fibers and bonding processes. The tensile strength and elongation for nonwovens were found to be significantly improved by combined needle punching and thermal bonding processes. In addition, the nonwoven cushioning materials were characterized in terms of hardness, support factors, and compressive and ball rebound resilience. The nonwovens showed greater hardness than the flexible PU foam. However, support factors over 2.8 for the nonwovens indicated improved seating comfort, along with better seating characteristics of greater resilience and air permeability in comparison with the PU foam.

Fibers and Polymers | 2013

Manufacturing and analyses of wet-laid nonwoven consisting of carboxymethyl cellulose fibers

Song Jun Doh; Ji Yeon Lee; Dae Young Lim; Jung Nam Im

Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is a cellulose derivative having water-soluble property, biodegradability, and biocompatibility. It has been used in various medical applications as forms of gel, film, membrane, or powder. In this study, composite CMC nonwovens were produced, by a wet-laid nonwoven process, to improve the wet strength of carboxymethyl cellulose nonwovens. Followed by preparing the CMC fibers from cotton fiber, the composite CMC nonwovens composed of CMC fibers and PE/PP bicomponent fibers were manufactured by using 85/15 % v/v of ethanol/water solution as a dispersion medium. Structural analyses of CMC fibers, such as XRD, TGA, FT-IR, and degree of substitution indicated that CMC fibers were successfully produced. The wet strength of CMC nonwoven was dramatically increased by blending with the PE/PP fibers without sacrificing the key properties for wound dressing materials such as liquid absorption, gel blocking and liquid retention. It is expected that the composite CMC nonwovens will be a good candidate for wound dressing materials for mild exudate condition.

Fibers and Polymers | 2013

Study on the effects of reaction conditions on carboxymethyl cellulose nonwoven manufactured by wet-laid process

Yi Na Yoon; Jung Nam Im; Song Jun Doh

Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) has been used in medical area by virtue of their high water absorption property, bio-degradability, and biocompatibility. It has been mainly used as forms of gel, powder, and film due to the limitation in processability on textile structures, especially nonwoven. In this study we demonstrated wet-laid nonwoven process for viscose rayon and carboxymethylation to produce CMC nonwoven. The effects of process conditions, such as reaction time and amount of monochloroacetic acid (MCA) in carboxymethylation, were investigated in terms of the degree of substitution (DS), morphological properties and mechanical properties of the CMC nonwoven. Molar ratio of MCA to cellulose and etherification time played important roles in determining characteristics of CMC nonwoven. As DS increased, strength was improved while elongation decreased. Gel blocking behavior of CMC nonwoven with higher DS indicated the applicability of CMC nonwoven as wound dressing and adhesion prevention materials.

Textile Research Journal | 2018

Preparation and characterization of calcium carboxymethyl cellulose/chitosan blend nonwovens for hemostatic agents:

Ga Hee Kim; Jung Nam Im; Tae Hee Kim; Gyu Dong Lee; Ji Ho Youk; Song Jun Doh

Wet-laid blend nonwovens of calcium carboxymethyl cellulose fibers and chitosan powder were prepared as a new efficacious hemostatic agent, and their water absorption behavior, rupture strength in the dry and wet states, blood clotting properties, calcium ion release behavior, and cytotoxicity were investigated. The calcium carboxymethyl cellulose and chitosan nonwovens lost their structural integrity in the wet state due to water absorption and subsequent gelation, whereas the calcium carboxymethyl cellulose/chitosan blend nonwovens maintained their structural integrity. The formation of polyelectrolyte complexes between calcium carboxymethyl cellulose and chitosan after the absorption of water is believed to have contributed to the structural integrity in the wet state. In the in vitro blood clotting tests, the calcium carboxymethyl cellulose/chitosan blend nonwovens immediately absorbed blood and exhibited efficacious blood clotting characteristics. The calcium carboxymethyl cellulose/chitosan blend nonwovens were not cytotoxic. Considering both the structural stability in the wet state and blood clotting performance, calcium carboxymethyl cellulose/chitosan (7/3 w/w) blend nonwoven was found to be the most effective hemostatic agent of those assessed in this study, and has good potential for commercial application.

Fibers and Polymers | 2015

Structure and liquid handling properties of water-insoluble carboxymethyl cellulose foam

Ji Yeon Lee; Jung Nam Im; Tae Hee Kim; Dong June Chung; Song Jun Doh

A sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Na-CMC) foam was obtained by lyophilization of aqueous Na-CMC solution and chemically treated with citric acid in order to control the water-solubility and liquid handling properties. The objective of this study was to prepare the water-insoluble CMC (H-CMC) foams and to investigate the liquid handling properties and their applicability to wound management materials. The chemical structure was analyzed by FT-IR, ICP, TGA, and XRD. The structural analyses revealed that the substitution of sodium atom in Na-CMC to hydrogen atom during the acid treatment resulted in more hydrogen bonding in the molecular structure. Acid concentration and treatment time influenced liquid handling properties of the foam. The increase in the amount of acid and treatment time decreased the liquid absorption capacities of the H-CMC foams. The expansion ratio and the liquid handling properties of compressed foam were affected by the compression temperature. The expansion ratio and the liquid absorption capacity decreased above 80 ℃ of compression temperature. The cytotoxicity test result confirmed the cell viability of extracted solution. This approach for controlling the shape stability and liquid handling properties by acid treatment of Na-CMC foam is expected to find useful applications in the development of novel moisture wound dressing materials.

