Stefano Taddei
University of Florence
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Featured researches published by Stefano Taddei.
Computers in Human Behavior | 2013
Stefano Taddei; Bastianina Contena
A number of studies have examined the relationship between privacy concerns, perceived control over information, trust and online self-disclosure, highlighting different points of view to understand this connection. This paper intends to compare these different models of explanation for self-disclosure behaviors in online social networks. Three different hypotheses are verified, using mediation and moderation analyses. The results allow underling the effect of the interaction between privacy concerns and trust on online self-disclosure, along with the absence of a direct influence of privacy concerns on disclosure itself. The results suggest practical implications for online social network providers, most of all with regard to privacy policies in online environments.
Computers in Human Behavior | 2015
Bastianina Contena; Yura Loscalzo; Stefano Taddei
A comprehensive instrument to measure online self-disclosure.The instrument is tested with factorial analysis procedures in a large sample.Dimensions of expected benefits in Facebook use.The likelihood of perceived risks that are related to harmful or threatening breaches of privacy. The widespread diffusion of Facebook use has resulted in a host of psychological studies that measure online self-disclosure and other variables related to online behaviour, including the benefits and risks associated with Fb use and issues of trust and control over information. Recently, a study group headed by Krasnova proposed a comprehensive 54-item instrument to measure 10 different dimensions pertaining to online behaviour. The present study aims to investigate the factorial structure of this instrument and to evaluate its usability. Seven hundred and thirty-six subjects have been enrolled in the study and randomly divided into two samples in order to conduct an Explorative and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The results suggest a 12 factor structure with a strong goodness of fit. The latent-dimensions underlined in our study allow us to differentiate relationship maintenance, enjoyment, and self-presentation as aims of Facebook use. Moreover, it is possible to examine the perceived likelihood of risk as it is related to harmless or threatening breaches of privacy. The presented instrument, available in multiple languages, allows us to check theoretical models related to online self-disclosure and compare them to models that have been used in other countries and cultures.
Computers in Human Behavior | 2015
Bastianina Contena; Yura Loscalzo; Stefano Taddei
A comprehensive instrument to measure online self-disclosure.The instrument is tested with factorial analysis procedures in a large sample.Dimensions of expected benefits in Facebook use.The likelihood of perceived risks that are related to harmful or threatening breaches of privacy. The widespread diffusion of Facebook use has resulted in a host of psychological studies that measure online self-disclosure and other variables related to online behaviour, including the benefits and risks associated with Fb use and issues of trust and control over information. Recently, a study group headed by Krasnova proposed a comprehensive 54-item instrument to measure 10 different dimensions pertaining to online behaviour. The present study aims to investigate the factorial structure of this instrument and to evaluate its usability. Seven hundred and thirty-six subjects have been enrolled in the study and randomly divided into two samples in order to conduct an Explorative and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The results suggest a 12 factor structure with a strong goodness of fit. The latent-dimensions underlined in our study allow us to differentiate relationship maintenance, enjoyment, and self-presentation as aims of Facebook use. Moreover, it is possible to examine the perceived likelihood of risk as it is related to harmless or threatening breaches of privacy. The presented instrument, available in multiple languages, allows us to check theoretical models related to online self-disclosure and compare them to models that have been used in other countries and cultures.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | 2013
Stefano Taddei; Bastianina Contena
Autism spectrum disorders include autistic and Asperger’s Syndrome (AS), often studied in terms of executive functions (EF), with controversial results. Using Planning Attention Simultaneous Successive theory (PASS; Das et al. in Assessment of cognitive processes: the PASS theory of intelligence. Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA, 1994), this research compares the cognitive profiles obtained by the Cognitive Assessment System (CAS; Naglieri and Das in Cognitive assessment system. Riverside, Itasca, IL, 1997) of 15 subjects with typical development, 18 with autistic disorder and 20 with AS. Results highlight lower profiles for children with autistic and AS compared with typical development and even lower Planning and Attention processes for the group with autistic disorders than that with Asperger’s. Subjects with Asperger’s diagnosis do not differ from those with typical development as regards Simultaneous and Successive processes. Results are discussed in the light of current studies about EF.
Journal of Attention Disorders | 2017
Stefano Taddei; Bastianina Contena
Objective: Many studies report on the usefulness of the evaluation of Executive Functions (EF) in the assessment of participants with ADHD, while others underline how deficits of EF in these participants are not consistent and that the same executive deficits are present in many other disorders, particularly in Asperger’s disorder. Using the Planning Attention Simultaneous Successive (PASS) theory, the present study explores the cognitive profiles of participants with ADHD or Asperger’s disorder and compares the cognitive functioning of these two diagnostic groups. Method: Forty-four children, 24 with a diagnosis of ADHD and 20 with a diagnosis of Asperger’s disorder, participated and their cognitive processes were evaluated with the Cognitive Assessment System. Results: Results underline specific cognitive profiles in ADHD and Asperger’s disorder characterized by weaknesses in planning and attention, but with a diverse level of severity. Conclusion: Implications of the different cognitive profiles of these diagnostic groups are discussed.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research | 2017
Stefano Taddei; Bastianina Contena; Alessandro Pepe; Eva Venturini
ABSTRACT Teacher burnout is a growing phenomenon that may dramatically reduce the quality of life of both teachers and students. Many studies have conceptualized teaching as a high-contact profession and, focusing on the emotional exhaustion dimension of burnout, they have highlighted the relation with students as a key dimension of teachers’ stress. This paper presents an original instrument (TSS-Sr) to measure teachers’ stress related to the interaction with their pupils. It provides the psychometric characteristic of this scale. Results support a model of measurement of teacher social stress based on four dimensions: verbal aggression, dislike students, awkward reactions, demanding requests. Implications about the use and the applications of this instrument are discussed.
