
Food Chemistry | 2012

Proteomic changes involved in tenderization of bovine Longissimus dorsi muscle during prolonged ageing

Rita Polati; Michele Menini; Elisa Robotti; Renato Millioni; Emilio Marengo; Enrico Novelli; Stefania Balzan; Daniela Cecconi

To study proteomic changes involved in tenderization of bovine Longissimus dorsi four Charolaise heifers and four Charolaise bulls muscles were sampled at slaughter after early and long ageing (2-4°C for 12 and 26days respectively). Descriptive sensory evaluation of samples were performed and their tenderness evaluated by Warner-Bratzler shear force test. Protein composition of fresh muscle and of meat aged was analysed by cartesian and polar 2-D electrophoresis. Students t-test and Ranking-PCA analyses were performed to detect proteomic modulation, and the selected protein spots were identified by nano-HPLC-Chip MS/MS. This research has demonstrated that there are no differences between proteomic patterns of male and females Longissimus dorsi muscle, and that the extension of ageing beyond 12days, did not brings any concrete advantage in terms of sensory quality. Furthermore, the data presented here demonstrated that meat maturation caused changes of the abundance of proteins involved in metabolic, structural, and stress related processes.

Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology | 2012

Comparison of Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to Authenticate Fresh and Frozen-Thawed Swordfish (Xiphias gladius L)

Luca Fasolato; Stefania Balzan; Roberto Riovanto; Paolo Berzaghi; Massimo Mirisola; Jacopo Carlo Ferlito; Lorenzo Serva; Francesco Benozzo; Roberto Passera; Valentina Tepedino; Enrico Novelli

This study evaluated near-infrared (NIR) and visible-NIR (Vis-NIR) spectroscopy as a way to distinguish fresh (F) from frozen-thawed (T) swordfish cutlets (Xiphias gladius). A total of 90 F and 60 T samples were used. The T samples were stored at a high and low frozen temperature (HT: −10°C; LT: −18°C). Spectra were collected using a Vis-NIR portable spectrophotometer (380–1080 nm) and a NIR monochromator (1100–2500 nm). The percentage of correctly classified samples obtained with Vis-NIR spectroscopy was ≥ 96.7%, whereas that for NIR was ≥ 90.0%. The best classification was observed comparing F and HT samples using Vis-NIR (100 vs. 96.7%, respectively). The more descriptive principal component scores (PCS) of NIR and Vis-NIR were used with a multivariate binary logistic regression. The model with the PCS of the first two Vis-NIR principal components accounted for 81.1% of the classification. Vis-NIR could be a strategic tool to screen the cold treatment of swordfish.

Microbial Biotechnology | 2014

Polyphenols from olive mill waste affect biofilm formation and motility in Escherichia coli K-12

Lisa Carraro; Luca Fasolato; Filomena Montemurro; Maria Elena Martino; Stefania Balzan; Maurizio Servili; Enrico Novelli

Olive mill wastes are sources of phenolic compounds with a wide array of biological activities, including antimicrobial effects. A potential option for bioremediation to overcome ecological problems is the reutilization of these natural compounds in food production. The aim of this work was to gain a better understanding of the antimicrobial mode of action of a phenols extract from olive vegetation water (PEOVW) at molecular level by studying Escherichia coli as a model microorganism. Genome‐wide transcriptional analysis was performed on E. coli K‐12 exposed to PEOVW. The repression of genes for flagellar synthesis and the involvement of genes linked to biofilm formation and stress response were observed. Sub‐inhibitory concentrations of PEOVW significantly decreased biofilm formation, swarming and swimming motility, thus confirming the gene expression data. This study provides interesting insights on the molecular action of PEOVW on E. coli K‐12. Given these anti‐biofilm properties and considering that biofilm formation is a serious problem for the food industry and human health, PEOVW has proved to be a high‐value natural product.

