Stanley Berent
University of Michigan
Biological Psychiatry | 1992
Monica N. Starkman; Stephen S. Gebarski; Stanley Berent; David E. Schteingart
Patients with chronic hypercortisolemia due to Cushings syndrome (CS) exhibit cognitive dysfunction. Because glucocorticoid excess is associated with hippocampal damage in animals, and the hippocampus participates in learning and memory, we explored the relationships between hippocampal formation (HF) volume, memory dysfunction, and cortisol levels in 12 patients with CS. After magnetic resonance imaging, HF volume was determined using digital sum of track ball traces of dentate gyrus, hippocampus proper and subiculum, correcting for total intracranial volume. For 27% of the patients, HF volume fell outside the 95% confidence intervals for normal subject volume given in the literature. In addition, there were significant and specific correlations between HF volume and scores for verbal paired associate learning, verbal recall, and verbal recall corrected for full-scale IQ (r = 0.57 to 0.70, p < 0.05). HF volume was negatively correlated with plasma cortisol levels (r = -0.73, p < 0.05). These studies suggest an association between reduced HF volume, memory dysfunction, and elevated cortisol in patients with CS.
Biological Psychiatry | 1999
Monica N. Starkman; Bruno Giordani; Stephen S. Gebarski; Stanley Berent; M. Anthony Schork; David E. Schteingart
BACKGROUND Decreased hippocampal volume is observed in patients with Cushings syndrome and other conditions associated with elevated cortisol levels, stress, or both. Reversibility of hippocampal neuronal atrophy resulting from stress occurs in animals. Our study investigated the potential for reversibility of human hippocampal atrophy. METHODS The study included 22 patients with Cushings disease. Magnetic resonance brain imaging was performed prior to transsphenoidal microadenomectomy and again after treatment. RESULTS Following treatment, hippocampal formation volume (HFV) increased by up to 10%. The mean percent change (3.2 +/- 2.5) was significantly greater (p < .04) than that of the comparison structure, caudate head volume (1.5 +/- 3.4). Increase in HFV was significantly associated with magnitude of decrease in urinary free cortisol (r = -.61, p < .01). This relationship strengthened after adjustments for age, duration of disease, and months elapsed since surgery (r = -.70, p < .001). There was no significant correlation between caudate head volume change and magnitude of cortisol decrease. CONCLUSIONS Changes in human HFV associated with sustained hypercortisolemia are reversible, at least in part, once cortisol levels decrease. While many brain regions are likely affected by hypercortisolemia, the human hippocampus exhibits increased sensitivity to cortisol, affecting both volume loss and recovery.
American Journal of Alzheimers Disease and Other Dementias | 1996
Donna L. Algase; Cormelia Beck; Ann Kolanowski; Stanley Berent; Kathy Richards; Elizabeth Beattie
The disruptive behavior of persons with dementia is a problem of considerable clinical interest and growing scientific concern. This paper offers a view of these behaviors as expressions of unmet needs or goals and provides a comprehensive conceptual framework to guide further research and clinical practice. Empiricalfindings and clinical impressions related to wandering, vocalizations and aggression to support and illustrate the framework are presented
Epilepsia | 1986
Michael Seidenberg; Niels C. Beck; Michael Geisser; Bruno Giordani; J. Chris Sackellares; Stanley Berent; Fritz E. Dreifuss; Thomas J. Boll
Summary: The academic achievement scores of 122 children with epilepsy were examined in relation to demographic and clinical seizure variables. As a group, these children were making less academic progress than expected for their age and IQ level. Academic deficiencies were greatest in arithmetic, followed by spelling, reading, comprehension, and word recognition. Results of the multiple regression analyses indicated a modest combined predictive significance of the demographic and clinical seizure variables for academic performance. In addition, the magnitude of these relationships varied by academic area. Among the individual variables examined the strongest correlates of academic performance were age of the child, age of seizure onset, lifetime total seizure frequency, and presence of multiple seizures (absence and tonic‐clonic). These results are discussed in relation to developing an understanding of the factors which underlie academic vulnerability in children with epilepsy.
Neurology | 1993
Thomas R. Henry; Kirk A. Frey; J. C. Sackellares; Sid Gilman; Robert A. Koeppe; James A. Brunberg; Donald A. Ross; Stanley Berent; Anne B. Young; David E. Kuhl
Positron emission tomography measured interictal cerebral glucose metabolism with [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose and central benzodiazepine-receptor binding with [11C]flumazenil in 10 mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients and in normal subjects. Eight TLE patients had mesial temporal, lateral temporal, and thalamic hypometabolism ipsilateral to EEG ictal onsets, with additional extratemporal hypometabolism in four. One had unilateral anterior mesial temporal hypometabolism only, and one had normal metabolism. Each patient had decreased benzodiazepine-receptor binding in the ipsilateral anterior mesial temporal region, without neocortical changes. Thus, interictal metabolic dysfunction is variable and usually extensive in TLE, whereas decreased central benzodiazepine-receptor density is more restricted to mesial temporal areas. Metabolic patterns in TLE may reflect diaschisis, while benzodiazepine-receptor changes may reflect localized neuronal and synaptic loss that is specific to the epileptogenic zone. [11C]Flumazenil imaging maybe useful in presurgical evaluation of refractory complex partial seizures.
