
Nature Nanotechnology | 2013

Symmetry and magnitude of spin-orbit torques in ferromagnetic heterostructures

Kevin Garello; Ioan Mihai Miron; Can Onur Avci; Frank Freimuth; Yuriy Mokrousov; Stefan Blügel; S. Auffret; Olivier Boulle; Gilles Gaudin; Pietro Gambardella

Recent demonstrations of magnetization switching induced by in-plane current injection in heavy metal/ferromagnetic heterostructures have drawn increasing attention to spin torques based on orbital-to-spin momentum transfer. The symmetry, magnitude and origin of spin-orbit torques (SOTs), however, remain a matter of debate. Here we report on the three-dimensional vector measurement of SOTs in AlOx/Co/Pt and MgO/CoFeB/Ta trilayers using harmonic analysis of the anomalous and planar Hall effects. We provide a general scheme to measure the amplitude and direction of SOTs as a function of the magnetization direction. Based on space and time inversion symmetry arguments, we demonstrate that heavy metal/ferromagnetic layers allow for two different SOTs having odd and even behaviour with respect to magnetization reversal. Such torques include strongly anisotropic field-like and spin transfer-like components, which depend on the type of heavy metal layer and annealing treatment. These results call for SOT models that go beyond the spin Hall and Rashba effects investigated thus far.

Nature | 2007

Chiral magnetic order at surfaces driven by inversion asymmetry

M. Bode; M. Heide; K. von Bergmann; P. Ferriani; S. Heinze; G. Bihlmayer; A. Kubetzka; O. Pietzsch; Stefan Blügel; R. Wiesendanger

Chirality is a fascinating phenomenon that can manifest itself in subtle ways, for example in biochemistry (in the observed single-handedness of biomolecules) and in particle physics (in the charge-parity violation of electroweak interactions). In condensed matter, magnetic materials can also display single-handed, or homochiral, spin structures. This may be caused by the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction, which arises from spin–orbit scattering of electrons in an inversion-asymmetric crystal field. This effect is typically irrelevant in bulk metals as their crystals are inversion symmetric. However, low-dimensional systems lack structural inversion symmetry, so that homochiral spin structures may occur. Here we report the observation of magnetic order of a specific chirality in a single atomic layer of manganese on a tungsten (110) substrate. Spin-polarized scanning tunnelling microscopy reveals that adjacent spins are not perfectly antiferromagnetic but slightly canted, resulting in a spin spiral structure with a period of about 12 nm. We show by quantitative theory that this chiral order is caused by the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and leads to a left-rotating spin cycloid. Our findings confirm the significance of this interaction for magnets in reduced dimensions. Chirality in nanoscale magnets may play a crucial role in spintronic devices, where the spin rather than the charge of an electron is used for data transmission and manipulation. For instance, a spin-polarized current flowing through chiral magnetic structures will exert a spin-torque on the magnetic structure, causing a variety of excitations or manipulations of the magnetization and giving rise to microwave emission, magnetization switching, or magnetic motors.

Science | 2016

Reproducibility in density functional theory calculations of solids

Kurt Lejaeghere; Gustav Bihlmayer; Torbjörn Björkman; Peter Blaha; Stefan Blügel; Volker Blum; Damien Caliste; Ivano Eligio Castelli; Stewart J. Clark; Andrea Dal Corso; Stefano de Gironcoli; Thierry Deutsch; J. K. Dewhurst; Igor Di Marco; Claudia Draxl; Marcin Dulak; Olle Eriksson; José A. Flores-Livas; Kevin F. Garrity; Luigi Genovese; Paolo Giannozzi; Matteo Giantomassi; Stefan Goedecker; Xavier Gonze; Oscar Grånäs; E. K. U. Gross; Andris Gulans; Francois Gygi; D. R. Hamann; Phil Hasnip