British Food Journal | 2016

Edible insects and young adults in a north-east Italian city an exploratory study

Stefania Balzan; Luca Fasolato; Serena Maniero; Enrico Novelli

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the readiness of young Italian people to consume insects and the psychosocial determinants associated with edible insect consumption, in order to evaluate whether insect-based food could be an alternative food source. Design/methodology/approach – An explorative study was conducted, using focus group interviews as the technique for data collection. In total, 32 consumers, aged 20-35 years took part in five focus group interviews. Findings – Significant determinants comprised appearance, farming and sustainability. Participants’ willingness to eat insect-based food is dependent on the form in which the products are presented to them. Crustaceans were frequently mentioned as a comparison in terms of distaste. Lack of practice in preparation was a major barrier to consumption. To expand consumption participants suggested an active role for public health institutions. Even though with some uncertainty, there are some people prepared to consume insects. Researc...

Food Microbiology | 2016

Microbial dynamics during shelf-life of industrial Ricotta cheese and identification of a Bacillus strain as a cause of a pink discolouration.

Eleonora Sattin; Nadia Andrea Andreani; Lisa Carraro; Luca Fasolato; Stefania Balzan; Enrico Novelli; A. Squartini; A. Telatin; Barbara Simionati

Dairy products are perishable and have to be preserved from spoilage during the food chain to achieve the desired shelf-life. Ricotta is a typical Italian soft dairy food produced by heat coagulation of whey proteins and is considered to be a light and healthy product. The shelf-life of Ricotta could be extended, as required by the international food trade market; however, heat resistant microflora causes spoilage and poses issues regarding the safety of the product. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) applied to the Ricotta samples defined the composition of the microbial community in-depth during the shelf-life. The analysis demonstrated the predominance of spore-forming bacteria throughout the shelf-life, mostly belonging to Bacillus, Paenibacillus and Clostridium genera. A strain involved in spoilage and causing a pink discolouration of Ricotta was isolated and characterised as Bacillus mycoides/weihenstephanensis. This is the first report of a food discolouration caused by a toxigenic strain belonging to the Bacillus cereus group that resulted the predominant strain in the community of the defective ricotta. These results suggest that the processing of raw materials to eliminate spores and residual microflora could be essential for improving the quality and the safety of the product and to extend the shelf-life of industrial Ricotta.

Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2010

Effect of period of milk production and ripening on quality traits of Asiago cheese

Severino Segato; Stefania Balzan; Carla Elia; Laura Lignitto; A. Granata; Luciano Magro; Barbara Contiero; Igino Andrighetto; Enrico Novelli

Abstract After 6 and 12 months of ripening, samples of Asiago d’Allevo were analyzed for quality traits. Cheeses were produced during 3 periods using milk from cows fed a total mixed ration (TMR, May) or grazing on alpine pasture (AG) in early (July) and late (Sept.) summer. Data were submitted to ANOVA considering ripening, milk production period and farm as main effects, and whole cheese weight as covariate. During ripening, pH of AG-cheese was significantly lower than that of TMR-cheese; crude fat and protein significantly increased. According to period, July-samples showed the significantly lowest value of dry matter (DM), maybe due to a lower crude fat con-tent; however, variability in skimming method could have altered proximate composition. No texture differences were found, although increasing weight of whole cheese significantly reduced max shear force as result of a lower DM content. Lightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) significantly decreased during ripening. AG feeding system caused a lower L* and higher b* than TMR one, probably as a consequence of a different amount of milk pigments. Cheese varied also within AG season: Sept.-samples showed the lowest L* value and the highest b*.

Meat Science | 2013

A correlative study on data from pork carcass and processed meat (Bauernspeck) for automatic estimation of chemical parameters by means of near-infrared spectroscopy

Lucio Boschetti; Matteo Ottavian; Pierantonio Facco; Massimiliano Barolo; Lorenzo Serva; Stefania Balzan; Enrico Novelli

The use of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is proposed in this study for the characterization of the quality parameters of a smoked and dry-cured meat product known as Bauernspeck (originally from Northern Italy), as well as of some technological traits of the pork carcass used for its manufacturing. In particular, NIRS is shown to successfully estimate several key quality parameters (including water activity, moisture, dry matter, ash and protein content), suggesting its suitability for real time application in replacement of expensive and time consuming chemical analysis. Furthermore, a correlative approach based on canonical correlation analysis was used to investigate the spectral regions that are mostly correlated to the characteristics of interest. The identification of these regions, which can be linked to the absorbance of the main functional chemical groups, is intended to provide a better understanding of the chemical structure of the substrate under investigation.

