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Featured researches published by Stavros S. Cosmadakis.
symposium on the theory of computing | 1988
Stavros S. Cosmadakis; Haim Gaifman; Paris C. Kanellakis; Moshe Y. Vardi
Datalog is the language of logic programs without function symbols. It is used as a database query language. If it is possible to eliminate recursion from a Datalog program &Pgr;, then &Pgr; is said to be bounded. It is known that the problem of deciding whether a given Datalog program is bounded is undecidable, even for binary programs. We show here that boundedness is decidable for monadic programs, i.e., programs where the recursive predicates are monadic (the non-recursive predicates can have arbitrary arity). Underlying our results are new tools for the optimization of Datalog programs based on automata theory and logic. In particular, one of the tools we develop is a theory of two-way alternating tree automata. We also use our techniques to show that containment for monadic programs is decidable.
Information Processing Letters | 1987
Sandeep N. Bhatt; Stavros S. Cosmadakis
Abstract Deciding if a graph has a VLSI layout with a specified maximum edge length is NP-complete.
symposium on principles of database systems | 1985
Stavros S. Cosmadakis; Paris C. Kanellakis
We investigate the parallel computational complexity of recursive rule queries. These queries are a subset of first-order relational queries augmented with recursion. They form an important psrt of the PROLOG language aud can be eva!uated in PTIME. In [32] Sagiv has shown that it is decidable whether a typed recursive rule query is equivalent to a first-order relational query. We present an alternative proof of this fact We demonstrate a “gap” theorem for these queries. We provide two classes of queries, which can be evaluated in NC, using a logarithmic number of iterations of a first-order query. Finally, we give various, syntactically tight, queries which are logspace-complete in ETIME and cannot be evaluated in this fashion. 1. InJroduction Relational query languages [IO, 351 augmented with recursion (as an added primitive) have received considerable attention in the literature. e.g., [27,14.3.6,,23.13. 18.30. la]. The principal object of study has been the expres.vM powt=~ of the-se languages. In the presence of an onfer reiation. such languages can express exactly the queries in various complexity classes [14,22,23,37.30]. Classical methods fmm logic can be used to obtain separation results when the language does not include order [14,6,21]. or under syntactic restrictions 1131. 1 Resclrch support~!~y by an IRM Faculty Development Award, and purliy by Mcc. Alathl. TX. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission, In this paper we study recursive rule queries detined by Horn &uses, e.g., [4,39,26,8,16J. Such queries lie at the heart of PROLOG (when used as 3 relational query language), The expressive power of Horn clauses has been examined in m. By contrast, we are concerned with the compuzutional power of the janguage, that is to say with the complexity of evaluating specific queries. Our measure of complexity is &a compfexity [6.371. ‘Ihat is, we make the reasonable assumption that the size of the query, as a program, is dominated by the size of the database. The queries we are examining do not contain negation or function symbols: note that negation is a central primitive whose expressive power is examined in [6,22]. Our approach is motivated by the current research on pamIle implementations of PROLOG (e.g. [33?). We will consider that a query can be evaluated effrciendy in parallel if it can be evaluated by a NC algorithm [ll, 311. These are algorithms that can be implemented using a pcIynomiaI in n number of processors. and run in polylo@rithmic in n parallel time (where n is the size of the database). The class NC is of course contained in the class PTIME (polynomial-time algorithms). but it is not known whether this containment is strict. On the other hand. fogspucewnqdetencss of a problem in the class PTIME[~O, 11.17.25] is usually considered satisfactory evidence that the problem is tnhmwtly sequential, i.c. it cannot he &cd efficiently in parallcl. The main thrust of our investigation is to draw a -line between recursive qucrics that can be evaluated by NC algorithms and recursive queries that are complete in PTIME This goal is similar to the one of IL?], which examines pamIle un#kation of PROLOG terms (i.e., when function symbols are present). 01986 ACM-O-8979L179-2/86/03CGO280
Journal of the ACM | 1990
Stavros S. Cosmadakis; Paris C. Kanellakis; Moshe Y. Vardi
00.75 In Section 2 we give some basic definitions and background. The notion of a single rule program sirup, presented in this section, iS really a nOtatiOnal variant of the full untyped tagged diltabase tableau with fixpoint semantics[35]. Section 3 contains some tools from relational theory P, 28,lS. 2.34,32,5,19], which are very useful in analysing typed recursive rules. The queries we consider can always be evaluated by iterating an underlying first-order relational query a polynomial number of times. Each iteration can be executed by an NC algorithm, so if the number of iterations is actually polylogarlthmic then the overall computation can be performed in NC. The first interesting question is: given a recursive rule query decide whether the number of iterations is constant, i.e., independent of the database size, Queries which require only a constant number of iterations arc called bounded queries. “fhe recursion in such queries can be removed. Such queries have been investigated in [24]. where a decision procedure for boundedness i given for a class of linear sirups. The result of [24] are genernlizcd in 1291. For typed recursive rule queries boundcdness is also dccidnblc 1321. This particular cnse illustrates the power of the techniques dcvclopcd in database theory. as part of the study of the foundations of the univers,?l relation model I28.19.35]. From [28] it follows that a typed rccunive rule query is houndsd if :Lld only if it is