Soo-Cheul Yoo
Seoul National University
Featured researches published by Soo-Cheul Yoo.
The Plant Cell | 2007
So-Yon Park; Jae-Woong Yu; Jong-Sung Park; Jinjie Li; Soo-Cheul Yoo; Na-Yeoun Lee; Sang Kyu Lee; Seok-Won Jeong; Hak Soo Seo; Hee-Jong Koh; Jong-Seong Jeon; Youn-Il Park; Nam-Chon Paek
Loss of green color in leaves results from chlorophyll (Chl) degradation in chloroplasts, but little is known about how Chl catabolism is regulated throughout leaf development. Using the staygreen (sgr) mutant in rice (Oryza sativa), which maintains greenness during leaf senescence, we identified Sgr, a senescence-associated gene encoding a novel chloroplast protein. Transgenic rice overexpressing Sgr produces yellowish-brown leaves, and Arabidopsis thaliana pheophorbide a oxygenase–impaired mutants exhibiting a stay-green phenotype during dark-induced senescence have reduced expression of Sgr homologs, indicating that Sgr regulates Chl degradation at the transcriptional level. We show that the leaf stay-greenness of the sgr mutant is associated with a failure in the destabilization of the light-harvesting chlorophyll binding protein (LHCP) complexes of the thylakoid membranes, which is a prerequisite event for the degradation of Chls and LHCPs during senescence. Transient overexpression of Sgr in Nicotiana benthamiana and an in vivo pull-down assay show that Sgr interacts with LHCPII, indicating that the Sgr-LHCPII complexes are formed in the thylakoid membranes. Thus, we propose that in senescing leaves, Sgr regulates Chl degradation by inducing LHCPII disassembly through direct interaction, leading to the degradation of Chls and Chl-free LHCPII by catabolic enzymes and proteases, respectively.
Plant Molecular Biology | 2006
Haitao Zhang; Jinjie Li; Jeong-Hoon Yoo; Soo-Cheul Yoo; Sung-Hwan Cho; Hee-Jong Koh; Hak Soo Seo; Nam-Chon Paek
Photosynthetic organisms exhibit a green color due to the accumulation of chlorophyll pigments in chloroplasts. Mg-protoporphyrin IX chelatase (Mg-chelatase) comprises three subunits (ChlH, ChlD and ChlI) and catalyzes the insertion of Mg2+ into protoporphyrin IX, the last common intermediate precursor in both chlorophyll and heme biosyntheses, to produce Mg-protoporphyrin IX (MgProto). Chlorophyll deficiency in higher plants results in chlorina (yellowish-green) phenotype. To date, 10 chlorina (chl) mutants have been isolated in rice, but the corresponding genes have not yet been identified. Rice Chl1 and Chl9 genes were mapped to chromosome 3 and isolated by map-based cloning. A missense mutation occurred in a highly conserved amino acid of ChlD in the chl1 mutant and ChlI in the chl9 mutant. Ultrastructural analyses have revealed that the grana are poorly stacked, resulting in the underdevelopment of chloroplasts. In the seedlings fed with aminolevulinate-dipyridyl in darkness, MgProto levels in the chl1 and chl9 mutants decreased up to 25% and 31% of that in wild-type, respectively, indicating that the Mg-chelatase activity is significantly reduced, causing the eventual decrease in chlorophyll synthesis. Furthermore, Northern blot analysis indicated that the nuclear genes encoding the three subunits of Mg-chelatase and LhcpII in chl1 mutant are expressed about 2-fold higher than those in WT, but are not altered in the chl9 mutant. This result indicates that the ChlD subunit participates in negative feedback regulation of plastid-to-nucleus in the expression of nuclear genes encoding chloroplast proteins, but not the ChlI subunit.