Psychosomatic Medicine | 2001
Monica N. Starkman; Bruno Giordani; Stanley Berent; M. Anthony Schork; David E. Schteingart
Objective The objective of this study was to use Cushing’s disease as a unique human model to elucidate the cognitive deficits resulting from exposure to chronic stress-level elevations of endogenous cortisol. Methods Forty-eight patients with a first episode of acute, untreated Cushing’s disease and 38 healthy control subjects were studied. Results Scores for four of five verbal IQ subtests were significantly lower in patients with Cushing’s disease; their scores were significantly lower for only one nonverbal performance IQ subtest (block design). Verbal, but not visual, learning and delayed recall at 30 minutes were significantly decreased among patients with Cushing’s disease. Although verbal delayed recall was significantly lower in these patients, the retention index (percentage), which compares the amount of initially learned material to that recalled after the delay, was not significantly decreased. There was no significant association between depression scores and cognitive performance. A higher degree of cortisol elevation was associated with poorer performance on several subtests of learning, delayed recall, and visual-spatial ability. Conclusions Chronically elevated levels of glucocorticoids have deleterious effects on particular domains of cognition. Verbal learning and other verbal functions seem more vulnerable than nonverbal functions. The results suggest that both the neocortex and hippocampus are affected.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology | 2005
Scott A. Langenecker; Linas A. Bieliauskas; Lisa J. Rapport; Jon Kar Zubieta; Elisabeth A. Wilde; Stanley Berent
Frontal, limbic and temporal regions of the brain important in emotion perception and executive functioning also have been implicated in the etiology and maintenance of depression; yet, the relationships among these topics remain poorly understood. The present study evaluated emotion perception and executive functioning among 21 depressed women and 20 nondepressed women controls. Depressed women performed significantly worse than controls in emotion perception accuracy and in inhibitory control, an aspect of executive functioning, whereas the groups did not differ in other cognitive tests assessing memory, visual-spatial, motor, and attention skills. The findings suggest that emotion perception and executive functioning are disproportionately negatively affected relative to other cognitive functions, even in a high-functioning group of mildly depressed women. Measures of emotion perception and executive functioning may be of assistance in objectively measuring functional capability of the ventral and dorsal neural systems, respectively, as well as in the diagnosis of depression. We would like to thank Rachel Burns, Luis Casenas, Najat Hamid, Jessica Layne, Justin Miller, Rebecca Reiten and Megan Shaheen for their assistance in data collection and coding. We gratefully acknowledge the comments and suggestions for this manuscript by Dr. Angela Freymuth Caveney, Ph.D. This project was supported in large part by a Rachel Upjohn Clinical Scholars Award and through the assistance of the Neuropsychology Division
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics | 1995
Kenneth S. Lown; Kenneth E. Thummel; Patrick E. Benedict; Danny D. Shen; D.K. Turgeon; Stanley Berent; Paul B. Watkins
Midazolam, a commonly used sedative and amnestic medication, has recently been shown to be largely metabolized in the liver by a cytochrome P450, termed CYP3A4. There is at least a tenfold intersubject variability in the liver content and catalytic activity of CYP3A4, which may in part account for the known interpatient differences in the kinetics of midazolam. To test this hypothesis, we determined the intravenous midazolam kinetics of 20 medically stable, hospitalized patients, whose hepatic CYP3A4 activities were determined with use of the [14C‐N‐methyl]erythromycin breath test. During the kinetic study, we also performed psychometric testing designed to quantitate the level of sedation and amnesia. We found a significant positive correlation between the erythromycin breath test results and weight adjusted clearance (in milliliters per minute per kilogram) of both total midazolam (r = 0.52; p = 0.03) and unbound midazolam (r = 0.61; p < 0.01). The relatively low dose of midazolam used (0.0145 mg/kg) produced significant but transient sedation and memory impairment in some of the patients. We conclude that interpatient differences in liver CYP3A4 activity in part account for the variations in midazolam kinetics. Our observations account for reported drug interactions involving midazolam and suggest that patients with low CYP3A4 activity may be most susceptible to prolonged amnestic effects occasionally produced by this short‐acting benzodiazepine.
Epilepsia | 1985
J. Chris Sackellares; Peter D. Donofrio; John G. Wagner; Bassel W. Abou-Khalil; Stanley Berent; Kristine Aasved-Hoyt
Summary: A new anticonvulsant compound, zonisamide (1,2 benzioxazole‐methanesulfonamide), was studied in 10 adults with medically refractory partial seizures. Following a single oral dose of 400 mg, peak plasma levels occurred an average of 2.8 h after dosing, and the mean clearance from plasma was 2.34 L/h. Whole blood concentrations were high than plasma concentrations because of red blood cell binding. steady‐state plasma concentrations were high than predicted from a linear kinetic model. In most patients, seizure frequency was reduced after zonisamide was substituted for a standard antiepileptic drug. Dose‐related reversible side effects in the central nervous and gastrointestinal system were observed. Most patients tolerated doses between 5.2 and 12.5 mg/kg/day.
Cortex | 1992
Michael J. Boivin; Bruno Giordani; Stanley Berent; David A. Amato; Shirley Lehtinen; Robert A. Koeppe; Henry A. Buchtel; Norman L. Foster; David E. Kuhl
Impairment in verbal fluency (VF) has been a consistently reported clinical feature of focal cerebral deficits in frontal and temporal regions. More recent behavioral activation studies with healthy control subjects using positron emission tomography (PET), however, have noted a negative correlation between performance on verbal fluency tasks and regional cortical activity. To see if this negative relationship extends to steady-state non-activation PET measures, thirty-three healthy adults were given a VF task within a day of their 18F-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose PET scan. VF was found to correlate positively with left temporal cortical region metabolic activity but to correlate negatively with right and left frontal activity. VF was not correlated significantly with right temporal cortical metabolic activity. Some previous studies with normals using behavioral activation paradigms and PET have reported negative correlations between metabolic activity and cognitive performance similar to that reported here. An explanation for the disparate relationships that were observed between frontal and temporal brain areas and VF might be found in the mediation of different task demands by these separate locations, i.e., task planning and/or initiation by frontal regions and verbal memory by the left temporal area.