A comparison of DFT methods Density functional theory (DFT) is now routinely used for simulating material properties. Many software packages are available, which makes it challenging to know which are the best to use for a specific calculation. Lejaeghere et al. compared the calculated values for the equation of states for 71 elemental crystals from 15 different widely used DFT codes employing 40 different potentials (see the Perspective by Skylaris). Although there were variations in the calculated values, most recent codes and methods converged toward a single value, with errors comparable to those of experiment. Science, this issue p. 10.1126/science.aad3000; see also p. 1394 A survey of recent density functional theory methods shows a convergence to more accurate property calculations. [Also see Perspective by Skylaris] INTRODUCTION The reproducibility of results is one of the underlying principles of science. An observation can only be accepted by the scientific community when it can be confirmed by independent studies. However, reproducibility does not come easily. Recent works have painfully exposed cases where previous conclusions were not upheld. The scrutiny of the scientific community has also turned to research involving computer programs, finding that reproducibility depends more strongly on implementation than commonly thought. These problems are especially relevant for property predictions of crystals and molecules, which hinge on precise computer implementations of the governing equation of quantum physics. RATIONALE This work focuses on density functional theory (DFT), a particularly popular quantum method for both academic and industrial applications. More than 15,000 DFT papers are published each year, and DFT is now increasingly used in an automated fashion to build large databases or apply multiscale techniques with limited human supervision. Therefore, the reproducibility of DFT results underlies the scientific credibility of a substantial fraction of current work in the natural and engineering sciences. A plethora of DFT computer codes are available, many of them differing considerably in their details of implementation, and each yielding a certain “precision” relative to other codes. How is one to decide for more than a few simple cases which code predicts the correct result, and which does not? We devised a procedure to assess the precision of DFT methods and used this to demonstrate reproducibility among many of the most widely used DFT codes. The essential part of this assessment is a pairwise comparison of a wide range of methods with respect to their predictions of the equations of state of the elemental crystals. This effort required the combined expertise of a large group of code developers and expert users. RESULTS We calculated equation-of-state data for four classes of DFT implementations, totaling 40 methods. Most codes agree very well, with pairwise differences that are comparable to those between different high-precision experiments. Even in the case of pseudization approaches, which largely depend on the atomic potentials used, a similar precision can be obtained as when using the full potential. The remaining deviations are due to subtle effects, such as specific numerical implementations or the treatment of relativistic terms. CONCLUSION Our work demonstrates that the precision of DFT implementations can be determined, even in the absence of one absolute reference code. Although this was not the case 5 to 10 years ago, most of the commonly used codes and methods are now found to predict essentially identical results. The established precision of DFT codes not only ensures the reproducibility of DFT predictions but also puts several past and future developments on a firmer footing. Any newly developed methodology can now be tested against the benchmark to verify whether it reaches the same level of precision. New DFT applications can be shown to have used a sufficiently precise method. Moreover, high-precision DFT calculations are essential for developing improvements to DFT methodology, such as new density functionals, which may further increase the predictive power of the simulations. Recent DFT methods yield reproducible results. Whereas older DFT implementations predict different values (red darts), codes have now evolved to mutual agreement (green darts). The scoreboard illustrates the good pairwise agreement of four classes of DFT implementations (horizontal direction) with all-electron results (vertical direction). Each number reflects the average difference between the equations of state for a given pair of methods, with the green-to-red color scheme showing the range from the best to the poorest agreement. The widespread popularity of density functional theory has given rise to an extensive range of dedicated codes for predicting molecular and crystalline properties. However, each code implements the formalism in a different way, raising questions about the reproducibility of such predictions. We report the results of a community-wide effort that compared 15 solid-state codes, using 40 different potentials or basis set types, to assess the quality of the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof equations of state for 71 elemental crystals. We conclude that predictions from recent codes and pseudopotentials agree very well, with pairwise differences that are comparable to those between different high-precision experiments. Older methods, however, have less precise agreement. Our benchmark provides a framework for users and developers to document the precision of new applications and methodological improvements.

Physical Review Letters | 2011

Graphene on Ir(111): physisorption with chemical modulation.

Carsten Busse; Predrag Lazić; Djemour R; Johann Coraux; Timm Gerber; Nicolae Atodiresei; Caciuc; Radovan Brako; Alpha T. N'diaye; Stefan Blügel; J. Zegenhagen; Thomas Michely

The nonlocal van der Waals density functional approach is applied to calculate the binding of graphene to Ir(111). The precise agreement of the calculated mean height h = 3.41  Å of the C atoms with their mean height h = (3.38±0.04)  Å as measured by the x-ray standing wave technique provides a benchmark for the applicability of the nonlocal functional. We find bonding of graphene to Ir(111) to be due to the van der Waals interaction with an antibonding average contribution from chemical interaction. Despite its globally repulsive character, in certain areas of the large graphene moiré unit cell charge accumulation between Ir substrate and graphene C atoms is observed, signaling a weak covalent bond formation.

Physical Review Letters | 2010

Design of the local spin polarization at the organic-ferromagnetic interface.

Nicolae Atodiresei; Jens Brede; Predrag Lazić; Vasile Caciuc; Germar Hoffmann; R. Wiesendanger; Stefan Blügel

By means of ab initio calculations and spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy experiments the creation of a complex energy dependent magnetic structure with a tailored spin-polarized interface is demonstrated. We show this novel effect by adsorbing organic molecules containing π(p(z)) electrons onto a magnetic surface. The hybridization of the out-of-plane p(z) atomic-type orbitals with the d states of the metal leads to the inversion of the spin polarization at the organic site due to a p(z)-d Zener exchange-type mechanism. As a key result, we demonstrate the possibility to selectively and efficiently inject spin-up and spin-down electrons from a ferromagnetic-organic interface, an effect which can be exploited in future spintronic devices.