cquivalcnt to a lirst-order rcl;nion;ll query. The dccidnbility result of[32] is derived in the context of computing projections Of representative instances, a popular variant of the universal relation model, In Section 3 we present an alternative proof of this result, which uses mostly simple properties of fixpoints and might be helpful in generalizing the theorem beyond the typed case, Interestingly if a typed query is not bounded (or equivalently first-order) then its evaluation requires at least logn iterations (Theorem 1, Section 3). This is a “gap” theorem for computing with recursive rules. h S&on 4 we provide two classes of queries where a logarithmic number of iterations of a first-order relational query is sufficient for evaluation, (Theorems 2 and 3). As a matter of fact, in either of these cases query evaluation can be R&ced to a transitive closure computation Theorem 2 deals witi pje(xwise linear queries. These queries occur often in PlWdCe. They have a natural syntactic characterization in terns Of the strong components of a graph [l]. An efficient Parallel algorithm for linear queries, of which piecewise linear WXkS are a slight generalization, was discovered independently by M.Y. Vardi and D. Maier [38]. Theorem 2, was also derived independently in [36] as a consequence of a more general condition involving trecsize[36]. Theorem 3 provides an example of a non-linear class of typed sirups in NC. Finally. in Section 5, theorem 4, we present various queries, syntactically tight situps. which are logspace-complete in PWME. Other such situps appear in [36]: These queries cannot be evaluated using Q(log%
logic in computer science | 1988
Albert R. Meyer; Stavros S. Cosmadakis
itcmtions of a first-order query. for any constant c>k this is nn easy consequence ofjll, 231. Conclusions and open questions are in Section 6.
symposium on the theory of computing | 1983
Paris C. Kanellakis; Stavros S. Cosmadakis; Moshe Y. Vardi
Unary inclusion dependencies are database constraints expressing subset relationships. The decidability of implication for these dependencies together with embedded implicational dependencies, such as functional dependencies, are investigated. As shown by Casanova et al., the unrestricted and finite implication problems are different for the class of functional and unary inclusion dependencies; also, for this class and for any fixed k, finite implication has no k-ary complete axiomatization. For both of these problems, complete axiomatizations and polynomial-time decision procedures are provided: linear time for unrestricted implication and cubic time for finite implication. It follows that functional and unary inclusion dependencies form a semantically natural class of first-order sentences with equality, which although not finitely controllable, is efficiently solvable and docile. Generalizing from these results, it is shown that the interaction between functionaland inclusion dependencies characterizes: (1) unrestricted implication of unary inclusion and all embedded implicational dependencies; (2) finite implication of unary inclusion and all full implicational dependencies; (3) finite implication of unary inclusion and all embedded tuple-generating dependencies. As a direct consequence of this analysis, most of the applications of dependency implication are extended, within polynomial-time, to database design problems involving unary inclusion dependencies. Such examples are tests for lossless joins and tests for complementarity of projective views. Finally, if one additionally requires that
principles and practice of constraint programming | 1994
Foto N. Afrati; Stavros S. Cosmadakis; Stéphane Grumbach; Gabriel M. Kuper
To help understand the reason for continuity in denotational semantics, the author offers some global comments on goodness-to-fit criteria between semantic domains and symbolic evaluators. The appendices provide the key parts of a proof that Scott domains give a computationally adequate and fully abstract semantics for lambda calculus with simple recursive types.<<ETX>>
symposium on the theory of computing | 1985
Stavros S. Cosmadakis; Paris C. Kanellakis
We study the interaction between unary inclusion dependencies (UINDs) and other known classes of dependencies, in the context of both unrestricted and finite implication. We provide complete axiomatizations for unrestricted and finite implication of UINDs and functional dependencies, and polynomial-time algorithms for the inference problems. The inference problem becomes, however, NP-hard, if we require that some attribute have a bounded domain. We show that for unrestricted implication, the interaction between UINDs and unary functional dependencies completely characterizes the interaction between UINDs and embedded implicational dependencies. Also, for finite implication, the interaction between UINDs and unary functional dependencies completely characterizes the interaction between UINDs and full implicational dependencies (but not UINDs and embedded implicational dependencies).
SIAM Journal on Computing | 1984
Stavros S. Cosmadakis; Christos H. Papadimitriou
We prove positive and negative results on the expressive power of the relational calculus augmented with linear constraints. We show the non-expressibility of some properties expressed by polynomial constraints. We consider in particular some queries involving the existence of lines. We study mainly constraints over real numbers, but we also present some results in the case of the natural numbers.
foundations of computer science | 1993
Stavros S. Cosmadakis
We present a novel way to formulate database dependencies as sentences of first-order logic, using equational statements instead of Horn clauses. Dependency implication is directly reduced to equational implication. Our approach is powerful enough to express functional and inclusion dependencies, which are the most common database constraints. We present a new proof procedure for these dependencies. We use our equational formulation to derive new upper and lower bounds for the complexity of their implication problems.