Plant and Cell Physiology | 2013
Ye-Sol Kim; Yasuhito Sakuraba; Su-Hyun Han; Soo-Cheul Yoo; Nam-Chon Paek
The highly ordered process of senescence forms the final stage of leaf development; a large set of senescence-associated genes (SAGs) execute this orderly dismantling of the photosynthetic apparatus and remobilization of cellular components. A number of transcription factors (TFs) modulate SAG expression to promote or delay senescence. Here we show that NAC016, the previously uncharacterized senescence-associated NAM/ATAF1/2/CUC2 (senNAC) TF in Arabidopsis thaliana, promotes senescence. Leaves of nac016 mutants remained green under senescence-inducing conditions, and leaves of NAC016-overexpressing (NAC016-OX) plants senesced early. Under dark-induced senescence (DIS) conditions, nac016 mutants had low ion leakage, and retained the proper balance of photosystem proteins and normal grana thylakoid shape much longer than wild-type plants, suggesting that nac016 acts as a functional stay-green type senescence mutant. Under DIS conditions, SAGs (NYC1, PPH, SGR1/NYE1 and WRKY22), including senNACs (JUB1, NAP, ORE1, ORS1 and VNI2), were down-regulated in nac016 mutants and up-regulated in NAC016-OX plants. In addition to its role in senescence, NAC016 also affects abiotic stress. Under salt and oxidative stress conditions, NAC016 expression rapidly increased in developing leaves, possibly to promote senescence. Indeed, under the stress conditions, nac016 mutants stayed green and NAC016-OX plants senesced rapidly. To identify direct targets of the NAC016 TF in the regulation of leaf senescence, we conducted yeast one-hybrid assays, which strongly suggested that NAC016 binds to the promoters of NAP and ORS1. Based on these results, we propose that NAC016 regulatory mechanisms promoting leaf senescence exhibit cross-talk with the salt and oxidative stress-responsive signaling pathways.
New Phytologist | 2013
Sung-Hwan Cho; Soo-Cheul Yoo; Haitao Zhang; Devendra Pandeya; Hee-Jong Koh; Ji-Young Hwang; Gyung-Tae Kim; Nam-Chon Paek
· In order to understand the molecular genetic mechanisms of rice (Oryza sativa) organ development, we studied the narrow leaf2 narrow leaf3 (nal2 nal3; hereafter nal2/3) double mutant, which produces narrow-curly leaves, more tillers, fewer lateral roots, opened spikelets and narrow-thin grains. · We found that narrow-curly leaves resulted mainly from reduced lateral-axis outgrowth with fewer longitudinal veins and more, larger bulliform cells. Opened spikelets, possibly caused by marginal deformity in the lemma, gave rise to narrow-thin grains. · Map-based cloning revealed that NAL2 and NAL3 are paralogs that encode an identical OsWOX3A (OsNS) transcriptional activator, homologous to NARROW SHEATH1 (NS1) and NS2 in maize and PRESSED FLOWER in Arabidopsis. · OsWOX3A is expressed in the vascular tissues of various organs, where nal2/3 mutant phenotypes were displayed. Expression levels of several leaf development-associated genes were altered in nal2/3, and auxin transport-related genes were significantly changed, leading to pin mutant-like phenotypes such as more tillers and fewer lateral roots. OsWOX3A is involved in organ development in rice, lateral-axis outgrowth and vascular patterning in leaves, lemma and palea morphogenesis in spikelets, and development of tillers and lateral roots.