European Psychologist | 2017
Bastianina Contena; Stefano Taddei
Borderline Intellectual Functioning (BIF) refers to a global IQ ranging from 71 to 84, and it represents a condition of clinical attention for its association with other disorders and its influence on the outcomes of treatments and, in general, quality of life and adaptation. Furthermore, its definition has changed over time causing a relevant clinical impact. For this reason, a systematic review of the literature on this topic can promote an understanding of what has been studied, and can differentiate what is currently attributable to BIF from that which cannot be associated with this kind of intellectual functioning. Using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) criteria, we have conducted a review of the literature about BIF. The results suggest that this condition is still associated with mental retardation, and only a few studies have focused specifically on this condition.
Stefano Taddei; Bastianina Contena; Sara Dalla Verde; Gionata Giglioli
La e-psychology e intesa come l’insieme dei servizi di aiuto psicologico in termini di valutazione, diagnosi, trattamento, supporto e intervento, forniti grazie all’utilizzo delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione (Drigas, Koukianakis e Papagerasimou, 2011). Esiste un ampio corpo di linee guida e regolamenti inerenti tali servizi che ne valutano l’adeguatezza. Appare pertanto rilevante, anche nel contesto italiano, indagare le caratteristiche dell’offerta di aiuto psicologico online al fine di comprendere cosa sia accessibile ai clienti in termini di risorse ma anche di rischi, e quali indicazioni possono orientare l’attivita professionale online rispetto agli standard di cura abitualmente perseguiti nella prassi clinica. Le parole chiave a) aiuto psicologico online e b) psicoterapia online sono state ricercate su Google. I 45 risultati inclusi nel campione sono stati esaminati da tre giudici indipendenti. La valutazione e stata effettuata utilizzando una griglia ispirata al WebCounseling Site Evaluation Form (WSEF) sviluppato da Heinlen e colleghi (2003), composta da 74 item. I risultati evidenziano alcune aree critiche, soprattutto per quanto riguarda i requisiti etico-legali dell’attivita professionale online. Alla luce delle criticita emerse, vengono discussi i risvolti applicativi in termini di indicazioni e suggerimenti per una attivita psicologica online piu aderente ai principi etici e deontologici della professione.
Stefano Taddei; M. Caria; Bastianina Contena; Eva Venturini
Attention to the interpersonal components made it possible to extend the study of burnout in professions characterized by constant contact with the customers. Using the Job Demands (JD) - Job Resources (JR) Model, this study aims to investigate a) whether specific work and relational JD can predict exhaustion and depersonalization; b) whether JR relating to employment can predict personal accomplishment. Surveyed 350 high contact workers who were given a questionnaire composed of a) Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey; b) Organizational Check-Up System and c) Customer- related Social Stressors scales. The results show substantial predictability of JD than emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and of JR than personal accomplishment, suggesting specific interventions for the prevention of burnout in high contact professions.
Psychology & Health | 2011
Stefano Taddei; Bastianina Contena; M. Caria; Francesca Venditti; Eva Venturini
B. Interactive poster presentations How do Spaniards use antimicrobials? A study to reduce self-medication and to promote the prudent use of antibiotics Jesús Rodrı́guez Marı́n, José Joaquı́n Mira Solv, Ma Virtudes Pérez-Jove, Lidia Ortiz Henarejos, Mercedes Guilabert Mora, Isabel Marı́a Navarro Soler Objective: To assess whether Spaniards do a prudent use of antibiotics. Methods: A crosssectional study was conducted. A total of 1526 patients were surveyed. Sample size was determined for a sampling error of less than 3% for p1⁄4 q1⁄4 0.50, and for a 95% confidence level. Respondents were selected at random from all the patients attended at a selection of health centres or hospitals of the public health sector in Spain. Results: In spite of an adequate information about the prudent use of antimicrobials, the self-medication continues (OR1⁄4 0.8; IC1⁄4 0.5–1.4). Self-medication is more frequent among those who do not know that the use of antibiotics can generate resistance (OR 1.8 95% IC 1.3–2.5) and keep left-over doses (OR 3.1, 95%; IC 2.3–4.2). Conclusions: To transmit information, it is not enough to change self-medication. Psychosexual factors and prostate-related problems in menAim: To examine the association between social support at work (SSW), health factors and working climate as a function of gender and professional grade. Methods: Belstress III database comprising data on 2983 workers of seven (semi-)public companies were used. Socio-demographic, working climate, mental and physical health indicators were collected. Professional grade and gender stratified logistic regressions were performed for evaluating the association between SSW and current health, stress, anxiety, bulling and mobbing. Results: SSW is always associated with health and working climate factors except for low qualified men. For women at the intermediate grade, the ORs for the association between low SSW and current health (1.37), stress (1.75), anxiety (1.56), bulling (6.78) and mobbing (3.49) are the lowest compared to those of all others groups. Conclusion: SSW is beneficial for workers’ health and working climate, but not at the same degree for women and men at different professional grades.