Physical Review Letters | 2011

Strength of effective coulomb interactions in graphene and graphite

T. O. Wehling; Ersoy Sasioglu; Christoph Friedrich; A. I. Lichtenstein; M. I. Katsnelson; Stefan Blügel

To obtain an effective many-body model of graphene and related materials from first principles we calculate the partially screened frequency dependent Coulomb interaction. In graphene, the effective on-site (Hubbard) interaction is U(00)=9.3  eV in close vicinity to the critical value separating conducting graphene from an insulating phase emphasizing the importance of nonlocal Coulomb terms. The nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction strength is computed to U(01)=5.5  eV. In the long-wavelength limit, we find the effective background dielectric constant of graphite to be ϵ=2.5 in very good agreement with experiment.

Applied Physics A | 1989

Magnetic properties of 3d transition metal monolayers on metal substrates

Stefan Blügel; B. Drittler; R. Zeller; P. H. Dederichs

We report results of systematic calculations for magnetic properties of 3d transition metal monolayers on Pd(001) and Ag(001). We find large similarities to interactions of magnetic 3d impurities in the bulk. Therefore the overlayer results are supplemented with results for 3d dimers in Cu, Ag, and Pd. Differences between the two classes of systems are utilized to reveal the interaction within the overlayers and between overlayers and substrates. In virtually all cases we find both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic solutions, showing large magnetic moments and similar densities of states. From the trend of the calculations we conclude that V, Cr, and Mn overlayers favor the antiferromagnetic c(2×2) structure, while Ti, Fe, Co, and Ni prefer the ferromagnetic one.

Physical Review Letters | 2012

Electrically tunable quantum anomalous Hall effect in graphene decorated by 5d transition-metal adatoms.

Hongbin Zhang; Cesar Lazo; Stefan Blügel; S. Heinze; Yuriy Mokrousov

The combination of the unique properties of graphene with spin polarization and magnetism for the design of new spintronic concepts and devices has been hampered by the small Coulomb interaction and the tiny spin-orbit coupling of carbon in pristine graphene. Such device concepts would take advantage of the control of the spin degree of freedom utilizing the widely available electric fields in electronics or of topological transport mechanisms such as the conjectured quantum anomalous Hall effect. Here we show, using first-principles methods, that 5d transition-metal (TM) adatoms deposited on graphene display remarkable magnetic properties. All considered TM adatoms possess significant spin moments with colossal magnetocrystalline anisotropy energies as large as 50 meV per TM atom. We reveal that the magneto-electric response of deposited TM atoms is extremely strong and in some cases offers even the possibility to switch the spontaneous magnetization direction by a moderate external electric field. We predict that an electrically tunable quantum anomalous Hall effect can be observed in this type of hybrid materials.

Nature Materials | 2012

Role of vacancies in metal–insulator transitions of crystalline phase-change materials

Wei Zhang; Alex Thiess; Peter Zalden; R. Zeller; P. H. Dederichs; Jean-Yves Raty; Matthias Wuttig; Stefan Blügel; Riccardo Mazzarello

The study of metal-insulator transitions (MITs) in crystalline solids is a subject of paramount importance, both from the fundamental point of view and for its relevance to the transport properties of materials. Recently, a MIT governed by disorder was observed in crystalline phase-change materials. Here we report on calculations employing density functional theory, which identify the microscopic mechanism that localizes the wavefunctions and is driving this transition. We show that, in the insulating phase, the electronic states responsible for charge transport are localized inside regions having large vacancy concentrations. The transition to the metallic state is driven by the dissolution of these vacancy clusters and the formation of ordered vacancy layers. These results provide important insights on controlling the wavefunction localization, which should help to develop conceptually new devices based on multiple resistance states.

Nature Nanotechnology | 2013

Terahertz spin current pulses controlled by magnetic heterostructures

Tobias Kampfrath; Marco Battiato; Pablo Maldonado; Gerrit Eilers; Jan Nötzold; Sebastian Mährlein; Vladyslav Zbarsky; Frank Freimuth; Yuriy Mokrousov; Stefan Blügel; Martin Wolf; I. Radu; Peter M. Oppeneer; Markus Münzenberg

1. Department of Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin, Germany. 2. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. 3. I. Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany. 4. Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fϋr Materialien und Energie, Berlin, Germany. 5. Peter Grünberg Institute and Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich and JARA, Jülich, Germany.In spin-based electronics, information is encoded by the spin state of electron bunches. Processing this information requires the controlled transport of spin angular momentum through a solid, preferably at frequencies reaching the so far unexplored terahertz regime. Here, we demonstrate, by experiment and theory, that the temporal shape of femtosecond spin current bursts can be manipulated by using specifically designed magnetic heterostructures. A laser pulse is used to drive spins from a ferromagnetic iron thin film into a non-magnetic cap layer that has either low (ruthenium) or high (gold) electron mobility. The resulting transient spin current is detected by means of an ultrafast, contactless amperemeter based on the inverse spin Hall effect, which converts the spin flow into a terahertz electromagnetic pulse. We find that the ruthenium cap layer yields a considerably longer spin current pulse because electrons are injected into ruthenium d states, which have a much lower mobility than gold sp states. Thus, spin current pulses and the resulting terahertz transients can be shaped by tailoring magnetic heterostructures, which opens the door to engineering high-speed spintronic devices and, potentially, broadband terahertz emitters.

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