Plant Journal | 2013
Yasuhito Sakuraba; Lutfor Rahman; Sung-Hwan Cho; Ye-Sol Kim; Hee-Jong Koh; Soo-Cheul Yoo; Nam-Chon Paek
NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR) catalyzes photoreduction of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) to chlorophyllide in chlorophyll (Chl) synthesis, and is required for prolamellar body (PLB) formation in etioplasts. Rice faded green leaf (fgl) mutants develop yellow/white leaf variegation and necrotic lesions during leaf elongation in field-grown plants. Map-based cloning revealed that FGL encodes OsPORB, one of two rice POR isoforms. In fgl, etiolated seedlings contained smaller PLBs in etioplasts, and lower levels of total and photoactive Pchlide. Under constant or high light (HL) conditions, newly emerging green leaves rapidly turned yellow and formed lesions. Increased levels of non-photoactive Pchlide, which acts as a photosensitizer, may cause reactive oxygen accumulation and lesion formation. OsPORA expression is repressed by light and OsPORB expression is regulated in a circadian rhythm in short-day conditions. OsPORA was expressed at high levels in developing leaves and decreased dramatically in fully mature leaves, whereas OsPORB expression was relatively constant throughout leaf development, similar to expression patterns of AtPORA and AtPORB in Arabidopsis. However, OsPORB expression is rapidly upregulated by HL treatment, similar to the fluence rate-dependent regulation of AtPORC. This suggests that OsPORB function is equivalent to both AtPORB and AtPORC functions. Our results demonstrate that OsPORB is essential for maintaining light-dependent Chl synthesis throughout leaf development, especially under HL conditions, whereas OsPORA mainly functions in the early stages of leaf development. Developmentally and physiologically distinct roles of monocot OsPORs are discussed by comparing with those of dicot AtPORs.
Molecular Plant | 2014
Yasuhito Sakuraba; So-Yon Park; Ye-Sol Kim; Seung-Hyun Wang; Soo-Cheul Yoo; Stefan Hörtensteiner; Nam-Chon Paek
Chlorophyll (Chl) degradation causes leaf yellowing during senescence or under stress conditions. For Chl breakdown, STAY-GREEN1 (SGR1) interacts with Chl catabolic enzymes (CCEs) and light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) at the thylakoid membrane, possibly to allow metabolic channeling of potentially phototoxic Chl breakdown intermediates. Among these Chl catabolic components, SGR1 acts as a key regulator of leaf yellowing. In addition to SGR1 (At4g22920), the Arabidopsis thaliana genome contains an additional homolog, SGR2 (At4g11910), whose biological function remains elusive. Under senescence-inducing conditions, SGR2 expression is highly up-regulated, similarly to SGR1 expression. Here we show that SGR2 function counteracts SGR1 activity in leaf Chl degradation; SGR2-overexpressing plants stayed green and the sgr2-1 knockout mutant exhibited early leaf yellowing under age-, dark-, and stress-induced senescence conditions. Like SGR1, SGR2 interacted with LHCII but, in contrast to SGR1, SGR2 interactions with CCEs were very limited. Furthermore, SGR1 and SGR2 formed homo- or heterodimers, strongly suggesting a role for SGR2 in negatively regulating Chl degradation by possibly interfering with the proposed CCE-recruiting function of SGR1. Our data indicate an antagonistic evolution of the functions of SGR1 and SGR2 in Arabidopsis to balance Chl catabolism in chloroplasts with the dismantling and remobilizing of other cellular components in senescing leaf cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 2013
Yasuhito Sakuraba; Ye-Sol Kim; Soo-Cheul Yoo; Stefan Hörtensteiner; Nam-Chon Paek
During natural or dark-induced senescence, chlorophyll degradation causes leaf yellowing. Recent evidence indicates that chlorophyll catabolic enzymes (CCEs) interact with the photosynthetic apparatus; for example, five CCEs (NYC1, NOL, PPH, PAO and RCCR) interact with LHCII. STAY-GREEN (SGR) and CCEs interact with one another in senescing chloroplasts; this interaction may allow metabolic channeling of potentially phototoxic chlorophyll breakdown intermediates. 7-Hydroxymethyl chlorophyll a reductase (HCAR) also acts as a CCE, but HCAR functions during leaf senescence remain unclear. Here we show that in Arabidopsis, HCAR-overexpressing plants exhibited accelerated leaf yellowing and, conversely, hcar mutants stayed green during dark-induced senescence. Moreover, HCAR interacted with LHCII in in vivo pull-down assays, and with SGR, NYC1, NOL and RCCR in yeast two-hybrid assays, indicating that HCAR is a component of the proposed SGR-CCE-LHCII complex, which acts in chlorophyll breakdown. Notably, HCAR and NOL are expressed throughout leaf development and are drastically down-regulated during dark-induced senescence, in contrast with SGR, NYC1, PPH and PAO, which are up-regulated during dark-induced senescence. Moreover, HCAR and NOL are highly up-regulated during greening of etiolated seedlings, strongly suggesting a major role for NOL and HCAR in the chlorophyll cycle during vegetative stages, possibly in chlorophyll turnover.