Italian Journal of Food Safety | 2015

Minimum bactericidal concentration of phenols extracted from oil vegetation water on spoilers, starters and food-borne bacteria

Luca Fasolato; Stefania Balzan; Lisa Carraro; Agnese Taticchi; Filomena Montemurro; Enrico Novelli

The aim of the study was to assess the in vitro effect of phenols extracted from oil vegetation water (PEOW) on several food-borne strains. Antibacterial activity of PEOW was based on the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) on microtitre assay. The taxa tested were: Staphylococcus (n. 5), Listeria (n. 4), Escherichia (n. 2), Salmonella (n. 1), Pseudomonas (n. 3), Lactobacillus (n. 2) and Pediococcus (n. 1). S. aureus and L. monocytogens showed the lowest level of resistance to PEOW (MBC=1.5-3 mg/mL). In contrast, the Gram negative strains (e.g. S. Typhimurium and Pseudomonas spp.) were in some cases unaffected by the tested doses and the MBCs ranged between 6 to 12 mg/mL. Starter cultures were dramatically reduced on growth (e.g. Staphylococcus xylosus; 0.75 mg/mL MBC). The thresholds for pathogenic strains could be considered for further applications of PEOW in food models (e.g. shelf life or challenge test studies).

Frontiers in Microbiology | 2016

A Multi-Omics Approach to Evaluate the Quality of Milk Whey Used in Ricotta Cheese Production

Eleonora Sattin; Nadia Andrea Andreani; Lisa Carraro; Rosaria Lucchini; Luca Fasolato; Andrea Telatin; Stefania Balzan; Enrico Novelli; Barbara Simionati

In the past, milk whey was only a by-product of cheese production, but currently, it has a high commercial value for use in the food industries. However, the regulation of whey management (i.e., storage and hygienic properties) has not been updated, and as a consequence, its microbiological quality is very challenging for food safety. The Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technique was applied to several whey samples used for Ricotta production to evaluate the microbial community composition in depth using both RNA and DNA as templates for NGS library construction. Whey samples demonstrating a high microbial and aerobic spore load contained mostly Firmicutes; although variable, some samples contained a relevant amount of Gammaproteobacteria. Several lots of whey acquired as raw material for Ricotta production presented defective organoleptic properties. To define the volatile compounds in normal and defective whey samples, a headspace gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis was conducted. The statistical analysis demonstrated that different microbial communities resulted from DNA or cDNA library sequencing, and distinguishable microbiota composed the communities contained in the organoleptic-defective whey samples.

Italian Journal of Food Safety | 2014

Addition of phenols compounds to meat dough intended for salami manufacture and its antioxidant effect

Enrico Novelli; Luca Fasolato; Lisa Carraro; Agnese Taticchi; Stefania Balzan

A purified extract of phenols compounds (65% of phenolic content of which decarboxymethyl oleuropein aglycone represented 45% of the wet mass) obtained from vegetation water (a by-product of oil mill) was added to a ground meat dough intended for salami manufacture in two concentration levels: 75 and 150 mg/100 g of dough (F1 and F2, respectively). The control batch was composed of lean and fat cuts of pork in 70:30 ratio, 2.7% salt and a mixed starter culture of staphylococci and pediococci. After stuffing into natural casings, salamis were aged until they reached a total weight loss of 30%. The product was then sliced and packaged in a protective atmosphere (nitrogen:carbon dioxide 80:20) and placed in a refrigerator thermostat (2-4°C) with alternating 12 h of artificial light and darkness. The samples were analysed for the measurement of pH, water activity, organic acidity, peroxide number and secondary products of lipid peroxidation at the time of slicing and after 10, 20 and 30 days of storage into the refrigerated thermostat. The pH and water activity were not substantially different between the control and the two enriched batches. The peroxide number and secondary products of lipid peroxidation values in the two batches with phenols were at least substantially lower than the control sample. In conclusion, the phenol compounds obtained from vegetation water have shown no interference with the ripening process while protecting the dough from oxidation.

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