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | 2013

Characterization of Mechanical and Flammability Properties of Nonwoven Fabrics Containing Polyethylene Terephthalate and Polylactic Acid Hollow Fibers

Won Young Jeong; Hyo Jin An; Song Jun Doh; Jung Nam Im; Dae Young Lim; Yeong Og Choi; Ki Young Kim

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to develop a lightweight and environmentally friendly nonwoven fabric to sub-stitute polyurethane (PU) foams in automotive interiors. Two types of hollow fibers-polyethylene terephthalate (PET)hollow fiber and polylactic acid (PLA) hollow fiber-and bicomponent binder fibers were used to manufacture the non-woven fabrics for seat cushions by carding, needle punching, thermal bonding, and air through bonding processes. Theideal characteristics required for automotive seat cushions were evaluated, and the significant changes with the struc-tural components were analyzed. The nonwoven fabrics showed better air permeability, compressional resilience, ballrebound resilience, and non-flammability in comparison with PU foams. The characteristics were affected by the man-ufacturing processes. Keywords: nonwoven, PET hollow fiber, PLA hollow fiber, PU foam, automotive seat 1. 서 론 1970년대부터 최근에 이르기까지 자동차산업에서는 자동차의 연비개선과 환경오염의 주원인인 배기가스 저감을목적으로 부품의 일체화, 단순화, 소재의 최적화 등 차량구조 설계와 경량 소재 사용 등으로 차량의 경량화가 추진되고 있다. 자동차 1대당 섬유소재의 양은 1990년대 20kg,2006년에는 28kg, 2010년 약 35kg 정도로 그 사용량이 증가하고 있으며, 최근 금속 차체를 섬유강화복합재료로 대체하려는 연구가 완성단계에 이르고 있어 자동차에서의 섬유사용량 및 이에 따른 경량화는 비약적인 증가세가 예상된다. 자동차 내장재로 사용되는 산업용섬유 중에서 특히부직포 소재는 경량성, 원가절감, 흡·차음 등의 성능향상,성형 및 몰딩기능, 외관의 다양화가 가능하다는 장점을 가지며 자동차 헤드라이너, 대쉬보드, 실내 매트, 도어트림,트렁크 내장재 등에 다양하게 적용되고 있다[1-3]. 차량 경량화와 함께 소비자의 요구가 다양화되고 고급화됨에 따라자동차의 실내·외 정숙성과 주행시 안정감, 쾌적성을 확보하기 위해, 소음과 진동을 제어·차단하는 이른바 NVH(noise, vibration, harshness)에 관한 연구도 활발히 진행되고 있는 실정이다[4-6]. 자동차 및 수송기기용 시트의 쿠션재로는 PU foam이 가장 많이 사용되고 있다. 그러나 PU foam은 사용 중 지속적으로 VOCs를 배출하며 재생 및 재활용이 어렵고 연소시 독성 가스를 배출하는 등 많은 문제점을 가지고 있다.특히, 일본에서는 자동차내의 VOCs로 인한 질환을 SickCar 증후군이라 명명하며 자동차업계, 부품 및 재료업체가협력으로 VOCs 문제에 대응책을 마련하고 있는 실정이다[7,8]. 따라서 본 연구에서는 PU foam을 대체할 수 있는 친환경 부직포 쿠션재의 적용성 연구를 수행하고자 하였다. 중공섬유는 섬유의 내부가 비어 있는 형태로 비중공섬유에 비해 가볍고 중공부분에 채워진 공기로 인하여 보온성,흡음성 등이 뛰어나다는 장점이 있다. 뿐만 아니라 굽힘강성과 반발탄성이 일반섬유에 비해 상대적으로 우수하여 구김이나 압축에 대한 회복성도 크다고 알려져 있다[9-11].따라서 본 연구에서는 자동차 시트용 쿠션재의 친환경 및경량화를 목적으로 재활용 또는 생분해가 가능한 2종의 중

Fibers and Polymers | 2011

Preparation and characterization of carboxymethyl cellulose nonwovens by a wet-laid process

Min Ji Yoon; Song Jun Doh; Jung Nam Im

Journal of Fluorine Chemistry | 2012

Multifunctional surface modification of an aramid fabric via direct fluorination

Euigyung Jeong; Bum Hoon Lee; Song Jun Doh; In Jun Park; Young-Seak Lee

Fibers and Polymers | 2009

Eco-friendly dyeing of poly(trimethylene terephthalate) with temporarily solubilized azo disperse dyes based on pyridone derivatives

Hae Kyoung Jang; Song Jun Doh; Jung Jin Lee

Archive | 2018


Jung Nam Im; 임정남; Song Jun Doh; 도성준; Tae Hee Kim; 김태희; Yoon Jin Kim; 김윤진; Chae Hwa Kim; 김채화; Gyu Dong Lee; 이규동; Ga Hee Kim; 김가희

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