Molecules and Cells | 2014
Jung-Hyun Lim; Hyun-Jung Yang; Ki-Hong Jung; Soo-Cheul Yoo; Nam-Chon Paek
Plant breeders have focused on improving plant architecture as an effective means to increase crop yield. Here, we identify the main-effect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for plant shape-related traits in rice (Oryza sativa) and find candidate genes by applying whole genome re-sequencing of two parental cultivars using next-generation sequencing. To identify QTLs influencing plant shape, we analyzed six traits: plant height, tiller number, panicle diameter, panicle length, flag leaf length, and flag leaf width. We performed QTL analysis with 178 F7 recombinant in-bred lines (RILs) from a cross of japonica rice line ‘SNUSG1’ and indica rice line ‘Milyang23’. Using 131 molecular markers, including 28 insertion/deletion markers, we identified 11 main- and 16 minor-effect QTLs for the six traits with a threshold LOD value > 2.8. Our sequence analysis identified fifty-four candidate genes for the main-effect QTLs. By further comparison of coding sequences and meta-expression profiles between japonica and indica rice varieties, we finally chose 15 strong candidate genes for the 11 main-effect QTLs. Our study shows that the whole-genome sequence data substantially enhanced the efficiency of polymorphic marker development for QTL fine-mapping and the identification of possible candidate genes. This yields useful genetic resources for breeding high-yielding rice cultivars with improved plant architecture.
Molecules and Cells | 2015
Choon-Tak Kwon; Bon-Hyuk Koo; Dami Kim; Soo-Cheul Yoo; Nam-Chon Paek
Flowering time (or heading date) is controlled by intrinsic genetic programs in response to environmental cues, such as photoperiod and temperature. Rice, a facultative short-day (SD) plant, flowers early in SD and late in long-day (LD) conditions. Casein kinases (CKs) generally act as positive regulators in many signaling pathways in plants. In rice, Heading date 6 (Hd6) and Hd16 encode CK2α and CKI, respectively, and mainly function to delay flowering time. Additionally, the major LD-dependent floral repressors Hd2/Oryza sativa Pseudo-Response Regulator 37 (OsPRR37; hereafter PRR37) and Ghd7 also confer strong photoperiod sensitivity. In floral induction, Hd16 acts upstream of Ghd7 and CKI interacts with and phosphorylates Ghd7. In addition, Hd6 and Hd16 also act upstream of Hd2. However, whether CKI and CK2α directly regulate the function of PRR37 remains unclear. Here, we use in vitro pull-down and in vivo bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays to show that CKI and CK2α interact with PRR37. We further use in vitro kinase assays to show that CKI and CK2α phosphorylate different regions of PRR37. Our results indicate that direct posttranslational modification of PRR37 mediates the genetic interactions between these two protein kinases and PRR37. The significance of CK-mediated phosphorylation for PRR37 and Ghd7 function is discussed.
Journal of Experimental Botany | 2015
Seung-Hyun Wang; Jung-Hyun Lim; Sang-Sook Kim; Sung-Hwan Cho; Soo-Cheul Yoo; Hee-Jong Koh; Yasuhito Sakuraba; Nam-Chon Paek
Highlight Among the lesion mimic mutants in rice, the spotted leaf3 (spl3) locus was identified by map-based cloning that encodes OsMAPKKK1. SPL3 was found to be involved in ABA-responsive signalling and to promote leaf yellowing during senescence.